Lost Expedition (NSFW, Still Open for now)

Kaga wasn't quite fast enough.

"Keith, hold on, I think I see-" He stopped before reaching the barrier and half-turned; was that another injured person off to his left, there? For a moment it looked like Darkfire and he switched his sword out with his first aid kit, with the idea of helping the child, only to have it rise in front of him as something far taller and far less friendly. "Oh. Oh, shit. Um."

The biologist barely had time to take a step back before he was grabbed from behind in a sturdy pair of shadow-arms, forcibly disarmed by another creature which flung the sword away, and dragged away from safety, with a shadowy hand forcing his mouth shut.

He couldn't believe it. He'd been so close, and then done something so unutterably stupid-

Something bashed him over the head before he could finish that thought, and mercifully, Kaga blacked out.

Ryun is shocked but Rai drags him back into the cart. "It's too late Ryun, we will save him when we aren't in danger as well!" Once they are all in the cart air mutters magic words and the door into the cart dissapers.

The shadow creature teleports with Kaga to a large dark castle. It then drags the human to a lab. A male with looks similer to Len has Kaga put in a pod for evaluation.

The biologist's eyes slowly flickered open; he could dimly remember the shadow attack, but had no idea where he was now. Was he floating in some kind of liquid? It was hard to see, either due to dim lighting or the fluid that surrounded him. He seemed to be wearing a breathing mask attached to his tank, which explained why he hadn't drowned, at least.

He cursed himself again for not remembering that the shadow creatures were more intelligent than they looked, and hoped the others at least had been sensible enough to just leave him.

Keith was behind everyone the entire time. How did one manage to sneak up and pull the biologist away? He had to go back out there and get him! The male was positive he could last out there a bit longer.

"How long will this last?" He began pacing around rather irritated at what just happened. He was not someone who was going to sit and stay still for long. It was bad enough several of them were already captured.

The male notices and drains the pod. He then opens it and takes the make off "well you didn't damage this one that's good. Scans show he is healthy and more intelligent then most humans." The male is looking at one of the shadow creatures he is wearing a lab coat that seems to have been taken from the crash. The male continues "The harpies might like this one he could provide a good conversation and even help teach the young." The shadow creature nods and watches.

Len "long enough for air to let out his frustration without killing us." After fifteen minuets the door reappears and Air opens it. He is covered in the black blood of the creatures as is the ground. "I didn't catch up to them before they teleported I'm sorry."

Kaga breathed in as the mask was taken off. "You're-" No, the man in front of him wasn't Len, so- "You're this Evil One, aren't you?" It was too much to ask for that someone here would have his glasses, or bother to give them back. ...Why was he even bothering to think about that when he could be in the presence of a man who could order him essentially bred to death?

He thought rapidly- harpies were all-female creatures from Greek myths, who had wings and were generally pretty evil; something about being asked by the gods to starve a prophet to death by stealing all his food before he could eat it? He could think of worse things to be thrown to, like a Pit of Stereotypical Hentai Monster.

Whatever they ended up doing with him, though, he was pretty sure he wouldn't like.

The male laughs "no I'm not the dark one, I'm zero. I'm the one that made the shadow creatures that brought you here." He smiles and pets one of them. The shadow creature nuzzles zero and watches Kaga "oh I know they aren't the brightest but they sure do try. I hear they used a new trick to get you here, so do tell what did they do to catch you?"

Kaga realized he was in the presence of an honest-to-God mad scientist, complete with the race of minions, and shook his head. "They impersonated- Why am I telling you this?" Oh, right, the 'breeding to death' thing.... "One pretended to be an injured person, I turned away from the barrier to try to help, and then I got jumped."

Zero still looked an awful lot like Len- were they related? It might be a bad idea to mention Len to him, just in case Zero didn't know that he'd been with Len's group.

"So...You seem to have been capturing a lot of people lately...Can I ask where you sent them?" The old bite on his shoulder still ached somehow...longing for something?

Zero nods and smiles "they are learning then, that's good! I'm even happier your not fighting makes it so I can send you to the harpies in one peice. As for where I send every one well there are a lot of races that where dieing out that would help myself and the dark one take over. So we send them to those races. Like you are going to the harpies. Though you strangely don't have a natural womb inside you, actully no womb at all!? How? I filled the air with a type of gas years ago that let all males breed. It went all across the world! The elves left long before then, so unless they dropped you and those other humans you couldn't be here."

"I, uh..." Kaga paused to let that sink in. "You what? A gas that affected genetics to give men natural- I'm sorry, I haven't ever had to take magic into account when thinking about these things, but that can't be developmentally possible unless it did something to people during development-" He tried to picture, say, Jake, pregnant, and failed.

Zero sighs "no magic pure science. I unlike my two brothers I have no magic. I would explain it but it's to complicated for humans to understand." He sighs and is geting something set up "just prepare your self you'll get some gas in your system momentarily." He pulls up some silver dust and has the shadow creatures restrain Kaga.

Keith sighed a bit in frustration, not at Air or anyone particularly. He was mad that this was happening again.

"I'm going after him" he said in a rather hasty pace. Too many people were captured to his liking and one of them happened to be somebody he considered close after having nobody else to go through the predicament with. "How far is the location?"

"What, no-" Kaga struggled against the creatures holding him; this was not a good day to be forcibly mutated. "No, really, that won't be necessary-" The creatures, including the one in the lab coat, held him down.

Len stops him "let us get the others to safety then go get him. If you go alone your fate won't be much better. If we go with you then you won't end up dead or pregnut."

Zero rips Kaga's cloathes off and blows the dust at Kaga. "Hey I know those teeth mark, Ryun! So you where with Len and his freinds?"

Kaga coughed, inhaling a lot more of the dust than he would have liked. "Len? I don't know a Len. Who's he?"

Zero growls "so you choose to lie to me? Fine. Take him to the harpies the gas will do its work on the way." Zero goes to his computers. he seems rather upset as the creatures start to put the mask back on Kaga. one of the creatures nuzzles zero trying to help the make feel better.

While Kaga was being dragged away, he tried to hold his breath, but had to breathe in eventually; as he took the gas into his lungs, he began to feel slight pains as if something just above his pubic bone were pushing his organs aside. Still, it didn't matter, did it? What Zero had described was physically impossible to do- but then again, this dimension was full of impossible things, and he was being taken off to meet some at this very moment.

The dust made a womb and attaches it to his large intestine. Kaga is placed inside the pod again this time the pod is placed into a tube and sent off. It doesn't take long for him to arrive to a large cave along a cliff side. Once there two harpy males open the pod and look at the male.

"Um...hi." Kaga looked at the winged humanoids who had opened the pod- both male, he hadn't been expecting that- and tried not to look like a threat.

The cave he'd been taken to smelled absolutely horrible, like a chickenhouse to the third power. Bird nests were never tidy places on a good day, and this seemed to be a bad one. He could hear shrieking from all sides.

The two harpies tie his arms together useing their talons. The larger one of the two talks first "who do we give this one to?" The smaller one thinks "I have one sir, he may be a loner but he is strong and we could hatchlings from him." The large one nods and starts to fly "ok but help me get this human there" the small one nods and the two fly to a smaller cave higher up on the cliff. This cave has only one large nest and a black haired harpy male with white and gold feathers.

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