An Unwanted Fate (NSFW Mpreg) (Open to everyone)

I figured this should be an open roleplay. NewCidd and I developed it together :D

Alright. Here is the plot:

Deep in the swamps of Louisiana, there is a mansion, known as the LeCeille Manor. Almost appearing to be isolated from everything else, this mansion is said to have heirs with a bountiful amount of money. What else would these heirs do with this kind of money and with it being modern times? They throw parties almost left and right, inviting anyone and everyone. The reason behind it all is simple: The heirs are looking for someone to share their wealth with, but gaining it is not a simple task. They must be married off with either having children that are already present or along the way.

Everything sounds lovely right? The problem is that the family are vampires. With a mother that is dead set on fulfilling their deceased father's will, she will not leave them anything. That does not mean she would not help her children in the quest. Every Friday night, the parties are thrown. Around a certain period of time in the night, the forest and swamp covers up all exits, preventing the partygoers from leaving. At this point in time, they are probably drunk in stupor from a certain brand of liquor. This is how the heirs choose who they want. From that process, they have to deal with their mother, who has a set of tasks to make sure they are deem-worthy to be her in-laws. Anyone that breaks the rules in this mansion, however has to deal with Mother herself. And what will these guests do. Will they try and fight their fate before it's too late?

Basically, this roleplay is horror-themed and that includes torture of most forms. However, Romance is also an element in this roleplay.

-You do not start off already pregnant. With the gestation period being within a month to two and the pregnancy rate ranging in litters of 4 or more, it kind of would defeat the purpose.
-There are only Eight Heirs and they can either be female or male.
-If you feel it is not a strain, you can roleplay with a Seeder and a Carrier, but they can not be the Seeder or Carrier of the same roleplayer
-There are plenty of seeders if you don't want to be a heir. That ranges in numerous ways.

RPC Name:
Occupation: (Partygoer, Thief (Mother has really dangerous plans for these kind of people :D), Heir, etc.
General Description:
And for the fun of it. You don't have to use this part if you don't want to

What does your character like to do: This is mainly for the heirs in terms of what they seek in a mate as well as how they torture others for their own enjoyment. Anything really.

I will edit as time progresses, but I wanted to get this up ^ ^

Scenarios: The Mansion which is surrounded by swampwaters and covered by thick trees which usually block out the sun, meaning more time for the vampires to roam out during daylight.
A Barnyard not far from the Mansion

I think a great place to start it off would be during the party:


RPC Name: Clay LeCeille
Age: Appears in his mid twenties
Height: 6'2
Weight: 210 lb
Personality: He thinks to be easy going, but the male really seeks to tease others a lot. This could be with flirting with other men or women to just playing around at times. He is very aggressive however.
Occupation: Heir
General Description: One of the youngest out of the LeCeille family, Clay is tall with a broad muscle build. He usually works in the barn as well as providing some of the basic wants for the family. He has a small beard along with dark brown hair.
What does your character like to do: He likes to dominate others, usually depriving other of what they cherish the most. If he thinks a person is too willing with nothing for him to tear away from, he may just flat out kill them on the spot. It is through this way he may eventually find his mate. (Note: I will not kill other RPC's unless it is by their own permission)

An image of him in case I was not descriptive enough lol. No one else has to do this unless they want to.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)


RPC Name: Alex Cole
Age: 18
Height: 5'11
Weight: 200 lb
Personality: Usually well reserved with the tendency to do reckless things at times. An introvert really. Many think that he is shy, but he is nonchalant for the most part.
Occupation: Partygoing College Freshman
General Description: Athletic Build, dirty blond hair usually kept in a buzz.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

RPC Name: Claude LeCeillie
Age: Appears in his mid twenties
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Personality: He is quite very stoic. He tends to keep to himself so he comes off as shy. He is a major book worm so he is usually found in the library. He is a not a major social butterfly but he can hold a conversation with you for a while. He does keep the familiest best interest at heart.
Occupation: Heir
General Description: Claude is one of the eldest brothers of the LeCeille family. His build is not on the very muscular side but you are able to see that it there. He has jet black hair with hazel eyes. His hair is about mid back length. Because he is a vampire he is on the pale side.

RPC Name: Daniel Wright (Danny for short)
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 185
Personality: Demanding little guy. What he wants he gets. Always up for some challenge.
General Description: He has a swimmer kind of body. He has green eyes and curly black hair that goes to his neck.


Now on to posting.

As the sunlight began to fade with the rise of the moon, the mansion was almost alive. Brad stood at the top of the tower with a can of beer in his hand a cigarette in the other. He stared down as more people began to pour in. The male's face widened with a grin and chuckle as he thought that at the rate things were going, they might as well opened up a club. He lacked the funding for that though. Being limited on resources, there was only so little the gentleman of a Southerner could do. He looked as the butler escorted the guests to the right, leading them to the party room. He stared over at the supplies in hand next to him. There were numerous cases of liquor. What kind of party would it be if he did not mix up a batch of his Moon Lust drink. He hefted up the four cases with ease. There would be more where that came from in case he ran out. Walking down the flights of stairs from the third floor, the male headed into the bar. Setting everything up as the DJ got prepared, he sat on a stool, waiting to see what kind of crowd came in tonight

Alex drove down the what appeared to him as a narrow road. Reading off the list his friend gave to him in terms of direction, the male peered out his shades as he turned a corner, coming up to golden esque gates. With them being opened, the male drove right through. As the sun in the sky began to dim from the trees, the male pulled his shades down for him to peer out. "This looks to be right" he thought as he read the instructions, noting the gates and trees covering the sun. The male took note that the next bit was driving for a mile and a half down the road. As the mansion came up into view, minutes later, the male looked at the decor. It reminded him of an old castle or a castle in general. There was a huge body of swamp water surrounding it. "What do they call those things....?" he said to no one in general as no one else was present in the car. "...something with -oat...Floats? No wait, Moats." The male argued that he was sane. People had to talk to themselves at times he was certain. He parked his car near the others. Hopping out of it, he placed a baseball cap on his head, locking the door. Hoping to see his friend there, he only wondered what kind of part this would be. He already had a few instances with running down a hotel hall while on a trip, experiencing his first night drunk.

Claude closed the book as he heard the familiar music run through out the mansion. "Dusk already," he murmured to himself as he got up and looked out the window. Seeing the many people file into his home made him smile a little. The humans had no idea egg was I store for them tonight. 'What naive creatures humans are,' Claude thought as he made his way to the door. Easily he found his way to the party. Eyeing out a few of the humans here and there. None of them caught his fancy. He hoped tonight might be the night of finding his mate or mates. But it wa to early to tell now anyways. Claude soon caught sight of his younger brother and though to make small chat with him for the time being. "Evening brother," he greeted Clay with a slight nod.

For weeks Daniel has been hearing about these partys that have been happening out in Louisiana and now that finals were over he had an opportunity to check it out. Pulling up in his blue 2008 Nissan Altama, he was greeted with an old mansion that was cloaked with the scenery of an old swamp. "This possibly can't be the place," Daniel said in disappointment a he locked at the address once again. The paper said the was the place. With much hesitation he got out of the car and started to walk towards the mansion. He was relieved to hear the music inside and to see others were going inside. As he walked into the mansion he was in awe at what he saw. The inside was much more modern than he thought. He smiled a relieved smile. 'Tonight was going to be one hell of a night,' Daniel though as he made his way to the middle of the floor to dance.

(( Yikes. I meant to call him Clay, not Brad lol ))
Clay hummed to himself lightly as he examined the plastic cups and bags of ice. Nodding to some of the workers that helped in the bar, the male began to watch all of the guests as they poured in. With the music coming on, the lights began to dim. As the strobe lights and other lights came one, the male thought he was attending a rave. Not that he did not mind those that went to those kind of events, he was a tad old fashioned, preferring a much more subtler bar with the occasional drunkard that got into a losing fist fight. The male began to sniff himself for own hygienic purposes as a few women and men came to the bar. As with his own set of rules, women got drink free while the men had to pay. Liquor for them came free around Eleven. He was sure it would be free too since the drink being put up around that time was his own mix. He looked down at the dark red colored beverages chilling over in the cooler. His head shot up once someone had called his name. Recognizing the familiar tone, the male smiled for a few. "Hello bro." [/color]He simply did not know of what to say at the point as the two practically saw each other all day whenever Claude was not burying himself in a book and whenever Clay was not busy in the barn. The male watched as some of the other people began to pour in already drunk. The male pouted slightly. "Aww, look at that. They're already creating a party. I wonder how long it will be until they pass out, vomit, or do something else." It was not a wager of sorts. The male just wanted to know who would be "rulebreakers" out of the night.

Alex walked inside the mansion after having a heated debate among himself on if he should go inside already or not. With a break from the school around the corner, the male figured he had nothing else to lose for the moment. Go to a party, chill with friends there, possibly have a drink or so, spend a day on campus and the dorm to kill the hangover, and then make his way back home. He smiled and waved at a few familiar faces. The way the promotion cards were handed out around the campus, it did not come as a surprise to him. The male walked inside after a few drunkards had already stepped in. The slightest thing set them off, even with one of the girls leaning on the wall as she tried to dance to the music. Examining the DJ, the male thought about deadmau5. That Disc Jockey certainly had a nice head to wear around his events. Not seeing anyone he knew just yet, the male decided to go on and buy a drink. Eyeing the bar, he made his way over to it. With a simple gesture, the male greeted himself. "Hi...I'll umm take the green colored drink over there." Pointing slightly to the drink that was in a Hawaiian Punch bottler. Noting that a few others were walking around with it, he assumed it was the same one.

Clay returned the greeting and after that Claude payed his attention to the growing crowed. There really wasn't much to do but sit and wait. Claude preferred to be in the study but mother wanted otherwise. Claude decided to give his brother a helping hand with bar tending. Towards the beginning it was slow just a few drinks were ring bought but Claude new it would pick up soon. Clay made a quick remark on some of the party goers in which Claude response with a slight chuckle. 'Humans really are interesting creatures,' he thought as a young man, no more than in his late teens, came to the bar and requested drink. Something about him made Claude take a second look at him. He looked like any ordinary human that would come here yet something about him was different. Giving the young man the requested beverage, Claude gave him a slight grin and went to assist the others waiting.

He was starting to enjoy the party. It was becoming very live as the lights darted to dim and the bass grew louder. Daniel was making his way to get a drink a the crowd grew. Sweat plastered his hair over his eyes as got to his destination. "God it's hot in here," he said while fanning himself to get the point across. Daniel nonchalantly pushed his hair out from his face as he waited to be serviced. Daniel fix a smile on the bartender that was waiting to take his order. "I'll have whatever and make sure you come with it," he told with a wink. Standing in front of him a well built man with a slight beard in him. Whoever he was Daniel wanted him tonight. He hadn't had sex with someone for two months. That was a personal record for him and he was not willing to go any longer.

Clay only sat in amusement at everything so far. Watching as more men and women came left and right. He wondered where the other siblings of theirs were. Turning his back for a few, he stopped when he realized someone was asking for the Hulk. It was the male's usual bitter drink that involved Hawaiian Punch and limin Bacardi along with a lemon mix. Though it was bitter, it was guaranteed to have a person dancing for hours if they had enough of it in their systems. Watching as Claude assisted the male, he smirked as he appeared to have his eye on the boy. "My...someone is...Before he could finish the statement, another male approached him. With a rather demanding tone and a wink, the male on let a small sound out his mouth resemblant to a hiss, but with a smiling tone. He did not look well over his twenties. If he wanted something that would put hair on his chest, who was he not to oblige to the wish. Filling his cup with a dark brown liquor, the male handed him the cup."Try that for size" he said while nudging at his brother to go and size whoever he was looking at more.

((I'll post with Alex later unless you want to go [/color]ahead and continue with Claude. I'm limited to my phone at the moment lol) )

((I'll wait for you to post with Alex.))

Daniel gave the bartender a smug look and took the cup within his hands. With not even taking a moment to anazaly the substance, he downed the liquid as if nothing but water. This caused him to cough up a storm and leave an awkward taste in in his mouth afterwards. Wiping the remaining liquid from his mouth with his back hand, he places his cup on the counter. "Now that was different," he took amount to look at the bartender that recently gave him the drink, "so now do I get you?" Daniel gave the bartender a lustful look as he bit his lower lip in the most seductive way possible. He was eager to have this guy tonight. "By the way the names Daniel but most people call me Danny. What's your?"

Clay examined the other male briefly. Noticing how the other had given him a smug look, he took the cup within his hands in a rather hasty matter. Of course the male wondered who in their right mind would down something as strong as a mixture of Brandy, E&J, along with other combinations rather than taking it a little at a time. He was not one to complain as he could do the same, but he was inhuman. The young male he just came across happened to be one of the few he had seen. He stared at another customer as they tried to down the same beverage as well. Where the little boy only coughed a little, the other began gagging as his friends came to his aid. "I imagine so..." was all he could muster out to him in terms of how he said it was different. He gave a puzzled look at his next statement. "Do you get me?" Judging from his look, a very lustful glare indeed, the male only chuckled at his question. He was sure he was not one to talk, with all the women he managed to pull in one night, certain exceptions with men -He probably digressed on that subject as there were probably no exceptions to him at all so long as he had fun-, but were humans always out for some form of conquest? He gave the other a smile of sincerity. "Danny sounds lovely. Name's Clay" He gave a partial wink to the other as he examined other drinks. "If you can get me or not well can you hold your liquor?" With his kind of attitude, the male was curious to know how well someone that look pint sized would hold up for the night. He hoped he didn't get stupid drunk before Eleven. That was when things really got interesting.

"Thank you" he said as he placed the money on the wooden counter top. The man had given him a grin, but he only nodded, not glancing up at his face fully. Taking a small sip from the drink, his face twinged at the bitterness. He was not too fond of beverages that had a bitterness to it. It left his mouth getting a rather annoying after effect, which prompted him to down something else to get rid of that feel. The taste to it overall was appealing to him. He sipped on more of it as he turned to look at the dance floor. Not one to be out in the open like that, the male examined people he knew. After talking with them for a few to see them posted on the walls, he joined in with them. Dancing just was not his kind of thing unless he was the life of the party like with the last event. The trip to Huntsville, Alabama was quite the interesting turn for him.

(( Sure, I don't mind. The more the merrier :D ))

RPC Name: Brian Winthrop
Age: 22
Height: 6'
Weight: 200 lb
Personality: Somewhat rambunctus, outgoing and friendly; he is the type to act without thinking because something 'might be fun'.
Occupation: Partygoer, may become Thief later on.
General Description: Tall and shaggy-haired, he is usually dressed in athletic shorts, running shoes and a college hoodie. He has brown eyes and reddish hair.

RPC Name: Valencia LeCeille
Age: Appears to be late teens to early twenties
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 lb.
Personality: Quiet, conniving and very vindictive, she can be utterly sadistic when provoked.
Occupation: Heir
General Description: She dresses like a proper lady from the late 1800's, all ruffles and lace and shiny boots. Her hair is wavy, thick and black, her eyes acid-green. Her figure is alluring, but what they don't know is underneath her dress lurks a male member that is large and ready to be used.
What she likes: luring unwary partygoers away from their groups, forcing her cock into their mouths or up their asses, drowning the ones that try to get away.

((More to play? Is this okay?))

((Yea, it's great. I just need to figure out how to free mine since Cidd is busy preparing for something right now lol) )

((Anyone wish to continue this because I have another idea in mind in case not?))

Me and always trying to keep hope alive. Anyways, some of the others either quit the site, so is anyone else interested in this? Just let me know. I'll delete the thread in a few days if not.

I'm still game if you are.

Yea, I still am lol. You want to go on and post? We could continue where Cidd left off.

(I would like to join if I may)

(Certainly you may ^ ^)

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