Strange Creatures and Breeding (Open to everyone NSFW))

(Hello. I am new to the forums and this will be the first RP I have posted on here before on these forms.

This is my idea for a group RP.

A group of Scientists have been given the opportunity and funding to study the habits of strange life forms (Mythical Creatures, Demonic Creatures, Strange Animals, anything that you can imagine) and try and breed them together to create even stranger ones. Looking for all different creatures! From Werwolves, Nagas, Mermen to even Angels, Devils, all different creatures you can think of. Or if you would like to be the one to experiment and another scientist, you can do that too.

Just post a general description like the one shown below and describe your creature, give general information and background to a point and let the RPing begin!

Name and Role:
Hair color:
Eye Color:
Breeding Habits:
Other information wanted known:
How long pregnant for:
How many babies at a time:


Name and Role: Katheryn (Researcher)
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 4''
Weight: 115 IBS
Hair color: Brunette
Eye Color: Hazel
Race: Human

Name and Role: Damian (Creature and to be bred)
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 135 IBS
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Greenish with a hint of red inside them
Race: Fallen Angel
Language: English
Breeding Habits: Depending on the creature can give birth to offspring, or even in some cases carry eggs inside of his body and lay eggs.
Other information wanted known:
How long pregnant for: Two months (Sometimes more depending on how many offspring at a time or creature crossed with) How many babies at a time: (1-5) (Depending on cross)

"What a beautiful specimen we have here..." A brunette haired women glanced at the clipboard in her hands and read the paper of general information before her and smiled as she gazed upon the strange creature before her that was being caged up and secured in her lab.

Name: Damian
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 135 IBS
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Greenish with a hint of red inside them
Other features:
-Black Wings that come a foot short of his height
-Black horns that are mostly hidden by his black hair
-Black devil-like tail
-Two sharp teeth that seem to be apart of his eating habits
Main food source: Human Blood
Language: English

"Not much is known about this one.." Placing her clipboard down on a table beside the cage she bent down and studied the drugged creature before her and wrote down all the observations she could muster. She gave him a complete medical scan and found he was a perfect candidate for her research and study of cross breeding between creatures that the world were to believe didn't exist. Only a select few including herself knew of their existence, and soon some more creatures would be arriving that she would try and implant their genetic material and cross them to create another race.

Said creature once left alone laid in the cage on a blanket and soon was moved into a room fit for him to move around inside and be able to be comfortable in. It had a comfortable bed for him to lay on and the room was bare and set to a comfortable temperature for him. Soon Greenish-Emerald eyes began to open and the male sat up slowly and gazed around the white room before him quietly and his wings drooped beside him and so did his tail. "Not again..."

(( Sorry. Sounds probably a bit confusing but I am hoping with more people in the Roleplay that it might come all together and be wonderful. Thank you for your input! <3 ))

(Is it possible for a human to be a breeder? This seems interesting but I'd prefer to be a human over a creature if given the choice.)

(07-24-2015, 01:06 AM)Sima Yi Wrote:  (Is it possible for a human to be a breeder? This seems interesting but I'd prefer to be a human over a creature if given the choice.)

(( Of course! That can also be possible! ))

(07-24-2015, 01:14 AM)squirrelsully101 Wrote:  
(07-24-2015, 01:06 AM)Sima Yi Wrote:  (Is it possible for a human to be a breeder? This seems interesting but I'd prefer to be a human over a creature if given the choice.)

(( Of course! That can also be possible! ))

(Okay perfect! Here is my character description)

Name and Role: Brady, he is a breeder, but has yet to be impregnated
Gender: Male
Height: 5'3
Weight: 137lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Race: Human
Language: English
Breeding Habits: Capable of carrying offspring of any race, a unique trait guven to him.
Other information wanted known: nothing in particular
How long pregnant for: One month, but grows as if it the usual 9, making his belly grows rapidly over the month.
How many babies at a time: Infinite amount.

As Katheryn looked over Damian's information there was a voice over the intercom calling for her and the scientist stood up and went to go see who her next subject was and what possibilities could be given for breeding.

Brady had only been in the room for a few minutes. The room was fairly small and only contained a bed big enough for him and some equipment he had no idea what was for. He heard footsteps coming towards his direction and turned towards the door.

Soon the scientist strode into the room with her clipboard and looked over his information and medical chart. "Hello there Brady. Welcome to my lab. You have a rather fascinating ability hmm? You are perfect for my research." She smiled fondly and jotted a few notes down as she studied the man, and looked him over just by looking at him. "I have so far one specimen that seems to fit the bill to try and cross with humans. I would like to put you both in a room and interact. That might make this process smoother and even help conception if you both get along. He is rather...Strange. But I think you both will make fascinating offspring together." She told him.

Brady listened and nodded. He was not completely aware of what he was exactly supposed to do in the lab. He is aware of his talent, but was never given any details to the extent of the breeding, just blindly signed his contract and was taken to his room. "That sounds fine." Brady responded. "Am I supposed to go see the specimen now?" He asked.

(07-24-2015, 01:48 AM)Sima Yi Wrote:  Brady listened and nodded. He was not completely aware of what he was exactly supposed to do in the lab. He is aware of his talent, but was never given any details to the extent of the breeding, just blindly signed his contract and was taken to his room. "That sounds fine." Brady responded. "Am I supposed to go see the specimen now?" He asked.

"Yes. Follow me." Waving her small hand she started walking out of the room and down a long hall and expected the specimen to follow right behind him. "Now, when you signed the contract given to you, you gave us ownership of you and to allow us to do whatever we see fit. In this case, we will be mixing your genetics with a species that is said to not exist in this world. That the government doesn't want anyone to believe exists. Well, you can see for yourself." They came upon a large window which peered into a decent size room that held a creature with large black wings, a devil like tail that swished from side to side like a feline's would when annoyed, and horns that stuck out barely of his dark black hair. The pale creature for the moment was laying curled up in his bed and was looking around the room as he knew he was being watched, but he couldn't see himself who was watching him. "His name is Damian. From what I have found out he was found in some forest in England and captured. He also has the ability you have, and we would like you both to breed with each other and make offspring. Once other creatures come along, we will be also be trying breed you with others as well." The women explained.

Brady took a moment to watch the creature who was looking around to see who was watching him. He understood. "That should be fine." Brady said with a smile, clearly already looking forward to it. "So I'm supposed to head in there?" He asked.

(07-24-2015, 02:05 AM)Sima Yi Wrote:  Brady took a moment to watch the creature who was looking around to see who was watching him. He understood. "That should be fine." Brady said with a smile, clearly already looking forward to it. "So I'm supposed to head in there?" He asked.

"Yes you can. But if anything should arise and you feel you are in danger, there is a button in the room to call for help and we will tranquilize him. Also, be careful as his main food source is blood. Human blood in fact." She have him that information and opened the door for him to step inside and closed the door behind him quickly.

Damian looked up when the door opened quickly and shut to find the human before him and stared at him as he pressed himself back into the bed and hissed faintly, his wings and tail standing up straight as he was wary of the newcomer.

Brady slowly waked to Damien, trying his best not to rattle the creature. He stopped when he was about a yard from the bed. "H-hello." He greeted, slightly nervous. What Katheryn said about his taste in human blood concerned him but he would not let that get to him. "Um, I think you probably know why I'm here..." He assumed that he already knew about what was probably expected.

(07-24-2015, 02:26 AM)Sima Yi Wrote:  Brady slowly waked to Damien, trying his best not to rattle the creature. He stopped when he was about a yard from the bed. "H-hello." He greeted, slightly nervous. What Katheryn said about his taste in human blood concerned him but he would not let that get to him. "Um, I think you probably know why I'm here..." He assumed that he already knew about what was probably expected.

"G-Get away..." Another hiss escaped from his parted lips as the Fallen pressed himself against the wall behind him and he stared the human down and bared his fangs. It was obvious he wasn't very trusting of any of the humans so far he had interacted with, and he wasnt there by choice. As he was acting tough and trying to act threatening, you could see the creature was shaking and in hi eyes he was frightened as well. They had done a lot of tests and studying of him already, and that was aparent by the tag attached to one of his wings, which also made it impossible for him to be able to get airborn and escape.

Brady shook his head. "I'm sorry." He said. "You don't need to worry about me......I'm a breeder." He explained. There was fear in his eyes too, but he could see it in Damien too. He took one more small step.

(07-24-2015, 02:47 AM)Sima Yi Wrote:  Brady shook his head. "I'm sorry." He said. "You don't need to worry about me......I'm a breeder." He explained. There was fear in his eyes too, but he could see it in Damien too. He took one more small step.

Instantly the creature flinched and closed his eyes tightly as he saw the human take another step, putting his arms up in front of him and cowering slightly. "E-Eveey human has poked and prodded me and stuck me with things that hurt...Why should I trust you? What makes you different f-from them...?" His voice shook when he spoke and he kept hidden behind his arms, now his wings wrapping around his frame.

Brady's face turned into a deep frown. "I don't know about that, I'm new." He explained. This time, he took a step backwards. "I don't have anything on me. Nothing to prod you with..."

(07-24-2015, 03:01 AM)Sima Yi Wrote:  Brady's face turned into a deep frown. "I don't know about that, I'm new." He explained. This time, he took a step backwards. "I don't have anything on me. Nothing to prod you with..."

Damian looked up and studied the man's expression and still looked wary, and you could see he was thinking but slowly his wings came down and he calmed down a little, slowly coming off the wall and sensing he was telling the truth about that. "...So...Are you here against your will too...?"

(( Alright. Time for me to try and sleep. I have work in the morning. Good night. ^^ Will respond after I get out of work. ))


"Yes and no" Brady answered "I was given the contract and I accepted it." His voice shook "But I had no idea this is what I signed up for."

(07-24-2015, 03:17 AM)Sima Yi Wrote:  (Alright)

"Yes and no" Brady answered "I was given the contract and I accepted it." His voice shook "But I had no idea this is what I signed up for."

"Why are we here? I just want to go back home..." Greenish-Red eyes scanned the room as he tried to see a way out of the room but the only way was if someone let them out, so he knew it was hopeless. Sighing the creature laid face down on the bed and buried his face into a pillow and just looked both scared and sad. "All I was trying to do was hunt to feed and I got stuck in a trap. I didnt ask for this at all."

Name and Role: Kevin, breeder
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 400-700 lbs.
Hair color: Red hair with black highlights
Eye Color: Blue
Race: Hybrid of a man and giant squid
Language: English
Breeding Habits: Known to carry a lot of young for a long time, pregnancy lasts for much longer than a human's.
Other information wanted known: Loves talking to people and is really friendly and outgoing, and can breathe in water due to being amphibious.
How long pregnant for: 3 months out of 19-20 months, close to a year or two.
How many babies at a time: Between 10-30. Currently carrying 15.

I was swimming in the tank I was put in, feeling my massive belly lovingly and the young moving inside them. "Mmmm, it feels so good to be so huge despite me being only 3 months along.

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