Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin gives a slight grumble and then took Chazz by the hand, he started dragging him to the centre. "Its your turn to get checked!" he said pouting "If your ill it'd be best for us to know right?" he wouldn't let him protest and continued to drag him there.

"And if your going to be so stubborn that your supposed to take care of us, how are you going to do it ill?" he reasoned looking back at him with worry on his face "Heart is fine, She will just need to roll around when she gets too big, and Naire will be fine as well, its instinct on how to take care of her eggs, don't stress too much... ok?"

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Chazz would've protested but he was quickly pulled along by Merin and away from the counter an out the door.

"Yes but I'm not sure if I'm just feeling under the weather a bit or if it's actually a baby causing it." Chazz answered as he was dragged along. "Humans get sick, it's normal even when pregnant so really there's no way to tell the difference so far. Having Heart roll around isn't a...good idea, it'll hurt her young. I've been sick before and I've taken care of my team just fine, you can ask Flare that."

Merin sighs and nods "That may be so" he says getting to the front of the building "But they werent pregnant at the time..." he reaches out and gently rubs at the humans belly again and gives a soft smile.

"But if your sick, they can tell you what you need to get over it... if your pregnant, then they will tell us" he says and smiles softly "Please.... do this one thing for me?"

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A sigh left Chazz, he was honestly so used to doing things his way without needing to fear for the unborn young that it was just a natural instinct for him. This....this was all knew and it was partially driving him up the walls, wondering if he got enough of this or that. It was all new and harer.

"Fine fine." Chazz answered. "I'll go but keep a eye on everyone else."

Merin nods and Purrs "Ok, ill wait for you at home" he says smiling and relaxes a little "im sorry im being pushy hun... but im worried about you... you look terrible... and im sure the others are concerned as well" he gives Chazz a light nuzzle and lick to the cheek, something Chazz had learned was the mewtwos way of showing affection. he turned and walked back home. although he kept a psychic track of the human to make sure he did as promised.

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"I understand, I'm just....not used to things going the way they are currently." Chazz answered.

Chazz did go to the breeding center for a check up and it turned out he was carrying, though they weren't sure how many. Possibly three to four. Though they did admit he looked a bit worse for wear and gave him some antibotics to help fight any infections or simple viruses. They wouldn't hurt the young so there was the plus on that. Upon arriving home, he gave a sigh and closed the door, he really hoped the place was in one piece still.

The place was still intact, and everyone was resting, most of the mons lazing around, although the large Charizard was actually cleaning the floors. Merin was curled up on the lounge and perked up when he opened the door.

"Hi... How did it go?" he asked, his tail wagging a little

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"Okay." Chazz answered. "they think there's three to four in there though they did give me some medicine just in case I am sick too. THey said I looked a bit under the weather as well and said it was best to take precaution. They mentioned it wouldn't hurt the babies."

Naire and Heart were currently resting elsewhere, in fact there was a shed outside that got turned into Naire's nest and she let Heart hang out with her till her eggs came. That was another thing he had to do, find some things to make a area for heart to have her litter in too. oh boy.

Merin smiled and pulled him over to sit on the lounge with him, able to tell what he was thinking "Just ask for help from us, and you shall get it... some of us will be carrying for just as long as you will" he says with a purr.

"Yes your our trainer, or owner... but we arent incapable of helping ourselves, or you"he says and smiles "And look at Tall and Burning, hes cleaning even... so we can still do stuff"

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Taking a seat on something soft felt nice, though he knew there was little he could do to kick his own habits out of the way. Yes on his journey he asked his pokemon for help but that was to progress and get closer to their goal. Here it just seemed different, he was suppose to do more even though they could help. A sigh left him as he rubbed his eyes, he really didn't know what to do.

"It's hard to kick how you do things." Chazz said.

Merin chuckles softly and nods "Believe me... i know... i've changed my life drastically since you took me in..." he sighs softly and looks around the room "i still wake up in fright some times wondering why im not in my cave or constantly think i need to hunt down berries just to pass the day" he gives a smile to him and slight purr.

"Were both going to need to change some of our habits... were in the same boat, so we can get through it together ok?"

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"Looks like it." Chazz agreed "We're both gonna have to work on it."

The days slowly passed and some of the others got bigger. Heart was currently struggling to move along more since the breeding place revealed she was carrying a mixed litter of pichus and growlithes, thus explaining her even larger state and that it would be best to have her stay an be monitored. Though Chazz disagreed as the room they wanted her to stay in was too uncomfortable and had a strange feeling to it. He did promise to bring her in often to get her checked up on and to not put her in her pokeball as that could hurt the young in some way. So she was just turning into a yellow ball. Naire was still in her shed and spent most of the time there, she seemed more temperamental than usual and that was due to hormones and the fact that her clutch could be arriving soon. The breeding place wanted to her checked up as well but with all the hissing an noises she made when Chazz got near if it wasn't for food or drink, well....Chazz wasn't going to try and get her out.

Merin had swelled up aswell, having been told he was carrying four kittens and so was starting to balloon outwards. he still tried to stick to his promise with helping around the house and helping with the other mons. it took a while for him to get used to certain tasks, and was still weary of the kitchen knives, but managed to do most of the cleaning with ease and/or ease. Tending to the garden was getting harder, and it worried him whenever he passed the shed with the pregnant dragon in it.

"She must be due soon" he said one day, sitting on the outdoor lounge with Chazz next to him, and Heart on the other side, Merin often carrying her around, he would bring her outside occasionally to get some fresh air and sunshine.

"Both of them" he says looking down to Heart "I don't think your body will let you get much bigger Mousey"

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Chazz was growing at a slower rate, there was a bulge against his clothes from his stomach but he was the smallest in terms of size with the pregnant mons. He'd been dozing off when Merin spoke up and he glanced over at Heart. The poor pikachu was like a big yellow ball now with that stomach. The growlithe pups were what was stretching her out so much. She couldn't see past that stomach no matter what position she was in.

"Naire probably will first." CHazz said.

"I don't think I can stretch much more..." Heart said.

Merin nods and smiles rubbing his own belly and gently strokes Heart "If it comes to it, they will give you an emergency c-section" he says softly as he continues stroking and then looks to Chazz and smiles "How are you going hun?" he asks and nuzzles him gently.

Theres a roar from inside the shed before he could get the answer and Merin gives a sigh "Looks like shes popped" he says with a chuckle

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"That might be what they have to do." Heart said as one of the pups kicked at Merin's hand.

"I guess alright, not much change though." Chazz answered.

His stomach was sticking out more though not by much, his pregnancy seemed to be going much slower. Could be the fact that he wasn't a mon like his companions, he was a human after all. Course the roar made him jump though he slouched down.

"I think Flare's got it under control, she allows him close at least." Chazz added.

Merin nods and gently rubs at the humans belly. Over the last few weeks he had become more attuned to his trainers emotions, and always worried about him when he was down like he is now.

"Stay calm... she will let us see her and the eggs when the time is right" he said trying to reasure him

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"I was just startled, not like I was gonna do anything else. I wasn't expecting it." Chazz said as he sighed.

Maybe he should just try to take a nap? It could be a while for all the eggs to be laid an really he didn't have much energy for anything right now. He honestly felt somewhat sleepy.

Merin watched him and tilted his head watching Chazz, he gives a soft mewl and pulls him close. "Hun? are you ok?" he asks softly with a slight whimper "Talk to us...please? we worry about you, dont we heart?" he smiled and looked to the yellow furry ball for backup.

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"Yes we are!" Heart agreed as her ears twitched.

Hun? When was that being used? Or had he just never noticed? Oh well not important.

"I'm just really tired." Chazz answered.

HE didn't know how else to put it, he was just tired. Sleepy honestly but still that was how he was.

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