Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin turned it off "sorry" he whimpered softly "im just...i just..." he whimpered more and slumped ontobthe floor then looked up to see the human walk in.

"Hey... how did it go?"

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"IT went okay but, are you alright?" Chazz asked. "What's wrong?"

Rather odd to see merin like this, was it just the hormones from the pregnancy making his emotions act up? Or was there something really wrong? Though his stomach felt like it was being turn into knots and he couldn't help but groan at the feeling of being more sick.

he shook his head, his hormones had been playing up and Hearts outburts had just pushed the wrong buttons when he had already been stressed from his human being in such a condition. the house was virtually spotless from the mewtwos cleaning and he had worn himself out doing it.

"Y...Yeah im ok" he said wiping a tear that was threatening to fall "Wh...What did they say?"

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"They think my horomones are out of whack an it's making me eat more thus the increased weight." Chazz answered. "They took some blood to run tests and gave me a shot to help me levels though......all it helped was me feel...."

Chazz paused before getting up and getting out the door before he lost everything food related in his stomach. Well hopefully that feeling would go away now since there was nothing left to get rid of.

Merin meeped and looked up to him, watching him go he rapidly got up and followed him.

"Hun... This isnt normal... your even bigger than when you left" he said looking at him "I think we might need to get you to a hospital... the centre isnt helping you..."

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"Medicine doesn't take effect immedeatly like it does with the potions for you guys." Chazz said as he stood up. "It takes longer with us humans. Give it a few days and we'll see. Alright?"

He honeslty wanted to go back to bed now though he was starting want a grill cheese sandwhich. Gosh darn it WHY?!

The feline sighed and nodded then helped him inside laying the human down on the couch. "Can i get you anything?" he asks softly still deeply worried for him

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"Grilled cheese..please?" Chazz requested.

He knew it was a bad idea with what happened but, he wanted to have some and his stomach didn't care that it just lost it's contents a few moments ago. Food was foo an he was feeling hungry rather than sick.

Merin nodded and gave him a nuzzle then turned to Arc "Can you get him some water while i cook that for him?" he asks with a smile and heads to the kitchen "And maybe a Bucket?"

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Arc nodded and did the things requested. Once the food was done, CHazz had no problem eating the sandwhich though he was soon out cold again once done. The week passed with him no longer feeling sick, though his size was getting bigger but nothing like the large growth spurts that were happening. So Chazz figure that it must be working. Sadly though, Hear was a blimp of a yellow ball an Chazz knew that she would be better off monitored just in case things went wrong; hopefully not to. So having Arc carry her, he started out with Merin probably tagging along.

Merin helped Chazz to stay upright, supporting his weight was no easy task seeing as he was swelling at a decent rate aswell. he had become emotionally strained from worrying so much about his human, he cared deeply for him and was more attached to him than he probably should be. Flare and Amon had taken over much of the housework as they could.

"Maybe all of us knocked up at the same time was a bad idea" he says softly to Chazz with a soft chuckle "Guess well know for next time... how you holding up?" he was asking Both Chazz and Heart trying to on good terms with both of them, Hearts aggressive outbursts often causing the mewtwo to become a whimpering mess.

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"Well next time, we'll pick straws for who gets knocked up." Chazz joked, trying to bring a light of humor into the conversation. "I feel alright, heavy but alright."

Heart didn't reply, she just laid there trying to sleep as Arc walked along. Chazz's stomach was looking like he was having twins now and no longer overdue with one. Though his shirt was struggling to contain the belly.

"I should invest in bigger shirts though." Chazz added.

Merin chuckled and nodded nuzzling Chazz "We can do that after we drop Heart off... But i still stand by what i said before" he smiles and rubs his belly lightly "You dont need to wear a shirt at home, we wont mind seeing you without it"

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"True though I'll need the bigger shirts for out in public." Chazz replied. "I might just have to stop wearing shirts at home with the rate I'm growing. I wonder if there's more than what they thought in there?"

Oh there was more than what was originally, though they weren't the same thing.

Merin shrugs and mewls "I can try a psychic read of how many there are... but we will need to do it at home" he says with a smile

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"I think that's a very good idea. Clothes can wait another day." Chazz said.

Once arriving, a room was purchased for Heart to stay in for what little time was left of her pregnancy. So with everything taken care of, they headed home and Chazz gave a sigh. His back was starting to hurt though he was going to do his best to put up with it.

"let me guess, remove my shirt?" Chazz asked.

Merin chuckles and nods "Well, it does look uncomfortably tight on you" he says before helping him out of it, he then motions for him to lay down on the sofa and then gets out a tube of anti-stretch mark cream and applies it to the gravid dome before rubbing it in.

"Before you ask" he says "I need skin contact for this to work... and i figured while im doing this i might as well help keep you blemish free" he purrs and wags his tail, he continues to rub and massage closing his eyes.

"Now just... Relax" he says calmly, opening his eyes which were glowing blue, his hand paws doing the same a second later.

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It was uncomfortable but he would get new shirts eventually. Laying own was a nice thing though the belly rub was very welcomed as the cold gel was applied. It took a little effort for Chazz not to squirm as he did enjoy it. The human merely nodded an allowed Merin to do what he was doing. It felt rather nice with the fur from his paw like hands on his stomach. However Merin was in for quite a shock, there was four gomamons but there were many more young in there that weren't that. Three shinx,, two houndour, two spheals, and five fennikins! In total there were sixteen babies in there!! And all of them were around the same stage of growth! The fennikins seemed a bit behind but they would catch up before the time for labor.

Merin Blinks in a bit of shock as he sees the huge amount "Ok... what the hell... did you sleep around with half the facility while we were there?" he asks looking up to him "Seriously, how did you get this many?" He starts listing them off, continuing to rub the huge belly.

"If you thought that Heart was huge... your going to be HUGE by time these are all due!"

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"What?" Chazz question at Merin's words though shock hit his face. "I only slept with you and Amon! HOw the hell did I get everything else?!"

The rubbing felt nice but still, he didn't understand this at all!! Why did he have all these mons in there? He got offers yes while on his way to Merin's room that night but he didn't take any of em. The comfort of the rubbing though faded when his stomach started to push out more going up to the size of triplets now. A groan left Chazz as he heaved himself up.

"Great..." Chazz muttered.

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