Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin nods and gives a soft sigh "About the same" he says softly and helps Chazz onto his side to get the weight off of his spine "Im getting close... i know i am... i get woken up occasionally by false labours... im due any day now..." he gives a soft sigh and continues to rub at his belly

"And you cnat be much further behind me... there is only sofar your body will be able to make this last..." he gave a sigh and looked up to him "And id rather you do it here... i dont trust the centre any more... not with how they have been pestering us for Naires hatchlings..." they had been calling night and day and door knocking about them, and they had been door knocking too, seeming to get more and more aggressive about it too.

"If they Try to force any of my kittens from me..." he rubbed his hand over his own belly and gave a soft sigh.

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A sigh left Chazz. It was getting hard to deal with center, he would've called it off with em but....he didn't exactly have a good means for getting up an such. Still though, he didn't know what to do. It was hard to know really.

"I guess I probably am.....though I really don't know if I can do it. I is a lot..." CHazz said as he attempted to sit up though failed. "I honestly never thought it turn out like this....I'm so sorry."

Merin sighed and shook his head giving Chazz a hug and a soft kiss to the cheek hoping to comfort him as much as possible.

"Dont be, we all went for it, and other than Amon, we all learned a lesson... not to go with the centre" he gives a chuckle and a purr "besides, you also learned that you dont need to take on all the responsibilities in the house, you have us to help you with that." he smiles looking out the window at the spurts of water flying into the air.

"And i think Blip is having fun watering the Orchard"

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He wasn't very comforted by that, yes he understood the center problem and him not always doing everything when he had everyone else. It was just....well his thoughts on possibly having this litter succesfully was something he feared wouldn't work right. He was huge and there was sixteen different mons on there. With skin stretched so thin and kicks happening a good portion of the time, he just ready to be torn into pieces.

"That's good...." Chazz said.

He didn't know what to do honestly, could he even have em all here without medical assistance?

Merin smiles sensing Chazz's fear and nuzzles him gently giving him a soft peck to the lips. The two had gotten closer since the feline had started staying in the room with him at night.

"dont worry" he says, again trying to comfort him "Ive been doing research, reading up on everything i can on birth and so on... that another reason ive been using this cream... its strengthening your skin and the muscles underneath... and I've been practising with my psychic abilities... i can alleviate Some of the pain for you during the process ok?" he purrs a little and nuzzles his cheek.

"I also have another trick up my sleeve... dont worry, we wont let anything happen to you"

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There was some relief from the mon's words and gestures even though there was still fear in him for the unborn youngsters. Though at the mention of another trick up their sleeve, he raised a brow and looked to em.

"What else are you up to?" Chazz asked.

Part of him curious and part of him unsure. The cream made sense since there were all sorts of things put into that stuff. There was no doubt that Merin was doing research. Some nights he woke up and notice the mon on the laptop though he never said anything about it and merely tried to fall asleep underneath a large stomach.

Merin shakes his head and kisses again "Right now, its a last option thing" he says and smiles "Just know im doing what i can for yo..." he stops and gives a soft groan and rubs his own belly. he pants trying to calm down.

"J...just false..." he mumbles "J...just false... b...breAATHE" he cries out and whimpers softly at the end of that, looking towards his nest desperately and sends out a psychic message for help.

"S...shit" he whimpers as he feels his legs get wet "C...Crap...C...crap..."

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"Merin?" Chazz says as he attempts to sit up though to no avail again.

He couldn't see anything though he had a idea on what it was. Arc was the first to arrive due to the message.

"Arc, can you get Merin to his nest?" Chazz requested.

The arcanine nodded and attempted to move the laboring legendary to the soft bedding that they had positioned near Chazz's bed.

Merin pants and flops into his bed panting softly "S...Sorry...i... i got your bed wet i th...think" he pants out to the Human and rubs his belly "I...Ill be ok...F...feline Labor t...takes a while a...and usually painless..." he pants trying to cover up his discomfort, not wanting to worry his trainer. he nuzzled Arc, telling him telepathically to go get him some towels and some water.

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"It's okay, don't worry about anything else right now except for your kits. It's all okay." Chazz told em.

Arc was off quickly to fetch the things only to return ten minutes later with a bowl in his mouth and a stack of towels ontop.

He purred and nuzzled Arc again as he took the water and towels from him and he uses one to cover himself, instincts telling him it needs to be dark.

"T...Talk" he whimpers out softly as he gets more contractions "p...please... i... i need... distraction..."

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"Okay um...." Chazz started, trying to think. "Names! Have you thought of any names for em? It always helps to have a few names planned out even if you don't use em."

A slight pain went though his large stomach, though Chazz was able to ignore it. Merin needed him right now. The poor pokemon was probably going through the most painful thing of their at the moment, even if they claimed feline births didn't hurt by much.

Merin gave a soft sigh trying to calm down and let his body take over the process. it was painful, even though as far as he knew it shouldnt be, but he guessed that it was because he was stressed.

"N...No" he responded with a soft mewl "I..ive been too busy thinking about you... i worry about you alot... i guess im closer to you emotionally than i should be"

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"It's alright, no harm in being close. YOu taught me so much by being close to me." Chazz said. "Let's try to think of names okay? How about....Rosey? For a girl."

He purrs softly and tries to hide a groan, his kittens defiantly not waiting. "Mmm.. i...i like that...wh... what about Ruby f...for another ?" he offers the name then claws lightly at the bed, again trying not to cry out, the first kitten getting close.

"Wh...what a...about M...Makar for a male?" he asks, he send s Arc a message telling him to stay close and be ready to help with the first kitten when it arrive, he still doesn't want to inform Chazz that it is so close, or that he is in pain.

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"Ruby's a great name, that works." Chazz said.

The young in his massive stomach squirmed, clearly not happy that they weren't getting attention. Though Chazz felt a familiar preassure and took a deep breathe. It seemed his stomach was still keen on getting bigger. Oh boy.

"I like that." Chazz answered. " about...Slate for a male?"

Merin nods "Th...That sounds goOOood!" he cries out, the first kitten coming free between his legs and starts mewling softly. he pants and smiles knowing he would have a minute or two till the next one was ready.

"w...we may need to come up with a c...couple more... seeing as th...theres a chance they will all be one gender"

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"More" Chazz started as the preassure in his stomach built and he tried to adjust his position.

IT was really hard to think of names, even more so when you're stomach felt huge an was only getting bigger. Maybe some of the mons needed to grow more? Only reason he could think for this to happen.

"Bella? Tria?" Chazz asked.

Merin purred softly to hide the groan of the next cycle starting "I...I like them" he says looking the the first born and giving it a nuzzle and a lick. It squeaks and nuzzles back to him.

"Wh... what about Max and Xander?" he asks for the other two, moaning softly and returns to pushing.

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"Those are good." Chazz said as he shuddered. "Oh this is getting hard..."

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