Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Chazz never noticed the decress in his stomach size. To him it was still just a massive mass but it wasn't. It was much smaller and clearly only had two occupants left. The water was quickly and thankfully received. Though he was still just wanting to pass out as he did his best to push. What was left? What could honestly be left? IT was just a spheal and a Fennekin left, they were the last two. Pushing as hard as he could he didn't feel any changes. The Spheals were harder due to their round bodies.

"Is it almost out...." Chazz asked.

Merin nodded continuing to rub, he was happy that the skin had shrunk back aswell, the cream having done its job so that Chazz was not left with a huge mass of excess, stretched skin. The Spheal was quickly gathered up once it was free, cleaned and placed with the rest.

"One more" Merin said sleepily but tried not to show it "You can do it"

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One..? Did they honestly mean that? Oh please let it be true! He could do this again but not this many at one time!! SEveral more pushes and the fennekin was out. HOwever they were shiny instead of hte normal color! Though Chazz was out like a light from the pain and stress.

Merin smiled seeing that the human was out. He started to give him a sponge bath with the bowl of warm water.

"O..Ok guys..." Merin said once he was done, letting exhaustion start to take effect "Lets let him sleep... c...can you get some formula mixed up to feed the new cubs and clean up a little in here? i... i need to..." he gave a soft groan and passed out, falling sideways onto his side then off the bed onto the floor.

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Arc was off again to give instructions to the others, after all they needed mons with....usuable paws. Naire carefuly lifted Merin and set them into their little nest. The others took care of the pups and cubs while Chazz and merin slept. The following day, Chazz slowly came to and sat up. Though his lap was trapped by a mass of little mons slipping there. He gave a sigh and shook his head.

Merin stayed asleep even once Chazz woke up, the feline well and truly worn out. he didnt even wake up when someone tried to offer him food or drink or when his kittens nursed from him.

It was Amons turn to watch the two of them to see when they would wake up. "Hey Chazz" he said greeting the human "How you feeling?"

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"Tired...hungry, incredibly sore...and..a little weird." Chazz answered.

It was true, he had a weird feeling. He didn't know what it was but he felt empty, like he was missing something and he honeslty had no idea what it was. Shaking his head, he gave a sigh as he slowly pulled his legs out from under the sleeping bundles.

"What have I missed?" Chazz asked.

"Not too much" He said "Its only been a day or so, we have some food waiting for you" he smiled and then looked to Merin.

"He hasnt woken up yet tho... we don't know why, we could get moans and groans from you but nothing from him" he says "He wont even accept water or food"

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"That's odd, he shouldn't be worn out like that. I mean not that badly." Chazz said as he got down from the bed. "Merin? Hey?"

Setting a hand on the mon's shoulder, he gently shook em. Merin had to eat otherwise they would stop producing milk, his kits wouldn't have any food.

"Come on Merin, you gotta eat." Chazz said.

The feline didnt stir, he just stayed laying slightly curled up on his side. the kittens mewled cutely and looked up to you. all of them male, their baby fur made them look like little fluff balls, only one of them was a shiny.

"Believe me we tried" Amon says "we even dumped water on him... only made more work for ourselves having to clean up the wet nest... and he didn't even wake up when we disturbed the nest"

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Chazz gave a smile to the little fluff balls. There had to be a way to wake him up! There just had to be

"Come on Merin, up." Chazz said as he shook harder.

The shiny fennekin heard the sounds and crawled across the bed. Only to end up falling off and into the nest with the kittens, probably upsetting the poor things without meaning to.

The Kittens hid behind Merins tail and looks cautiously at the newcomer, soon one experimentally came out to give it a sniff.

"we didnt want to use any healing potions without permission" Amon spoke up "But maybe one will wake him up?" he looked to Chazz and then to the kittens who had all wandered out to inspect the new cub in the nest.

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Chazz gave a sigh. The shiny fennekin made a sound, confused as to why everyone retreated when it fell down into the nest. Though when the others started to come over, they were happier and started to sniff back.

"We better try something new, can you get me one?" Chazz aske.

Amon nodded and waddled off, coming back with it a few moments later and handed it over. In the mean time the kittens had started playing with the Fennekin.

"Here you go" Amon said then gently helped the young out of the nest just in case.

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"Thanks." Chazz said as he accepted the potion.

Despite the kits having been moved out of the nest, he positioned himself to block Merin if things went..wrong. Granted he never woke the legendary up before so he hadn't a clue how this work. Still he sprayed the healing formula onto the legendary and watched.

it was an aggonisingly long few minutes before the feline Gasped and his eyes snapped open. they were glowing brightly and it almost liked like a defensive action until he blinked and groaned loudly and rubbed his head his eyes returning to normal. they looked extremely tired like he Hadnt slept in days.

"Wh...where...where am i?" he groans out and looks around " nest... god why does my head hurt... what happened?...Oh right Where are my Kittens?" he groaned more rubbing his head more and looked around for them, unable to see them behind Amon and he started to panic a little.

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"Merin? You okay?" Chazz asked as he noticed the eyes glowing for the moment.

Course he scooted out of the way so Merin could have a easier time seeing the kittens

"It's okay, your kits are still here. We just moved em out of the nest to be safe when I tried to wake you up."

He gave a groan and rubbed his head and nodded "My head is killing me.." he grumbles softly rubbing more "D...dont think ill be doing that again" he says with a soft whimper.

"Ill get some pain killers" Amon muses and waddled off leaving you with Merin "Maybe he can explain what hes talking about"

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"Yeah, go ahead Amon cause I've no idea what' he's talking about." Chazz said. "Merin, what exactly did you do?"

He blushes and mewls a little "i...i umm..." he gives a sigh and looks to him "I used my powers to take pain away from you..." he says softly and blushes.

"I also funnelled alot of my energy into you so you could get through the labour..." he droops a little and looks to the kittens "I guess i gave you too much... you should be flattered a little tho... its something i could only do if i was really close to you... emotionally"

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