Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

(I had a tiny idea if you were up to hearing it?)

A bigger property would be best an even more so with the fact that they would be housing their own litters and ones for other people.

"I do like the idea of setting up on a route, we'd have privacy until trainers showed up." Chazz said. "Well....I guess it wouldn't hurt to go to the other regions to get a few mons. What better way than to actually go and see them in the wild? I still have my trainer supplies."

(Shoot ^^)

Merin nods and purrs "And us going would get us away from the Centre" he said with a smile "and youd be able to train me up a bit? i know im not very strong... atleast not compared to the others here... even Amon seems to be stronger than me"

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(What if due to the shot the center gave him, Chazz develops a few pokemon traits when he has a litter from a different region? For some reason I was picturing him with Lucario ears and it was cute lol)

"Sure, training you up sounds like a great idea." Chazz said. "Well I guess I might as well tell my parents and start getting things ready."

(Hehe, Side effects of hybridisation, Sounds like a cute/great idea to me <3)

Merin nods and purrs "what other mon will you take? you can take all the digimon you want... but your limited to six or out of their balls" and he was hoping he would allow the mewtwo to remain out of his ball for the trip.

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"Well....." Chazz started. "How about Rusty? They're young and I'm pretty sure they'd like to see the world. Besides, I'm pretty sure my parents can handle all the others while we're gone. Though what route will we set up on once we get back?"

the mewtwo pulls out a map of the region and points "There are houses that should suit our needs on routes Five, Six and Eleven" he says pointing to each "The largest is on five, and is partially hidden by the forest around it, and will need alot of work, the other two arent as big, but wont need as much work to make liveable..." he gives a soft sigh

"I did try living in one of them, didnt end too well"

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(Should we time skip to after they get more mons and fix the place up or skip to where they're doing one of those things?)

"Hm...well we'll need all the room we can get. So five will probably be the best choice." Chazz answered. "As for how we're gonna choose where to go I was think. How about Sinnoh first, Unova, and Hoenn last. Would that work?"

Merin nodded "That sounds good... well fix the house up first though, otherwise theres no point in getting more mons cos we wont have the space for them" he chuckles and smiles slowly getting up "No time like the present to go look... i hope one of your mons can take out trees"

(Time Skip to repairing house)

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"We'll see." Chazz said.

Upon arriving, Merin was right. This place was in need of repairs. Having Arc with em would help them carry large loads, kind of like a big sled dog. Though taking out a couple of pokeballs, he released a few new mons. There was Chopper the machoke, Rye the ryhorn, and and Tria the tauros. All three were strong pokemon and capable of carrying heavy loads. Course Rusty was following around, the shiny vulpix standing out alongside Merin.

"Alright where shall we start?" Chazz asked.

"We should clear some of the trees first" he says pointing "Otherwise they will be in the way... and we will need their wood... if i can remember the upstairs floors are virtually non-existant" he says and wanders closer to the building

"I can clear out the insides of dirt and dust atleast" he says and wanders to the door "Stay clear of the windows" he says with a soft chuckle and wanders in. he vanishes for a minute and then theres a bright flash of purple and its then followed by a thick cloud of dirt and dust that flies a reasonable distance.

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"Alright. Chopper, Rye, you two up for taking some trees down?" Chazz asked.

"YES! Finally time to use some muscle!!" Chopper said with glee as he moved forward.

"If ya say so." Rye answered as she followed along.

The two set to work as the flash of purple went off. Chazz was surprsied by that though he had stopped Rusty from following along.

"Okay, what next?" Chazz asked as he heard a tree fall down.

Merin walks outside and shakes a little, some dust coming off of him "Well... im not quite sure... the place needs alot of work... the floors are mostly shot... the carpets are all rotten... the only thing that is still good is the roof and the windows" he says "Although might need to check the plumbing"

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"Well we can all just work out here for the time being. Like cutting the logs into boards and having Tria and Arc carry em over to a spot to stack em." Chazz suggested.

IT was really their best bet as they were trying to fix the place up. So they needed boards and Chazz had thought to bring nails so that was a bonus.

Merin nods "Ill go through the house and find the boards that need to be replaced... my ability to float should prevent me from going through them and getting injured" he goes to walk inside but stops and looks to the road "We have unwanted company" he growls softly, able to sense men from the Centre.

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"Okay." Chazz said.

Though at the growl that Merin made, Chazz held Rusty closer to him and glanced over to the people approaching. Great, this was getting worse. He just wanted to put that behind him. Why?

"What do you guys want?" Chazz asked.

"We were just curious who was at this run down dump" one of them says and Merin growls still.

"Is that all? well now you know" he says rather rudely clearly not pleased that the are around.

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"It's not gonna be a dump for long thank you. Now please, can you leave?" Chazz requested as Rusty squirmed about in his arms.

Though Chazz stood in front of Merin to prevent the mewtwo from doing something foolish.

"Fraid not, we have business with you still" he says taking a step forward and Merin growled louder.

"We terminated our membership with you" The mewtwo says sternly "Id recommend you go back and let your bosses know that" he growls still, he may have been weak against other mons, but he was still a mewtwo, and he could easily harm these humans if they didn't do what he told them to or made a threatening move.

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"He's right, I terminated the membership with the breeding center so please leave." Chazz requested.

Chopper came over and attempted to set a hand on Merin's shoulder.

"I know Chazz don't look like much but he can handle himself, let him deal with this till he needs us." Chopper urged the legendary.

The feline nodded but was still tense. his parental instincts were screaming at him about these guys and 'danger'.

"You Owe us a litter of legendaries" the man said with an evil smirk "Were here to claim, fork em over, or we will be forced to... take action"

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