Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin anods and smiles helping the heavily pregnant human up "we should go back to bed" he says purring "its the middle of the night and you need your sleep" he offered a soft comforting smile and helped him towards the bedroom once again.

"And dont worry , ill be tgere the whole time to snuggle and massage and help you relax ok?"

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"HopefullY i'll just pass out." CHazz said with a sigh.

To his pleasure, he did end up passing out rather fast. Though when morning came, Merin would be distrubed by something gently tapping them in the face. When they opened their eyes, they'd find a pair of tails that looked similiar to a Flotazel.

Merin blinked looking at the tails and gave a soft growl, his mind automatically telling him that there was someone other than him, Chazz and their kitten in his nest, even if said nest had been dismantled and made back into a bed

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The tails merely twitched again an Chazz stirred slight, his ears remaining lowered slightly. His stomach had gotten bigger as well, he was definatly gonna need help getting out of the bed. Slowly coming to, he yawned and tried to stretch. The two tails going straight for a few moments as the ears stood up.

"morning." Chazz said.

Merin paused looking at the tails connected to chazz and gave a soft chuckle "morning, you been playing with a flotazell hmm?" He asks and gives the tails a long stroke from base to tip

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"huh?" Chazz started though he shuddered as Merin stroked his tails, the sensation was a new and strange one. "Lovely, so that's why I have so much water weight."

A poor attempt of a joke as he attempted to get out of the bed.

Merin chuckled at the juke attempt and helped him to stand.

"I take from your shudder that they are... sensetive?" He asks and gives them another stroke

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"Stop that!" Chazz said as he shuddered again, trying to hide the tails. "Yes they are, so please don't do that again."

Merin chuckled softly and gave him a hug from behind stroking at the humans gut and gently nuzzling into his neck "now now, i only ask because it feels good for us, i was curious if it felt good for you too"

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"Not yet, but who knows." Chazz answered, a soft moan like sound left him as his stomach was being rubbed.

It felt nice to have the mass massaged gently, thankfully the young weren't big enough to fully kick yet.

Merin continued and smiled "now, how about we go down for breakfast, then ill give your belly a nice massage and rubdown with some of that lotion"

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"Sounds nice." Chazz said.

Getting downstairs was a rocky path, considering the weight in his stomach. Everyone was surprised at Chazz's additions and Feu even apologized for his tail. Though he told her it was okay, though the human noticed Feu was looking swollen too. Well it seemed like a goo majority of the mons were expecting at this rate. Tria was looking rather round, though she was probably close to being deu.

"Looks like the breeding is well underway" Merin said with a chuckle and helped Chazz into a chair.

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"Yep." Chazz said. "The question is, just how exactly are we going to spread word that we've got youngsters that they can purchase?"

"Well..hmm" the mewtwo paused trying to think of a way "well we are going to the different regions, we can spred with flyers in the pokemon centers and gyms" he says with a smile

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"true, though it'll have to wait till the youngsters are old enough to where everyone else can watch em on their own." Chazz said.

Merin nods "mmm, sadly ill need to wait for yours to be ready before i can finish the gyms im up to" he says with a sigh "its not safe for me to be traveling without you"

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"I know, I know." chazz answered as he adjusted his position.

Tria rose to her hooves and padded out of the room, her large belly swayed to the side and Rye seemed to be keeping a watchful eye on them. Just to make sure they didn't do anything reckless probably.

Merin watched her go with some curiosity "she ok?" He asks Rye who had been takeing care of the others seeing as Chazz was currently out of commission.

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"She should be fine, though she seems to still want to work so I'mma gonna have to stop her. Crazy woman." Rye replied as he trodged along.

Chazz gave a shrug.

"No need to worry about Tria, being hte odd one of her herd she's quite the bullheaded one." Chazz said.

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