Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin sighed and shook his head doing the same trick to snuff the flames. "You can't touch me Mysteria, stop trying, look what you have done to your trainer!"

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The half fire type growled at the legendary, clearly annoyed at them. Though her attention was pulled from em when a odd sound hit her ears. IT wasn't the sound of Eric making the table touple over. It was more a sound that he made, kind of a mix between a annoyed groan and one that went with pain. The man was taking heavy breathes as he was clearly trying to keep whatever he was hiding a secret, though with a set of claws on both hands, it was clear that secret was very close to coming out.

"This ain't over Moron." Mysteria growled as a shot leviatated out of Eric's bag an to Mysteria's paw before she went to assit her trainer.

"If you want to continue, then outside, tomorrow" he said with a smile "Where we can fight without Injuring anyone" he turned and walked away finding jack waiting with the bucket "Sorry for making you wait, took longer than expected" he admits and takes the bucket from him "Thank you sexy" he praises and gives him a firm kiss

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The half fire type merely glared at Merin as they left.

"IT's fine but.....what the heck was going on there?" Jack asked. "Also, I thought you were tight with the human. You really want to go around kissing me that strongly after I merely helped out?"

Jack was more confused than carying sure, Chazz was a nice guy but still. To the fighting type, Merin seemed to be attached to em. SO this seemed a tad odd.

"Im attached to you aswell" he says with a smile "Just like i am to Rusty, Blip, everyone, just Chazz a bit more than everyone else" he wags his tail and gives him another kiss "You really complaining though? i thought you would enjoy the show of affection"

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"I'm not really one for the lovely dovey stuff, I lended you a paw cause you needed it." Jack said.

When morning came, Eric was hesistant to leave his room. Considering the chaos of last night, though he did manage to an soon found Merin in the kitchen.

"Merin.....I know you have no reason to listen to me but....can you please not fight Mysteria?" Eric requested. "I know it's my fault for you two getting into it last night but still....I....well she's not one to drop a grudge easily..."

"I have no intention of actually fighting her" he says calmly and sips his coffee "ill let her burn off steam, i do it from time to time with Blip, let him attack me and i simply defend, hes not hit me once, she will either tire herself out or get bored" he holds up the pot of coffee and tilts his head "Coffee?"

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"IF you just stand there like last night, she's still gonna hold that grudge. She'll see you as a coward pretty much." Eric explained. "So she won't drop it there"

When the coffee was offered, he shook his head.

"No thank you. I don't think caffine would be a good thing for me." Eric said. "Better safe than sorry."

Merin raised an eyebrow at the rejection of the coffee and chuckled "its decaff? Not as good as the real thing but, safe for the kittens ya know" he says and pats his own belly which had already started to swell up.

"She may call me what she wants" he says "i will not fight back, not while she is pregnant, her cubs are more important than her grudge"

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"Ah well....I haven't really had some of the things I used to, heck I used to stay up all night with the aid of a pot of coffee when I worked but...considering my issue....well...I haven't tried to do anything the way I used to." Eric explained. "She's a stubborn thing, I'm honestly surprised that she is. I really don't know what to do sometimes."

he nods "Shes going to need to learn that her attitude wont get her what she wants every time" he says slowly "She is going to be a mother she needs to learn to be more tolerant. Shes lucky that i have no intention of seriously fighting her, because one day she will pick a fight with someone who wont hold back and is massively more powerful than she is" he finishes his coffee and serves up some bacon and eggs for Eric before grabbing some for Nine.

"This isnt a threat, its a warning, because ive been there... Just because im a legendary, does not mean i have a happy, high all mighty highly respected past, Ive nearly been killed several times, by other legendarys... two of them... my own parents" he finally says and turns and walks away to Nine and Marx room.

"Morning you two, and your pups, i have food for you" he says stepping in.

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"I've tried to tell her that but she just doesn't listen, more so if I'm involved in the problem." Eric admitted. "I know I know, she just doesn't like other mons she doesn't know and her opinion they're all stuck ups due to being so rare and what everyone wants..."

Despite feeling a bit disheartened, he did start to eat and he noticed Marx an Nine. The Ninetails moved forward, her stomach noticably larger from a late growht spurt. Marx turned a cautious gaze to the man as his nose wrinkled a bit at the smell. HE still didn't trust it.

"Thank you." Nine said before she went to shoving her pups toward some of the food.

Merin smiled and gave them both a pet "Be nice" he says softly to Marx before adding 'till we find out' telepathically.

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"I'll leave ya all be." Eric said as he left the room to return his plate to the kitchen.

"You better figure it out." marx replied. "I don't like that smell, take em out to the woods or something an make em reveal it."

"At the moment" he says slowly "I have bigger things to deal with" he stands up and his eyebrow twitches, when he turns around there she is, standing just behind him.

"Next time you do that, i will have Eric confine you to your ball" he says warning before returning to get more coffee for himself "You are succeeding in pissing off not only me, but him aswell" he points to Marx "And while i am his trainer, i dont have full control over his actions"

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"I'd get to work on it as soon as you can." Marx replied in a low voice to Merin before he walked away.

"I'm not scared of a wolf nor you." Mysteria said. "You better not be plotting anything to do to Eric with what happened last night."

"No, i thought id leave it for now" he says with a chuckle "i figure id be just as shocked as Chazz When, not If, He finds out, because Chazz isn't stupid and im sure he can already tell something is up with him. his new pokemon attributes will be telling him that" he drank his coffee and picked at his own food.

"and for the record, you should be scared of him" he says with a warning "Hes nearly killed everyone hes gotten his paws on. But i digress, lets talk about you for a minute here. You want to know why i am respected in his house? because i go out of my way to help everyone. i will Die for anyone here willingly, my status as a Legendary has no merit here, because i dont associate myself with them, especially my parents" he scowls thinking about them

"Legendarys may all be Egotistical fucks, but i would rather have my testicles torn off than associate with Them" he says 'them' almost as if he was referring to vermin "So drop the 'im only a normal mon and your a leg' crap, because it doesn't work here, as far as my upbringing has taught me... even you are a legendary compared to me"

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Marx doubted the mortal would get it figured out. Sure they had higher senses but still, Chazz was too new to em. And the man was no doubt questioning everything he heard or smelled at the current time. Since it was all so new to him. Course Marx left in silence and Mysteria just stared at Merin. To Marx, he was going to find this out no matter what. And if Merin wasn't going to get on it as soon as possible, well why should he just stand back and wait for em to get on it? He could make the scientist talk.

"Still not scared of em." Mysteria commented. "And I have no reason at all to believe a word you say. So clam it shut and keep away from my human, I keep a good distance from yours I expect you to do the same."

Mysteria turned and started to walk away, heading towards the room that she was staying in with Eric. While Eric himself had disappeared outside to have a relaxing time.

Merin rolled his eyes and shook his head "Stupid woman is going to get her cubs killed" he mutters and grabs Chazz's food heading upstairs to his room "Chazz, Morning! I have your breakfast!"

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"Hey." Chazz greeted as he sat up, though he clearly was dogpiled by his rilou an buziel pups. "How have things been going? Whatcha think about Eric?"

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