Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Eve nodded watching him "was merin ok?" She asks

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"I think so, I told him what I learned about Marx from my research." Eric said as he paused. "HE seemed to be thinking it over."

Eric pondered for a moment on what he saw. They seemed okay, still tired an expecting. Still what was it they were to do about any of that? The kits would come with time an the wounds would heal. Though...was there more to it than that? Eric gave a sigh as he stared at his supplies, still pondering. However he shuddered as a odd feeling went through him an glanced at his paw like hand. The fur was turning even darker at his hand, turning into a black that hide the claws from sight somewhat.

"What now...." Eric groaned as he rolled up his sleeve to see it spread to his elbow.

Eve watched curious "your wounds sre all closed up, have been since you went to go see Merin... £i aander whats caused this"

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"They were?" Eric asked. "That's weird cause I know I smelled blood when I was in there...."

IT was a odd thought now that he said it out loud. His sense of smell and some of what the beast knew transfered for a little it seemed. Though Eric groaned as his arm filled with more pain an it enlarged!

"I think we're going to have trouble at this rate." The deddene said worried.

"I'm fine....fine.... Eric said, trying to stay optimistic despite how weird his arm was acting.

"Maybe its a reaction to what we did or what you smelled" Eve says then pauses "wait.. blood?" She looks to eric concerned "umm... i think we better get Chazz"

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A groan left Eric in response to Eve's confusion on the blood statement, now the man was hunched over, using the table as a means of support. However, he was quick to move to the bathroom and close the door behind him. Might as well try and keep himself contained if something happened. It was hard to lock it though he managed. Course that wouldn't stop a psyhic type from getting in.

"I'll go get Chazz." The dedeene said as they hopped down.

"Eric" eve called through the door, i think i know whats going on, have a shower and clear your nose, trust me, your defense mechanism has picked up on Merins blood, its part of what we gave you, use as heavy a scented soap as you can, youll revert once the smell is out of your nose"

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With all the pain he was in, Eric could barely make a word out that Eve said. His body was screaming with pain as he cringed, putting his hands agaisnt the sides of his head with a pained sound leaving him. Shuddering as he sat there, he could feel it. Feel his body want to shift but something keeping it in. However, he did feel bigger. His height had increased as he sat there against the door. Though the faint glow to his eyes was getting stronger.

"What's going on?" Chazz asked as he entered the bedroom.

"Eric has triggered something from the mental conditioning we gave him" eve says slowly "he should be ok, its reaching its peak now... i think Eric is nearning some control... the big problem is merin... hes lovked in his room.. and i think he is doing something stupid" she looked up to him worry evident on her face "go, ill handle here"

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"Control doesn't come in a day, it's going to take time." Chazz agreed. "I'll go check with Merin."

After Chazz was gone, Eric's size went back to normal. THough his arm was still transformed an the glow to his eyes was still there. All he did was sit there, trying to catch his breathe. Though he closed his eyes shortly after. Chazz reached Merin's door and knocked on it.

"Merin, it's me. Open up." Chazz said.

There was no answer to the door, something that gave off some alarm bells to the human as merin usualy always let him in without question, once even when masterbating. So the idea that he wanted privet time away from Chazz was bizarre.

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"I'm coming in." Chazz said as he got the key out of his pocket and he started to unlock it.

Eric groaned as the glow faded from his eyes, though he pulled himself up with the aid of the sink. Glancing at his reflection, he took note of how worse for wear he looked. Sure his hair was back to normal but he just looked more ill. A sigh left him as he rubbed his eyes. Good god why was his body on complete freak out.

The smell of blood registered in Chazz's mind and he saw all the new cuts on Merin. Which caused the man to be very disappointed.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Chazz demanded.

"Shhh" merin hushed him a slight deranged look to his face which was matted with tears "y...youll wake the voices... the ones that tell the truth" he says softly "that im a...a bad mon, yes... a bad mon.. who deserves to be punished"

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"Merin what the hell are you going on about?" Chazz demanded. "There are no voices, you're just letting this go too much to your head. Everything will be okay. You're going to hurt your kits at this rate."

He whimpered softly and clutched at his head "please""he whimpers out " me..." he starts to cry again, seeming to be struggling with his own mind, the memories and images of Eric eating those humans terrifying him to no end.

The voices being his depression due to the whole thing, it gnawing away at his and playing with every self dout he ever had. Even the memory of his parents atacking him coming to surface joined by the voice telling him he was worthless and unlovable.

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"I will." Chazz said as he went over to Merin and hugged em. "I will."

He just had to figure out how to help him. He couldn't tell Eric, not in their condition. Telling him that they killed people would no doubt trigger his change, unless he was too weak to do it.

Merin burried his face once more into chazz's chest, for the second time that day he broke down into a weaping mess while he comforted him. It took a while, but eventually he cried himself into a fitful sleep.

More than once the idea of simply removing the memories came to Chazz's mind, each time he dismissed it seeing as the damage was done. The best he could think to do now was simply help him cope and be supportive, even if that meant not letting him get out of his sight. An idea was bound to come up in the meantime.

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IT was very hard to figure out what to do. Even as thetime slowly passed. Memory wipe was a no go. Considering someone else would have to be involved an see every grim horror. A sigh left Chazz before he finally asked Eric to try sitting in with Merin one day to talk to em. True Eric was the cause of all this trouble but still. The man never meant to cause any of it. So Chazz left Eric in Merin's room and the two stared unsure at one another for a few moments before Eric cleared his throat.

"" Eric tried to start though he felt his words running away from him.

"Im sorry" Merin said slowly to Eric. he was bandaged heavily and weary from nights of nightmares "I just... i did a horrible thing... made you do horrible things... How can i forgive myself for any of it?" he says looking up to him "I cant sleep its all i dream... and during the day... a voice in my head keeps telling me what a horrible mon i am... how i dont deserve to live... my kittens... a trainer... anything..."

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"Merin, you have nothing to apologize for. Yes you didn't listen to my pleas but you had a reason not to, you had kits with you and maternal intstinct demanded you protect them. Even if it meant extreme ways." Eric said; unaware of what they were talking about. "If anything this is all my fault for not speaking the truth to begin with."

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