Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin just dnuggled and rubbed as the mass grew "hey there" he says with a purr "enjoy your nap? I got something you should enjoy more than those pink poffins, whoever made those i dont think we will let near the machine again" he chuckled and motioned to the plate of puffs.

"These are Chazz's favorites, they are Poke-puffs, you should find them more palitable" he smiled and helped him sit up "im sure your hungry, eat eat"

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"Yeah it was a good nap....although....I think they took it as a good moment to get bigger." Eric said as he noticed his stomach and his shirt pushed up. "Yeah those were....pretty bad. I could barely keep em down."

A glance was given to the puffs as the scientist adjusted his position. Puffs huh? HE knows those were a new thing in recent years and of course they were meant for mons. Though he had to change how he ate so he accepted one and started to chew.

"'s a lot better than the poffins." Eric said.

Merin smiled and nodded "yep, its amazing how they can make something that can taste terrible or blande and make it taste like these" he smiled looking to the plate "ive gotten goo at the Art too, i normally can make tgem taste like almost anything"

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"I see." Eric said though he glanced down at his stomach. "makes ya wonder how much room is left in there."

His stomach looked overdue with triplets, almost to quads honestly. Still the mass was kept in a bit of his shirt.

"If your anytjing like Chazz youll be getting to your limit now" he says softly still rubbing gently at the human belly "only a little while to go now with the rair they are growing"

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"Eh I doubt it." Eric answered. "Chazz's traits were caused naturally, mine....not so much. So there's no telling how much I can take. After all, I have another form that is bigger than I am. So never know there. There's probably a lot of mewtwo's in there and eggs considering recent events."

It be best to keep the odd child a secret rather than telling him.

Merin nods and nuzzles him gently. "Im going to take a bath" he says with a purr "you can join me if youd like ir rest more or even go in search of the others" he gave him a kiss to the cheek before getting up and heading to the ensuit i"ll be out in a bit"

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"Naw, I'll stay here." Eric said. "Might take up the tub."

The kiss surprised him though he stayed quiet.

Merin nodded and left the bathroom door open "youd be surprised, Flare can fit in these tobs" he calls out as he gets into it.

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"Yes but, Flare doesn't have as big of a stomach as I'm starting to get and he doesn't put his whole being in the tub." Eric replied.

The youngsters squirmed and the man knew he would have to take a shower once he got back to his room. That way Mysteria wouldn't find Merin's scent on him. Still, he slowly heaved himself up and went to stand in the bathroom doorway.

"Still looks small from here." eric said with a smile.

Merin chuckled and purred "is more than big enough, theres plenty of room" he says with a purr "cmon join me, please?"

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A sigh left Eric as he pulled his shirt off.

"Fine, but only because I have to take a bath when I get back to my room to keep Mysteria off my hid." Eric said as he finished undressing and got in the tub.

Merin purred watching him strip. Eric managed to fit into the tub with a small amount of room to spare. This allows merin to start scribing the human down gently.

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"Tight fit apparantly." Eric said as got his hair wet enough to where shampoo would be able to foam up in it.

Merin chuckled and rubbed the shampoo into his hair "i dont mind the closeness" he admits one hand moving to rub the humans belly

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"I don't think they mind either." Eric said as he noted the youngsters seemed to e calmed down. "So, I guess you've got some big plans if ya don't want to be pregnant again. Mind cluing me in there if it's alright?"

He sighs softly "i can either try to transfer them, in wich i have few options to that... or abort... which i would prefer not to" he finishes washing his hair and rinces it out "if i do transfer only you, chazz, or War are viable candidates... and ill need chazz with me during my journey so he is out"

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"I'm not too sure if that War guy is a good idea." Eric said. "They guy would probably just use their state to try and use others. Plus I don't think he's the fathering type. So....I suppose there's...still enough room in here for more."

Merin looks at him "but what if it effects your current litter in a bad way?" He asks "or you, i dont want to risk your liff for my mistake"

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"I think I just need to adjust my eating habits and everything will be fine." Eric said. "Besides, they're techinacally our kids, the ones in you and really I have nothing else to do here so you should go ahead an go explore the world with Chazz. Chance knows many things, I'm sure she can help make sure nothing goes wrong and if ti does, we call you immedeatly."

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