Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

He nodded and slowly got up and pulldd his trainer clothes on "take care of them for me" he says looking to Eric "im taking Marx with me, and leaving Nine and her pups... i cant leave Eve behind even though i want to... but please Chazz is leaving most of his... they will help you as much as they can ok?"

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"I will." Eric said with a nod. "We'll be alright, don't worry."

Eric stood up and went over to the door and opened it once Merin had their clothes on.

Merin smiled seeing that Mysteria wasn't there and he gave eric a soft kiss to the cheek while Chazz wasn't looking.
"Ok handsome" he called to Chazz walking up and tightening his blindfold "lets get this show on the road, remember where i leff off?"

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"I remember." CHazz said. "Let's get going"

Merin purred and gave a wave back to Eric "ok, you rode David, i should be able to match his speed the whole way this time" he says with a smile

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Eric waved back and watch them leave. A sigh left the human as he took a seat, the young shifting in his stomach.

It was a little over halfway there that merin turned to look sr Chazz "so.. how you holding up?" He asks "with eric being... you know nolonger fully human, and now pregnant with... well yeah..." he was feeling guilty, somewhere in his mind he felt like his accidental first fling that Chazz knew about was somehow like he was cheating on him.

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"I'm doing okay." Chazz said "I am sad about Eric's state in terms of how his condition but as for his pregnancy I'm not sure on what think there. We are doing a breeding service here, so I don't see anything wrong with Eric having kids. It's fine honestly. If Eric wants to keep em he can, if not then they can be part of the first batch when we open up shop."

He nods "i just... i cant help but feel i was... unfaithful to you in some way" he says slowly "i guess i put myself in that position... seeing as im the one who is seeing a close relationship between us when there probably isnt one..."

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"Merin......" Chazz started as he paused. "There is a relationship, we're good friends. You're a great mon, a loyal friend who I'll always hold dear. But...if you mean a romantic relation ship, you're not unfaithful. It's just.....I'm not sure if I want a romantic relationship that becomes more. You'll find that special someone Merin, you can't rush it."

He nods slowly and gives a smile "heh i guess it probably was a little desperate of me to cling to the first person who DIDNT try to kill me ir capture for being a shiny legendary" he chuckles softly "wonder what they would think of me now... powerful to the point of near crippled from it and owned by a trainer who loves me for who i am... my parents, if they can see me, must be spinning"

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"It's okay, you just didn't want the same things to happen to you." Chazz said kindly. "I wonder too though if they dare think ill thoughts, I'll launch em into outerspace for ya."

A big smile was on Chazz's face as he gave a chuckle to his own words. Part of him did want to met Merin's parents to give em a piece of his mind. Still, he knew it was unlikely.

"Ya now, Eric started his journey before I did but I met up with him rather quickly." Chazz said. "Eric seemed....out of his element, struggling along through the trails and such. We got to the halfway point before he apologized and turned back. I tried to convince him to keep going but something just seemed to make him lose whatever confidence he had to start with. I don't know if it was how poor he was doing that crushed his adventurous spirit or something more personal but he wasn't a bad trainer."

Merin nods and purrs atvthe thought of Chazz beating up his parents if they ever did happen on them.

"I guess maybe he just figured it wasnt for him?" He says softly "some, like me and you, take to it well, some are slow to get going but manage it well by the end, and some just dont like it. I think its more because they dont like the idea of enslaving mons to fight for them. I guess im lucky in that regards, i can understand them before i capture them... and using that i can 'catch' only the ones who want to be. Hell i didnt even force Marx, Blip or Eve to come allong, they wanted to"

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"I don't know, he seemed okay with making new friends from mons he captured." Chazz said. "He wasn't a fan of gym battles but he loved the company. I don't know what it was but one day he was his happy self and the next, he just seemed crushed. LIke everything he cared about was pointless and meant nothing."

Chazz nodded, at least Merin could understand em. That was a plus for em. Still now that he was thinking on it, it had his mind pondering on it.

Merin smiled seeing him lost in thaught as they neared their destination. "We can always ask him about it when we see him again" he says with a purr "how you holdin up Flare? Were almost there now"

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"We could but....with everything else on his mind lately, I'm not sure if he'd really want to answer me on it." CHazz said.

A sound left Flare, signalling he was fine. A shrug left Chazz, still a silent mon this charizard. Oh well.

"I really hope things go okay back there...." Chazz muttered.

"We left Nine and Nair in charge" merin saye petting Flares neck "With Eric as an acting keeper, if anything WERE to go wrong, we can send Flare and myself back there using the pc boxes, Chance and Eric have the codes to get into it"

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"I know , I know." Chazz said as he sighed. "That doesn't mean I can't stop worrying completly."

(Should we time skip a bit?)

(Hehe yep, your choice when to)

Merin nods "believe me hun, i know... i may not actually be but i feel like a parent to everyone at home... i worry alot for them"

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Chazz gave a nod in understanding. THe weeks passed by and the two ended up stuck in a cave system of some sort. By time they got out, four weeks had passed and they still had to get to the pokemon center. This resulted in another week passing before they got to the town.

"Can you cheek on everyone through the computer vid? I'm really too tired to." Chazz requested.

If Merin did what Chazz asked, the legendary would be greeted by a really tired looking Eric. Their black hair was a mess though it had a purple tint to it, his long ears were showing and there was a faint glow to his eyes. Course his right arm was fully transformed and a misty tail twitched in the background.

"H...Hi...." Eric greeted, clearly tired. "How's it....going?"

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