Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

"Not too bad" he says slowly "we got lost in some caves... is everything alright back there? You dont look too good"

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"I can....barely sleep honestly." Eric answered. "Got a heavy load that are getting really active and.....bigger....everyone else is fine. War is a asshole and I really just want to cave his skul..."

Clearly moodswings were affecting Eric at the moment and the glow of his eyes got stronger. Though he paused and gave a sigh. The glow went back to what it was earlier and he ran his fingers through his hair.

" nerves are getting fried and grilled." Eric apologized, a wince left the man as he felt one of the young kick rather hard.

He nods "teĺl nine about war, she has his his digivice and has permission to use it if needed" he smiles, the digivice acting like a pokeball when needed "have you spoken to chanse? She should be able to give you something to help you sleep"

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"Have to let him out sometime....don't think I've tried that?" Eric questioned. "Considering how quick my size keeps getting, she's too afraid to try anything to make me sleep for fear of causing damage to the young."

A groan left Eric as his left hand shifted, putting his hands together he sighed.

"There might've been.....a issue with the transfer...." ERic started. "CHance doesn't know of it and the young you transfered are fine, she says everything in here is healthy. seems your...intesense heat got...transfered with it....and EVERYTHING TAKES!!!!"

The scientist's height increased as he sat there, allow part of the top half of his stomach to peek onto the screen. Though Eric adjusted his position to try and hide it.

Merin whimpered watching "Oh god i hope your ok..." he whimpers "I...Im sorry it caused problems... you need us to come back? were almost done i just need to pass the elite four and the champion"

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"Keep going on your journey." eric said. "I don't think you need to come back, after all labor hasn't happened. My body is trying to change to accomidate this so...I don't really know."

He sighs and nods "just... keep us informed ok?" He asks and gives him a worried yet comforting smile "we worry about you... are Nine and the others helping at least? For some reason i cant picture your grumpy fox helping much"

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"I will." Eric answered. "Nine tries as does the others. Hey, Mysteria does help. She kicked War's ass several times now."

"Why oh why am i not surprised there?" He asks with a bored expression "may need to de-evolve him a few times... see if we can find a point where he is easier to manage, you have the digivice, see what you can do. Like insaid before tho, if he becomes too big, and too frequent a problem, lock him in it and ill deal with him when we get back"

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"And why oh why do I feel like you don't give a rat's ass if Mysteria is involved due to...issues?" Eric replied, a slightly annoyed tone in his voice; moodswing kicking in again. "Oh yes, stick him in the device and keep him there for who knows how long. Neglect em and not let em eat for days just to try and control em. Oh yes a glorious fucking idea."

"You know as well as i that it acts liks a stasis on him" he responded and chuckled "and i was more unsurpised by the face that he is causing trouble" he sighed and rested back. He knew he was having a mood swing, and he knew there was little he could do to help calm him down.

He did however manage to make a psychic link to Chance, telling her to put War in his device and then give him to a mon to hold and they would take them out this end, take war, and send them back.

"Just stay calm hun, we dont want to trigger a change at this late stage... it could be harmful to both you and the cubs... please?" He tried another soft comforting smile "ive managed to make quite a bit off of all these trainers... lord knows where they get the money from... did you want me to get you something special while im out here?"

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A nervous laugh left Eric as he sat there.

"Look at me!!! I'm already over halfway there!!" Eric said as the corner of his mouth twitched. "Does it look like I'm trying to shift? No! It's doing it on it's own!!"

The moodswing ended and Eric seemed to wilt like a flower. His tired appearance returned and he gave a sigh.

"No....I don't want aything.." Eric said. "There is rich people out there that they probably got from."

He gave a soft 'mewtwo' although it sounded more like a 'mewl' as he saw him return to the tired and deflated appearance.

"Well... ill see if i can get you something anyway" he says with a warm smile returning to his face "ill just browse the stores, im sure there will be something that just screames your name at me. It wont be chocolate im sorry to say, itd be off by time i got it back to you" he giggled softly and purred.

"Anyway hun, i should go have a shower and a sleep, you should do the same... heres a suggestion... because your part mon now... sleep in my room with my pillows and stuff, this is gonna sound bad but my scent should help settle you and the litter down ok?"

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"I'm kind of tired of chocolate honestly......all the puffs and such....." Eric answered. "Don't waste your money, buy as many revives and max potions as you can. YOu'll need them for your battle against the Elite Four."

A few kicks went off, causing Eric to cringe slightly.

"I can't even get out of this room Merin." Eric admitted. "My stomach can't fit through the door. I'm stuck in here. An now that I'm taller well, I probably can't even pace now."

He sighs and nods "im fine on stuff for the elite four, honest, i dont buy any pokeballs so i have oodles of cash" he hmmed for a moment "ask Nine to get you my pillow and blankets then, that should atleast help somewhat, i think wjats happening is you need to 'nest' your part mon so you have the instinctual need for it and your not meeting it. You should have seen me last time, Chazz couldnt get on his bed."

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"Hm....maybe that's why I ended up breaking the bed with my hands." Eric muttered as his ears twitched.

He chuckles and nods "im surprised Mysteria and nine havent suggested it yet" he paused thinking more "then again neither of them know that those are my kittens do they?"

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"No they don't." ERic answered. "Mysteria is too busy playing guard duty to ask about the young, she was downright pissed when she learned I was expecting. Nine is trying to keep everyone in line."

He chuckles "so as i should have expected... while the boss is away, the mon will miss behave"

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"It's how it works." Eric answered.

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