Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin whimpered as he flew overhead through the trees unable to sense him "Eric!? ERIC!? Please respond! Where are you!?" he was thinking he may need to get Eve out, he was starting to loose hope.

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If Merin wanted to find the changed scientist, he was gonna have to look on foot to find the entrance they could fit through.

He grumbled softly and eventually landed. "Damn it... ill need to return to the basics" he muttered softly and then touched his blindfold "Although one of them is unavailable at the moment... " he pulled out a piece of Erics clothing and took a few deep sniffs then sniffed the air. it took a few moments, and he had to get onto all fours to do it but he eventually found a trail and took off running, having to dodge trees as he went, Eric having Fazed through them meant that more than once he nearly hit one.

he soon came to the area the scent just, stopped. he reached out with his mind trying to find him but couldn't make the connection. he sniffed around still not finding it, but he knew that his ghost side was protecting him and where he was hiding.

"Damn it... this is going to hurt" he mutters to himself and pulls off his blindfold. when he opens his eyes he whimpers in pain and the air and ground in the area shakes and trembles with his sudden release of power. it only takes a moment for him to spot the cave and he quickly pulls the cloth back on and crawled into it, barely able to get through.

"E...Eric? please tell me your in here hun..."

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Ears perked on the large creature as growl left it. The large creature adjusted it's position, trying to hide something without looking at Merin. If Mern went round, they'd be able to notice a clutch of eggs huddled to the big beast's side. The varies eggs he had were ready and thus his departure from the house would make a little more sense.

Merin reached out blindly only hearing the growl and he hoped his scent, the scent of Erics offsprings sire, would offer some comfort and let him get closer.
"E...erir?" He asked fumbling and even falling to his face after tripping "p...please... i cant see anything... please let me help... or at leat let me know your ok"

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A growl still left Eric, the beast had come to a place to get away from noise. All the noise in that place was ungodly annoying. A hissing like sound could be heard in the air before a purple flame was launched at the ground, not near Merin. The purple flame allowed for some illumination in this place and the beast merely went back to the task at hand. Ignoring the smaller being stumbling about in the larger area.

The flame didn't help any except let him know that it was indeed Eric. He gave a whimper still not able to see and just laid down and curled up now feeling trapped in the dim space, everything arround him notthing more ghan a void as far as he could tell.

" sorry... i just want to help and comfort you like a good mate should" he whimpered out softly hoping using terminology that the creature Eric currently was could understand better "yet your suffering through this alone because im blind here..."

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A grumble like sound left the creature, it wanted silence. Not a conversation, silence!! What was so hard to understand about that? The beast adjusted it's position again as another large egg was laid, only to be kept as close as it could to the large beast. A forty minutes later, the sound of mewling and whinning could be heard. Some of the kits an pups were ready to be born and thus he had those ones as well as the eggs. However, the beast reverted to ERic. Leaving the man laying there with barely anything on to keep him warm and the man shuddered. If Merin tried to get closer, he'd feel something soft under his paw, revealing a part of the bedding that they had told the man to use. The bedding piece ewas being used to keep the eggs warm as well as be on softer ground, the few vulpix and mewtwo young that were born this time were partially on it.

"E...eric?" Merin called softly when he felt the magority of the feild lift. It wasnt all gone, and he was left with what he could only discribe as 'tv static' as his vision. An image yes, but it was hard to make out. He could make out the bedding, and bits of Eric, but he could only gear the kittens and pups.

"S...speak to me...please... so i can find you better" he says getting to his hands and knees and starts to crawl towards him.

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A weak groan left Eric as he tried to get up, his body too sore from the change and the labor for him to really be able to move anything. The pups and kits were right next to him, so that sound help Merin find the barely concious human.

Merin crawled over, setting a gand on Eric and gave a gasp as he could suddenly see everything again. He hifted and put the humans head in his lap and gently stroked at his hair.

"Here you are" he said and gave a smile "you just test... let me speak ok? You had me so worried... i thought something had happened to you and your litter"

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"W....what...." ERic muttered, barely there as he was dancing between trying to wake up and passing out.

His stomach was still big, overdue with triplets. The young shifted slightly in there, merely adjusting their position. THese ones weren't ready to be born yet.

Merin sighed looking him over. He was a mes to be frank, and desperately needed a wash. At the same time he didnt want to move him, and his nest, timm Eric was propperly awake. He just smiled down at him and gently pet his hair morw sending out a message to everyone to keep a perimeter around the area and not actually telling them where he was, telling a few to guard the area.

"Sleep hun, ill keep you and the kittens warm ok? Sleep"

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"" Eric stammered, both due to his groggy state and his vocal issue kicking in.

Merin would have his work cut out for em. Considering he had a rather big collection of eggs to keep warm along with kits, pups, and Eric himself.

He gave his a light smack to the head to help his speaking probles and curled up close to him, he put a barrier up over tge cave and use it to start heating to room to a comfortable temperature and hold it there so Eric could sleep.

"Sleep now" he insisted "questions later"

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A shudder ran through Eric as he was getting pretty cold now, his legs moved weakly to try an curl up but he couldn't. Still the man soon passed out, unable to keep away any longer.

Merin did his best, butning theough a huge amount of energy to keep them warm and comfortable till Eric woke up an hour or so later.

Available for conversation, pm me.

At first, his vision was blurry though the darkness made it hard to make Merin out; even with his feline eye.

"Merin....what....where are we?" Eric asked.

Merin purred softly seeing him wake up "Somewhere in the forrest, Seems your other side wanted somewhere away from everyone to make a nest" he motions down down to the eggs, kittens and puppies "You just went missing from the house... and they couldnt find you so they panicked and summoned me" he nuzzles and gently kisses at Erics forehead.

"You, in turn, scared me because i couldnt Find you... your ghost half has protecting you and the area... i nearly went blind when i took off my blindfold to see your cave... and then was totally blind when i got in here" he gives a sigh and a smile "How you feeling?"

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"Oh crap..." Eric groaned out as he tried to sit up.

This was pretty bad sounding if you just thought on it. He really didn't know what to do now or what to say.

"I feel horrible." Eric muttered though he noticed the weight in his stomach still. "I guess there's still some not ready yet."

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