Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

"Calm down" he says softly when he breaks the kiss "cant you feel what your doing to your kittens?" He rubs at Erics belly softly.
"Besides, if she wants to fight so bad, she will neee to come back to the house, i cant enter combat without Chazz" he smiles to Eric adding 'she wouldn't win anyway' telepathically to him.

"Now theres an idea! I havent had a good fight in ages!" She says and Merin chuckles softly.

"Let us finish our shopping, then, maybe, well go back to the house"

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The transformed parts of himself faded due to the distraction, though the man glanced down at his active stomach at Merin's words.

"I'm going back to the house..." Eric said without listening to anything the others said.

The man merely turned and headed down the road to where Chazz's house was, though it was going to be a long way walking and even longer with his belly in the way.

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Merin gave a whimper seeing him go. "Go with him" he says simply to Clifford "ill pick you up once I've got some material for my blindfold" he turns and hurrys off, planing not to take too long.

"Who does that Mewtwo think he is? Giving us orders" Gaia spoke up once he was gone

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"He's just concern for Eric, if I know Eric he can get into trouble without meaning for it to happen." Clifford said. "I shouldn't have a growth spurt until later tonight, so I'll go and help him out. If something happens, I'll call out for ya, okay?"

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She chuckles "ill be close by, im hoping that mon is serious about wanting to gight" she smiles clearly not knowing what she is up against. She takes off, flying high into the air before flying off

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"We'll see." Clifford said, in which he headed after Eric.

Eric was almost home, though he took a seat on the ground. Trying to catch his breathe as his young slowly calmed down. Unknown to him, was that something else was watching. Neither Clifford nor Gaia.

(I'm feeling evil again towards Eric lol)

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(Hehe, aslong as he is fit for a little later on, i have plans for merin, Gaia and Mysteria)

Merin shopped quickly yet was picky. Going with white for the main fabric an a royal blue pattern he would add aswell as some custom gold patterning to the ends. He even selected a special thread that 'rainbowed'. Once done he hurried on, hoping to catch Eric before he got home and help him get there if need be.

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(I was thinking on giving a bigger litter but tell me this little plot of yours.)

Eric stayed put, waiting for the youngsters to calm down. At least his shirt covered them up for the time being. Unless they had a growht spurt; which they thankfully didn't yet. Slowly getting up, he started to head to the house.

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(Heh, Mysteria wants to try to get even, and Gaia wants to show her superiority, both against Merin, i was thinking a two on one battle, which still ends with merin winning XD)

Merin searched the road carefully. With the near change Eric had there was a chance he was immule to the newtwos only form of sight. He was aware of the lugia circling overhead, and he decided to ignore her fir the time being as he looked all while feeling the tell tale signs of his own belly starting to swell a bit.

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(Ah sure!! Can I still go ahead and make Eric have a bigger litter? You can choose the mon for it.)

Eric came to another pause, the smoke from the house in sight and he gave a sigh. This was a hard task to get there. But honestly he just wanted to be at a place that was somewhat home. Little did he know something that wasn't Mern or the others was getting closer.

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(Hmm, how about a weregarurumon?)

Merin soon spotted Clifford and landed next to him, the bags of shopping floating behind him still "hey... not caught up to him yet? He cant be going that much faster than you"

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(Oh I like! Gabumon's one of my favorite digimon so having those around would be cute!!)

"Well I had a slow start to following him." Clifford answered. "Carrying eggs is harder than life young like our friend. The eggs put more weight on ya."

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He chuckles "yeah i know that pain... ive had a few clutches myself" he says walking with him "although he is firther along than you so it should be about even... and your better fitness wise than he is, so he stops for breaks quite often"

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"Well, I had to talk to Gaia before we went after him." Clifford said.

The sound of something breaking made ERic paused and he glanced about.

"Hello?' the man asked.

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"Oh?" Merin asks curious "i will apologize for my actions, shinys are almost forbidden in the legendary circles, my own parents, to save their own reputation, tried to kill me, and after that some of the others did aswell"

Available for conversation, pm me.

"I know about that, I tried to get Gaia to change her ways but it's how she was brought up." Clifford told her.

Eric's stomach shifted as he felt something brush up against him. Causing him to shudder. Turning around, he could see the tall digimon staring at him.

"'re carrying quite a lot." The digimon said as he circled Eric. "I need your help..."

"" Eric asked.

"I do apologize for the inconvience this might cause but please hold still and stay quiet."

Eric knew too well what was happening and he was pulled into the brushes for the mon to do what it wanted.

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Merin nodded and sighed "sadly ive gotten used to the insults but i..." he stopped and shuddered "Shit... we need to hurry!"

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"Okay..." Clifford said, doing his best to run after em.

Despite the fact this was like the mess with War. This mon was a lot gentler, they weren't trying to hurt Eric. When the event was over, the mon stayed close by, helping Eric into their pants and giving em the digivice. Eric's stomach was straining against the cloth of his shirt, allowing part of his stomach to show. The digimon even picked up Eric and went back onto the path.

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Merin growled loudly seeing the mon holding eric and remembered what happened with War.
"Atack class digimon, maintain restrictions, Grand spoon," he says softly to himself his scales giving a soft glow "SPOON BREAKER!" He crys out and leaps at them a large glowing purple spoon in his hands about the size of a garden rake. He misses them by a few meters, impacting the ground with it and the head snaps off of it after leaving a sizable impression in the ground.

"Eric!" He growls out worridly looking up at them

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The digimon adjusted the angle that he was holding Eric at and moved em away from the attack, appearing like a defensive tacktic.

"Are you crazy?! You almost hit him!" The digimon questioned.

"I'm okay merin, it's fine He's with us." Eric said, holding up the mon's digivice. "he just wanted some help and a place to belong"

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