Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

He nods and goes to follow him "can you check on eric if im not back in an hour?" He asks Chazz before going

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"Of course, go on." Chazz said.

Rusty lead Eric out to a pretty deep part of the forest before stopping at a clearing.

"You here Ruby?" Rusty called out.

(Hm....what to make Rusty's mate be..."

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(A shiny luxray ^^)
Merin waited staying silent in hopes of not spooking her off. Although he was searching the area with his mind for any potential dangers.

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The tall feline came out of the grass and approached.

"Who's that...." the feline questioned, motioning to Merin.

"This is Merin, he's okay." Rusty said. "He's a great friend."

[Image: Q92BT.gif]
[Image: ZY029.gif]

He purred softly seeing her come out "hello, its a pleasure to meet you. I was curious who Rusty was seeing was all." He blushes a littes abd scratches his head embarrassed i guess im a fusser, i was worried for his safety"

Available for conversation, pm me.

"I wasn't going to hurt him, if anything he saved me and we've become friends." Ruby answered.

[Image: Q92BT.gif]
[Image: ZY029.gif]

Merin nodded and kneeled down ushering her overso he could get a better look at her, touch allowing him to make out her body in one swift moment. "He tells me you dont want to come live with us... any reason?"

Available for conversation, pm me.

"I like it out here." Ruy answered. "it's pretty, it's wide an open, and I can find plenty of food on my own."

[Image: Q92BT.gif]
[Image: ZY029.gif]

He nods and purrs giving her soft pets to the head "ok, well aslong as you keep him inside the fence i dont kind, but dont be afraid to come to the house if you need something ok?"

Available for conversation, pm me.

Ruby didn't know what to think of that, instead she backed away and took off. Rusty's ears twitched and he sighed, shaking his head.

"I don't think she really likes the idea of having a home in a building." rusty told Merin.

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He chuckled "wasnt saying it had to be, i was just offering, if she needed help medically or food during winter when it's scarce or even shelter during the bad rainy season, i wasnt implying she HAD to move in with us" he sighs and shrugs stansing back upright "you best go make sure she is ok... i have a legendary and Mysteria to deal with."

Available for conversation, pm me.

"Aren't you going to check on ERic first?" Rusty asked.

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He chuckled "we der" he said sarcastically with a huge smile "i cant fight Mysteria till he is awake. Dont worry hun, his wellbeing is formost on my mind"

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"Alright then." Rusty said, with that he went after Ruy.

ERic was still taking his nap, though his stomach had grown more while he slept. The pups an kits were huddled up against him.

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Merin smiled seeing it as he walked in. Stepping out of tge room a minute later "Noone is to disturb him ok? Let him and the young sleep" he says to the canine digimon "let me know when he wakes up ok?"

Available for conversation, pm me.

The Weregarumon looked to Merin and gave a nod.

"I will." the weregarumon answered. "Cute little ones."

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Merin smiled and purred "thankyou, they have good stock to come from" he thumbs towards the door "they didnt get their looks from me can tell ya that"

Available for conversation, pm me.

The weregarumon tilted his head confused. He could see mewtwos and Vulpixs, what else was there?

[Image: Q92BT.gif]
[Image: ZY029.gif]

Merin chuckled "thats my way of saying Eric looks handsome, and im ugly" he shrugs and walks off leaving him to stand guard Merin returns to the kitchen

Available for conversation, pm me.

IT would be another hour before Eric stirred from sleep and he sat up, a groan left him and he noticed that he was bigger. Oh well. It was just how things go sometimes. Glancing down to the eggs and little ones, he was surprised he didn't have any Noibats. HE had Tyrunt eggs and others but why not the little bats?

[Image: Q92BT.gif]
[Image: ZY029.gif]

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08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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