Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)

Merin continued to rub and feel for a while, merin smiling as he did "what makes me think you want ine just like it?" The feline asks and blip blushes deeply , involuntarily showing that he did

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ERic didn't hear the conversation, he just leaned back while Blip felt his stomach. The feeling was really good, though it was making the man a bit aroused. Still, he just laid there enjoying the feeling.

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Merin continued purring and Blip kept rubbing getting aroused by it himself although he was doing reasonablt well at hiding it. He didbt want to admit it, by the lithe frog did want a belly like Eric had or Merin would get and rusty had.

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"Okay.....that's enough..please no more." Eric requested.

It felt really nice but the problem was, it was making him want more. More youngsters in him so that his stomach could be rubbed over a larger area.

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The frog blushes and nods "s...sorry" he says taking his hand away

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"It's okay." Eric said. "Can alone...? For a little while?"

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Merin looked at the human and gave a sigh nodding standing up "ok, aslong as you feed the rest of them ok?" He says before placing the now sleeping pup back into the nest and heads out with Blip.

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"I will." Eric said. "Thanks."

Course the human would be visited by the weregarumon to see if they were okay, though it would merely end up in more mating as Blip's curiosity filled massage made the human crave that kind of attention. So the human was no doubt going to get bigger, course he still fed the kits an pups. There was no way he'd neglect em.

[Image: Q92BT.gif]
[Image: ZY029.gif]

Blip snuck off at some point and Merin could only guess at his plans, the feline not worried at all. He sayed out by the pool watching the others or conversing with Gaia who had warmed to him a bit, all while ignoring Mysterias glares.

(Sorry been ill)

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(it's okay.)

Chazz gave a sigh as he took a seat, feeling rather tired but that was nothing new. He had a large amount of mons to tend to. Course he was wondering if they should open their doors or at least try to get some customers. The house was getting a bit....overcrowded.

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Merin looked over to Chazz "everything ok hun?" He asks "you seem worried"

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"Huh?' chazz muttered. "Oh well...with all the recent madness an all, we're getting....overcrowded here. I'm just not sure if we're ready to start letting people come in to try and purchase the young...."

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[Image: ZY029.gif]

Merin nods thinking about it "how do you want to do it?" He asks "we cant give them run of the house... and i dont want to give the pup and kittens away to just anybody..."

(Sorry, again been ill)

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"That's part of what's wrong, I don't know how." Chazz answered. "I don't know how to go about this."

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Merin nodded "well... first we contact the labs about starter pokemon, then we start doing some advertising, anyone who comes to the house will be scanned thoroughly by Eve an myself, anyone unfit to own our kittens and puppys wont get through" he smiles softly "im sure we can tack another room onto the place for 'displaying' them and for meet and greets with potential owners"

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"True...I guess I'm just really nervous." Chazz answered.

[Image: Q92BT.gif]
[Image: ZY029.gif]

Merin nodded and smiled giving a soft purr "itll be ok, well start off with the basics, Labs, then ince we know we can keep them fed with a happy and healthy supply of happy and healthy starters, we can move up to those who arent looking to do traveling"

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"Right....fight." Chazz answered. "it just....feels like it's getting so badly out of control real fast. Everything keeps getting worse an more complicated, heck we've got random mons from the forest coming at us!"

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[Image: ZY029.gif]

"We do?" Merin asks curiously "last i saw we had a good standing with the wilds. We even help them out with food when we can and generally leave them alone" he turns to look at the tree line

"Maybe we should do something about our fence line then, i know we have the full estate fenced off, but mons can still get through that fence, its just humans that cant... maybe we should set up another one around the house and orchard, that way they know what the limit is"

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