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" Lets find out the genders today." jimmy said. As they both squeeze into the vehicle they drive to the buffet hall. Jimmy has 5 plates stacked up at his of the table eatinb chicken and roast beef. Jimmy could feel his pants getting tighter as they ate. When jimmy looked up at Cass though he had a big smile though. Cass was eating mash potatoes and ribs and there was barbaque sauce all over his face and shirt.
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Cass smiled back at his love, trying to clean come barbecue sauce from his shirt so he wouldn't look like a complete mess at the appointment.
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After they finish eating both Jimmy and Cass waddle back to the vehicle and drive over to the doctor. After sitting in the ultrasound room for 20 minutes Doctor Baker walks in. "Well I see your pregnancies are going well." Looking at both of there massive bulging bellys sticking out of there shirts. "I see you had some ribs." Doctor Baker chuckled pointing at the stains on Cass's shirt.
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"I'm not a clean eater," Cass shrugged with a blush. "Would've tried to button up my shirt, but I've gotten too big."
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"That's understandable .If I may ask how much weight have have you gained since the pregnancy?" Asked Doctor Baker as he invited Cass to the table.
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"About forty pounds," Cass answered, holding his stomach as he pushed himself up onto the examination table.
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"That seems healthy. Now tell me about your diet these past few months, what kind of things have you been intaking? And have you had any discomforts?" Doctor Baker asked while rubbing Cass's belly examining it.
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"No discomforts, I've pretty much been eating whatever I want," Cass shrugged, leaning back and letting the doctor examine his belly, feeling the babies shift slightly inside.
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As the Doctor put the gel on Cass's belly he began using the ultrasound to examine the babies. As Doctor Baker pointed to the screen he said" right there is the two heads and hands and....oh lookie here this one has a penis. Looks like you will be having a boy and a girl Mr. Cass." Jimmy felg a wave of excitement as he kissed Cass on his cheek "how exciting babe!" Jimmy said
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Cass watched the screen in awe, smiling at the sight of his babies. He grinned when he heard he was having both a boy and a girl, turning to give Jimmy a kiss.
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Now Jimmy went to the table but needed help getting up on it his belly was getting pretty heavy these days. As the Doctor examined Jimmys belly he looked closely and noticed both were girls. Jimmy reached out his hand for Cass and began to cry.
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Cass grinned at that, squeezing Jimmy's hand. "Three little girls and a boy. We're gonna need a lot of pink, huh?" he joked, kissing away Jimmy's tears.
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As they left the Doctors office Jimmy asked Cass if he could stop by the maternity store on the way home his pants button kept popping open and he noticed Cass could use a new shirt too since his wouldn't fasten. "You still have some of that barbecue sauce on your face honey." Jimmy chuckled. " I guess it matches your shirt." Looking down at cass's bulging belly with his stained shirt.
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"It was really good barbecue," Cass muttered with a blush on his face, grabbing some tissues from the glove compartment, getting it off of his face and attempting to get it off of his shirt. "We can go by the store if you want, yeah. Probably need to set some time aside for baby shopping, unless you wanna do it all online."
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" let's go to the mall!" Jimmy suggested " they have marernity clothes and a baby shop there, on our way our we can get some yogurt from that stand by the doors it's so good." Wondering why he was getting hungry again already after they just ate 2 hours ago Jimmy just rubbed his belly and figured the two baby girls growing in him must just be little oinkers.
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"That'd be good," Cass smiled, somewhat concerned with how much Jimmy was eating. His girls would surely be big when they came.
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As they made it to the mall Jimmy asked Cass if he could get them electric carts to ride around In. "I'm just too tired to walk around this mall carrying theirs massive belly around and I'm sure you must be hurting too babe." Jimmy said rubbing Cass's belly
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"If you want to, go ahead," Cass replied. He still wanted to walk around, knowing exercise was good for him and his babies. "Only my back is bothering me, and its not too bad."
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As Jimmy went to go get one he noticed they were all being used. "Great now I have to carry this thing around some more." Pointing to his huge belly which was starting to show through his stretched out shirt. "Maybe we should go get maternity clothes first I hate it when my belly is exposed like this in public." Jimmy said to Cass
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"Maybe you should talk about getting on bedrest at our next appointment," Cass pointed out, rubbing Jimmy's back slightly. He nodded at the suggestion to get maternity clothes first, knowing he didn't look too great himself.
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