The station

Men are chosen to travel to the space station with the idea that they will be doing something to help with the prosperity of the human race. When they arrive they find out that their government has set them up to be breeders for a dying type of alien and there is really no way to escape. The Claudians look mostly like muscly, big human men, but their skin has more of a purple tinge as if not enough blood is going to their whole body and a large tail which when green is full of seed ready to be planted into the breeders. Once the seed is implanted an injection is given which fertilizes the seed and creates 2-3 large size babies which grow in about a week. The humans chosen can never go back to earth as the earth is still unaware of the alien life. The babies are born anally and labour tends to last 24-100 hours before the birthing process begins.

I will be playing a breeder, however I don't mind playing 2 characters so you can have a breeder as well, or we can swap after my guy has given birth. Also, I would like more than one line replies if at all possible, thank you :)

Name: Jay
Age: 25
Looks: Brown messy hair, green eyes, a little short but lean.
Bio: Jay was a teacher when he was asked to do this, promised enough money to send him on his dream holiday so he eagerly took it. He grew up in a small town where he was often teased for being gay and not having any friends but he overcame that and is now a very strong person however he is somewhat guarded.

Jay looked around as he took off his helmet, being able to breathe normally, they must have had some advances in technology without letting the public know if they could breathe oxygen in space like this. He followed the person in front of him as he tried to take in as much detail as he could. He walked into the breeding room, which he didn't realize at the time, and froze as he looked around at upright beds with harnesses, what were those for, he wondered confused.

( I want to do this but I have a few questions first, mind if I pm you? :) )

Yes, I don't mind, go ahead :)

Your inbox is full it wouldn't let me send it.

Sorry, go ahead now :)

(sorry for asking, but is this thread open or closed?)

(I can make a new one with you if you would like, secretsparrow is currently messaging me about this one but I can copy it into a new thread if you'd like :) )

(ahh I hate kicking people out XD but im going to respond here. )

Indeed the room was rather strange, even stranger perhaps was the fact that it wasn't empty and he wasn't alone, there were others here though at this moment in time none of them seemed to be paying attention. They were on the far side of the room, perhaps asleep or something it was hard to tell really. The actual process that they went threw wouldn't take vary long, it was a simple shot in all honesty but in most cases the effects would start vary soon after. The men on the other side of the room were a result of this. 'recovery' until they grew used to the sudden changes.

(I'm sorry if that doesn't fit with what you had in mind feel free to contradict me XD I just wasn't sure how to start. Also I'll give information about my character when I actually bring him up.)

(That's good :) )

Jace rubbed his neck a little awkwardly before he felt his two wrists grabbed and he was dragged to the bed. He looked around terrified as he struggled against his grip unsure of what was going on. He felt restraints being tied around him tightly, his brain unable to keep up with what was happening around him

despite this the people with him had no trouble at all quickly over powering him and he would soon find himself tied to the table it was then that a man in a shirt and tie entered carying a needle "Lay still you'll only make it worse you know." He said softly, as if that would calm the male.
name: Dr. white
Appearance: Snow white hear broad shoulders standing about 6'8 and seemingly vary serious all the time.
Other: he is not in charge but he is vary close to it and often works directly with the 'patients' here. He is not a kind man though and will often act crule and uncaring towards people.

Jace struggled a little tears starting to well and fall down his cheeks quickly "What are you going to do to me?!" He asked, his voice cracking a little as he looked at the needle terrified "What is that for?!" He said his heart beating quickly as the needle got closer to him

"Calm down, you already know don't you? Thats why you came here." He took the needle and plunged it into the man's abdomen and then withdrew the whole thing would only take a few seconds but it was possible effects of what had just happened could start right away.

Jace cried "No, I don't know why I'm here now!" He cried out as he was jabbed with the needle and whimpered a little as his insides began to feel funny like everything was moving around inside of him, he groaned as something grew inside him, like another organ and pushed his belly out, stretching his skin, he groaned a little in pain

"Oh you'll be fine." Dr. white turned and soon left the room leaving Jace alone. the other men forced him to his feet and moved him to the room where the other men were were they once again restrained him despite any complaint. It was only now he was left alone, well alone if you didn't consider the other unconscious men in the room. In a way each man was divided, they were on beds some restrained as Jace was other however were in cages free to walk around.

(hope the way im describing it is ok, I don't know I'm kinda just tossing stuff out there feel free to stop me.)

(Sorry, my phone broke and I had to get it fixed, yes, it's all good, do you want to have more of a storyline like a love interest, there doesn't have to be smut though?)

Jace looked around the room and suddenly realized the differences between each man, their stomachs went from looking slightly bloated to rounded as if they were pregnant. He thought to himself that it must be impossible what he was seeing, they couldn't be pregnant? It wasn't physically possible...He looked down at his stomach and pulled at the restraints a little in tears

(I forgot about this it got buried back to it now and yes, I think that would be good, I fully plan to bringing in another character soon, or now actually.)

"Relax, you'll just make it worse for yourself." The voice came from his right it was male but who ever it was couldn't be seen "I know it's scary but if you want those restraints off you'll have to calm down or you'll be stuck there a long time." Who ever it went quiet, it sounded as if they were speaking from experience actually. "What's your name?" He said after a few moments again breaking the silence in the room.

(All good :) )

Jace sniffled a little trying to see who was talking to him "I-I'm Jace...who are you?" He asked quietly "How will I make this worse? They've injected me with whatever the stuff is and I'm never going home...I never thought I would miss Earth but I already do"

"Trust me they can make it worse. People around here call me Gear." The voice sounded friendly except it was rather rough. See, gear had been here for awhile he had seen how things worked how things went down. Of course it never made it any better but still. "I know It's hard kid.. just.. try not to think about it too much alright? How do you feel?"

Jace bit his lip lightly, the rough time of his voice comforted Jace in a way he wasn't sure how. "How old are you Gear? How long have you been here?" He asked quietly sniffling a little "I feel a little sick but I don't know if that's from what they injected me with or just the situation" he said softly, his voice soft and pure as if he'd never raised his voice in his life

"26 I think.. Though I'm not really sure any more ot be honest there isn't really any night and day here tired to keep track for awhile but eh, been here a year and a half I think? Maybe.. less... Perhaps it just feels that way." There were footsepts , he was one of the ones that could get up and move around. "you'll feel sick, it does that at first.."

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