The Mpreg Birthing Center


Addison took a breath and bore down, tears flowing down his cheeks. He was just about to voice his pain, when both shoulders slid free, and his daughter slid into Margo's hands. Shaking, he gasped loudly as it happened, looking down to the familiar pixie-cut with wide eyes. He had tore, but not as badly as he had during Eric's birth.

Addison let out a huge sigh, closing his eyes. "o-oh..."

(It's alright)

Angel smiled as she watched Addison give one good push, the baby coming into Margo's hands. Looking to Addison, Angel smiled, "You did it, Addison. Good job."

As the rest of the infant's body slid into her hands and let out a cry, Margo let out a sigh of relief. 'Thank goodness...' she mumbled to herself. Looking up at a wide eyed Addison, she smiled. "Say hello to your daughter." she said as handed the squirming newborn to him.

Addison, however relieved, was very squeamish. A slime and blood-covered baby was not something he should be handed at any time. Going pale, the blonde shut his eyes and whimpered, "C-could y-you.... Clean her o-off, pl-please!" he whispered, "I-I'm sorry..."

Despite that statement, it was obvious he was both relieved and proud that his new daughter was into the world. He allowed himself to rest a bit, asking in an even softer voice, "I-I tore again, di-didn't I?" he was too exhausted to feel much of anything at present.

Margo was a little surprised at his reaction but none the less agreed and handed the newborn off to Angel to be looked over and cleaned up.

"I think you did a little but nothing near as bad as the last time. Maybe just one or two stitches." she said, helping him out of the chair and onto the bed to be stitched up.

It was obvious Addison was exhausted. He didn't reply, only nodded on a dreamlike state to Margo as she spoke. He hurt as well. His abdomen hurt. He did smile weakly, however, as his daughter let out a gargly cry.

"E-Emileen...." he stammered, "he-her name is Emileen..."


Name : Sanada
Pregnant : 5 babies due anyday now
(need husband)


i was sitting on birth ball breathe like what i learn in lame class since my labor just start


(Also, in the case of multiples, please refer to first page.)

Name: Aaron Moldov
Description: Young man heavily pregnant with his first child. His husband is out of town, so when his labor started, he panicked and came to the center after only a few contractions.
(If Patient) How many children: 1
Delivery Plan: Natural, would prefer to squat

Aaron silently cursed his husband again. Damn him for not being here for the birth of his child. And damn him for putting Aaron into this position. He rubbed his large, tight belly again with a sigh.


Angel nodded cleaning the baby off before handing it to Addison, "Don't worry we will take care of that."

(08-13-2013, 07:27 PM)BabyDaddy Wrote:  Name: Aaron Moldov
Description: Young man heavily pregnant with his first child. His husband is out of town, so when his labor started, he panicked and came to the center after only a few contractions.
(If Patient) How many children: 1
Delivery Plan: Natural, would prefer to squat

Aaron silently cursed his husband again. Damn him for not being here for the birth of his child. And damn him for putting Aaron into this position. He rubbed his large, tight belly again with a sigh.

Sitting down at her desk, Elisa let out a breath. It had been nearly six weeks since she was last here before taking maternity leave to be with her husband and newborn son, but it did feel good for things to finally be getting back to normal.

She was nearly about to get herself a cup of coffee when she noticed a young man come into the Center, still in early labor but very much alone. Smiling, she went over to greet him.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Elisa." she said as she shook his hand. "Can I help you?"

Aaron was grateful at the immediate reception as he waddled in. "Oh you have no idea how glad I am to find someone here. May I sit? My back is very sore," he said with a rub of his bulging belly. The woman nodded and he sat down.

"I'm Aaron Moldov. My records are all at the local clinic. I went into labor earlier today. My husband is away in Japan on business, and I'm alone and scared and don't know what to do and..." he gasped as he ran out of breath, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

Her heart broke for Aaron as he told his story; no one should be alone for one of the biggest events of their life.

"Well that's why we're here." she softly smiled as she gave his hand a comforting squeeze. "Let's get you set up in a room and I'll see about getting your files transferred over here."

He smiled back at her. "Thank you so much. I texted my husband and he's grabbing the soonest flight he can back here. I'd really like to just comfortable, Dr...?" he questioned as he stood and placed a hand on his aching back.

(08-14-2013, 06:49 PM)BabyDaddy Wrote:  He smiled back at her. "Thank you so much. I texted my husband and he's grabbing the soonest flight he can back here. I'd really like to just comfortable, Dr...?" he questioned as he stood and placed a hand on his aching back.

"Sage." she replied as she helped him to his feet. "Dr. Elisa Sage; but please just call me Elisa. I'll show you to one of our delivery suites. Would you like a wheelchair?" she asked, noting the obvious soreness he was experiencing.

Aaron shook his head. "No. I drove half an hour to get there. I'm tired of standing, but more tired of sitting. But thank you, Doctor," he said gratefulley. He waddled slowly after Dr. Sage, keeping one hand on his back and another on the apex of his bulging bump. When they entered the suite, he leaned against the bed with sigh, belly almost scraping the mattress. "Another contraction..." he moaned as his womb clamped down around his soon-to-be firstborn.

"Take deep breaths Aaron. Nice and slow." she said as he did his best to breathe through the contraction. "I'm going to try something to help with the pain in your back. Just let me know if it hurts."

Balling her hand into a fist, she started to put pressure on his lower back to try to relax the nerve. "How's that feel?"

"Urgh...hurts...less..." he breathed through the contraction. As it ended, he gingerly sat down on the bed. "Thank you, Doctor. I don't know much about the baby right now. She feels head down, but I don't actually know..." he said sheepishly.

(08-15-2013, 05:56 AM)BabyDaddy Wrote:  "Urgh...hurts...less..." he breathed through the contraction. As it ended, he gingerly sat down on the bed. "Thank you, Doctor. I don't know much about the baby right now. She feels head down, but I don't actually know..." he said sheepishly.

"Well it won't take much to know." she smiled. "If you'll lay down for a moment, I can do an exam to check how far you're dilated and the baby's position."

Nodding, Aaron let himself lay down on the bed, trying to relax while Elisa grabbed a pair of gloves and started her examination. After a moment, she nodded. "3...almost 4 centimeters, water's still intact, baby's head down and nice and low. Everything seems good to me." she said as she pulled off her gloves and helped Aaron sit up. "You seem to be having a lot of pain in your back though, so that may mean the baby's in a posterior position. The more you can keep on your feet, the better."

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