The station
Gear slowly got to his feet, he knew Jace was right that this would help but he didn't like it. I didn't want to walk everything hurt but he did anyway moving with Jace staying close to the wall so when a pain came he didn't have to lean completely on Jace knowing that he was still recovering.
Jace walked around supporting Gear whenever he needed it, massaging his back and stomach a little when he didn't really need him to support him "You're going so well, just keep breathing, you're doing amazing, you're barely even breaking a sweat" he tried to tease a little trying to get Gear to smile, he could tell Gear was worried for some reason but didn't quite know why

(How many will Gear be having? I was thinking 3?)
Jace managed to get a small smile from Gear, at least for a moment before the worst contraction so far moved threw him, gear cried out and hunched over clutching his belly . The pain was intense it was strong enough to move the baby down a bit Jace could feel it resting lower his hips starting to ache with the new pressure, but it was also different and he didn't understand why. It didn't feel like normal. It pressure that would normally be on his hips at this point really wasn't to bad.

(Yea 3 works for me! )
Have held him steady through the contraction, making sure that he didn't land on the floor or anything "You're going so well, so we'll" he said softly stroking Gears hair and led him back to the bed as he saw one of the nurses come to grab him, he took Gear's hand tightly showing that he wanted to go with him, he walked quickly next to Gear as they moved to the other room, he had not been re-injected yet as he was still healing so he didn't quite have to worry about his stomach being in the way if he needed to help Gear

Dr White came in and went over to a clipboard signing off several things before even bothering to look up "Ah, my favourite patient, my dear Gear" he chuckled softly and went up pressing on his belly without any care about how tough he was "Three this time, I hoped I would get another 4 out of you like last time. Well, this will be fun anyway. You don't, however, seem to be quite ready to go yet so I'll be back in a few hours" he said before leaving

(Sorry, I was busy)
Gear laid back his contractions here were vary close together every few minutes on the way here he had to stop twice to try and breath threw them. He laid back on the bed and tried to relax glaring at white as he came in the room. He hated that man for doing this to him, someday he was going to get payback for all of this. Gear reached out taking Jace's hand when white left the room. "it hurts." he whimpered gritting his teeth as he felt anther contraction starting up. It was strange to see him like this really Gear was normally so well controlled and reserved but he was clearly in pain now.

(No worries :) )
Jace nodded brushing Gear's hair out of his face gently stroking his cheek, "I know, I know, you're okay, you're going to be fine" he sat Gear up a bit and climbed in behind him laying Gear back on his chest with his head resting on Jace's shoulder as her rubbed his arm with one hand and held his other hand with the other "You're so brave, one day, we'll escape here, I promise you that, we'll leave here and we'll be happy, truly happy" he said kissing the side of his head gently. He saw Dr White re-enter and frowned, he said a few hours right? But he saw the smirk on Dr White's face at him, Dr White came over grabbing Jace and as Jace still hadn't fully healed and was still weak easily pulled him from behind Gear and shoved him against the wall "I told you you shouldn't have kicked me" he grinned maliciously before pulling a syringe out of his pocket and stabbing have with it pushing the vile liquid inside him before he threw it in the bin and grabbed another stabbing him again "You're weak and won't survive another birth so I might as well get as many babies out of you as I can" he grinned and dropped Jace to the ground before storming out.
Gear reached out in one swift move and grabbed White's lab coat before he could fully leave his eyes were full of rage and hatred towards the man. "IF he dies, if anything happens to him I will kill you. I will make you suffer understand? How he would go about this was unclear but he seemed to mean every word of it however soon taken over by anther pain he released the lab coat and tossed his head back letting out a loud cry of pain. when it let up he turned his attention back to Jace. "A-are you ok?"
Jace went to his side quickly holding him steady "Hey, I'm okay, don't focus on me, just focus on you okay?" He said softly, though he could feel his stomach churning and slightly growing already and he was terrified but he couldn't let that show when Gear needed him. He led Gear back to the bed quickly before another contraction could hit and climbed in behind him again kneading at his back muscles and kissing the back of his neck gently. He really felt something for Gear and he was scared that Gear felt the same and if something happened to Jace he didn't know if Gear could cope. He felt a couple of years roll down his cheek and fall on Gear's back but massaged them in hoping he wouldn't notice
"Jace... will..get out of here. I mean it..." Gear was shaking slightly was that fear? IT fight have been, or the intensity of the pain coursing threw him every minute or so. Gear was no longer just groaning and whimpering he was full on crying out in pain, but he knew despite how far labor was progressing the baby moved slowly an nothing seemed to change that.
Jace kissed the nape of Gear's neck gently "You're doing so well sweetheart" he said, his first attempt at calling Gear a pet name. He rubbed the back of Gears hands gently, he hated to see Gear in pain like this but knew as long as Doctor White wasn't in the room these babies obviously weren't that close to coming out "I know it hurts, lets try and distract you, okay?" He said gently pushing Gear's hair away from his sweaty face "Let's thing about getting back to Earth? Where would you like to live?" He asked gently
"Live? hmm"Jace thought for a long moment. "The mountains maybe..Montana? That sounds strange.. I don't know.. where would you live." he squeezed Jace's hand with the next pain. "J-just keep.... uggh talking..." he needed the distraction something to focus on that wasn't this pain.
Jace massaged his lower back as he felt Gear tense at the contraction "I always wanted to live on land with some animals maybe? And maybe some day with some kids, either adopted or surrogate, I don't mind which" he said softly next to Gear's ear. "I want wifi though, I don't want to live anywhere where I have to travel an hour and a half to find out the celebrity gossip" he teased playfully, trying to get Gears mind off it with trivial things "I want a dog I think too, maybe a German Shepherd?" He said softly kissing Gear's sweaty cheek gently, he reached over grabbing a cloth and gently wiped down Gear's face gently
Gear smiled focusing on Jace's words. "I like.. German shepherds." he said catching his breath after the last pain. "and of course.. wifi is important... could always.. get an RV just travel. " His eyes were closed but he was just resting for a moment
Jace laughed softly "I don't think I could handle an RV, you only know me from here, I am usually very appearance focused, and how would a German Shepherd be able to live in a little RV, I mean, unless you're rich and can buy me a really big one where we can extend our family in as might have lost me" he teased playfully just running his fingers up and down his arm lightly. After a few more hours of Gear crying out and contractions almost one on top of the other with Jace gently washing his face every now and then Dr White re entered pulling on some gloves grinning "So, we ready to get this party started?" He chuckled a little and with little care stuck two fingers straight into Gear's anus to check his dilation
Gear cried out trying to move away from white but there really wasn't anywhere for him to go. distractions no longer worked and the pain was constant with just different degrees of intensity. This was the worst it had ever been for him labor had never been easy, but it had certainly never been this hard before now.
Jace kept running his hand over his hair gently "Hey, you're okay, you're okay, I'm right here, it's going to be okay" he kept saying reassurances over and over again completely unsure if it was even the truth, he had been given a bucket as his nausea had kicked in and every few minutes he would lean away to vomit.

Dr White chuckled at Gear's reaction "A little tense are we?" He spread Gears legs wider apart looking into his hole and pushed his fingers in further "Oh, you're in luck Gear! Not 4 babies but you do get the first one in breach, this will be a fun experience for you" he chuckled maliciously
Gear's eyes went wide it made sense now why it had taken so long to progress. It wasn't going to be any easier to get out. "Y-you cant expect me.. to .. it's breach.. I can't!" He didn't know what he expected white to do. the pain overtook him again and he cried out his entire body tensing. His breathing came in short quick gasps, partly from the pain, but also a mix of panic and fear.
Jace held his body close to him kissing his face gently "Hey, hey, calm down, breathe with me, you're going to be fine, you're much stronger than me, you're amazing, you'll be fine, I promise you that" he said gently into his ear rubbing his back "You're amazing, okay? You're going to smash this and we'll get out of here, yeah?" He said quietly

Dr White snorted a little "It's entirely possible Gear, lots of the men do it and your hips are just as wide, if not wider than theirs, you're fear is absolutely ridiculous" he said shaking his head a little and pushed his fingers back in feeling around "You can start pushing on the next contraction" he said in an almost bored tone
Gear forced himself to calm focusing on Jace he nodded slowly and when the next contraction hit him Jace leaned foreword and began push gripping tightly to Jace's hand. They were going to get out of here.. he cried out he could feel the child making progress but it was vary slow really it wasn't much at all.

(probably going to have to go to bed it's like 4am XD )
Jace rubbed the back of Gear's hand gently as he pushed "Good boy, you're going so well, you're so strong and amazing" he said softly rubbing his back gently, he stopped rubbing his back and grabbed the cloth putting it on his neck gently to cool him down a little and put her hand forward pushing Gear's hair back out of his face again. "Keep going, you're so amazing"

Dr White sighed "You know I have other patients right? I know you can push better than this, you need to hurry up, I don't have all day" he said leaning back in the chair he had placed at the end of the bed yawning a little

(Aw, okay, well goodnight, I don't know how much I'll be on tomorrow because of work)

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