The station
Jace rubbed his back "Gear, Gear look at me please" he said softly and held his cheek gently staring into his eyes "You're so so strong, I'm so proud of you, just a little more, you can do this my love, I believe in you" I said smiling gently and pecked his lips lightly "Now push my darling"

White rolled his eyes a little at the interaction and held the child steady before moaning as another contraction ran through him, he breathed a little unevenly through that one, it hurt quite a bit.
Gear was shaking but he nodded slowly took a moments rest and pushed again screaming as the widest part passed threw and he finally began making a bit of progress again, slow progress but the shoulders were almost out of him he was almost done. For a moment he leaned back and pushed, he repeated the processes quiet a few times until he gave a final scream and felt the child leave his body.
Jace kissed over his face lightly "You did it my love, you're all done" he said softly and laid Gear gently down "Rest now my darling" he said softly kissing his forehead "I love you" I said softly smiling gently and took his hand gently rubbing the back of it. "Sleep now darling" he said softly.

White put the child down and got up starting to walk around to speed up the labour a bit
Gear closed his eyes, to tired to argue and soon he fell asleep drifting off his body ached he had barrly been able to handle that it had stressed his body quiet a bit. But Gear was strong, that was the good thing about him, he would recover quickly.
Jace sat next to Gear gently running his hand through his hair gently for the next few hours, being aware that White's contractions were almost constant now which meant he was close to birthing. Jace couldn't help but smile a bit, it seemed malicious but he wanted to cause White so much pain. (I was thinking White is pregnant with twins and we play one birth each?)
(sounds good to me do you want me to take white first or do you want to?)

Gear awoke when he heard white groan during one of his contractions, his body was still sore movements hurt but as long as Gear moved slowly he was ok for the most part and so he managed to sit up a bit looking around the room at White.
(I'll take him first :) )

Jace smiled gently at him "Hey, how are you?" He asked gently rubbing his cheek softly. "You're so amazing" he said smiling gently at him and kissed him softly before pulling back turning around as White groaned again.

White leaned against the wall groaning quietly as he rocked his hips lightly. He crouched down a little breathing heavily, he knew he was close so he stood up and started waddling to the bathroom, he was going to lock himself in so they couldn't do anything to him during the birth.
"Grab him." Gear said noticing right away what white was doing, after all he had done, there was no way he was getting away that easily. Gear would have done it except he wasn't sure he would have been able to and he didn't want to risk falling because he was to tired. There was no way he was going to let white off the hook, no.. the man was going to pay for all that he had done.
Jace stood up, he had to stand himself before he waddled over to him grabbing his arm quickly "Nice try White" he said smiling at White a little evilly

White groaned grabbing onto his stomach as Jace grabbed his arm breathing heavily "Get off me" he muttered after the contraction trying to pull away but the contractions had taken a little bit out of him and he didn't have quite the energy he normally would have
Gear moved slowly he had taken the chair White was sitting in before and smirking slightly he gestured to the bed. "Come on, lay down." It was perfect really they finaly had switched positions.
Jace led him over to the bed and helped him onto it, even though he was fighting it a bit, he ended up relenting and laying his head back on the pillows breathing deeply

Jace went and sat next to Gear "You're okay to do this? You're not too tired?" He said softly rubbing his arm gently smiling at him softly
"I'm sure I can manage this, I'll sleep latter, besides If I really get to tired we could always switch out." Gear turned his attention back to white. "So, how are you feeling? Hmm? Are you ready?"
Jace smiled rubbing his arm gently and leaning against him a little "Is it mean that I'm excited for this?" He chuckled softly

White chuckled painfully "Very funny Gear, hilarious really" he said shaking his head before another contraction ran through him "I've got about 15 minutes before I'll start pushing" he said breathing heavily and trying to save up energy to birth (Be really mean, hahaha)
Gear chuckled and stood up and shook his head moving to the side of the bed he moved slowly he was obviously still tired and sore but after a few moments he began pressing down on White's belly feeling for the baby's position and perhaps the number he had seen this done enough he knew how, and he could guess. He didn't try in the slightest to be gentle with him.
White grunted quietly keeping his face as blank as possible as to not show Gear any pain he was in. His fingers clenched a little on the bed, his breathing heavy as he looked at the roof of the ship, trying to focus on anything but the pain
Gear let go after a bit and sat back down. He couldn't do much to the man until he began pushing so he waited. "you can try and pretend it doesn't hurt all you want, but this is just what you deserve." Gear said trying to scare the man make him fear, or upset at least some sort of reaction.
White sat up a little and spat on Gear's face before laying back down breathing heavily "You're just weak Gear, you can't base a little pain like I can, I'm just excited for your little boyfriend to give birth, look at him, he's exhausted and he's not even close to birthing yet" he chuckled a little "Have you told him what I did to him yet?" He grinned maliciously before a contraction hit and he breathed quickly through it.

Jace looked in shock when he spat on Gear and listened with some confusion
Gear growled at white "I.... shut up.." he hadn't been able to didn't have the heart for it didn't know how to tell him. Gear got back to his feet walking over to the backpack he took out two of the needles and before White could protest plunged them both into his belly. Gear didn't know what two would do, give him twice the energy make the contractions twice as strong? Thats what he was going for honestly.... He wanted white to pay for the last year and a half.
(What should we get the needles to do? Hahaha, something nice and evil)

White chuckled softly looking at the fear on Gear's face and watched him get the needles, he froze up a little and gasped loudly as he was stabbed with the needed, he grabbed onto the sheet tightly trying to not show his fear

Jace looked confused and once he had given the needles to White he grabbed Gear's arm gently "Gear...what's he talking about? What's happening to me?" He asked shaking a little in fear
(hmm.. causes more movement from the babies, stronger contractions but maybe less progress somehow if you use two? It could do just about anything to him. XD)

Gear froze he stood firmly where he was unmoving he was going to have to tell Jace so there was no point making this next threat as clear as possible. In the middle of White's contraction he reached foreword grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, "if anything happens to him, I will make sure next time is a million times worse. You won't leave this ship. I'll kill you." Perhaps, if it had been an empty threat it might not have been scary but Gear was serious However he didn't seem to have enough strength to hold him vary long and soon had to sit back down.

"The blue stuff... he put in you it's why you've been having contractions for so long and why the baby won't drop.. "

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