The station
Jace sobbed brokenly and nodded and clenched his teeth screaming out as he pushed as the familiar burning got stronger, he felt the head at his hole and felt himself start to panic "It's too big, it's not going to fit, oh my god, I'm going to die" he said terrified with tears streaming down his face quickly
"No, shhh, you're ok." Gear ran the cloth over his forehead.

White began to stretch him quickly not giving him much time to ajgust he knew it would hurt the boy, but that was the point, the head was huge he already knew Jace would probably have to tear to get it out.
Jace shook his head sobbing "I'm not okay, I'm not going to be okay, it broke my hip Gear, my hip and it's not even out yet" he sobbed a little and cried out as he felt White touching and stretching him, he cried out as another contraction hit and pushed, he screamed loudly as the head started to push its way out of him.
Gear went quiet, he would be, because Jace had to be ok. He held him trying to sooth the laboring male helping him lean foreword when he needed to push and rubbing his back gently. He could tell by Jace's screams that the head was probably crowning now, he was making progress and that was better then not making progress at least.
Jace sobbed brokenly, his whole body exhausted and shaking from pain, he groaned as another contraction hit and pushed hard again screaming out as his hole continued trying to stretch around the head "It's too big!" He screamed out shaking violently, his body also going into shock
Gear rubbed his back. "Jace look at me. you heave to breath and calm down I know it hurts." He ran a hand threw his hair. White began tugging on what little of the head he had out forcing Jace to make progress. If he kept going slow like this the boy would die before he even had the head out, what a shame that would be. "Come on push!" White growled letting go as he pulled the head to it's widest point tearing Jace.
Jace sobbed brokenly looking up at Gear and nodded crying just before Whute started to pull, he screamed loudly "Don't pull! Ow! That hurts!" He screamed out at White and crying out as he was torn shaking violently.
White didn't let up, even without the contraction he continued to pull at the child the boy was screaming, but white didn't really care much he had already torn and the head had barrly gotten out half way.
Have couldn't help as he continued to scream out digging his nails into Gear, he was on the verge of blacking out from pain, he weakly tried to kick at White but that just caused him too much pain with his broken hip, he blinked rapidly as white spots covered his vision, his screams dropping in sound as he blacked out for a few seconds
in one more tug the head of the child pops out and white stops, just for a moment.

Gear looked down at Jace worried. "Jace, Jace look at me hey.. please, open your eyes breath." He said quietly He was going to kill white when this was over, as soon as he was no longer needed and was sure the scientist knew that. He was dragging this out for a reason. He was going to die and he knew it. "Jace just breath.. please." Gear kissed his forehead.
Jace struggled to wake back up before the pain set in again and he started sobbing uncontrollably "Gear, make it stop, please, please make him stop hurting me" he said brokenly, his whole body shaking in pain, he cried out as another contraction rolled through his stomach and he cried out trying to push the shoulders out of him
"I know it hurts, you're almost done." When he didn't make progress white let him push a bit more and then once again tugged at the child slowly forcing it out of him making him stretch around the baby.
Jace screamed out in agony "Stop! Stop White it hurts! Oh my god! Please stop?!" He screamed out digging his nails into Gear again sobbing in pain, his throat was raw from screaming so much and his voice now came out raspy.
"Stop touching him!" Gear finally snaps at white the anger in his voice is clear, hes been angry with white before but he hasn't sounded quiet like this. It's obvious howerver, that white doesn't care and he only continues pulling one of the shoulders out of Jace soon fallowed by the secound. Forcing Jace to stretch much faster then he is meant to.
Jace jumped a little, not used to the anger in Gear's voice, he cried out in pain as the movement hurt him again. He screamed out as White pulled again feeling himself get dizzy again and black out again breathing lightly
"Almost done, it's almost out." It was amazing how he could switch the anger that was in his voice when he spoke to white was gone as he turned his attention back to jace. "Stay with me place, just focus on me."
Jace cried brokenly looking up at him "I can't...I can't do this" he said weakly the tears falling quickly down his face, his skin had paled considerably and he was finding it hard to stay awake anymore "It hurts too much...I'm so tired"
"I know you are, you're almost done just a little more." Gear said quietly

White smirked and pulled at the child again, he was almost sure the boy wouldn't make it at this point and pulled at the child until it came the out bit by bit had it been a normal child it would have just slipped out but it was so big that even the last bits of it likely would have hurt a lot. Still, he pulled it free after awhile chuckling at the pain it caused Jace watching the boy squirm and wither.
Jace cried out weakly, no longer able to scream, as White pulled the last of the child out, he was shaking violently from the sobs and knew he was bleeding badly but they could also see another child starting to move down into place and Jace shook his head crying "No, no, no, not again, Gear, please, please I can't do this again...please kill me" he said brokenly
Gear held him. "One more." Gear wasn't sure that was true, he hoped it was true but he didn't know for sure. He thought so at least. "Just one more, I'm sorry, IT's ok I'm right here."

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