The Mpreg Birthing Center

Aaron nodded with a grateful smile. "Good. Do you think they'll be any other complications, Doctor?" he said, his hand rubbing his belly to soothe the aching orb. He gingerly stood up and leaned against the wall.

"No, I wouldn't think so." she smiled. "Baby doesn't seem too big and even being posterior isn't a major complication. Besides, being on your feet might help her to turn in the right position before delivery."

Realizing that they had referring to the baby as a she for the past few minutes, she grinned. "So you're sure it's a girl?" she asked.

Aaron nodded. "We think so. Every ultrasound we've had so far, she's been hiding. The last one, the doctor thought she could tell. So we went with it and been calling her a girl," he said with an affectionate pat of his belly. "Do you think you could see for sure, Dr. Sage?"

"I can if you want." she replied. "But you're only a couple of hours away from finding out what it is anyway. I don't know; not knowing might give you something to keep going for. But if you're sure that you want to find out, I can set it up."

Aaron shook his head. "Yes, please. I'd like to know that we didn't waste money buying clothes and toys for a baby girl," he said with a chuckle.

"Fair enough." she chuckled herself. "Just give me a few minutes to set it up."

Ten minutes later, the two of them watched the black and white image moving on the screen (although admittedly alot less so in preparation for delivery) while Elisa moved the wand around Aaron's stomach, trying to find the right location. After a few moments of searching, she smiled.

"Looks like you won't have to worry about returning any of the things you bought." she winked.

Aaron smiled with joy and relief. "Thank God. I wanted her to be a girl, too. My little daughter..." he said with a loving rub. He winced and hissed as another contraction rippled through his stomach.

"Just keep breathing Aaron. In and out..." she said as she let him take her hand and give it a hard squeeze. As he tried to stay on top of his breathing, she glanced over at the clock on the wall. "Four minutes apart..." she mumbled to herself before turning to Aaron. "Seems like they're getting closer together."

Aaron breathed out as the contraction ended. "They hurt now. More than before. I didn't think it would go this fast," he said with worry in his voice as Dr. Sage helped him up.

"That's a good thing though." she said reassuringly. "I've seen some first-timers go for the majority of the day before delivering so you're very fortunate that things are moving quickly." Slowly, she helped him to his feet. "Unfortunately at the clinic we don't have the capabilities for giving an epidural so I can't offer you that for pain. But is there something else we can do to help you with the contractions?"

Aaron puffed. "You're the doctor here. I don't really know what I should to do, other than that I want to squat when I deliver her."

"I'd like to keep you moving as much as possible. The more you're moving around, the more gravity's going to help bring her down and get her here sooner. Walking or even leaning against a birthing ball would be a good help, especially with your back. But it's all whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. If your water breaks or you start feeling pressure though, I want you to let me know so we can check to see how close you are to delivery."

"I'd like to walk. It felt pretty good the last time," Aaron commented. Dr. Sage led him out of the room as he waddled the halls of the center, one hand firmly on the front of his belly. He leaned the wall and groaned as another contraction overcame him.

"Here let's try this." she said as Aaron started to lean against the wall as the next contraction started. Instead, she moved him to where he was now leaning against her; his head resting against her shoulder as she tried to help him sway back and forth while trying to keep his breathing steady.

"That's it Aaron. You're doing great." she encouraged. "It's all going to be worth it in the end."

Aaron continued a low moan as the contraction finally ended. "So much pressure. Could we head back? I don't want my water to break-" he was interrupted by a sudden gush of fluid from between as legs as the enormous building pressure was suddenly gone.

"You're right. I think we should go ahead back to the room." she replied before paging someone to come and clean up the hallway. A few contractions later, they managed to make it to Aaron's room where he quickly moved to lean against the bed as the next contraction started on the heels of the last one. "Are you feeling the urge to push Aaron?" she said as she once again put pressure on his lower back to help with the pain. "I can check you again if you like."

"I'm...not..." he grunted through the increasing pain. He moaned as he leaned against the bed, belly brushing the mattress as he swayed back and forth.

"Come on Aaron. You've got to keep breathing; in slowly through your nose, out through your mouth. The worst part's almost over." she said as she pushed down harder and allowed herself a smile when he let out a moan of relief at the feeling of the counter-pressure on his back.

The doctor's fist on his back felt incredible. This was the worst pain he'd ever felt in his life. He hissed and moaned with each breath, waiting for the urge to push. "Could you... check me...?" Aaron managed to spit out in between breaths.

"Sure. Just stay there; I'm going to get a pair of gloves." A moment later, she was back, asking him to spread his legs a little further apart where he stood while he clutched the side of the bed for dear life and tried not to scream.

"You're just about at nine." she said once the exam was over. "Seems someone's anxious to meet her father. You're going into transition; hardest part of labor, but it's usually the fastest." She placed her hand on top of his and gave it a squeeze, "You're doing great Aaron. You're really helping to bring her down."

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