C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

Gil.stood between Mitsuo's legs and planted his hands on his shoulder. He kissrd his forehead lightly. "You'd be alright babe. Everything.will turn out to be alright.... we just come here to make sure everythign's gonna be ok. Hmm this doctor, she's with you and your family for a long time? Gosh how come i feel like I am sort of meeting the 'parent'? Will she... is she stern? Will she dislike me, like, I am so nobody...and she didnt know me..." he asked getting nervous himself. He had been imagining about this Dr Benson for awhile now. From how popular this clinic appeared to be, that they needed this long time for an appoinent, he was imagining a silverhaired stern lady who would probably be very critical. He bit his lips, trying not to fidget like a boy waiting to meet the principal.

Mitsuo leaned his head in for the kiss, giving Gil a small smile. He nodded at his words, knowing things would be okay. He just needed to be sure. He tilted his head slightly as Gil spoke, chuckling as he got himself worked up and nervous as well. "She's not like that. She's nice and calm. I come to her because she's a general doctor and a gynecologist.....that's why its so hard to see her." He said, shrugging.

There was a soft knock on the door before it opened and in stepped a woman around 40 with her medium brown hair tied up in a neat bun. She paused when she saw Mitsuo, looking back down at her clipboard. "Oh, my." She said, quite surprised by his size. "So, you used a serum to accelerate this. And self-inseminated." She said, frowning a little.

Mitsuo nodded, shrinking back a little. "I got drunk...." He mumbled. "This is Gil, my boyfriend." He said, gesturing to the man.

"Its nice to meet you." Said Dr. Benson, offering to shake his hand.

"Hi, D-dr. The pleasure's all mine." Gil even stuttered with how nervous he was. The doctor looked nice enough, just her face without a smile was a little stern. He scratched the back ot his head and tried again. "Yea I am Gil. I am err, yea, Mitsuo's boyfriend." He said and wanted to just vanish for sounding so stupid. He released Mitsuo and stepped back, but still close to him. "I guess I should just shut up and let you do your thing.... " he said with hsi face blushed from embarrassment, avoiding everyone's eyes.

"Right. Yea, nice to meet you." The doctor said and glanced with a glint in her eyes how close the pair was still standing, smiling at how her long time patient apparently had found someone that's worth it. And also could accept him as he is.

Dr. Benson was somewhat amused by Gil's nervousness, but she had a job to do. She instructed Mitsuo to lift his shirt and push his pants down a little and lay back on the table. Once he was situated, she started to gently feel around his swollen belly. "You definately have multiples..." She said, feeling the babies moving. "But since you've accelerated this, I can't say for sure if they are good size for how far along you are." She said, frowning.

Mitsuo was nervously nibbling at his lip and piercings as she examined him, glancing to Gil and reaching for his hand. "I know...I shouldn't have done this...but what's done is done...and I want to make sure things are okay." he said, looking to the doctor.

"Right. Well, let's see." She said, going to roll a machine over from the corner of the room. She turned on the ultrasound machine, getting it set up before spreading some gel on the wand and pressing it to his belly. Mitsuo gasped softly at how cold it was, but was quickly distracted by the shadows on the screen. "They certainly are active." said the Doctor, moving the wand and adjusting the settings for a clearer picture. "Hmmm....there..." She said, pausing the image. she pointed out the shapes of the heads and bodies, then shifted the wand again to point out more.

Mitsuo couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen, eyes wide. He could see the hearts beating, see them move at the same time he could feel it. The affirmation that there really were living babies inside him. Four of them. All with healthy strong heartbeats. It was exciting and even a bit arousing....though, he didn't seem to realize he'd gotten a bit turned on, pitching a tent in his sweatpants.

Gil was equally as excited. True Mitsuo had been growing huge and heavy, and the babies' kicks were forceful and frequent, but it was still hard to imagine how they were really lives. This was the first time he could be able to see 4 distinctly human-shaped, well, humans. He raised Mitsuo's hand and kissed it, sharing his joy. The only bit of lament for Gil was, these babies werent really his. He bit his lips and quickly dismissed the thought. They simply werent as established. The day would come, he believed, for them to have their own kids. If he ever manage to convince Mitsuo of it, after these 4 little terrors.

"So, how far along arr they? Is it like we have suspected, like about 6 months?" He asked the doctor while she was scribbling.down notes for herself.

Mitsuo gave Gil's hand a squeeze when he kissed it, glancing to the man before looking back to the screen. He did wish they were Gil's, but he would treat them as such...If things went well, perhaps he would have one by him in the future.

The doctor shifted the wand, trying to establish the size of the growing fetus. "Hmm. Seems about right. Six months." She nodded, taking the wand away and wiping Mitsuo's belly down. "I'm going to suggest weekly checkups. With how quickly they are growing, problems will progress quickly. So we want to catch them as quickly as we can." She said, writing things down on Mitsuo's chart.

Mitsuo slowly sat up with Gil's help, only to freeze when he felt his arousal. His face turned bright red as he tried to ignore it. The doctor had noticed, but she was professional enough not to point it out.

"Avoid strenuous activities. No alcohol, Eat healthy." She said, glancing up at them. "and I'll see you two in a week." She added, giving a smile.

Gil took.over th3 job of wiping Mitsuo's belly clean after helping him sit up, and naturally he could see the tent. He turned Mitsuo on the bed to get them face to face, in an attempt to hide that for Mitsuo. As soon as the pregnsnt man sat down, he could hear a light grunt from him. Must be the belly pushing down on his excited prick. Gil cleared his throat to cover it, beffore turning to the doctor, shielding Mitsuo from her as much as possible.

"I know this would be incredibly difficult to arrange for with your busy schedule, but I am thinking.... as Mitsuo advance even further, it could be difficult for him to travel.... would you be able to come over and do the checkups, say during th3 last month, or maybe last 2 weeks?" He asked, hoping the doctor wouldnt mind as he gave Mitsuo a slightly worried glance. He had intended to just distract the doctor while Mitsuo "dismantle" his tent, but the more he thought of it, the more he wished it could be done at home.

Mitsuo shifted with Gil's help, grunting softly as the motion rubbed his erection. He nibbled at his lip, glancing to Gil before looking away. He knew a way to get rid of an unwanted erection, squeezing the muscles in his ass and thighs until it went down. But the need behind it remained. He sighed and relaxed, turning to the doctor for her answer.

"I'm going to rearrange my schedule. Put you in at the end of the day. Its no problem." She said, giving a dismissive wave. "And, yes, when he can't get here, I will come to you. It would be wrong to abandon you." She said, giving Mitsuo a warm smile.

"Great! Thank you so much doctor!" Gil said with a bright smile, taking Dr Benson's hand and shook it vigorously. He turnd to smilr at Mitsio. "So we are ready to go. Bye Doctor. Till next time!" He said helping Mitsuo waddle off. They had some urgentatters to deal with that would need more privacy, preferably at home.

He helped Mitsuo shuffle to the car, and opened the door wide to help him.climb in. "I guess our next stop should be home right?" Gil said, his hand brushing through Mitsuo's belly suggestively.

Dr. Benson chuckled at Gil, giving him a smile as her hand was shaken. "Alright, don't hesitate to call if anything comes up. Even just a question." She said, giving a small wave as they left.

Mitsuo waddled with Gil back to the car, one hand under his belly for support. He thanked Gil for the help into the car, smiling at him. "Yeah. home." He nodded, looking down at his belly as Gil ran his hand over it. He could already feel himself getting aroused again. "Mmmh...We'll need to be gentle. Slow and easy." he nodded, smirking.

"Hmm let me think. Who's the most demanding between us? I am pretty sure all I ever heard was 'faster, harder'." Gil teased as he started the engine, afterwards he leaned over to kiss Mitsuo. "I am glad everything appeared to be quite fine." He said isncerely and clutched Mitsuo's hand.

With the car in the garage, Gil ran over to Mitsuo's side to help him up. He pulled him up in a close embrace. They were so close together he just stared at Mitsuo for awhile.

Mitsuo blushed slightly at Gil's comment, giving a sheepish smile. "Ah, well...I can't help that..." He muttered, making a happy noise when Gil leaned in to kiss him. He sat quietly on the ride, holding Gil's hand with his other hand resting on the swell of his belly. "I'm glad too." He said, looking down at his belly. It was a huge relief to know they were healthy. He felt much better.

He gave Gil a cute smile when he ran around to help him out of the car once they got to Gil's place, taking his hands and gently lowering himself from the car. He made a happy noise at the hug, wrapping his arms around him as well. His belly pressed up against the man, reminding them both how big it had gotten. "Hm? What is it?" He asked, noticing Gil was staring at him and giving him a curious look.

Gil smiled. "You look... beautiful." He said whole heartedly, slipping his hands under the belly. "You really suit being pregnant... if that makes any sense." He chuckled at his own irrational comment. Turning around, he led Mitsuo up the stairs, helping him up the stairs holding his waist.

Once they were in, Gil could no longer hold back and kissed Mitsuo deeply, cupping his face and tiltung it up. When they were both lost in the kiss, he lifted Mitsuo up on and carried him into the bedroom. It was a miracle that they didnt really crashed into anything, in the end managed to land on the mattress with Gil on top, still kisssing him passionately.

Mitsuo blushed more at Gil's admission, putting his hands over the man's on his belly. He nervously nibbled his lipring, looking down at himself. "It feels good...despite the discomfort that comes with it." He muttered, smiling. He moved with Gil up the stairs, following him inside.

He made a surprised noise at the kiss, but quickly melted into it with a soft moan. He let the man lift him, putting an arm around his neck as he was carried. He landed on the bed with a grunt, shifting Gil slightly off him but not breaking the kiss. He rolled them both onto their sides, pressing close to Gil. He broke the kiss, making a frustrated noise. His heavy belly prevented him from grinding against Gil. "Aah, I'm so hard....so wet." He panted, trying to reach around his heavy belly.

It was actually quite funny seeing Mitsuo trying to reach down but failed. He reached awkwardly, first from the front, then from the back which arched his belly out even more. He even raised his legs up a little to get to the spot, but none of that helped. Gil finally broke into a laugh, and kissed Mitsuo again. Being taller than Mitsuo,, he had an advantage over mitsuo. Heslipped a leg in between Mitsuo and started nudging him slightly, eliciting a sweet and desperate moan from Mitsuo.

Roaming his hands down Mitsuo's curvy body, he caressed the beautiful body in his arms, gradually exploring and exposing more of him. He lifted his leg and put it on his waist so he could get better access to him.

Mitsuo whined softly as he tried to reach himself, unable to get close enough to do anything. He pouted when Gil laughed, looking at him after the kiss. But when he slipped his leg between his and started nudging him, he couldn't help the moan that escaped him. He bucked his hips against Gil's leg, trying to get more friction, hands moving to hold onto him more.

He let Gil roam his hands over his body, letting him remove his shirt and helping to wiggle out of his pants. It was awkward, moving around with his pregnant belly in the way, but he managed well enough. "Aah, how are we going to do this?....You can't really lay on me." He said, nibbling his lip.

"Yep this belly's really big.... we could do it with you riding me, or ...." he flipped himself up and went over Mitsuo "or from the back. Though this way I wouldnt be able to see your lovely face... your orgasmic face is the prettiest thing in the world, did i tell you that?" He muttered with his head above Mitsuo's, nibbling his ear while he said that. He no longer have his leg between Mitsuo in this position, and apparently this made him annoyed for Mitsuo shifted his hips around despite how heavy it was with the belly, and moaned at the lost.

Gil got rid of his own clothes with a smile, and teased Mitsuo with his cock running along his buttocks. "So.... which do you prefer?" He said rubbing his cock against Mitsuo's soaked cunt. The fleshy canal was now warmer and wetter, swollen slightly from increaaed bloodflow that contributed to increased sensitivity - in short, even more pleasurable for the two.

Mitsuo made a surprised noise when Gil flipped himself over him, looking up at him. "Ah, I don't think I could ride you. Too heavy and hard on my back." He sighed. He flushed at his comment about the way his face looked when he reached orgasm, giving him a sheepish smile. "Yes, you've told me that." He said with a small nod. He gasped softly when Gil nibbled his ear, shifting his legs and hips to get some kind of friction between them.

He lifted his leg when Gil moved to rub against his ass, biting his lip. "Mmh...put my leg over your shoulder and straddle the other one." He said, shifting a bit. "Then you can see my face and I can lay more comfortably." He said, shifting his hips to feel Gil's cock against his wet lips.

"Such an ingenious idea." Gil smiled and complied. Lifting his leg up, he caressed the muscled calf and teased his soaked wet opening with his cock. Without much more delay, for Gil's very ready for some hot sex as well, he plunged into the sweet warm canal. He moaned at the pleasure. Even if he wanted to hold back, he couldnt as he just went deeper and deeper into Mitsuo, bottoming up in a nice scream of Mitsuo. He was pretty sure Mirsuo had gotten tighter, or he had somehwo grown thciker, for it felt like Mitsuo was clenching on him tight.

Mitsuo smiled at the praise, helping to adjust his leg into a comfortable position before Gil pressed forward. His breath hitched as he was penetrated, turning to a moan that grew in intensity until Gil bottomed out and he gave a rather high pitched sound of pleasure. "Ooh, fuck." He panted harshly, grabbing a pillow to hug tightly to his chest. "Ooh, god...." He moaned, closing his eyes tight. His face was a mix of pain and pleasure. It felt so good, but he had grown so tight that it hurt.

"G-go slow....nnh. Need to adjust." He panted, biting at the pillow and trembling.

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