The station
(Sorry, I was away for a few days and have been super busy with work, haven't had any time to spare)

Jace whimpered quietly as he was jostled as the aircraft fell through the atmosphere. He bit his lip a little shaking, knowing that when they landed properly his whole body would be jarred and it would hurt badly. A few hours later they could see they were about to land in a small field on the outskirts of a small town. Jace gripped Gears hand tightly waiting readily for the impact
Gear held him as tightly as he could so he wouldn't move to much they hit the ground a few moments latter and when everything settled Gear let go of Jace "I'll go look and see what's around." His words were soft and quiet he had somehow expected people to be waiting for them but of course that wouldn't be the case and perhaps that was good sense he still didn't know what to expect.
Jace looked at him worriedly, not really wanting him to move from his side, especially with White still in there with them. He swallowed his fear and nodded squeezing his hand gently before letting go and watching him leave the aircraft.
Time skip-

Gear had walked for a while in attempt to find a phone but in the end he hadn't found one and he hadn't needed to. After all, when an unauthorized spaceship lands, people tend to come looking. Jace's injuries were quickly taken care of and Gear was also checked over, the two spend awhile in the hospital but after a month were released. White was taken to jail and the others still in space would soon be rescued. Everything would appear to be normal, gear had stuck with Jace, moving in to a small apartment in town with the male helping him recover, he also managed to get a job as a security guard, that meant he was gone most nights and would return late mornings. A strange sleep secedel but it paid the bills so at the moment it was necessary. Tonight was a night Gear had to work he had his uniform on and was just getting ready he glanced over at Jace with a small smile, "Got everything here alright?"
Jace was slowly healing, his hips weren't completely back to normal, he had a brace around them and walked with the help of crutches but he was slowly improving. He hated that Gear's job meant he was away most nights, he would have nightmares of White and pain over and over again, when Gear was here he would just cuddle into his side but when he wasn't he would stay up all night watching movies to distract him from the thoughts. He smiled warmly at Gear "Of course" he said gently, wishing he could just ask Gear to stay home with him but that was too selfish especially considering Gear worked to keep them alive.

(So, I was thinking with the whole cheating thing, it's not going to cause as much drama of they cheat at the same time so I was thinking that the aliens seduce Gear and he does it with them but doesn't tell Jace cause he doesn't want to hurt him etc but then a couple of weeks later he's showing and having morning sickness so he has to admit it and then Jace is really hurt and leaves the house where he gets seduced by them and then the alien returns with him to the house to explain what's happening/happened?)
(Yea that should work I was thinking something along that lines as well.)

Gear came over and gave Jace a kiss holding him close for a few moments before he let go. "I love you I'll see you latter, call if you need anything alright?" and with that, he picked up his keys threw on his jacket and headed outside. Work was rather quiet, Normally it was and vary early morning when he was walking home, he met a stranger, It was a man the longer they talked the more Gear seemed to almost be hypnotized by him, it was strange did he like it? This feeling? His heard thudded in his chest the man seemed to take notice and took his hand pulling him along, they went somewhere, Gear had arrived home late and he could recall no more the that, he barely remembered what the man looked like. Something strange had happened to him while he was away but he tried to brush it off, maybe, it was just his wild imagination nothing had happened he probably just got distracted on the way home he was tired. He crawled into bed with Jace cuddling up to him wrapping his arms around the man tightly, he normally wasn't so.... clingy but he wasn't even worried about waking Jace at the moment.
(So, does Gear know he was with someone in that way or does he not remember that part?)

Jace went to bed and had an extremely restless night, he ended up just staring at the wall and ceiling not really thinking about much. He finally nodded off in the early hours of the morning, so exhausted that he didn't even dream. He woke a little feeling Gear wrap his arms around him, it was strange, Jace was usually the one to make the first physical contact, Gear only ever held him like this when they had had an emotional talk about their experience or they had been making out for a while or something. He rolled over looking up at Gear and rubbed at his eyes a little "Hey, is something wrong?" He asked softly running his fingers along Gears arm lightly
(He suspects what might have happened but he has no real memory of it at the moment.He kinda just woke up somewhere to find the man gone so he could put two and two together but would probably rather not.)

Gear looked up at Jace, he gave him a small smile. "No, it's alright, sorry, I woke you up," He still hadn't let go, he didn't want to he laid his head close to Jace's and closed his eyes, "I'm just tired, long night work went later then I thought it would." A lie, but he didn't know what had happened and there was no sense in freaking Jace out, they didn't need to talk about it, nothing had happened. Gear decided, even though he knew somewhere in his mind he was wrong, things had in fact, vary much happened.
(Okay, no worries)

Jace studied Gear for a minute, not quite believing him but not wanting to push it either knowing how tired he would be. He kissed Gear gently and hummed quietly pulling back, he raised his hand gently running his fingers through Gear's hair lightly "Do you want me to cook you some breakfast before you sleep?" He asked gently
Gear gave him a small nod and let go so that Jace could actually get up. Gear smiled lightly "Thank you." He said softly, however, even if Jace went to cook by the time he returned Gear would likely be asleep and would have to be woken up if Jace wanted the man to eat with him.
Jace got up and grabbed a jumper slipping it over himself before grabbing his crutches and hobbling to the kitchen. He grabbed everything he needed and hummed quietly as he cooked. Once he had finished he grabbed a big plate out for them to share and put the toast, eggs, bacon and sausage onto it before hobbling back in awkwardly on his crutches. He placed the food down and went back out to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of juice and two glasses before going back to the bedroom.
Gear awoke when he sat back down on bed he was a light sleeper, after everything that had happened it was understandable. Gear sat up, he was glad that Jace was getting around better now. It had take quite awhile even making breakfast seemed like quiet the accomplishment after everything that happened. "Thank you." He said rubbing his eyes. "Any plans for today?" Gear asked looking over at Jace as he took one of the plates.
Jace smiled gently at him "You're welcome" he said softly before shaking his head "Nope, I was just going to have a lazy day in bed with you" he said smiling gently and took a piece of bacon off his plate humming happily at the greasiness of it. Gear and him had not gone any further in their relationship than just kissing, Jace was really attracted to him and thought about it often but was still worried that the only reason they were together was because of their experience and wanted to wait at least a few months before they did anything like that.
Gear hadn't tried to push anything on Jace, in all honesty he didn't mind waiting really, he cared about Jace and if waiting proved it then he would have waited well... forever. Gear smiled putting some strawberry jelly on the toast and taking a bite. Gear was happy Jace wasn't going anywhere even if he would be sleeping soon he liked just being around the man with his now strange sleep schedule it was hard to hang out to often but they did mange, time like this.
Jace hummed happily as he ate the breakfast, he poured out some orange juice for both of them and sipped at his happily. He laid his head on Gears shoulder and cuddled up closer to him, he loved touching Gear, not in a sexual way but just having the skin contact calmed him down considerably, especially after nightmares. (I'm just going to skip some time but if you don't want to just continue on from the end of this part of my reply) A few weeks later Jace walked slowly across the apartment without his crutches, he had stopped using them a couple of days ago but he felt he needed to practice a bit walking without the help. He heard the door opening and smiled brightly, Gear must of got off early, he was going to tell Gear he was ready for them to be more, to be together fully and he was so excited, he walked to the door as quickly as he could which was more of a moderate walking pace at this point.
Gear had come home early not because he was done, but because he he had suddenly felt sick. His skin was pail he was trying not to throw up...again, it had happened once when he was working, that was when he had decided to leave. Gear took a seat at the table sliding off his jacket. He saw Jace coming into the room rather quickly and gave the boy a small smile. "Hey... whats up?" he tried to play it off like everything was fine, it was probably just a bug of some sort he didn't want to worry him,
Jace stopped almost immediately when he saw him, a frown coming to his face quickly, he moved to his side "Hey, let's take you to bed" he said rubbing Gears back gently. He grabbed a glass of cold water and a wash cloth before leading Gear to the bedroom and forcing him into the bed before climbing in next to him. "Here, drink some water sweetheart" he said softly handing him the glass and gently wiping his face with the cool cloth
Gear nodded and climbed into bed, he didn't get to stay there long though he had just taken a few sips of water when he suddenly pushed away the glass of water and stood up, he was once again sick. His shirt had also come up slightly reveling his belly. Gear was showing slightly, with the shirt covering it was barely noticeable but like this.. it was pretty clear. He had tried to deny it but he knew somewhere in his mind what was happening he had spent long enough being pregnant to know what the signs were.
Jace froze a little when he saw the bump, he felt his stomach and heart twist a bit, he didn't know if what White had injected them with meant they could get pregnant when they got back to earth but now he did and he also knew that himself and Gear hadn't been intimate yet which meant Gear had been with someone else. Jace started to shake a little and felt some tears well up in his eyes, he stood slowly feeling his legs feel a bit like jelly as he went and stood at the door of the bathroom, unable to go and comfort Gear as his mind race through all the possibilities where Gear hadn't cheated on him, but nothing logical came to mind
Gear stood up straight looking back at jace he was quiet for a long moment, he could see Jace's expression he knew the boy had figured it out but it wasn't what he thought. "Jace, listen.. it isn't what you think. " He was trying not to be sick again. "I didn't do anything, I mean.. I.. can't remember..I was just walking home." He ran a hand threw his hair the way he always did when he was stressed. "Please, I really... I don't know what happened." He was almost pleading but he could see that the damage had already been done he wasn't likely to get jace to listen.

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