C On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)

Mitsuo yelped when Gil lifted him, putting an arm around him and laughing. "I think so. I want to try and keep on my feet as long as possible." He said, one hand rubbing his baby bump. "It'll help things adjust better." He nodded.

Once in the living room, he waited for Gil to set him down before going to poke through some movies. He paused when his stomach growled, laughing softly. "No patience." He said, patting his belly. "You pick the movie." He nodded.

Gil smiled at the growl and went on to flip through the movies. "Hey you want some action or just a laugh? The secret life of pets? Or hmm pirates of the carribean looks good. Or thrillers?" He asked yelling through the ktichen. "OH how about romance?" He got through the collection and wondered if the tragic romance ones they got there would be too touching for now. He had heard stories about pregnant people, under the influence of hormones and all, would be quite senstiive. So far he didn't feel anything out of the ordinary, Mitsuo was calm and in control in gneearl. For the last one he handled it excellnetly anyway even with quads, so there was really no real reason to worry about that.

"Whatever you want." He called back, keeping his voice low to allow Jun to fall asleep. He had the baby monitor with him, just in case.

He hadn't thought much about hormones and mood swings before. His last pregnancy certainly had them, but they didn't seem odd at the time. However, his body had settled into a normal (at least for him) cycle...perhaps his hormones would affect him more...

He hummed to himself as he loaded up a plate with the takeout, returning to the living room with it before settling onto the couch. He gave Gil such a pleased smile, looking absolutely content. This was the dream life. Loving partner, children, nice home, what more could he ask for?

"Right. Got this playing." Gil returned to the seat to huddle close to Mitsuo. "it's the notebook. Have we ever watched it? Looked decent but I don't really recall the plot." He said taking tangling himself with Mitsuo and settled comfortably on the couch.

They shared the plate. The movie wasn't really a thriller but they soon got immersed in it. Gil would from time to time feed Mitsuo with food, who he obediently would open his mouth, much like Jun when he was fed his babyfood, and that distracted Gil slightly for how adorable he looked.

Mitsuo gave Gil a curious look at his choice of film, shrugging it off and moving to get comfortable with him. "No, I don't think I've ever seen it." He said, leaning against the man as the movie started.

He had piled plenty of food on the plate, allowing them to share it. He took his own bites, but happily accepted the ones Gil offered. Always looking so pleased when he was fed. As the movie went on, he got quiet into the story, and even a bit emotional at times....which he tried to hide by stuffing more food in his mouth.

The movie was about a pair of lovers getting separate by social status and eventually war. Gil was more concentrate on Mitsuo than on the movie. He noticed how Mitsuo would stuff several spoonful of food in whenever it got to a touching moment, reminding him of a chipmunk. He smiled when it was obvious Mitsuo was suppressing the urge to cry, his eyes rimmed red and he would look away, yet still sneaking a peek from the skin to follow the story. He opened his arms and nudged closer, tangling their limbs all together so Mitsuo could bury get close to him, his eyes already looking around to locate the box of tissues in case his shirt wasn't enough to dry the tears, if any.

Mitsuo couldn't explain why he was getting so emotional, he normally didn't with mushy love stories. But hormones were messing with him, and just being with Gil didn't seem to help him keep an even mood. So he resorted to stuffing his face until Gil noticed. He made a small noise when the man pulled him close, quickly wiping his mouth before nuzzling into his chest. He didn't cry, but a few tears did escape.

Gil kissed Mitauo lightly on his cheek, tasting slight salt on it with his few tears, then proceeded to kiss on the corners or his eyes. His hand sneak up to cup his slightly belly, caressing slightly with his thumb. The story took a tragic turn and some of the twsists reminded Gil of their own bits and pieces, but Gil happily reminded himself they got a much smoothee and brighter future than the couple in the movie.

Mitsuo made a small noise at the kisses, closing his eyes and leaning into his touch. He only opened his eyes again when he felt Gil's hand over his baby bump. He smiled up at him and rested his hand over Gil's. The movie was forgotten, all of his attention was on gil now.

Gil smiled at the how incredibly soft and lovely Mitsuo looked. HE traced his eyebrows and admired how his eyes sparkled under the light, moist with his previous tears. He kissed him again, feeling it's the only way to express his love. This man who's bearing his kids. It was one lovely moment and he silently expressed his thanks to his fiance. "I know i have asked you to marry me..... do you think we should start planning on that?" He asked quietly. "I just want to show the world how you and me belong together..."

Mitsuo looked at Gil with a gaze that could only be described as love. The man had given him everything he'd craved from life. He couldn't ask for more, he didn't need to. And while he missed being on camera for people, he found a new audience in his video blogs. Updating people on his pregnancy as it progressed. It didn't bring in much money, but it made him feel good to see people enjoying it anyway.

He shifted a bit to face Gil more at his question, looking thoughtful. "Hm. Well, we could go with something simple and do it before these two come." He said, rubbing his baby bump. "Or do something more and wait until after." He said, tilting his head as he waited for Gil's answer.

"I am thinking we could go to the registry first... then later after these two arrive, we could get the real ceremony going. Hopefully your parents wouldn't kill me for stealing their son already before the wedding." Gil suggested, making a face as he htought about it. he wasn't sure how Mitsuo's parents would react... aftrall they were from an entirely different culture. "I know they have accepted our engagement and sorts... but still." he shivered remembering Mitsuo's parents' stern faces. He rejected his own idea afterwards. "Nevermind. Disregard me. I woudln't really want to be killed by my in-laws if they found out we had done the 'important part' not giving them their notices."

Mitsuo hummed softly, looking thoughtful. "That sounds like a good idea." He said, nodding gently. He bit his lip when his parents were brought up, looking down. He had told them that Jun was a happy accident, sparing them the real details. Their reaction was hard to read. His mother had been excited for grandchildren, but didn't seem happy that her son was the mother. They also didn't seem pleased by his engagement to a man. But he explained that it was different in this country.

He hadn't told them about the twins yet, he wanted to wait. "Umm. Well...they know about Jun." He sighed. He leaned close and nuzzled against Gil. "Let's talk about this later." He purred. He was in a cuddly mood now.

"Yep let's talk about this later..... for now is belly appreciation time" gil smiled widely. He pressed on the cute bump and splayed his hand over it. "Hmm i could fit your belly with a single palm now.... so, small. Delicate." He said slightly in awe. "You are so incredibly sexy and lovely, I think i am getting even more trouble getting my hands off you. I am such a pervert now, wanting nothing more than to stick with you all day." He tilted his head on Mitsuo's and wondered aloud. He nudged closer to Mitsuo and caressed his back, pressing his body closer to himself and kissed his head.

Mitsuo made a soft noise as Gil palmed the small bump, looking down at his hand as a soft blush warmed his cheeks. "I don't mind the attention." He muttered, smiling and leaning closer to his fiancé. He closed his eyes and almost purred at the attention to his back, nuzzling closer like a content feline seeking more attention.

Gil couldnt help the small smile creeping up his face. He stroked his hair like how he would scratch behind their cat's ears, and his smile got even wider when the pur got louder. "You think they would be boy or girl? We would need to plan for their room soon. Maybe we should use neutral colors. I.thought a yellow room would look nice? Warm and cozy."

Mitsuo Nuzzled against gil as he pet his hair, sliding an arm around him and kissing his cheek. "Neutral colors are good. For all we know right now, it could be one of each." He said, placing his hand over Gil's.

He was about to continue cuddling when he heard Jun fussing over the baby monitor. He sighed, but pulled back with a smile on his face. "Better get that before he gets too upset." He said, slipping off Gil's lap and going back to the boy's room. Jun just needed a clean diaper. After changing it, Mitsuo stood with the boy resting on his shoulder as he gently rocked him back to sleep.

"Or we could have both on both." Gil laughed as he confused even himself. "I mean, we could have both with amazing bodies like.you and Jun." He explianed and groaned when Jun had to make a presence at this time. He let Mitsuo go and at first, decided to wait upon him, then he just couldnt stand the loneliness and went after Mitsuo.

At the door, he leanrd against the doorframe and smiled at how Mitsuo rocked Jun while the small bump became even more prominent looking right under Jun's little feet. He approached the pair and gently pressed a kisss on the calming toddler. He whispered. "Soon I would think Jun would get a new seat.... he would fit himself on his younger siblings like a chair when you started showing even more." He joked cupping his underbelly.

Mitsuo made a thoughtful noise when Gil pointed out that his babies could be like him. That was possible, but he didn't know how the genes for it worked. But he really just hoped they got bodies they were happy with.

He looked up when Gil joined them, giving him a sweet smile. He chuckled at the man's comment, rubbing Jun's back. "Mm, give me something to rest him on." He said, leaning closer to Gil when he felt his hand on his belly.

Soon Jun was asleep and Mitsuo moved to lay him in his crib. He leaned over the side, watching the sleeping toddler. "So innocent." He whispered before going to Gil and leading him out of the room.

A few weeks passed and that bump continued to grow. He couldn't keep his hands off it. All day, he had at least one hand resting on top of the swell, gently rubbing over it. He was feeling a bit frisky, waiting for Gil to come home. He wanted to show off the recent growth spurt.

"Innocent and lovely, just like you." Gil kissed behind Miitsuo's ear gently, then followed him out of the room. He would.properly cuddle with his fiance, probably kissing and admiring his belly some more when Mitsuo fell asleep. Yes, that's the pervert that he had become, and he was quite proud to admit that.

Throughout the past weeks both of them got quite excited with the changes. Mitsuo handled the pregnancy like a pro, with minimal moodswingscompared with horrible storiess Gil had heard - at least so far, so good. He was also eager to go home everynight, anxious to worship the bump. It was lovely seeing how Mitsuo obviously enjoyed the growth, so much so he was able to omit the discomfort brought along at the same time. "Hey babe I am back. How's tbe little ones?" Gil yelled as soon as he entered, and was suprrised by Mitsuo's urgnet footsteps already sounding down the corridor. What would his lover be showing him, being this impatient?

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