Closed On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)
Sometimes Mitsuo was still so self conscious, even when he knew Gil had already seen him like this. It didn't help that he was already physically uncomfortable. He just wanted to pee and be done with it...

He groaned as Gil spoke, closing his eyes and making a face. He sat back, trying to hold his legs up. But between the uncomfortable toilet seat, his full heavy belly, and his discomfort, he just couldn't stay in that position....though, it did give Gil quite the view. He was quite swollen down there, even on the outside...
"Ouch, i feel for you love." Gil expressed his sympathy seeing his swollen parts. Everything looked heated and painful. He helped Mitsuo somewhat maintaining his posture, holding his legs up for him, while he took the glycerol from one of the drawers - prepared according to doctor's orders. It could also be useful during the birth.

He drew circles around his feminine opening. Mitsuo twitched with the apparent discomfort, so he used some oil to smooth his way in. Mitsuo's lips had become quite swollen , narrowing the canal so Gil would prefer to use more lubricant. The moment he breached his swollen lips, Mitsuo gasped and his legs trembled so much he was pretty sure he couldn't hold it. "How about we move over to the tub...? It would be less cramped and we could still get the job done."
Mitsuo's took a shaky breath as Gil helped him stay in such an awkward position. His belly was making it difficult to breathe, and the cool touch of Gil's fingers just made it worse. He gasped and trembled, closing his eyes tight. His body sent such conflicted signals...pleasure and pain shooting up his spine together.

He grunted and winced through what he knew was a weak contraction, feeling more pressure on his full bladder. "Yes...can't breathe like this....killing my back too." He grumbled, getting up with Gil's help. He moved slowly to sit in the tub, shedding his pants on the way and moving so any urine would go to the drain.
When Mutsuo was trying to get in, he lifted his leg to get through the tub, which pressed through to his bladder and caused his knees to buckle, nearly collasping down on the hard surface. It was so close that both of them were quite relieved when Gil managaed to catch him yhe last second.

"That was so close... you scare me baby..." gil muttered holding Mitsuo tight. Ibstead of letting him do the moving on his own, Gil lifted him up through and settled him nicely on the tub while he got ib himself at his feet. He pressed a hand on his even more bloated lower belly and rubbed it gently. "Getting in now baby..." he slipped a finger down the angry hot.lips and spread it, slowly immersing into the hot, tight canal.
Mitsuo was glad Gil was there to catch him, holding onto his arm as he was helped down into the tub. "Nnh....scared myself." He sighed, brushing his hair out of his face. He shifted his legs out of the way, wincing and whimpering softly.

He laid back, glad the tub was actually made for it. Closing his eyes and making a small pained sound as Gil rubbed his lower belly. He gasped and hissed as he pressed his fingers into him, scrunching up his face and trying to stay relaxed. "My body doesn't seem to be taking the end of this pregnancy as well as last time...." he muttered, nibbling his lip as he rubbed over his belly.
Gil hesitated before answering. "Maybe this is a good sign... shows that our babies are stronger than last time..." he knew this could hurt, but that's actually what he secretly had thought so. Granted Mitsuo had been smaller than last time, but cosndering there's only 2 babies, it's quite impressive.

Gil couldnt meet eyes with Mitsuo after he said that, and continue to.probe into him. He searched for that familiar spot that he always enjoyed banging into. He couldnt believe what he was touching, the lump that his.fingertips got in touch with was indeed quite swollen.
Mitsuo sighed softly, rubbing his belly. "Strong babides abusing me." He muttered, making a face. He whimpered as Gil pressed his fingers deeper, scrunching his face up more. "Aah-aaah...shit." he whined when Gil found the swollen organ. He trembled and squirmed, feeling pleasure and pain overwhelming him.

His cock twitched, filling out a bit. But he didn't get hard because of the pain killing his arousal.
Gil bit his lips and tried to ignore Mitsuo's pained whimpers. He was half expecting urine to shoot out of his cock when the organ twitched, but nothing came out and he knew he had to try harder. He pressed on the swollen prostate and pressed a palm on Mitsuo's full bladder. It was quite strange, and had he not known better, he would thought that round shape low in his belly was a baby's head.

Mitsuo started thrashing around but Gil wouldn't let go. He rubbed his prostate relentlessly, circling his finger around the walnut shaped part and pressed down on his bladder.
Hitsugi whined loudly, leaning his head back and gripping the edge of the tub. He cursed and shifted as Gil rubbed at the swollen organ and pressed on his bladder, giving a loud pained cry. He was trying to relax and let things go, but it was hard to do that with the pain shooting up his spine. But with a few calming breaths, he relaxed and let things flow.

A weak flow of urine flowed as he breathed to stay relaxed, slowly emptying his bladder before a harsh cramp gripped his middle. He cried out, hands moving to his belly. "Ooh...I think these two are coming tonight." He panted, whimpering softly.
Gil let out a small breath as the translucent fluid started flowing from Mitsuo's limp but throbbing cock. Though his relief was shortlived when it stopprd abruptly with the contraction hitting again. Gil panicked a little, it was a day he had looked f9rward to but dreaded as much. "Gosh those are indeed contractions before, arent they? I cant believe it."

When the contraction hit, the flow of urine was cut off with Mitsuo tensing up again, and the backflow of it made it even more deperate for Mitsuo to relief himself, but the snesation was yet to hit with the contraction reaching its peak.
Mitsuo let out a sob as his body tensed and cut off his relief, trembling at the contraction and whining loudly. "Y-yes.....slowly getting stronger." He panted, scrunching his face up as the contraction reached its peak before slowly fading. He took a few slow breaths to relax again, releasing the rest of his bladder with a slow relieved moan.

He lifted his head to look at Gil, biting his lip. "Its still swollen.....that's gonna hurt." He muttered, knowing that when it came to pushing, his prostate would cause more pain than before.
"Yea... that's very true. Would it help.if we get you to release once?" Gil suggested. He took the showerhead and helped Mitsuo clean the mess, this time holding him from behind so his pregnant fiance could lay back on his chest. The water flowed through his sensitive and swollen genitals that Mitsuo got little moans, especially when Gil cleaned his.lips.

While he was doing that, his fingers clapsed around Mitsuo's limp member and rubbed it, not quite stroking but holding it gently. He could imagine when the baby slammed into his swollen prostate, it.would cause much pain especially when the head grinded on it while he pushed. His theory was to clear some of its content, but if Mitsuo didnt feel like it, he wouldnt do it.
Mitsuo nibbled his lip at Gil's question, pondering it while they moved so Gil could rinse him. He gasped and whimpered at the warm water rushing over his sensitive areas, shifting his legs slightly and leaning his head back. His cock twitched in the man's hand, very slowly growing hard in his grasp. Mitsuo just panted and moaned softly, turning his head against Gil's chest to nuzzle against him.

His contractions were still far apart and didn't seem to be getting closer very quickly. It was probably a good thing, letting them both get ready for the next stage.
Gil smiled seeing Mitsuo pliant and soft like a cat laying on his chest. Without hearing objection from Mitsuo, and also sensing his member coming to life, he decided it would be something welcomed. He closed his grip on Mitsuo's cock, and stroked him to a fulll erection. His belly had dropped so much it poked straight into his hars belly, so when Gil stroked him his thumbs were rubbing against his belly as well.

He turned off the shower and concentrated on gettting Mitsuo to his relesse, fondling with his cockhead pressing it against his belly. "Think about how our baby's getting squeezed down, while his parents are eager getting off. The baby will soon paas through your canal that's clenching so tight, squirting just moments ago. Our baby's head would be covered with your fluid... our fluid...."
Mitsuo whimpered and moaned as Gil started to stroke him, leaning his head back against Gil's chest more. "Oooh....Aaah." He moaned, hands gripping Gil's arms. "Sh-shit...." he panted, shifting his hips as Gil focused on the head of his cock. "oooh...the seed you planted....its almost ripe." He muttered, wanting to drive Gil crazy. "I feel it sitting so low, just waiting." He panted, slowly rubbing his hands over the wet dome that was his belly.

"Maybe we can add some more seed." He purred, looking up at him and smirking, his face flushed and somewhat sweaty.
Gil smirked. "Yea that's my seed in you, so ripe... the fruit is ready to be picked." He smiled at how mitsuo squirmed. His words succeeded in getting his arousal on. His breathes got quicker. He traced Mitsuo's hands and caressed along his belly. Though eh could be exaggerating, Gil tjought he could really feel the baby, or babies, had indeed been extremely low, dropping so low it was like it could spill out of him.

He kissed Mitsuo's blushed cheeks and then his lips. He didnt need to answer, his rod rising up to press against Mitsuo's bottom spoke for him. He rubbed his cockhead along his slit, he smiled at how he made Mitsuo tremble.
Mitsuo could feel Gil's growing arousal, making him smirk more as he leaned back against him. He purred as his hands moved over his belly, closing his eyes and relaxing. His hips ached, a sure sign the babies were almost ready, forcing his pelvis to spread just a little more for them.

He shifted in Gil's lap, moaning softly as he rubbed his cock along his slit. "As much as I don't want to stop.....this position can't be very comfortable for you." He muttered. "And we haven't checked on Jun..." He added, sighing. The last thing he wanted was for something bad to happen to the boy while his parents were screwing each other,
Gil groaned. "yea.... Yea we should get out. Let me give the babysitter a call after we check Jun out." He said ready to get up, though with a smirk, he shifted his hips so his cock would slip into Mitsuo's already flooding vagina. Mitsuo was immediately clenching tight around him. He grabbed his fiance from behind each of his knees and lifted him up, standing with his cock still buried deep into him and got out of the tub.

WIth the sudden lift, Mitsuo grabbed tight on his arms, even his toes curled up and he squeezed his eyes shut. Whenever Gil took a step, it caused movement that's most unpredictable within Mitsuo.
Mitsuo gasped sharply when Gil shifted him and slid into him, moaning loudly and trembling. He cried out when he was lifted, feeling Gil slide deeper. He grabbed at him, panting harshly. "Ooh, god....F-fuck...." He moaned, leaning his head back. "Oh, s-so good....but......dangerous." He muttered, trembling harder. "A-as much as I want you to continue....the risk of falling....nnh." He moaned, clinging to him tighter.
Whenver he took a step, Mitsuo's insides were clenching on him so tight he was even feeling faintly pained by him, but that also caused more pleasure. Gil would grown with a time lag. Mitsuo was trembling so much in his arms, which gave Gil another level of satisfaction in reducing Mitsuo to a such a mess, that he couldnt even finish his sentence.

With the wave of pleasure subsiding a little, Gil chuckled and bit lightly on Mitsuo's earlobe. "Hmm the risk of falling make it even more exciting, isnt it? Look." They were just passing the mirror at the basin, and Gil playfully bumped Mitsuo while turning them both towardss it. His biceps looked great contracting, on either side Mitsuo's body.

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