Closed On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)
Mitsuo wrapped his arms around Gil when he was held close, whimpering softly. "lower belly....really bad cramping." He muttered, not objecting to him suggesting he call an ambulance. But then he suggested checking him first. Mitsuo made a small noise, holding onto him weakly when he got up and carried him to the bathroom.

He leaned against the sink as Gil helped him out of his pants and the absorbent underwear, frowning at the mess. The discharge was dark and smelled foul. He slowly moved to lay down, nearly falling when another hard cramp hit him. He curled up on his side and moaned in pain. His moan turned into a higher pitched whine as the pain just got worse. "P-pressure." He whimpered, hands on his lower belly. A soft pop could be heard before discolored fluid gushed from him. "Oh god! I....I'm in labor again?" He gasped, looking terrified.
Mitsuo looked weak and shaky. Gil was getting worried. It didnt make sense that Mistsuo's lower belly was cramping again. Mitsuo curling.on his side reminded him to times when he was giving birth. He was actually a little relieved it wasnt fresh blood coming.outbof him, but the discharge wasnt exactly normal compared with his last time. The rush of new fluid startled Gil as well. He raused up Mitsuo's soft leg to get a better look at his opening.

Through his spasming folds, fluid of an unknown kind of coming out in small gushes. "God what's going on?" Gil asked with equally shocked eyes. "I am checking ok?" He asked, slipping a finger in. Luckily, Mitsuo's tearhad recovered well, at least it wadnt bleeding anymore. He gasped when he felt something pressing against his cervix and he quickly glanced at his belly which looked bulged. With his tremnling hand. He touched it again and there it was, a distinct hardness. He lookrd up at Mitsuo and asked again "do you feel lke... pushing?"
Mitsuo was terrified, of course he had read about complications with pregnancy...he was mentally kicking himself for not finding someone to give him a checkup. The fluid coming out of him smelled vaguely of spoiled meat....something was rotting inside his womb.

He whimpeed when Gil checked him, squeezing his eyes tightly shut as he winced from the pain. "Are....are you sure the placenta was intact?" He asked, worried some had been retained and was causing his pain. But what he felt pressing against his cervix was much harder. And with the next contraction, he answered gil's question. He cried out as he pushed, feeling something forcing him open. He sobbed at how much his sore body hurt, but kept pushing. He needed to get it out before it killed him.
"Yea I checked, it's intact I am very sure. I wouldnt risk your health with such a careless mistake." Gil replied firmly as beads of sweat formed on his forehead as well. He was panicking on the inside, not having a clue in what's happening - or maybe he had an idea, he just didnt dare to speak out.

Mitsuo was pushing and all Gil could do was support him trhough th3 push. Withou5 5g3 big belly, he was able tp hold Mitsuo in his arms while he pushed. He heaved him up slightly and let him lay against him sideways as he looked between his legs. More fluid was gushing out, fluid that's eerily deep in color, as he watched Mitsuo's belly tightened up again. "Whatever it is, follow what your body's telling you. Keep this coming, you are doing great."
Mitsuo trusted Gil, but the man was only human....he wouldn't blame him if he missed something. He'd only blame himself for not seeking medical help sooner. But he couldn't think about that now. He didn't want to think about what could be coming out of him...only focus on pushing and clinging to Gil.

He screamed as he pushed, feeling sore muscles stretch painfully and contractions hit like someone punching him in the gut. He clung to Gil so despeeately, sobbing between pushes. He could feel something beginning to part his opening. Dark fluid oozing out around it. Whatever it was, it had some hair...matted down by foul smelling fluid to its discolored skin. It was another baby. Or, more accurately, a partially developed fetus...
The object was disgusting looking, more like an alien than anything else when it came out. The hair had fluid coagulated on it, turning into lumps. The baby waa also irregular and the way out was tricky. Mitsuo was weakened and the contravtions was not rhythmatic at all. "I got a hand on it, push Mits, this would be over veey soon. Just pretend this is anotehr of those gel balls we always played wirh." Gil said encouragingly, squeezing Mitsuo's hand.

Gil was about to have a good hold on the "head", and the texture had him shuddering. It wadnt entirely hard, more squishy, as it had started to decompose inside of Mitsuo, and Gil could.only be grateful Mitsuo's belly had stRted this spontaneously, or it would have led to even worse.
Mitsuo sobbed from the pain as he pushed, clinging to Gil even tighter. His contractions were random and sudden, unlike the building pressure he was used to. it was like his womb was just squeezing as tight as it could. He squeezed Gil's hand tight, feeling Gil tugging on the thing coming out of him. He shifted and pushed, feeling the thing suddenly come free.

It was vaguely human, curled into a tight ball. He made the mistake of looking, feeling his stomach flip as he gagged and scrambled to haul himself over to the toilet to vomit. It was a third baby, somehow unaffected by the serum that accelerated the growth of the other two. It looked maybe three or four months along and had probably been alive until Mitsuo gave birth to the twins...but its placenta had detached and the fetus had died without being birthed....
Gil was also affevted by the horrible form of th3 fetus, but he knew he had to act quick with it. While Mitsuo threw up into the toilet bowl, he used th3 towel to wrap the fetus up and made sure it wasnt visible. It's horrible and he washed his hands from the gunk first before he tended to Mitsuo, who was gagging now without anything left in his stomach. As his retching subsided, Gil held Mitsuo on his lap and rubbed his back. "It's alright now... it's just a nightmare.... let's get to the hospi5al." With this happening, there was no way they werent visiting the hospital now.
Mitsuo coughed and retched into the toilet before leaning back against Gil. Panting harshly and crying into his chest. He couldn't voice just how upset he was...Feeling like if they had gone to get a checkup right after the birth, maybe this baby could have been saved.

Once he calmed down, he was helped into a clean pair of absorbent panties and back into his sweatpants. A quick call was placed to their babysitter for an emergency visit. She didn't ask any questions, just agreed to come over and look after the twins and Jun while they went to the hospital. Mitsuo held onto Gil as he was carried to the car, deciding to crawl into the back and lay down across the seat rather than trying to sit up front.

"I feel awful...." He muttered as they drove. His fever had gotten worse and it was clear he had an infection from the dead fetus.
Gil knew Mitsuo was probably descriving what he felt physically and mentally. It's draining on both and he nodded solemnly brfore realising Mitsuo probably coudlnt see it at the back. He glanced at the rear mirror and tried to smile. "It's fine... it's in the past now. It's an accident that no one wanted to happen. I think.... we just didnt think enough. I am so sorry Mitsuo if I had insisted on ...." he stopped when he found himself beginning tot hink of "what ifs" which was that last thing he wanted Mitsuo to.linger his mind on.

Gil.sighed and tried again. "It's alright, now the most important thing is you are alright ok? Dont worry too much.... it's all about fate. We did have a pair of beautiful twins with us now, dont we? And also Jun? Think about them. You gotta recover well, so they wouldnt miss their momma too much." He smiled. Their twins were indeed quite cute, just a few days from their birth and already looking like chubby little angels.
Physically, Mitsuo felt like he'd been hit by a truck...Everything from the ribs down hurt in some way...even his feet. But mentally he felt about as low as one could get. It had been bad enough when he lost Jun's siblings. But knowing the baby had died and began to rot inside him just left him feeling hollow.

He made a soft noise as Gil spoke, keeping his eyes closed as they drove. Thinking about his children, he rolled onto his back and placed a hand on his tender stomach. He stayed quiet until they got to the hospital, waiting patiently for Gil to retrieve a wheelchair before letting him take him into the emergency room.

He quietly told the nurse about his situation before they were taken back to a private room with an obstetrics exam table. A nurse took his vitals before giving him a gown and giving them privacy so he could get undressed.
Mitsuo had never appeared to be so defeated and low. Gil worried about him while picking him out of the car. He was like a doll, laying quietly in his arms and remained so all the way into the hospital. Gil didnt know how to console him, but he guessed this was a normal stage of grieve that could only be overcome by mitsuo himself.

Gil took the robe and thanked the nurse. He sat down beside Mitsuo and gently lifred him up so he would be half sitting on his.lap. he removed the shirt they threw on in a hurry and also his pants, then put the robe on. Mitsuo remained pliant, almost unresponsive as Gil changed him. He was extra careful when he removed his pants, dare not touching his raw belly, but his cautious behavior provably reminded Mitsuo even more of their loss.

Gil laid Mitsuo back down on the bed and waited. He sat down as well and held Mitsuo's hand, reassuring his fiance of his presence and support.
Mitsuo didn't know it was possible to feel so down and empty. But the one thing that really helped was how Gil stayed close and connected to him. He needed his fiance more than he realized, and just being close to him helped pull him out of the dark place he'd fallen.

He was quiet as Gil helped him undress, making a face any time he moved the wrong way, but not making a noise. He laid back on the exam table, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before closing his eyes and squeezing Gil's hand. The doctor entered soon after, and he was relieved to see a doctor he recognized. She worked with his usual doctor, and he knew they were close. He didn't need to tell her not to let anyone know what he was.

The exam itself was painful, especially when she had to use a type of catheter to remove any infected tissue from his uterus. He whimpered and squeezed Gil's hand tight, but never once made her stop...There was always a worry at the back of his mind...What if this left him sterile? What if the infection got worse and he needed to have surgery.

But he didn't need to worry so much. He was tougher than that. And a few months on various antibiotics and bed rest was all he needed. Of course, he spent much of that time caring for their three children. Especially when Gil had to go away for business. He didn't mind staying home.
It's frightening seeing the doctor putting the catheter through such snetiive part of Mitsuo. He stayed close to Mitsuo and consoled him throughout, and reminded him over and over to relax and just let the doctor do her work. He pressed kisses on Mitsuo, praising him for how brave he endured the pain, and even teh doctor smiled at them when she was done. Mitsuo was exhausted after thsi and fell asleep soon while he got a drip on to refill his fluids, and Gil ran out to catch the doctor before she could leave, confirming that Mitsuo should be alright after this.

Of course, the doctor didn't have a defintie answer and they would have to wait and see how well Mitsuo recovered, though this ordeal had left his womb weakened, and it would take time to heal, and winked her eyes cheekily and say "If I were you I woudln't worry. Mitsuo is definitely going to be alright. If anything, I do notice Mitsuo had a remarkably active womb that is surely going to heal well - and stay to be very fertile."

Gil stayed as much as he could on Mitsuo's bedside, and it's with much reluctance that he went on for short business trips. Their twins were getting along well with Jun, who was exactly mommy's little helper. He would go around to get the diapers when Mitsuo was still not allowed on his feet, and help to change the babies with his tiny hand.

Gil had been planning on a wedding, and using some of his time while on business trips to get part of it planned, including sourcing for a venue. He even approached Mitsuo's parents, alone, much to his dread, asking for their ideas.
Mitsuo was getting used to a domestic life. Staying home and taking care of the children. He couldn't believe how much Jun had already grown, but he supposed the serum that accelerated his growth in the womb was still working its way out of his system. He was about a year ahead of his age, toddling around after Mitsuo around the house and helping out as much as he could.

Once Mitsuo was back on his feet, he started taking the kids out to the park. The twins, Shinya and Yuuji, would ride in a stroller while Jun walked by his mother's side holding onto the end of his shirt.

Mitsuo's parents were surprised when Gil contacted them, but were thrilled to learn that their child had given them grandchildren and had found a wonderful husband. They suggested having a trip to japan for the wedding. they would help make arrangements for something very traditional.
It's all very new to Gil and his research was difficult - he wanted a tradiitional hotel for their wedding to take place, preferably somewehre with hotspring, but most of those traditional ones, he was having difficulty communicating with english. He was grateful when his parents-in-law offered to take up some of the arrangements, so that in the end they found a great place for the biggest day in their life.

Gil had everythig ready, and he decided to join his little family at the park, just a week before their scehduled weddinng. He appraoched the little group, a ring in his pocket, plane tickets on the other, and sneakily came up from behind Mitsuo. He chuckled when Jun discovered him. "Oh you clever boy...Daddy was going to give you all a surprsie!" He said, raising up the kid high up in the air. "Hello sweetie." He smiled and then joined Mitsuo, giving him a solid kiss on his lips. "Hello there as well, my love."
Mitsuo's parents were more than happy to help prepare things for Gil. They wanted everything to be perfect. And even though they never expected their son to be the bride as well as the mother to their grandchildren, they were so excited to be given the opportunity to plan his big day.

Mitsuo was heading to the playground with the boys. Jun needed a chance to run around and let off some of that energy he was just brimming with. And the twins loved the swings. He wasn't expecting Gil to join them. He blinked when Jun stopped, turning just in time to see Gil lifting the boy as he giggled loudly. A wide smile crossed his face as he moved closer, slipping an arm around Gil's waist as he was kissed. "Oh, this is a nice surprise." He said, pushing the stroller closer to them so the twins could giggle and reach out for their father.
"And I am good at bringing you surprises, isn't it?" Gil smiled and squeezed Mitsuo's hand before bending down to press a kiss on both of the twins. His heart always warmed up seeing how excited his children were in seeing him - and vice versa. He took over the stroller and linked hands with Mitsuo, continuing their way to the playground.

"Mitsuo? You ever thought of going to Japan?" Gil sat down on the bench with the babies lifted up from their stroller. He nudged close to Mitsuo while Jun went off to join his friends.
Mitsuo smiled at Gil, watching him greet the twins. He took his hand, letting him take over the stroller. He took Jun's hand and continued to the playground.

He watched Jun head off to play in the sandbox with some other kids, moving to sit with Shinya in his lap while Gil took Yuuji. He looked at him curiously, tilting his head. "I have. It's been a long time since I've been home." He sighed. "And I haven't told my parents about these guys." He said, looking down at Shinya as he played with his stuffed animal.
"what if.... I tell you, I have taken the liberty to do that?" Gil started, more testing than anything. "What if....." Gil instead turned to Yuuji and secretly took out the ring. He placed it on Yuuji's small hands and turned to Mitsuo, together, eyes sparkling as the baby looked up with innocent eyes. Gil extended Yuuji's little arms, holding the ring in his chubby hands, and showed Mitsuo the ring. "I know i have done this already... but, i want to do it now, really execute it. Mitsuo... . let's get married." He said, smiling brightly.

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