Closed On Camera (w/hyenadog) (End~)
Mitsuo had really hoped the twins and Jun would make it through the flight. But the twins got so fussy with the pressure changes, then being hungry, then needing a diaper change, then being just generally fussy...Mitsuo eventually fell asleep with both in his arms, finding it was the only way to calm them down. Thankfully, Jun was much better, aside from being too antsy and not wanting to sit still for long.

By the time they reached their destination, Mitsuo just wanted a real good night's sleep. But they had to meet his parents first.

it wasn't hard to pick them out. Mitsuo took after them so well. He greeted them in japanese, and got fawned over by his excited mother. then she fawned over the children. He never told them how Jun was conceived, or about the ones that didn't make it. His mother would be so worried about that, they'd never hear the end of it.

His father wanted to take them out for a drink, so his mother took the children to their hotel room, having little trouble with them. And despite protests from Mitsuo about feeling too jet-lagged for drinking, his father convinced them to go to a local bar with him. Mitsuo had a few drinks, but looked a tad bit green, leaning against Gil and closing his eyes.

His father was going on and on about his son in broken english to Gil. How he didn't want to accept his son was different. And even how he had still been on the fence after hearing about the children. But after meeting them, and Gil, he felt like his son had finally found his place in the world, and he couldn't be happier.
Gil found himseld standing dumbly beside Mitsuo as the family started conversing in japanese, not having a clue what they were talking about but his parents had given him enough smiles and showed enough affections to the babies that he knew their intentions were only good and friendly. He took Mitsuo's waist as they walked towards rhe bar.

"You alright?" He whispered seeing how Mitsuo looked tired. He found him quite exhausted, it.could be from the tiring flight and all, but he looked pale on top of that. His father in law was too excited though, and in the end they consented to the proposal. He looked at Mitsuo most of the time, and naturally held him around his waist as he appeared to be drunk. It's funny, hearing the older man talking so enthusiasitically. Though he couldnt say he understood him entirely, it was clear he was happy for his son and the couple. As the old man got more and more flushed, Gil tightened his grip on Mitsuo who frowned at the loud voice of his father, and put him on his lap pressing his face into his chest to shield him.from the noise. Gil just took sips from his beer. There had to be one who's somber so he didnt drink too much.
Mitsuo tried translating some for Gil, and reminding his parents that the man didn't speak the language. But they were too excited, especially meeting the little ones. Jun was tired after the flight, but seemed happy meeting his grandparents, and the twins giggled as their grandmother fawned over them. Mitsuo didn't even second guess letting his mother take the children while he and Gil went with his father. it would be good for them to bond with her.

Mitsuo wasn't too into drinking right now, but he humored his father. But alcohol on top of jet lag wasn't helping. He leaned against Gil, sighing softly. "Jet lag..." He muttered, closing his eyes for a moment. He didn't want to stop his father, the man seemed so happy, But when he noticed Mitsuo sitting on Gil's lap, he paused, realizing how late it had gotten. So he decided to call it a night and lead them to the train and back to the hotel.
Gil would have just carried Mitsuo tot he train station if they had been home,.but he knew that probably wouldnt be a gesture widely accepted here. He settled for holding Mitsuo's waist and half lifted him as they made their way trhough the deseeted streets while thr old man was still speaking almost incoherenty in front. It.shwoed how excited his father in law was, and Gil.couldnt quite keep from.smiling.

Gil pressed a small kiss on Mitsuo as the train arrived. The old man had succumbed to alcohol and was drooling, head leaning against the seat. It's a struggle for them to wake him up, and eventually Gil had to help his father in law stand instead of holding Mitsuo.
Mitsuo was okay walking to the train, leaning against Gil with a small smile on his face. The streets were quiet, but far from deserted. People milling about, some out socializing, some clearly drunk, others just being night people. Mitsuo didn't mind.

He had nodded off a bit on the train, waking up when Gil kissed him and the train stopped. He looked around before yawning and getting up. He helped wake his father up, urging him up as they continued to the hotel.

His mother was amused by the state of his father, taking the man home and leaving the couple alone in the hotel. Mitsuo checked on the little ones, finding them all sound asleep. He kissed them gently before turning to Gil. "Mmm, so, how do you like Japan so far?" He asked, clearly a little buzzed still, his cheeks flushed from the alcohol.
Gil came forward to kiss Mitsuo's cutely flushed cheeks. He smiled. "I quite like it... everybody's so polite and things are so tidy. They are also friendly, even though I dont really understand them sometimes...." he smiled shyly and scratched his head.

Simce they were alone, Gil attackrd Mitsuo from behind and lifted him away from the children's room then tickled him. "I guess you also have a good time seeing me getting all confused when someone just kept on saying and repeating things to me?" He smirked knowing how confused he often looked whne people attempted to talk tp him in Japanese.
Mitsuo chuckled when Gil mentioned the language barrier, shaking his head slightly. Maybe he should have taught the man some basic phrases...but Mitsuo wasn't really the best person to be teaching any language. "Its alright. stay close to me. When they see a foreginer, they tend to speak with the Japanese person they are with." He nodded.

He made a surprised noise when Gil lifted him, biting back his laughter to keep from waking the kids. "Mmm, you are cute when you are flustered." He chuckled, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
"I don't plan to part with you anymore... excpet the big day where I am sure they would separate us somehow." Gil fidgeted slightly mentioning their wedding. He was getting more anxious by the hour. Everything was unknown to him and he would get surrounded by a lot of strangers, adding to the anxiety. He relaxed when Mitsuo kissed him and just threw him on bed when he got back to their room. He then pressed forward and smiled. "I know you are enjoying it.... you sneaky little git." He then started tickling him again, attacking his waist and everywhere.
"Only for a little while. Juse until we are ready." Said Mitsuo with a smile. "My kimono will take a bit more time to put on. So many layers." He sighed. He had decided to go with a traditional wedding kimono, and Gil had his own matching one. "My father and uncle will help you with yours. My uncle knows a bit more English than my dad." He chuckled softly.

He yelped when he was tossed onto the bed, trying to push Gil away when he started tickling him. "Aah! No!" He gasped, eventually changing to wrapping his arms around Gil to pin him against himself, catching his lips in a slow kiss.
"Taht's a relief.... though I hated to be rude, yoru father's .... his speech sometimes could be a little difficult to follow. Perhaps that's also because of how drunk he was today." Gil sighed in slight relief even though the anxiety was still there. He hoped he wouldnt make a fool of himself, he really wanted to make Mitsuo proud. "I hadnt really seen your kimono yet..... " he asked curiously and grunted when he got flipped over. He chuckled then engaged the kiss.

When they parted, Gil smirked. "You looked.... different. Is it because you are bacj in Japan? You look even bettrr now...." he said gazing with lidded eyes. There was almost a glow on mitsuo....
"He's usually a bit better. But excitement and alcohol will cross some wires." Laughed Mitsuo, shaking his head. "And you'll have to wait to see my kimono. I know what yours looks like because the groom usually wears the same thing. I'm sure my dad has found a way to make it unique though." He said, shrugging.

He tilted his head slightly at Gil's question, sitting up on the bed and giving a shrug. "Maybe being home and seeing family has helped brighten me up. Or its the alcohol." He laughed, cut off mid way by a long yawn. "Mmm, bed time." He said, slipping off the bed to get changed.
Gil looked at Mitsuo and smiled sofly, enjoying the lovely view of him swaying his bottom. He looked like he had filled out a little, but he honestly enjoyed Mitsuo being curvy. He sank down further on the bed and sighed, smiling as he relaxed. It would be a long day of preparation that they had, the last day before the big event.

The long flight was tiring afterall, and they soon went to bed together, Gil attaching himself to mitsuo as he alwyas did, and idly he had pressed his hand against Mitsuo's belly. It wasn't a conscious act, but that was what he found himself to be doing the next morning when he woke up.
Mitsuo still wasn't entirely happy with his curves, but seeing the way Gil looked at him helped him to forget his own insecurities with weight. He moved about, getting changed into loose sleep clothes, humming idly to himself. He got himself a drink of water before crawling into bed beside Gil and cuddling against him.

"Long day tomorrow." He sighed, kissing Gil's cheek and turning off the light. He drifted off quickly, waking up to his phone buzzing with an alarm. He groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning before glancing over at Gil and smiling.
Gil looked at Mitsuo with sleepy eyes. He missed holding Mitsuo's belly but seeing his fiance's face, he had forgotten to complain of the sudden lost of his warnth agaibst him. "Hello lovely." He said as sunray came through the paper windows of the room and framed Mitsuo's face.

His groaned and sat up as well, stretcthing his arns and shoulders. "Argh, we better get ready before the kids decided they got impatient and wanted our attention. Ajd also others. . Your parenst and probably the hotel personnel must have a tonne of questions waiting for us."
Mitsuo smiled to Gil when he awoke, sitting on the bed quietly checking his phone. "Good morning." He purred, setting his phone down. "Breakfast should be here soon, I ordered room service." He chuckled.

He sighed when he heard one of the twins starting to fuss, getting up and going to check on them. They both had dirty diapers, and of course they were hungry. He went to change Shinya's first, since he was the most fussy, idly humming between making grossed out noises at the mess and the smell. He made quick work of it, putting the baby in a fresh onesie and setting him back in the crib. He changed Yuuji's diaper and clothes as well before checking on Jun.

"well, at least you sleep deeply." He whispered, smiling warmly at the boy hugging his stuffed animal.
While Mitsuo was fussing over the children, Gil heard the doorbell and went to get the door. His father in law came in to grab him. He only had time to yell back at Mitsuo before he was led away to get his decision on the arrangement of the wedding. He was briefed by the priest on thr necessary customs and taboos during the ceremony, and was led around thr shrine to rehearse his way around. He even had to learn how to walk in the japanese flipflops, which he found quite difficult to move around, especially on the.pebbled area that's surrounding thr shrine.
Mitsuo poked his head out just in time to see Gil being tugged out the door. He sighed and waved him off before going back to the children. He did some things around the room before his mother showed up to take him out to get things ready. He tried on his kimono while his mother looked after the children. Jun was excited for all the new things, getting fitted for his own little kimono. The twins wouldn't be at the ceremony, rather they'd stay with his aunt until it was over.
Thry went on with their separate intinerary. Gil was finding himself exhausted by the time he was finally released from the endless rehearsals and instructions. Being.foreigner, he was given a stricter lesson with the priests afraid that he might make a fool of.himself or even worse, ruin the whole ceremony. A lot of thibgs were hammered in him and never so clearly, Gil learnt how serious and no-nonsense japanese could be.

He camr back to, barely able to walk straight to an armful of Jun still in his little kimono. He was too excitwd in his new outfit he wouldnt remove it, and the kid was eager to show his papa the new clothes.
Mitsuo got his own rehearsal. Playing the part of the bride, he needed to really act the part. Learning how to walk correctly in a kimono, as well as the ceremony itself. Then, of course, his mother wanted to go shopping...he was exhausted by the time he got back to the hotel, flopping on the bed and letting Jun play quietly. He would have his kimono cleaned later.

He was napping in the bedroom while Jun ran to greet his father, waving his arms about and going on about what they did, then showing off his outfit and saying he was like a "Sam-rai". He had learned about them while he was out with Mitsuo and his mother, even got a little plastic sword.
"Sam-rai? Huh..." Gil was hesitant and then thought for a moment. Hr wasnt too familiar with japanese culture but he seemed to remember something sounding similar. "Oh baby mean Samurai?" He chucklrd and lifted the little ball of energy up. Jun was always energetic and today's activity just further fuelled his passion. He smothered his face imto the little tummy of Jun and smiled hearing the boy's giggles. He carried him further into thrir suite and asked. "And whrre's mommy? You havent been causing him.too.muvh.trouble today, did you?" He stepped into their room and smiled seeing Mitsuo sleeping on their fluffy bed.

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