Consequence from one night (w/ BubbleBelly321)

Jared pulled Finn's smaller hand over and pressed it between his own legs to feel how wet his opening had been. "This is your body preparing.... You are going to be a great mother, yoru canal had developed perfectly, ready for delivery." He said hinting at the possibilities. it would require some further enhancement and assistnace from him, but Jared was quite pleased with how Finn's body was adapting.

Finn's face was still slightly flushed from their session, and jared just kissed him when he saw how cutely confused he was. "Nevermind... when the time came you would understand. Now... let's grab some breakfast?" He said and started their day.

"Oh! Um, sure. Breakfast sounds good." Finn blinked, before shaking his head, and running a hand through his hair.

After taking a moment to locate his clothes from the night before, the young man slowly rose out of bed, and attempted to get dressed. Before he could put his clothes on though, Finn noticed that Jared had left him a loose-fitting bathrobe on a nearby chair, and covered himself with that instead. It was certainly softer, and much warmer than his clothes. Satisfied, he wandered into the kitchen, where Jared appeared to be assembling some breakfast items.

The bathrobe was oversized and reached almost the ankle of Finn, for ti was Jared's, but it delighted him seeing the smaller man in his clothings. Jared took the frying pan out and smiled at him. "I hope you would be good going with some pancakes? And sorry I don't have decaf coffee here.... you could have some mlik or juice if you want. Both are quite good for your condition." He said nodding at his belly. He even gave him a hand so Finn could get himself onto the bar stools that he had around the counter fo the kitchen.

"Thanks, pancakes sound great actually!" Finn accepted the help onto his seat, thanking Jared as he got comfortable. "Do you have any orange juice?" He asked, before blushing. "I mean...could I have some juice please, if that's alright? Sorry I know it's your place and everything. I don't mean to be so casual about all this."

As enjoyable as Jared's company was, Finn didn't want to seem to comfortable around the doctor/wizard just yet. As far as he knew, Jared was looking out for the baby, and Finn was an enjoyable side benefit. He didn't want things getting too serious if Jared wasn't into him like that.

"Of course I do....though I enjoy pineapple juice more myself." he chuckled and opened the fridge. It was nice seeing Finn holding his belly instinctively after getting up on the chair. He took a glass and poured some for Finn. "And please, just treat this as your home. you are very welcomed here and please feel free to ask for anything." He said warmly, smiling at the smaller man. "I would take very good care of you... and i certainly hope i could be more than a doctor to you..." He added in a light whisper, already turning back to the stove as he said that, suddnely shy.

Finn thanked Jared for the drink, and began to take small sips of the liquid. Unfortunately with Jared's whispering about being more than a doctor to the young man, Finn gasped and sputtered as he inhaled a bit too much of the juice. His blush deepened, and he let out a loud cough as he tried to clear his throat.

His loud coughing had Jared turning back to him. He cluthced Finn's hand to remove the glass and patted his back. "Are you alright?" He asked with concern. His belly was heaving quikcly with his coughing, almost like it was springing to life underneat the robe. Jared loosely circled Finn in his arms, his body fitting perfectly as it was elevated by teh chair.

Jared gasped, taking a few breaths before his coughing began to stop. After making sure he really was okay, the pregnant man looked up at Jared with embarrassment.

"Sorry, you really um...caught me by surprise there." Still, the young man leaned against Jared, feeling safe and secure in his arms.

"what, to be asking for more than your doctor?" jared smirked. "I know it's a little quick... it's not even a day since our, hmm, reunion, but I cared deeply about you. Not only for the child, but for who you are." He said and shoook his head. "Please give it a thought... i would wait for your answer." He smiled at him and nudged against his head before releasing him to get started on the breakfast.

He made extra thinking Finn might want some more with the babies, and took out jam, syrup and raisins and some fresh strawberries. He managed to make their simple breakfast look quite like a feast, getting all ingredients laid out on the counter. "So, what do you like?" He gestured for Finn to choose.

Finn seemed relieved to see that Jared was willing to be patient with him regarding his response. Everything else seemed to be happening so fast around the young man, so he appreciated the break. As The doctor set out the different pancake toppings, Finn smiled, and looked over at the spread hungrily.

"Strawberries with syrup?" He suggested as he reached for a plate.

"If you want, you could add everything." Jared smiled and pushed the strawberry and syrup towards Finn, letting their previous topic.slide. he was confident they would make some.progress, sooner or.later. he knew he had made himself plenty opportunnities to get together with Finn, with the baby playing a crucial role in ensuring their ties.

He ate, but.spend.most of his attention on Finn as he watcehd the smaller man devour on the pancakes. "By the way, wgat's your usual scheudle? Shall I pick you up for dinner, or meet after that?" He said discussing about their arrnagment.

The pancakes were delicious, and Finn found himself eating far more than he normally would. Still, he wasn't too embarrassed by it, concluding that he was just hungry, and Jared would tell him it was fine anyways. He listened as the wizard asked about his schedule though, and cleared his throat as he washed his breakfast down with a bit more juice.

"Well, I schedule's pretty straightforward. It's 9 to 5 Monday to Friday, then I usually just hang out at home." He shrugged, taking a few more bites. "I mean, it leaves my weekends free, but I don't really do much."

"If you dont object, I guess wr could meet every other day... the more the better. The more time I am close to the baby, the better they could get energy from me and you would be less burdened. So... should I take you for dinner starting Monday?" He said and then afrer some consideration, added. "Do your colleagues... find it strange?" He quickly glanced at his bump. It would only get bigger... and to be honest he.thought.i might.not be only one in there as well. If indeed Finn was carrying twins, he would only grow even faster once the babies got their energy from him as well to support their growth.

"Yeah that sounds good to me." Finn agreed with Jared's plans to meet up. Although, he was a bit confused by the doctor's question about his colleagues at work. "Huh? Do they find what strange?" He ran a hand through his hair as he thought about a response.

"Most of my co-workers don't notice me much anyways. The ones that do just assumed I was sick once I started growing. They also know I like guys, so they won't find me spending time with you strange." He sighed. "I'm not sure what to do once I get bigger, but I can't afford to stop working really."

"Well.... Is it possible for you to take a period of time off? I mean... I am going to be honest. Your belly's only going to get quite big in the coming.months, if weeks. And then when thry are born we would need to take care of them... the ideal case would be, perhaps we should get a few months off. My clinic is flexible but..." he stopped and changed his mind. He didnt want to sound like he was going to force Finn into anything. "Sorry, I do not mean to intrude inro.your personal life. But I want to assure you financially you shouldnt be too burdened,at least I could afford for childcare." He said clarifying his stance.

"Anyway, we could deal with this later. So what's the plan for today?" He stood.up and asked. "Anywhere you need to be?"

Finn breathed a small sigh of relief. On the one hand, he didn't want to take advantage of Jared's kindness, but it was still nice to hear that he was serious about helping both Finn and the baby out. IT was true he wasn't fond of his job, and the pair would have to find some sort of solution soon. Still, the fact Jared was thinking about these things already helped Finn felt much less uneasy about the strange situation he was in. Finishing his breakfast, Finn shook his head, but got up from his chair anyways.

"I don't have any real plans today, but I should probably get going anyway. I do have a bit of work to do since I left early to try and make it to the doctor's yesterday." He teased, before biting his lip. "I you my number though. So we can arrange when to meet up and stuff."

"Yea that would be really great!" Jared said excitedly handing Finn his number. He had been anxiously observing Finn's facial expression and whne he saw no signs of him feeling offended, it was a huge relief.

He stood up after Finn and offered at once. "How about I give you a lift? At least let me compensate for needing you to leave work early? You are heading bacj to office or are you going to work from home?" He said already grabbing his car key, once again unconsciously showing his power as the key flew across the room to land on his outstretched palm.

Finn's eyes widened at Jared's display of magic, but managed to shake some sense into himself and regain his composure. Despite his unexpected pregnancy, he still found it hard to believe that Jared was a wizard. Then Jared would do things like making objects float, and Finn would be caught off guard all over again. Soon the young man replied to the wizard's questioning, after putting his shoes and coat on.

"If you don't mind, that'd be great. Saves me from taking the bus. I'm just working from home today."

"Right. It's getting slightly cooler today..." Jared smiled at the awed look of Finn when he saw him using magic, and this time walked to the bedroom very quickly and came.back.out with a scarf in his hand. He wound it over Finn and tugged it into his.coat, then opened the door for him. ""

He moved the passenger seat a slight bit back before inviting.Finn to get in, and the ride was enjoyable, with casual chats that he thought he maintained quite well. He asked for the directions and wondered to himself if he would be invited up.... or perhaps it would happen later, when they were more acquianted and when he could impress Finn enough to allow him that.

Finn honestly couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to Jared. Normally it took him a long time to feel comfortable around other people, but with Jared things just seemed different. In no time at all, they had made it to Jared's apartment building, where the young man smiled softly, nervously shifting in his seat.

"Well, thank you again for everything." Finn undid his seat-belt and moved to exit the car. "I'd invite you in, but my place is a mess right now. Maybe next time?" He offered.

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