Closed it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)
Name: Lucien
Age: 29
Appearance: Jet black hair, deep brown eyes with a faint trace of red, he was a tall handsome shrouded in mystery.  He owned a bookstore in town, and was in general charming, and had lured a lot of regular customer (mostly ladies).  He was in fact half devil, but with his half human blood, he was able to go to church and other places, blending in perfectly with the society.

It was another sunny Sunday and Lucien had been trying to look for apples in the farmer's market. It was nice, and he was about to go the usual store.  The aged couple were in fact elves, but they had disguised thier looks well.  They each knew about their identities, but lived on as normal humans.  Occassionally he would be offered an exclusive discount, with a knowing smile exchanged, but that didn't mena they would outright speak about their inheriage.

While he was just looking around sort of aimlessly, wandering his way to the store, he saw a group of kids emerging from a darkened alley, each giggled and chased after each toher. There had been trace amount of blood on them - creature blood, but it was faint.  They had been playing among themselves, one of them got a feather in his hand, raising it high up in the sky as a trophy.  "you see that chick? HAHA he had been so scared... " "Yea! I thougth i saw him pee himself... ewwwww" "I bet he was cold feeted now HAHAHA" the group of kids bragged about something, and Lucien got curious.  What could they have tormented? He approached that darkened way and looked in.
Name: Hitsugi
Age: 21
Appearance: fluffy black hair, sharp gold eyes, and round features. He is of the Avian species, a race of bird-like humanoids. His plumage is much like a mockingbird. His face is decorated by piercings, a common thing among his kind. His feet are very bird-like, while his hands only have short dull claws and soft scales. Anatomy:

Hitsugi had been curious about humans as long as he could remember. Today he finally found the courage to wander into the closest town and see humans for himself. He knew people had seen his kind before, so he wasn't too worried about bad reactions. But what he didn't know was the strain of more non-human people living among humans. People had become outspoken about the freaks living among them, even resorting to violence. And that kind of behavior often trickled down to children...

He didn't think to bring anything to protect himself, nor did he think about the dangerous areas of the town. He heard a cat down an alley and decided to go look, wearing a loose robe over his wings to reduce the striking appearance and blend in better. But clearly not enough...Several boys had followed him, cornering him in the alley.

"Get outta here, freak!" Shouted one, getting shouts from his friends in agreement. Hitsugi couldn't escape, there was too much blocking his way up. He tried scaring them by spreading his wings and fluffing up the feathers around his neck and the feathery hair on his head. Trying to look big and scary. But at only 5'3" tall, he was anything but big or scary.

They rushed him, knocking him down and pulling at his wings and feathers. He didn't realize his own condition, the stress triggering something in him. He cried out in fear, feeling a painful cramp in his middle followed by a splash of fluid from between his legs. The boys laughed at him, saying he must've peed himself. One pulled a switchblade and began cutting at his feathers, another even going as far as pulling a few out.

By the time they were finished, Hitsugi was a ball of bloodied feathers huddled in a corner by some trash. The boys laughed, leaving him for dead...all while he whimpered in pain as his belly cramped...He didn't realize he was about to lay his first egg.
At first Lucien coudln't make out what it was on the floor - even with better eyesight than human, the form hidden under a baggy robe was difficult to make out of in the darkness. He heard a whimper then, and a stir of the form revealed a mob of fluffy hair. Lucien sensed the blood in the air and hummed to himself. That's from birds... no wonder those nasty kids had been holding up feathers. He would have left the mess, he wasn't one full of sympathy, but then the whimper got louder and perhaps that flock of fluffy hair was too adorable to be left behind, so, surprisng even himself, Lucien came forward to check out on the creature.

"what are you?" he asked, pulling apart the robe that was so baggy it ended up entangled the creature within. He pulled him up and a fussy head came out, with the feathres on his neck still fluffed up, he looked positively hilarious. Lucien not so gently brushed away the dirt on his face to see his pained expression. "Hey you alright? they ddin't do too much damage right? teach you a lesson enough not to mess with humans...they are nasty enough creatures." He said and felt around the small body of the birdman, curiosuly finding a lump in his abdomen. He pressed down curiously and immeidatley the birdman whimpered even louder. "Hey hush! You wouldn't want attract even more attention... ewwwww." He glanced down and noticed the puddle of liquid on the floor, and naturally thought the same as the kids.
Hitsugi's instinct was to curl up in a ball and hide from danger, almost blending in with the trash if it wasn't for his small whimpers of pain. He tried to stay still when he heard another person, but that cramping returned, making him whimper louder.

He made a panicked noise when the stranger started tugging at his robe, scrambling to untangle himself. Ye squeaked when he finally got his head free, staring at the stranger with wide eyes and poofed feathers. He winced as the man wiped at his face, trying to get away from him. He gasped and cried out when the man pressed on his belly, feeling more fluid escape him.

"S-stop. I....I'm...Aah!" He managed to say before he felt the egg slide into his birth canal. He curled in on himself, grunting and whining as he pushed, feathers all over his body puffing up with his exertion.
Lucien wasn't sure what the birdman was doing, but with his feathers all puffed up, he looked more like a furball than anything. Lucien had a hard time hiding his smile, but he guessed the birdman wasn't really in the mood for some laugh. He wanted to just drop him right there, but his whine and grunt were pathetic - and who knows, perhaps it was also the wide-eyed panicked look that had touched a soft part of his heart, he stayed. He lifted him up slightly so he wouldn't be laying flat. He saw the birdman spread his legs wide. Without the robe to cover himself up, his unmistakably bird-like fee clutched on teh floor and spread wide.

This posture was not unlike human women giving birth, and the half devil wondered what it was. He was quite positive this had been a male, and he reached between his legs while the birdman's upper body was fixated on his lap. He just intended to check if he had misjudged the gender, but underneath that wilted little cock of him, there was a slit - and the slit was spasming, with a hardness just beneath. He was quite shocked, and continued to rub on the hardness, tracing the shape - he wouldn't deny it was half to see how the birdman would react. In between rubs, he asked finally. "what's your name? I am Lucien."
Hitsugi had no idea what the man's intentions were, but he was a bit preoccupied with his current condition. He tried to push the man away with his hands, using his wings as well for extra leverage. But another strong contraction hit and distracted him again.

He had on clothes designed for his anatomy, baggy pants with a U-shape cut in the back and a strap for over his tail, and a top with a hole in the back and a flap that went between his wings. So, when Lucien slipped his hand down his pants, he squirmed more before freezing when his fingers found that slit. "Aaah-Ah! S-stop!" He gasped before pushing again, the hard egg pressing against Lucien's finger.

He kicked out his legs, trying to hit the man while shoving with his wings. He was surprisingly strong for his size, but weakened by his condition and the beating he had taken before.
"Hey... I am trying to help." The half devil lied blatantly, but he was also a good actor so one would have easily believed him once they heard his confident words. "Shhh.... it's ok I am not going to hurt you. You are about to lay an egg I see.... just push. I am here to protect you from those nasty kids." His voice was alluring, seductively confusing the Avian who was in a lot of pain.

Lucien was curious to see the peculiar design of the Avian's clothes. It showed he must not be coming to a human society because he had no other way or in desperate need of food or lifesource, otherwise he wouldnt be dressed in such nice clothings that felt soft and nice.

His kicks were strong - but that also toppled his balance and the smaller creature collapsed further back onto his lap. He smiled at the smaller man, his fluffy featherly hair was even cuter now with how dishevelled they were. He found himself quite fond of him, and again he asked. "You want me to stop? Yea.... if you would tell me your name."
Hitsugi's clothes were far too nice for him to have been without a home. Having patterns and details common to clothes of his people. But they were dirty and torn from the attack earlier.

He stopped fighting when the man said he was trying to help, the young avian being to naive to think anything else of this man. He leaned against him and closed his eyes tight as he pushed, the egg slowly spreading him open. He whimpered and trembled, spreading and lifting his legs, toes curled tightly.

The egg wasn't terribly big. About the size of an orange with a tapered end helping it to pass easier. But this was the avian's first egg, and clearly he wasn't prepared for it. He didn't even know he could lay eggs.
Lucien never thought he would one day thought a bird's feet to be cute, but that's what he thought when he saw the Avian's toes and nails curling in. The young man, almost boyish with his blush, was easily on the verge of panicking. He looked like he didnt know what was happening, and was just pushing on.instinct.

Lucien was a master in seduction. With his calming voice, he took the smaller birdman in a proper hug. Once again, he slipped his hands through his comfortable robe and pressed on the slit, holding the egg in place not letting it out any further. "It's going to be alright, there's nothing to worry about. You have worry when you are with me. Tell me, little one, tell me what's your name?" He asked in his deep voice, giving the smaller creature a strange sense of security.
Hitsugi never had the lessons females of his kind got about eggs and breeding, he hardly even understood his own sexual anatomy aside from the most basic things every boy, the fact he found himself laying an egg, especially in public, was incredibly distressing.

But, somehow this stranger had him calming down and resting in his arms. That is, until he stopped the progress of his egg. He whined and squirmed, feeling a pang of pleasure as the movement stimulated nerves that had never been touched before. He arched and whimpered, legs trembling. " name Hitsugi." He managed between breaths. "P-please, it needs to come out...aah, it hurts." He gasped, trying to tug Lucien's arm away.
"That's my nice boy Hitsugi, listen to me, nothing bad would happen to you." The half devil smiled and even pressed a calming.kiss on his.forehead. he stared at the piercings on his lips through the dim.moonlight, and once again he was sure this had been a little Avian that had been from a decent family, if not quite well-off.

He grabbed his hand as he tried to shovs off his palm that had been stoppering progress, and pressed a kiss on it as well. "I am sure that isnt just pain, is it? I see this little cutie here...." he stroked through his cock. "Jsut jerked up, didnt it? Such a naught little cutie..." he continued to tease it. Just when he was holding the egg in place, the jerk of his cock had been unmistakable, convincing Lucien that this would be even.more fun than he originally anticipated.

"Alright listen to me. I am releasing my hand, and you could continue pushing.down. you would be feeling.more pleasure than pain soon afterwards. You would focus on the sensation of where the egg is.passing, but.not the feeling of your belly... is that clear Hitsugi?" He said in a hynotising manner, gentle and guiding, with an underlying authoritative tone.
Hitsugi closed his eyes at the kiss, his whole face scrunch in up as he tried to push even with Lucien blocking his progress. He bit at those piercings and his lip, whimpering louder as if it would get his point across...all it did was make him seem more submissive.

He tried pulling his hand away, opening his eyes to look down himself. His pants had been pushed down just enough to expose his groin, dark feathery hair covered the area and trailed up his stomach to where his belly button would be. Of course he didn't have one since he was born from an egg. He simply had an indent where his yolk sack had been when he was a baby. He gasped sharply as Lucien teased his cock, feeling it twitch and start to harden. It was quite small with plenty of loose skin when soft, but an Avian's cock pulled partially into their body when soft. So as it grew hard, it grew much longer. It topped out just under six inches long and quite thick, the head's shape well defined even under the foreskin with the pink tip peeking out with pre beading up at the slit.

He panted harshly as Lucien spoke, looking up at him and nodding. When he moved his hand away, he pushed hard. And like the man had told him, he focused on where the egg was. His strained groan turned into a low moan as the egg pressed against his prostate. Even with the burn of the egg spreading his virgin opening, that pleasure was overwhelming. He grabbed Lucien's arm, trying to ground himself as he pushed, giving a sharp cry when the egg suddenly popped free, pushing him to a powerful orgasm.
This had been tbe first time Lucien had observed the laying of an egg. It was amusing to say the least, anf the fact that Hitsugi was giving such enchanting and lovely moans throughout was enough to pique Lucien's interest in Higsugi himself as well. The process was short, but the half devil enjoyrd every second of it. The litttle prick of the Avian eventually growing anf thickening this much was surprising , and made Lucien even more mesmerized by the little birdman.

With the egg straining against his opening, Lucien had picked up the signs of arousal from Hitsugi's moans. He was pleased by how Hitsugi was grabbing his arm, already seeking comfort from him instinctibely. The naive litrle Avian had fallen into his trap, he had built in that sense of security that would be associated with Lucien.

The egg popped out at the same time as Hitsugi's spurts of seeds. Lucien looked at the egg that rolled on the dirty ground, he was about to take it when Hitsugi finally collasped coming down from.his ovrrwhelming orgasm, interupting with his farreaching hand.
Usually laying eggs was a very private thing for Avians, but poor Hitsugi didn't even know he would be laying an egg. It was a horrifying situation for his kind. But Hitsugi had never had the shame drilled into his head like females of his kind, he was simply afraid of the pain. He was also shocked by the arousal that came with it. He was so young, equivalent to a teenage human due to the slow aging process of his species. But based on his plumage, he was an adult...

He couldn't help forming some kind of bond with the man, after all, he came to help him after those boys had beaten him up. He really had no reason to fear Lucien, he wasn't behaving like a threat. So of course he sought the safety of another person as his labor peaked...and now he would associate the pleasure with Lucien, since he had advised him to focus on it...

He collapsed against the man, panting harshly. His feathers ruffled and wings spread and limp. Without much thought or effort, his feet shifted and found the egg. Long toes curled around the shell before picking it up and passing it to his hands. He looked terrified, gazing at the dimpled off-white shell. A little bit of blood mixed in with his fluids on the egg, but that wasn't his worry.

"Aah...I...I'm not ready for this." He whined, clearly not understanding that eggs needed to be fertilized first...the poor boy didn't know anything about what just happened.
Lucien could see the Avian had dropped his fear towards him. Seeing the panting Avian grabbing for the egg even before he had recovered from his panting had initiated some peculiar feeling within him. Lucien could see the care Hitsugi had placed into the egg, and he was strangely feeling angry, jealous.. or is it even longing? To shake off the strange feeling, he snatched the egg from the poor juvenile.

Lucien had been around enoughto know the egg was just an egg. Therr woudlnt be anything coming from it which somehow fuelled Lucien's jealousy - which in itself was a ridculous feeling but he just longed for Hitsugi to put that attention into himself instead. He turned the egg around and avtually smiled. "That's strange... i have never held an egg before while it's still warm." The half devil had some limited knowledsg on Avians and their habits and rtiuals, but he would very soon find out - he would have to, he had developed enough interest in Hitsugi to want to strdngthen their bond.
Hitsugi seemed calm, at least on the outside. But inside he was freaking out. He had just laid an egg and believed he was now responsible for the life within. Until that day, he believed he was just a normal male Avian. And, like most males of his species, he didn't learn much about the females until he was ready to chose a mate. Females kept to themselves until mated, where they would create a lifetime bond. There wasn't any need for males to learn about eggs, since the females dealt with that. All the males did was hunt or tend livestock.

But now Hitsugi was staring at an egg he had just laid, and his whole world felt like it had been flipped. It took Lucien snatching the egg from his grasp to snap him out of it. "H-hey! That's mine!" He yelped, suddenly springing up in a flutter of feathers to try and grab it. Avians naturally recovered quickly from laying eggs.

But being the clumsy youth he was, and still injured from earlier, he stumbled and only ended up knocking the egg out of Lucien's hand. He scrambled to catch it, but he missed by just an inch. Time seemed to slow as he watched helplessly as the egg he thought would contain a baby hit the ground, cracking and spilling it's contents on the dirty ground.

He fell to his knees by the mess, already sniffling as tears welled up in his eyes.
Lucien was quite surprised at first Hitsugi didnt react to him taking the egg, then he was struggling so vigorously he was surprised. He didnt intend to really brrak the egg, he thought it must have some specicla meaning to tbe Avian, even though it wandt like it would hatch to anything. It came as a shock and he felt likr his heart skipped a beat when the egg dropped to the floor and smashed.

His first instinct was to calm Hitsugi. He surrounded him with his arm holdin him. "Hey hey hey... it's ok... i know it.could mean a lot being your first egg, but it's not a fertilized one... it wouldnt get to anyrhing. You would have many other eggs latrr..." he said, he was sure this wouldnt be the last egg that Hitsugi laid, and that's about the best consolation he.could come up with.

The little birdie with his mess of feathers on his head, eyes rimmed red with tears had again melted his heart. Lucien didnt realise it yet but he had been desperately trying to calm a total stranger, something that was very out of character for him.
Hitsugi sat there, his wings folded tightly to his back. He sniffled and whimpered, seeing the mess of his egg. He jerked when Lucien put his arms around him, turning his head to listen to him. He looked surprised when he said nothing would come of it since it wasn't fertilized, a blush crossing his face at the realization.

"I....I didn't know I could lay eggs." He muttered. "I'm a boy....boys don't lay eggs." He whimpered, wrapping his arms around himself. He put his hands down over his lower belly, whimpering. He didn't know what to do or how to respond to this new aspect of his life.

"I need to go home." He muttered, pulling away from Lucien and fixing his pants. He spread his wings, pausing and looking at his damaged feathers. He gave a loud whine, finally seeing the damage the boys had done. "M-my wings. I can't fly." He said, looking back at the man with an expression of fear and panic. He was grounded, and that was the worst feeling for an avian.
That blush had made the Avian lookrd all over again adorable, bringing out a chuckle from Lucien. This image would be imprinted in his mind for a long time. The taller male wanted to just hold this little bird in his arms and keep him at home. Suhc a peculiar specimen.

"I dont have much idea about the anatomy of your kind... but, is it usual for you 'boy' to have a slit underneath your 'birdie'?" Lucien smiled glancing down between Hitsugi's legs. The Avian looked amazingly young and innocent just holding his belly like that. He hugged him again, holding his lowerbelly as well, amazed at how it returned to normal so soon after the birth.

"Shh it's ok. Hmm how about this, I would get you back to my home, and we could checj the damage, let you heal so you would be ablr to return home?" Lucien was playing his part perfectly. Soothing, gentle, not pressing at all but the idea was ideal enough Hitsugi had no way to refuse. He opened his arms. "Come, I would bring you to safety." He smiled at the much smaller man.
Hitsugi nibbled his lip as Lucien asked about his anatomy, shaking his head. "I...I never told anyone about it...." he sighed, lowering his head. His parents had assumed it was just an anomaly, that the anatoy wouldn't work. Clearly it did work, just a bit later than usual.

He whined at the hug, squirming out of it. He didn't like having his wings pinned down against his body. But he did turn to face Lucien, still nibbling the metal in his lip. He listened to his offer, glancing at his wing as he spread it, then back to the man. Home was quite a distance away and difficult to get to on foot or by vehicle. Deep in the nearby mountains in a protected ravine.

"Ok." He said, fiddling with some torn fabric from his shirt. "Just until my feathers grow back." He sighed. He knew how to stimulate new feathers, a skill all avians knew since they frequently broke or damaged them.

His attention suddenly shifted, hearing a soft meow. The cat who initially caught his attention was interested in the broken egg. Hitsugi turned and knelt down, picking up the shell and offering some of the spilled egg. The cat was hesitant, but came overy and began lapping at it. He gently pet the cat, gaining it's trust. "Can I bring the cat?" He asked, looking back to Lucien.

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