C it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)

Seeing.that Lucien's words had failed to comfort Hitsgui, the devil lifted the avian up by his waist and moved him to sit on the bed with him. He cupped his face and looked into his bright eyes. "Let's learn together then. Your gendee wouldnr change who you are. You are still you, Hitsugi, whether or not your body could do amazing things like this." He caressed his belly, alrwady loving the bulge.

"Besides... it would be a lovely journey to learnt eh changes on your body first hand. You are expereincing amazing changes that no one would ever get through. You should embrace the changes, enjoy it but not be afraid of it. You are still you, and all these are adding ro your life experiecen." Lucien continued on hoping it woukd at least relief Hitsugi of some of his scare. He stroked the piercing on his lips rhat hadnt stopped turning for awhile, and kissed him chastely on his lips, unable to hold back the fondness he was feeling to the avian.

Hitsugi made a small noise when he was lifted, shifting a bit on the bed before looking up at Lucien. He nibbled at his piercings as the man spoke, glancing away as his wings shifted and wiggled, settling his feathers better before giving a small sigh. "I'm scared..." He mumbled, looking down at Lucien's hand. "It hurt so much....n-now there will be more..." He whined.

He looked up again as the man continued, feathers fluffing slightly when he was kissed. He stared at him with wide eyes. His wings spread slightly as his cheeks flushed. His throat flushing darker again as well, showing he was still very much in heat...

"Babe.... enjoy this moment, revel in this moment, and worry about other things later.... all you have to remember was i am going to get through this with you, always." Whenever Lucien finished a sentence, he would place a light kiss that spoke of more feelings and lust on Hitsugi. First on his lips, then specifically his piercings, one by one, then down on his flushed chest. He even pressed a kiss on each of his nipples.

It was Lucien's strength to arouse anyone of their desires, and Hitsugi was also helping with his job tremendously as the second surge of heat started coming. He pressed kisses, exploring more sensitive spots of the avian making his way down his torso, making the birdman once agaib getting delirious with desire.

Hitsugi looked unsure, he had only met this person a short time ago. But Lucien made himself so easy for the avian to trust, he didn't even notice he was under the half devil's spell. He just stood quietly as he pressed kisses to his lips and piercings....then down his body.

He took a shaky breath as Lucien's lips met the flushed skin, feeling that warmth growing in his groin again. Closing his eyes, he tried to focus through the haze of his growing arousal, shaking his head and fluffing his feathers several times. His wings fluttered as he shifted on his feet, trying to ignore the ache between his legs. Both hands moving hesitantly into Lucien's hair as he moved lower, trembling slightly.

It's really giving Lucien a great sense of achievement when he felt Hitsugi's hands in his hair - something he had long ceased to feel with his normal preys. Hitsugi was a timid little one going through a life crisis, so he was happy that he dexided to take him in and accept him in this moment of weakness, and he had been helping the avian cope with the situation.

He worked with redoubled effort. playing with the avian's cock, he stroked the patch of feathers on his crotch, patting it and moved to the growed and throbbing cock of Hitsugi's, stroking it, giving pleasure to the male part first, his fingers only ever so imperceptably tocuehd on his feminine openings.

Hitsugi had never shared such an intimate moment with anyone before, not even his own kind. He was a bit of an outsider. But this stranger was overwhelming him with so many new sensations and emotions. He needed to ground himself somehow.

He gave the most submissive little noises as Lucien played with his cock, eyes closed and face flushed. His mouth hanging open, allowing his heavy breathing and soft noises to come freely. His hips bucking each time Lucien's finger teased his slit.

His wings spread, but drooped more to his sides...a display of submission, showing the lighter colored feathers tucked up close to his body.

Even though Lucien wasnt fully aware of all the implications behind Hitsugi's hehaviors, he could hear and understand those noises. It was half whiny and half urging, even longing, for Lucien's further attention. He straightneed himsefl from his kneeling position and stroked the lighter colored feathers out of curiosity. It was not exactly as soft as the dowb feathers, but it seemed to be more delicate than the outer layers. He slid his fingers across them and admired their tidy array, the order and simplicity they presented.

Lucien wasnt leaving any part of Hitsugi untouched. Spending enough time with his feathers, he trailed down to his tailfeathers, even slipping below it to get to the botton of Hitsugi that, though in general hidden, was quite peachy. Lucien lingered for a little longer, discovering yet another favourite spot on Hitsugi that he loved to touch.

All that while, Lucien hadnt released his stroke on Hitsugis cock, but he had gradually teased his slit further down and played with it longer, his phabtom touches no longer as elusive. He slowly stood back up and let his possessive side show, his canines grew slightly longer as a devil's tail gradually made its way out. He nibbled along Hitsugi's chest and neck, along the flyshes area, he looked for the best spot to place his bite.

Hitsugi made a soft noise when Lucien began to touch his wings. The tidy little feathers neatly outlining the powerful limbs beneath. The feathers on his shoulders and neck trailing down in a v-shape onto his chest, following the shape of the powerful pectoral muscles that powered his wings in flight. Connecting at the center of his chest at a keel bone, modified from a more human sternum. This overlapped the normal musculature of his human arms, giving him a very deep chest.

His wing easily folded out of the way as Lucien explored him further. Tail feathers spreading into a neat fan before folding again as his tail twitched and lifted, allowing Lucien to slip his hand underneath. Hitsugi gave a sharp gasp when Lucien's teasing fingers found his puckered anus, making it twitch and clench as his tail instinctively curled tight against his ass. He didn't yet know the pleasure he could receive back there...

While Lucien explored, Hitsugi stood there trembling. One hand lifted to nibble at his knuckles again while the other held onto the feathers on his chest. His legs were shaking with Lucien's teasing, jerking his hips into his touches, seeking more. He had his eyes closed, or else he would've seen the changes in Lucien. Instead, he moaned and leaned his head to the side as the man teased his chest and neck, giving a soft needy whimper.

Everything about Hitsugi was alluring. He couldnt wait to feel his avian and mark him.forever. he needed to take possession of this little avian, he was much too precious to be left for others to take.

Up on Hitsugi's mostly feathered covered torso, Lucien had chosen his place of marking. He licked the spot with his slithered tongue for a few times, numbing the sensations. Once the mark was made, that part would be forever modified by his phenom.

Lucien shoved 2 fingers into Hitsugi's slit, which was again leaking already. Hitsugi could no longer hold himself up now and collaped into Lucien. This time the entry was smoother, but the insides felt warmer, like they were still inflamed and swollen from the previous session. He pressed around and explored, wondering how that tight canal could allow for the egg to pass of indeed they had fertilized and grew larger. Moving.himself, Lucien once again introduced his overly thick cock into the Avian's slit.

Hitsugi was so lost, taken over by his own hormones and by Lucien's charm. He couldn't resist even if he wanted to...his need was far too great to resist anyway. If left in this hyper-aroused state, the poor little avian would seek anything to satisfy the boiling need between his legs.

He shuddered as Lucien liked his flushed skin, feeling a tingling numbness, then a sharp but quick pain. He only yelped, hands going to grab Lucien's arms, not realizing he had been permanently marked by the man. "Aaah-aah!"

His cry grew louder when Lucien shoved his fingers into him. Nearly collapsing at the feeling. He held tightly onto the man, trembling and bucking his hips, grinding down against Lucien's knuckles. He whimpered as he was shifted, only to cry out as he was impaled by Lucien's cock once more. Feeling the hard flesh fill him so completely.

He wrapped his arms around Lucien's neck, flapping his wings a few times for stability as he moved the rest of his body. Legs hooked around the man's, the little bird started to ride him while standing. Face pressed against his chest, he was running on need and instinct, fucking himself on the half-devil's thick member like his life depended on it.

Lucien was amused by the position the avian managed on him. Had he not have his wings for balancing, he wouldnt have been able to held on. Lucien groaned when the high heat enveloped him entirely. All lucien need to do was shove up from time to time to steengthen the sensation.

With his wings flapping behind, Lucien was able to free up his hand not needing to hold Hitsugi steady. He made great use of it and roamed his hands around the lovely bodice of Hitsugi, feeling every feather, occassuonally holdinf his bottom to spread him wider and slam into him.deep.

Lucirn nibbled on the new bite mark, fondlinf with it and strengthening his smell on the avian. This wasnt only a makr of possession, but also a mark for protection where oyher creatures would think twice before making a move on the avian - all exceot humans who.wouldnt have understood this at all.

Hitsugi had to adjust his hold a few times, short dull claws digging into his back as he worked to hold himself up. He gasped as Lucien thrust up into him, matching his own movements and driving him deeper into his haze.

He moaned as Lucien's hands wandered his body, gasping sharply when he spread him and slammed into him, cursing loudly. His inner walls clenching tightly around his cock, holding it tight as he pulled out and squeezing around it as he thrust back in.

He whined as he licked at the mark, leaning his head back to give him better access. His throat turned a deep blood red, Lucien's influence pushing him deeply into heat. His scent thick with fertility. His ovaries going into overdrive, ripening so many eggs. Already the swell in his belly was growing, purely from how fertile he'd become.

If Lucien ever had the understandng, he would be thrilled how he pushed the little birdie into his ovulation frenzy. He would be so proud of himself for making his avian - his unique one - so filled with eggs, his body working so nicely with him in getting all those eggs ready. Lucien, at the moment, was too busy devouring the taste of his first ever mark on another creature.

Luxien had always rhough he would mark something powerful and cool since he had come to realise his heritage. It was when his father had come to fetch him, and finally, he thought he had the ability to possess something cool. It was a childish thought for he had always been bullied at school and abused by his hysterical mother. The only precious thing he had used to be a lone pebble he had stumbled upon aftee school one day. Now, he suddenly felt like that youthful obsessions wouldnt matter to him anymore. All he wanted was to take this avian with him, to whereever they would belong.

Lucien thrusted strong , just as Hitsugi's speed started slowing down. The avian was so delirious in heat, that the pleasure was starting to overwhelm him, smothering him in the never ending waves as Lucien started pounding harder, stronger, straight into his womb.

Hitsugi was quickly reaching his limit, wings enveloping them, helping to hold onto the man as he gave him control. Powerful orgasms washed over him, crashing like waves in a storm, one right after another. Even his small testicles had swelled with his burst of fertility, squeezed between them and milked with each powerful climax.

The area where their bodies joined was just soaked in the bird's fluids, making each thrust give a wet slap as they met and a squelching sound as they separated. Hitsugi couldn't even vocalize his pleasure anymore, only able to pant harshly...the room filled with the wet sounds and heavy breathing under the birds thick fertile scent.

Hitsugi gave a harsh cry as Lucien pushed into his womb, giving him a direct shot to fill him with his seed....none would escape this time..."F-fill me..." was all Hitsugi could say, on the verge of losing consciousness from how overwhelming the pleasure was.

It was such a mess between them, but Lucien had never been so thoroughly delirious in the joy of sex before as well. Hitsugi just have the ability to bring out this lustful side of him, without any restraints any longer, no coverups no masks, no whatsoever, just the most natural state of him enjoying this primal urge from within his soul. He growled and bite down on Hitsugi's mark again.

He breached the cervix of Hitsugi's, heard his desperate beg and exploded so deep in him, every single drop of potent seeds made their way trhough the fertile and egg-stuffed uterus, coating evrry single one with his thick seeds. Hitsugi had tensed up ajd trmebled vigorously on him, and even Lucien's own eyes rolled back from the immebse plessure while holdiny his dear avian tight in his arms, fusing them into one as they were wrapped also by Hitsugi's wings.

It was suvh a vigorous orgasm, Lucien was findibg himself floating, feeling surreal and yet so content for a long time afterwards - he had lost track of time. All he wanted was for time to stop and let him live in this bubbly paradize.

Hitsugi gave a silent scream as Lucien exploded inside him, feeling his seed flood his womb. His cervix tight around his cock head acting as a plug, ensuring every drop stayed inside. He shifted his body, belly swelling more, already looking pregnant.

Moments later, the little avian fell limp in Lucien's arms, still trembling from the intensity of their sex. His wings drooping, hanging limp with his arms while his head rested on Lucien's chest....within, his eggs began to mature, forming shells and settling into his overstuffed womb...

The waves of.pleasure was still.coursing trhough Lucien as well. He moved the avian properly into his arms and patted his back idly. He liked the frrling of his feathers. He touchrd him and didnt force himself to return to reality that quick yet as well feeling like they had the time all to themselves.

However, the rapidly growing belly of Hitsugi broke that comfrotable silence. Even Lucien was feeling the bump.that was starting to press into his stomach and he glanced only, only to get face to face with a bump that measured to at least like a 5 months pregnancy in nornal humans. Lucien was somewhat looking.forward to fertilizing the eggs inside of Hitsugi's, he just wasnt expecting it to be so soon.

Nonetheless, Lucien slowly reached over to feel th3 growing belly. He could almost make out the shapes of each of the eggs forminy in shape, and it had his mouth drying.... he smiled already looking forward to what's about to.unveil.

Hitsugi groaned softly, feeling the dull pressure in his middle. He felt Lucien's hand and went to touch it, only to find it wasn't quite where he expected. His hand paused, moving to a bare section of his tight belly, feeling the subtle bumps of the eggs within.

He lifted his head just enough to look down between them. Eyes going wide as he stared at his full, and still growing, belly. He'd never seen a female so gravid, it frightened him. "Wh-what have you done to me?" He squeaked, looking back up at Lucien.

He shifted and gasped, feeling the man's cock still plugging his opening...the first egg resting against the tip, pressing on it as more joined it in Hitsugi's womb. The first batch from their first coupling was ready, and Lucien had already opened things up for them...

"Th-there's pressure....aah-ah... I ...I need to lay." He gasped, wings flapping as he tried to pull away.

Lucien groaned in pain when Hitsugi flap his wings, him trying to pull away had caused his insides to pull on his cockhead that was clasped so tight by Hitsugi's cervix. He stopped Hitsugi from moving any further from him. "Wait...."

Lucien tried removing himself gently, but the more he movrd his member, the more Hitsugi seemed to be clutching tight on him. He groaned again, shigting his hips holding Hitsugi steady. "Hitsugi, can you relax...." Lucien tried though he suspexted that was not some voluntary actuon from Hitsugi's side. He held his growing belly and rubbed the taut skin, hoping it would work in relaxing Hitsugi.

He rubbed Hitsugi's roundedd belly in circles, trying to get his inner msucles to relax - mostly to convince the avian's body that the eggs had been fertilized and there wasnt a need for his cock as stopper, and finally felt like the clench on his cockhead loosened a little - and an egg surged forward, nudging right on top of him that had both moanin ginbthe sensation, his cock unfortunately thickened in response to that and once again, it was trapped.

Hitsugi pushed against Lucien with his arms while flapping his wings, only to yelp as his insides refused to let go of Lucien's cock. He whimpered and held himself close to the man, trembling at the growing pressure within. "It....it hurts." He whined, trying to relieve the discomfort and relax. "Aah-aaah." He whined. panting as Lucien started rubbing his belly. feeling it growing tighter.

He started relaxing, feeling his belly tighten as his womb tried to push the egg out. It seemed like it was going to help things, until Lucien's cock started to grow hard again. "Sh-shit!" He cried out, forcing himself away with his legs. Lucien's cock popped free as the little bird fell back onto the bed, legs splayed and his gaping slit on full display.

He curled and scrunched his face up, pushing hard. The first egg sliding past his cervix, making his opening bulge as the shell became visible. "Its too big!"

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