The Mpreg Birthing Center

Aaron could not believe the pain he was in. The contractions were on top of each other now. He swayed back and forth, trying to stay on his feet as Doctor Sage told him to do. He didn't let himself scream, but kept moaning through the pulsing of his belly.

Anxious to give him some relief, Elisa quickly went for a cold compress, holding it to his forehead while letting him squeeze her hand with the other.

"Just hold on a little longer Aaron. You're almost there." she encouraged, wincing a little as his grip tightened on her hand.

Aaron felt extremely bad for crushing the doctor's hand, but he couldn't really think through the pain. He was reduced to an animal, laboring to bring his child into the world. A sudden urge to push rippled through his body. "Must...push..." he panted.

"Hold on Aaron!" she exclaimed at his response. "Let me check you again first; you can't push until you're fully dilated." A quick exam confirmed that he was, in fact, ready for delivery and two intense contractions later, Elisa was helping him onto the bed so that he could lean against the squat bar before the next contraction started.

"Okay Aaron, this is it." she said, getting at the space between his feet as he tried to catch his breath from the last contraction. "Next contraction, you can go ahead and push."

Gripping the bar, Aaron eagerly fell int a squat. It felt natural, even through the blinding pain. He took a deep breath and gave his first push. He mentally counted to ten before stopping and taking a breath.

"That's good Aaron. Just like that." she smiled before grabbing the compress again to place onto his sweating forehead as he stopped for a breath. "You're a natural. Couple more like that and she'll be here in no time."

Aaron shifted his hips a little, desperately wanting this baby out and in his arms. He bore down again, giving a deep, long push.

"Good push Aaron. Hold it as long as you can." she encouraged, impressed with his focus and determination so far. It was only a few contractions later that she could start to see the top of a tiny head showing between pushes. "You're doing great. Her head's right there."

Aaron whimpered slightly as he paused for a breath. "It burns..." he managed to squeak out.

"That's just the muscles stretching to make room for her head." she said as she grabbed a warm compress to help keep him from tearing. "You can rest some if you need to, but you've got to push past the burning."

Even in his hazy, pained state, Aaron knew that stalling now would only hurt more. "No..." he grunted and pushed down again, his low moan growing louder with each passing second.

"Good Aaron. Keep bringing her down just like that." she encouraged as he pushed again, a loud moan escaping from his lips as more of the baby's head would become visible with each push.

"I can see the top of her head Aaron." Elisa grinned. "She's got a mess of hair already."

Aaron huffed as he took a small breath. "Can I...feel her?" he asked breathlessly.

Elisa smiled. "She's your daughter; go ahead."

Aaron reached down, gently rubbing his daughter's head as it poked out of hole. "Oh..." he said in wonder. That was his baby. The baby that had been inside of nine months. With renewed vigor, he pushed again.

"You're almost there. Keep going." she encouraged as he pushed again, bringing more of her head into view until it was a perfect circle. "Hold on Aaron." she said quickly after a moment. "Baby's crowning. You need to give the muscles time to stretch so you won't tear. Breathe."

Aaron took short and loud breathes. He NEEDED to push. His baby was right there. He could feel his entrance stretched wide over her perfectly circular head. Aaron obeyed the doctor's orders, however, and didn't push.

"Good Aaron, you're getting her out with your breaths. Nice and easy." she said as little by little more of her face would appear as he tried to fight the urge to bear down. "Okay Aaron, give me an easy push for her head, alright?"

((Okay this probably isn't open anymore... But if it still is.. May I join?))

(I was wondering if i can join (

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