C it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)

Hitsugi forcimg himself away from the cock had caused a tiny contusion in his canal, but that wasnt too big of a problem now - but ti could change when muh larger egg started passing through him. Lucien groaned and doubled over once his cock was freed, that sudden expulsion had caused some pain on him as well, but he recovered qyick, especially when he heard the whiny and scared call of his bird.

Lucien saw that Hiysugi had started pushing again. He looked anxiously at the gaping slit, waiting to see the tip of the pale egg. He pressed on his thighs as the avian tried so hard to push, his whole face was flushed. "It's ok, keep pushing, you can do that… just, push enough to let me see the egg, and we would think of ways to help you." Lucien sat between Hitsugi's legs. The avian's bony feet were clawing down on the bedsheet tightly.

With more effort from Hitsugi, finally the egg moved another bit forward. Lucien thought he could see something, but couldnt determine surely, so he spread Hitsugi's now swollen lips wider apart to get a better view.

Hitsugi didn't even realize he'd injured himself in pulling off Lucien, his mind was more focused on the intense need to push. The wound was small and wouldn't cause much trouble aside from hurting, but it did add a little blood to the fluid dribbling out of him.

He propped himself up on his wings as he pushed, clawed feet digging into the sheets. The egg stretched his cervix even wider before slipping fully into his birth canal. His opening twitched, bulging as the egg spread him open from within. Soon the tip of the shell was peeking out, more of the smooth white surface becoming visible as it spread him wide.

Suddenly Hitsugi's whole body tensed, cock twitching and hardening. He panted harshly, unable to stop his tense trembling. The large egg was grinding against his prostate, each twitch making his inner muscles clench, pushing the egg down more and grinding his prostate harder....it was a feedback loop, and the poor bird was trapped in it, unable to even breathe properly from the ruthless waves of pleasure.

To Lucien, Hitsugi appeared to have tensed up suddenly without an apparent cause. He was afraif there was something wrong, so he put a hand on Hitsugi's belly and asked. "Hitsugi? What's wrong?" He moved his hand around his large - and still grwing belly.

Touvhing his lower belly, he camr in touvh with the sensitive underbelly and that small patch of delicate feather, and Hitsugi's moan was so loud it sounded almost painful. Lucien didnt jnow what's happening. He saw his throbbing erection and avoided it, but touched Hitsugi somewhere else - on teh tip of the egg that Hitsugi had just managed to push out.

The reavtion was immediate. Hitsugi jerked so hard from that touch, Lucien couldnt withdraw his finger quick enough and the rgg slipped that tiny bit back in, causing a heavy hit on Hitsugi's prostate...

Hitsugi gave a strangled cry when Lucien questioned him, face scrunched up into something between intense pleasure and excruciating pain. It was like being stuck in the most intense orgasm, each wave pushing him to another.

He whined when Lucien touched his tight belly, the skin so stretched over his womb. The growth seemed to be slowing, leaving the poor bird with a belly that looked 8 months along. All those hard eggs needed somewhere to go, but the first one was blocking the way.

When Lucien pressed on the egg and he jerked, it pushed back into the next egg, and of course his prostate. It was the most intense wave of pleasure yet, making his inner walls convulse and force the egg back out with a loud wet pop. The next egg quickly took its place, and with a twitch of his hips, it popped out as well...followed by the third, and fourth, and so on until he had popped out twelve grapefruit sized eggs...

There was no way of counting how many times he came...he collapsed against the bed, face wet with sweat, drool, and tears...his belly coated in his own cum, still quite round from the second batch of eggs maturing within...his legs remained widely splayed, his slit gaping and swollen, still twitching from the aftershocks of his ordeal...

Hitsugi was like a cannon. after that desperate squeak he started shooting - not only shooting out eggs after eggs, but he managed to shoot his loads empty, his spurts of cum became paler and paler, until eventually it was just clear fluid he was shooting. Lucien felt like he was a juggler, catching one egg after another so that they wouldn't smash into each other. He only got the time to brush them away when the next egg would land on the bedsheets.

When this was over, even lucien was finding this a little too much. He looked at Hitsugi in shock, takin ga full minute to recover enough to put away the eggs safely on the other side of the bed, and come to move the thoroughly spent avian off the bed. "come on... i guess we need a bath.. proper hot water bath this time." He said lifting him up. Almost immediately Hitsugi winced from teh touch, his whole body oversensitive from the string of orgasms, but clearly he was too weak physically to even more his finger.

Hitsugi was left trembling, legs twitching and wings shaking...He couldn't move, he could hardly even breathe for a few minutes after he finished laying the eggs. He whined loudly when Lucien went to move him, legs twitching like he was trying to kick. He needed to come down fully from his overwhelming string of orgasms.

His breathing slowly settled and his body relaxed, eyes opening slightly to stare at the ceiling before he turned his head. His eyes went wide when he saw the pile of eggs, lifting his head to get a better look, then looking back down at his still round belly. "Wh-what did you do to me?" He whimpered, looking frightened.

The color had finally faded from his throat, his heat was over...but his body had already been changed...he would cycle more often and start laying infertile eggs daily...A boon for anyone who loves cooking with eggs.

Lucien didnt have an answer. He loojed at the obviously shocked bird whose feathers once again stick up to all directions, making him look hilariously cute, but he bit down on his lips to hide the anused chcukled. "I. . I think i just made crazy love with you then your body responded a little too well to the possibility of possible insemination... and this…" lucien looked at Hitsugi's rounded belly, already getting quite fond of it, "this, I guess means there would be another time of amazing sex like just now?" He said innocently, tilting his head asking.

Lucien then sighed and pht Hitsugi closer to his chest whlle he started the bath. "I guess we would have to see what happens next, see what your body decided to do. I guess what we just did might as well have set off some kiind of natural process in your body...."

Lucien stroked the collarbone, around the bitemakr he had placed on Hitsugi. He kisssed Hitsugi on his lips, his tongue quickly fondled with his piercing and then lifted Hitsugi over the tub and immersed both of them in the lovely hot water.

Hitsugi whined loudly, closing his eyes tight. The eggs still within him were from their second session and would likely be ready to come out soon. His belly was growing slower this time, but as each egg matured, his belly would grow a little more. Another dozen eggs getting ready.

He whimpered against Lucien's chest, pulling his wings in close to himself. "I don't like this process..." He mumbled. He gasped when Lucien shifted and stroked the mark on his collarbone, shifting a bit to look at him. "What's that?" He muttered, reaching to touch the slightly swollen bite. But he was quickly distracted when Lucien caught him in a kiss and slipped them both into the bath.

He broke the kiss to gasp, warm water hitting his abused slit. But after the initial shock, the warmth helped sooth the pain...

His wings pressed close to himself, his feathers wilting and lowering a little from the worry fo the avian, Hitsugi looked incredibly young with his loss look. Lucien was finding himself impulsively kissing the avian , the lovely little bird managing to, oncr again, melt his heart.

It's nice to have Hitsugi so easily distracted. The inexperienced avian was easy to be lured , and apparently avians hadnt been the most modest type of creature - more likely the contrary, which suits right with Lucien's nature. He smiled hearing Hitsugi's whimper, which is quicjly becoming one of the favourite sound for Lucien.

Lucien sighed as well at the relaxing hot water. He suqeezed Hitsugi's hand while he tensed up from the initial sting, and then kneaded his arms and thighs helping him relax into yhe warmth. He rubbed him down, cleaning him, washing away the filth on both of them. The water had masked the growth that Hitsugi was experiencing.

Hitsugi couldn't resist much in his weakened state, and Lucien's kisses sent small sparks up his spine. Avians were naturally a very physical race. Helping to preen each other's feathers, huddling close in the cold. and cuddling those who needed comfort. So while Lucien was an entirely different species, his close touch reminded the young avian of his own kind.

He remained quiet as he relaxed in the warm water, making a small noise as Lucien kneaded his arms and thighs. He finally opened his eyes when he began to wash away the mess, all of his own cum on his round belly. and of course the mess between his legs. His wings fluttered gently in the water, spreading it between the feathers to help clean them. Damaged feathers fell free, floating gently on the surface around them.

Lucien gently rubbed Hitsugi's belly, holding him.close. Lucien hadnt been so close to another indivifual all his life. He had a lonely childhood, and his father wasnt the most affevtion creature in the world being a devil. It was some new ecperience and he was eaisly grwoing attached to the avian who had shown him the most dependence ever. It was nice to have someone trusting you.

Lucien stroked his belly lazily, letting the avian do his thing in cleaning and clearing his feathers. He lifted one of it up, the feather had been broken, but it remained vividly colored. He smiled and used it to stroke his cheek. He liked Hitsugi relaxing and nudging close to him. He liked the physical touches more than he had imagined, or perhaps it was the pure and innocence of Hitusgi that had attracted Lucien who had always been in the shadows.

Lucien strokrd through Hiysugi's feathers, then the feathers on his body, just staying close to Hitsugi enjoying his accompany. He tried to get closer, careful of his touches since he had noticed the avian seemed not liking people touching and trapping his wings

Hitsugi made a soft noise as Lucien held him close and rubbed the tight skin of his belly. He closed his eyes, resting his head on the man's chest. He was exhausted, and having a warm body being so gentle to him just really helped him relax.

He fluttered his wings more, splashing a bit as he worked more water through his feathers. He opened his eyes when Lucien stroked his cheek with the broken feather, looking up at him. He tilted his head gently, those sharp gold eyes gazing at him intently.

He was distracted by a shift within him. "Aah..." He gasped, looking down at himself. The second clutch of eggs was ready, but because he wasn't in such a hormone induced craze, his body didn't seem to be rushing to get them out. Lucien would experience a normal laying.

Hitsugi whined softly, trying to get up. Wings fluttering to get rid of the water between his feathers. He needed to find somewhere to lay his eggs.

"Hmm where are you going?" Lucien asked lazily, feeling the attmept of Hitsugi of getting up. He released the smaller male from his arms and watched him wobbled to his feet. His wings were soaking wet, and al the feathers were sticking to his torso. It was when his upper body had emerged fully that Lucien noticed the belly that had developed so soon.

He would have stayed in teh water for a little longer, but hearing the whine of Hitsugi, he somewhat knew from that peculiar sound that the avian probably was having urges again. He stood up to pull over a large fluffy towel to wrap Hitsugi up, drying some of his feathers but the avian remained smallish looking with it not fluffed back up yet.

He lifted HItusgi over the tub and settled him on the carpet, dried him, adn tend to himself. "Go on, find your space.. find your 'nest'." He smiled using that specific term. He knew the little one might want to nest for a little more now that he was more prepared for another clutch. What he didn't expect was the added weight of the eggs was a challenge for the avian who was so light in the first place, and Hitsugi yelped when the first step ended in a stumble forward.

Hitsugi stood up awkwardly, wobbling as he looked down at Lucien. There was a look of urgency on his face, one hand moving to his belly. He was frightened, mostly because he didn't remember much of his chaotic first clutch.

He was relieved when Lucien stood and gave him a towel, using it to dry himself while his wings fluttered more. The oils on his feathers helped the water slide off much easier, tail wiggling as well, leaving only his more fluffy feathers still wet.

He squeaked when lucien lifted him, settling on the carpet before wobbling towards the door. He nearly stumbled, but caught himself with a quick flap of his wings and quick feet. Hands went to his belly, looking down at it. "Nnh...so heavy..." he muttered, making a face. He wrapped the towel around his waist before walking a bit more steadily out of the bathroom.

He waddled back into the bedroom, pausing when he saw his first clutch on the bed. He whined with more urgency, not knowing where to put them. The bed was the most obvious place to make his nest, but the eggs were in the way. He didn't feel a connection to them, no urge to protect or incubate them.

The urgent whines of Hitsugi had Lucien coming fast to check on him. He had just a towel on him as well. The sight of Hitsugi holding his belly like it was a huge egg itself, looking between him and the eggs was enoughto bring a gentle smile on the half devil.

"Alright babe... just sit down first." Lucien had Hitsugi sitting on the bed first, then piled up all the eggs in a basket. They had been left on their own for awhule, so it onlyfelt slightly warm, and Lucien was quite sure nothing should come out from tbose anyway.

He was about to settle Hitsugi, then dexided he should help in making the avina feel more at ease witb this second clutch. "I will get more towels and pillows for you, just make yourself comfortable here first, ok?" He pecked Hitsugi's furrowed brows, then went away to gatherthe supplies he thought would be necessary, and also lwaving the space for Hitsugi's nesting instincts to kick in.

Hitsugi kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other, not unlike someone trying to hold their pee, but he was holding back a different sort of urge. His wings fluttered and fluffed as he watched Lucien, wrapping around him more to keep him warmer. Though, his round belly remained exposed.

He wasn't in labor or even having contractions, his body was waiming for him to find a suitable nest. Though, when Lucien had him sit, it triggered the process within. He gasped as his belly tightened, ignoring lucien and scrambling up onto the bed fully.

While the man was getting more towels and pillows, Hitsugi was shifting the blankets and pillows he had into a comfortable and warm nest. It was a comfortable place for him to rest and a safe place to set the eggs so they wouldn't roll away.

By the time Lucien returned, Hitsugi was curled up in the nest with his wings around himself, making soft chirping noises like a brooding chicken....

Even Hitsugi's cheeks appeared flushed from his urges. Lucien's mind constantly lingered back to when Hitsugi was shifting on his legs, holding his lowerbelly, his palms so low it was like he was holding against his opening, keeping the pee/eggs in. Lucien hummed a little tune while he gathered his supplies, taking some water wkth him as well, his heart light from the exicting prospect of seeing another laying.

He returned to find Hitsugi had caccooned himself in as much pillows and blankets as he could manage. The feathers standing up on his head remained sharp on top of the bundle of soft stuff, and Lucien chuckled. "I dont see a space for me.... you gonna do this by yourself? Not inviting me to join?" He raised up the more fluffy pillows he got. "I ddi have my share of soft things to offer. Promise would be good for egglaying." He smiled at the cute chirp and nudged closer.

Lucien sat at the bedside first, gradually making his way to Hitsugi, offerimg the pillow, he also lured Hotusgi into opening his "fortress" to him by giving him some water. The avian should feel thirsty by now with the successive laying and sex...

Hitsugi wasn't quite to the point of putting his hands between his legs to hold the eggs in, but he was close. Hands resting low on his belly, just above the towel wrapped around his hips.

The towel was quickly removed and added to the nest in the area he intended to actually lay the eggs. For now, he curled up under his wings and part of the blanket, nuzzled into the pillows as he relaxed. The whole nest smelled like Lucien, giving him a feeling like he had helped him build it...adding a new layer to the bond they were forming.

He peeked out from under the blanket when Lucien returned, wings lifting the blanket off himself a bit as he slowly sat up. "There's room..." he muttered. He had made his resting area at the head of the bed, leaving enough room for Lucien on one side. He looked at the pillow offered, taking it and feeling it before adding it to the pile by his head.

He took the other soft things and added them to make a comfortable space for both of them. Pausing only when he was offered the water. He smiled and sipped at it, knowing not to chug it or risk throwing up when he started pushing...

He crawled out of the nest, taking one smaller blanket to wrap around himself, and began pacing. "I....I can feel it. Nnh...." he said, looking at Lucien. He paused and did a sort of wiggle, only to gasp and stare at Lucien with wide eyes. "It....it's s-spreading me open....I feel it, deep inside." He said, closing his eyes as his cheeks flushed, unable to help feeling aroused by the feeling. One hand moving to the underside of his belly, then further down, like he wished he could see the egg pushing into his birth canal...or feel it from the outside. But it was deep in his pelvis and there was only one way to feel it, and that was his slit...

When Hitsugi peeked out from under the pile and lifted the blankets off slightly by his wings, Lucien saw teh space obviously reserved for him. It hit somewehre soft in his heart. Finally, someone had reserved space for him when he had all long been alone. Embarrassingly he found his eyes heating up and forced the thoughts down.

He let Hitsugi sip as much water as he thought he could handle, letting him squirm away, waddling around huddled in that fluffy blanket. He marvelled at how comfortable the nest appeared to be, and couldn't wait to hold Hitsugi while he struggled to push. Obviously this nest of blankets would all be ruined by the end of the birth, but he was quite readdy to buy a whole lot of it afterwards just to cater for his avian's needs.

The wiggle was so cute, and at first Hitsugi looked adorably confused. He quickly went to Hitsugi's side, covering Hitsugi's hand below his belly. He touched around the pubic bone, where HItsugi's feathers again hid the most intimate part of his body, and felt around the area. There, just below his belly, Lucien applied some pressure, feeling around though mistook Hitsugi's bladder as an egg and rubbed it. He soon realised his mistake with the yelp of Hitsugi, and he quickly apologized. "oops..... sorry. I would try from another way.... oh my, my little bird is stretched open by his egg." He smiled noticingthe arousal that was quickly developing.

While Hitsugi looked at him with his watery eyes, Lucien pulled over the avian's smaller hand and together, they explored the slit of the avian. It was still silghtly swollen, but it was clasped tightly together, recovering well from teh previous egg laying. He dragged across the slit with Hitsugi's finger, then he pressed his fingertips through the slit, pressing Hitsuig's finger in as well as he sank deep into the most intimate part of the birdman.

Avians could go two ways when preparing to lay. Either they were very standoffish and wanted to be alone, or they became quite clingy to their mate. Hitsugi was somewhat in the middle. Since Lucien wasn't officially his mate, nor was he another avian, Hitsugi was naturally a bit wary of him. But, at the same time, the man had helped him and they had already had explosive sex...

Hitsugi looked up when Lucien joined him, nibbling his lip. He looked down when the man began pressing against his belly, biting his lip. He made a surprised noise when he pressed against his bladder, shifting away slightly. His flush deepened at the man's words, glancing away awkwardly. "So sensitive...inside." He mumbled, closing his eyes again before looking back up at him.

He let Lucien take his hand, biting his lip as he guided it down between his legs. He whined softly as his fingers were guided along the sensitive flesh, closing his eyes and gasping when his finger was pressed inward. He had never actually explored his anatomy, feeling how hot and wet he was. His erection brushing against his arm gently.

He gave a pained noise as his body clenched, pushing that first egg further into his tight canal. He shifted his finger deeper, gasping when the tip of his dull claw met the tip of the egg, unconsciously pushing to feel it shift lower. His legs trembled and hips bucked, feet shifting further apart to keep himself steady.

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