C it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)

Lucien could almost hear the whimper of Hitsugi when he crawled back into his nest. The avian looking more like an injured puppy for a second, making its way back to his lovely safe haven to lick his wounds. The only difference was Hitsugi startesd laying eggs again, and even though Lucien lamented the lost of his touch on the avian, it meant he could better witness the process.

It's amazing. At first it was more to the ears, with Hitsugi's wings obscuring most of the view, but just the different sounds, moans, grunts and whimpers, occassionally gasps and high pitched squeaked as his wings trembled, no doubt his small body was trembling as well within that large wings.

His wings eventually spread, like the curtains going up from a stage, and also like a flower blossoming. He caught Hitsugi's nervous glances at him and gave him a gentle smile. While Hitsugi was busy laying egg after egg, Lucien had found himelf a lovely space within his nest to watch, a front row seat.

He could now see clearly how the egg breached Hitsugi , how his moans changed with it making its way through Hitsugi's canal, how his.cock twitchdd with the movements, and how his face showed an orgasmic look when he pushed. It was the most amazing thing Lucien had seen, he woukd never get tired of it.

He was a little disappointed at the flattening of Hitsugi's belly, bit the little avian's complaint on there being so many was so erotic, his cock twitched. It's such an innocent complaint, but it definitely made Lucien more exicted. "Are there anymore left babe?" He asked, it was hard to judge from the size of Hitsugi, but he could see the thick.lips of Hitsugi still spasming.

Hitsugi couldn't hold back his noises. He tried, biting at his knuckles while his wings were around him. But he quickly gave up on that, needing his hands to move the eggs as they popped free. When he lifted his wings, it showed how any skin free of feathers was flushed and sweaty, and not just from exertion. He was slowly building to his next climax, each egg pushing him closer and closer. But it wasn't painful or overwhelming, just a slowly building tension deep in his groin.

He leaned his head back after his comment, scrunching up his face as he pushed. The last two eggs didn't have the weight of others pushing them down. Hitsugi shifted himself, pressing his hand firmly against his lower belly. The last egg was being stubborn, but a sharp gasp signaled it's movement into his birth canal.

He swallowed thickly, so close to the edge. His cock so hard that his foreskin was pulled tight, letting Lucien see the veins throbbing just beneath the skin. The head so flushed and flared that it looked like a bright red mushroom.

He wrapped his arms around himself and gave one last push. Trembling so hard, he threatened to fall over. But when the egg spread him and pressed against his prostate, his whole body jerked and stiffened, mouth open in a silent scream as he came so hard the egg nearly shot out of him. Thick ropes of cum spurted from his cock while slick squirted from within...and once the tidal wave of pleasure ended, the little bird collapsed onto his back.

He fell with his legs spread, his gaping slit on display, still twitching from his incredible orgasm.

That last two eggs were a clear struggle. Hitsugi's palm pressed so deep into his lower belly Lucien had thought of stopping him, the little bird seemed like he woukd hurt himself with his claw like hands sinking deep into his soft belly. His hand twitched and was so close to pulling his hand away from this self-torture, but the sexond last egg popped out in time to stop him.

The last egg was a remarkable finale. It started off even more of a struggle. Hirusgi's been trembling so much, his mewls so weak, Lucien had started palming his stiff erection with his multiple atttempts of pushes. When it did emerged, everything cumulated to its climax. He could see Hitsugi's reaction in slow motion, his shock feeling the waves of.pleasure, his eyes rolling back at it, even his cock crying large drops of precum fuelled Lucien's desire as well. He stroked harder and faster, their exploded pleasures almost coinciding in time.

When the waves of ecsatay passed, Lucien panted looking at Hitusgi. The avian was in such a poor state. His feminine lips werent only swollen, they were gaping so much the delicate flesh of his canal was flipped out from the successibe laying of eggs. Even his anus was gaping.slightly from the.continuous pushing. His entire body was sweaty and sticky, covered with unknown fluids. He looked like he wouldnt be able to get up at all.

Lucien had learnt of avians' speedy recovery from births, but this seemed like too much. Hitsugi was still panting, looking so exhausted but at the same time content with the orgasm. Lucien collected him gently in his arms, doing aftercare even though this wasnt exactly a session. He fed the bird water and wrapped him up in the blanket, holding him close while he recovered from the extreme feelings.

Hitsugi knew his own limit, he wasn't going to hurt himself by pushing on his belly. It actually looked deeper than it really was simply because of his barrel chest. He applied just enough pressure to help with his pushes, directing the egg down. It seemed almost as if he instinctually knew what to do.

But then, in a blur of pleasure, it was over. The little bird passed out, his last two eggs resting on the bed between his legs. His slit was so swollen, it almost looked prolapsed, but a few muscle twitches started pulling everything back where it belonged. His wings twitched, spread out on the bed under him. One hand rested on his flat belly still, trembling gently.

He made a soft noise when Lucien moved him, returning to consciousness, at least somewhat. He curled up in the blanket he was wrapped in, sipping the water offered before nuzzling against Lucien. He made soft bird noises, content and safe sounds as he relaxed and recovered. Eventually drifting to sleep against the man.

Those bird noises is the single most adorable sound Lucien had ever heard. The little bird just constantly surprised him by just being itself. He had little knowledge of fhe species before, so he couldnt determine if it's just Hitsugi or was it Avinas in genera that's so lovely. All he knew was his heart was lost forever to this little guy.

He held him gently, patting his back under his wings. The blanket was tugged on him just underneath it so as not to restraint those huge wings. He looked at Hitsugi's serene face in his sleep. He looked innocent and helpless, making Lucien quite overwhelmed with the urge to protect him.

While Hitsugi was soundly asleep, Lucien glanced through the eggs. He wasnt sure if they are goinf to hatch into anything. Afyerall, he and Hitsugi were of entirely different species, but he didnt want to just get rid of them while Hitsugi was out. Holding Hitsugi in his arms still, he spared a hand to pile them up. It felt weird, the eggs were still slimey with god knwos what fluid on them, even a little warm themselves. He tugfed them up on a soft towel in the middle of the nest, and justlaid down and drifted off with his little one beside the eggs.

Avian were very much like Hitsugi, but those noises were completely unique to him. His signature, a way of communicating without words, just sound. He had already gotten comfortable enough with Lucien to make those sounds, behaving almost like the man was his mate.

He purred softly as Lucien pet his back, feathers fluffing gently beneath his fingers. He even moved into the touch, wings fluttering as he shifted the blanket. He would need to teach Lucien how to preen his feathers, as it was a great way to keep them clean and neat while bonding with him.

He made a noise and lifted his head when Lucien finished moving the eggs, sleepy eyes peering at the white shells. He saw they were safe and together, so he relaxed again. Moving to nuzzle against Lucien as he purred and drifted back to sleep.

It's heartwarming feeling the avian moving into.his touch. The fluffy wings flapped against him, fhe silky black feathers, and pressed an affectionate kiss on Hitsugi's forehead.

Lucien chuckled at how Hitsugi appeared so silly with his head feathers poking up while looking at his eggs, and took the avian back in his arms while they slept. It was an all new experience to them both, and quire an exciting one that Lucien wouldnt mind repeating - a lot of times. His hand slipped down to Hitsugi's now flat belly. He would surely be making him bulge up again soon.

While Lucien was drifting off to.sleep, he was findinf himself lookingbforward to sleeping every night like this, holding the soft body of Hitsugi in his arms.

Lucoen was the first the wake up. It was night time, but he didnt want to.move to prepare dinner. He just summojed a warm towel - he was feeling filthy, and so must Hitsugi when he wakes up.

Hitsugi's wings would shift slightly in his sleep, usually because their position was putting uncomfortable pressure on his feathers.l, or was bending them. Eventually he settled with one wing draped over Lucien and the other tucked up close to his body.

He made a soft noise when Lucien's hand touched his belly, still a bit sore from his consecutive clutches...his body was recovering quickly, but it was probably best to avoid repeating such an event.

He made a small sleepy noise when Lucien shifted, hiding his face more and pulling his blanket closer to himself. He was filthy, covered in dried cum and other fluids, not to mention sweat. He smelled strongly of sex, especially his wings. But he was too tired to get up and wash himself.

Lucien's plan was to clean Hitsugi with the wet ane warm towel, but the avian clearly preferred undisturbed sleep. He took the smaller male in his arms and sneakrd the towel down under the blanket to wipe away the cum at least. They would dry up and form filthy lumps on his feathers, so that's what Lucien was aiming at removing first. His wings, however, was too large and troublesome to clean, so he didnt bother with it at all.

Hitsugi provably wasnt enjoying the touches, especially when the towel got to his sensitive belly, and shifted to hide his head further away. Lucien chuckled and eventually abandoned the thought tofurther disturb Hitsugi with the towel. He cleaned himself afterwards. Finally feeling clean again, he tugged himseld close to Hitsugi, under his wing, and just looked at Hitsugi.

He could very well look at him all day. Hitsugi obviously wasnt the prettiest creature he had encountered, but there was something about him that was luring. Perhaps it's tjat innocence. Light and pureness were always appealing to low and dark creatures like himself.

Hitsugi whined softly, but didn't put up much of a fight when Lucien moved to clean him. He didn't want to move, but Lucien's touch was gentle enough. That, and the towel was warm and soothing on his sore body. Even when the man wiped his more sensitive areas, he didn't protest much.

Thankfully, his wings hadn't gotten much of the mess on them. Only a little bit here and there that would wash away easily later. His tail, however, was a mess. The feathers would need a proper cleaning to get the dried fluids off. It didn't really bother the sleeping bird right now.

He slept for the rest of the day, regardless of Lucien's presence. If the man got up to do something, the little bird would curl up in the warm spot he left. Getting him to move again was troublesome, but as soon as he had a warm body beside him again, he cuddled right against him. The stray cat he brought home eventually joined them as well, curling up among their warm bodies.

Inevitably, Hitsugi needed to use the bathroom. He made a groggy sound, head peeking out from under the blankets as he looked around. He had no idea where the bathroom was....

Lucien did get up to tend to some errands, mostly done to make sure when the avian woke up, he would have everything he might want handy. Lucien loved it especially when he returned to the bed, Hitsugi being too cute to be left alone for long, the avian would find his way back to him. It's nice to have the smaller male tugging closs to him, and he enjoyed the affectionate gesture a little too much.

The cat had come and gone. Lucien had been wondering if he should wake Hitsugi up for some food when the avian woke up. The half demon was still peeking at rhe door while the cat seemed to realise something as it came back into the room, looking around with its tail raised up high.

Hearing Hitsugi's grumble, Lucien decided he could wait at the door first. Hitusgi seemed to be looking around in confusion while sitting up in bed. The cat had mewled on the floor, but Hitsugis firsr concern provably wasnt on it atrhe moment.

Lucien smiled and come to his side. "Hey sleepyhead.... slept enough?" He smiled at the avian rubbing his eyes, and pulled him up to sit. "What is it?" He said holding him around his waist, his palm rested on his belly.

Hitsugi really seemed to enjoy cuddling with Lucien, the warmth was soothing and made him feel safe.

He shifted slightly on the bed, looking around slowly. He paused when the cat hopped up to greet him, smiling and reaching to pet their head. He paused when Lucien joined him, giving him a sleepy smile. "Mmm, yeah. I think I slept enough." He sighed. He looked down slightly when he felt Lucien's hand on his belly, tilting his head gently.

"Aaah, I need to go to the bathroom..." He said, frowning. The cat cuddled against him and mewed, purring softly.

"Oh.. yea, absolutely." Lucien nodded at his request, and carried him.up naturally. The cat leapt off bed elegantly, and followed them despite the startled yelp by Hiysugi. The avian probably wasnt expected to be carried around, and Lucien chuckled and slowly placed him down onto the floor.

"Stand still .. I am just worried you would have wobbly legs. Apparently not, these little claws seemed to be holding you up well." He smiled at Hitsugi leaning against him, but slowly getting his footing. It's with his first step that the avian must feel the burn still present between his legs, for he stopped right there.

Lucien didnt intrude though, he just stayed close, balancing him if Hitsugi needed that, and accompanied him to the bathroom just beside their room.

Hitsugi squeaked when he was picked up, wrapping his arms around Lucien while his wings spread slightly behind him. He didn't really like being carried around so much, so he was glad when the man set him back down.

"I'm ok." He nodded, shifting his feet. But, just to be cautious, he leaned against Lucien as he took a step. He hissed softly at the sting between his legs, but pushed through it and kept walking. Once he got to the bathroom, he paused. He wasn't accustom to toilets designed for humans. "Ah, umm....privacy?" He asked, looking back at Lucien.

He waited for the man to leave before figuring out how to use the toilet. Urinating was straight forward, just like a human, but sitting down was awkward when he had those tail feathers in the way. He eventually figured it out by sitting at an angle with his tail held to one side, finally able to relieve himself.

When he finished, he found a wash cloth and ran some water, using the damp cloth to gently clean the soiled tail feathers.

In fact Lucien would love to stay. He was curious as to how the avian would make use of teh toilet - he was pretty sure they would just go at a designated place, probably not even a hole in the ground. He would be happy to teach teh avian, but seeing hthe shorter man's determined look, he let it be and retreated from the toilet.

It was not a long wait, but Lucien was finding himself daydreaming, imagingin ways the avian would relief of himself. Would he stand up to go like a human male, or would he sit down since he also got the equipment of a normal lady? Lucien never knew he was this perverted, but his mind just kept wandering to such things when it came to matters with Hitsugi.

He didn't hear a flush, but he heard water running. He knocked on the door. "Hitsugi? Are you finished? Can I come in?" He asked, just in case Hitsugi didn't know how to operate the machine - and mostly he was just curious, wanting to see how he managed.

While Hitsugi had both sets of reproductive organs, only the male set was connected to his bladder. Which he was thankful for. It would be difficult to try urinating if both sets were connected...he didn't even have a hint of a urethral opening within his female anatomy.

Using a human toilet was odd, and he didn't realize one had to flush it. Avian bathrooms had a much simpler design, a squat toilet. They did have running water, and used it instead of toilet tissue to clean after relieving themselves.

Hitsugi was just finishing with the cloth on his feathers when Lucien knocked, making a small surprised noise. "Aah, yeah. I'm done. I'm not sure how this thing works..." he said, sounding a bit embarrassed.

Lucien pushed open the door and caught Hitusgi at a slightly compromised posture. He was checking on his tail feather, actually holding his leg up and trying to look from between his legs. He quickly got up and instead twisted his upper torso back to look at it. He looked so serious in his attempt to take care of his feathers, Lucien almost chuckeld for it surely didnt match with the cute feathers poking up from his head.

Lucien chucklrd and came closer. Glancing in the toilet bowl, he nodded to himself not.finding any trace amount of blood - he had worried if Hitsugi might have suffered some intenral lacerations. He pressed the button and water came rushing through, bringing away the waste and the avina looked curiously at the spiral.

Lucien smiled at the curious and.naive look of the avian. He was enjoying so much of his company, seeing Hitsugi discovering.new things like a child. He came close and looked down at his flat belly - there was no trace left of his recent "pregnancy" now. He pressed a hand on it. "So... what should we do with your, hmm, our? Eggs?"

Hitsugi made a surprised noise when Lucien caught him checking his tail, shifting to a different angle. He was just making sure he didn't miss any dirt. When he finished, his tail spread and wiggled before settling behind him. He was surprisingly flexible, but it seemed only natural that he would be able to reach all of his feathers in some way. Except, of course, the ones right in the middle of his back. Avians relied on brushes or each other for grooming that area.

He blinked when he flushed the toilet, feathers lifting as he watched the swirl for a moment. His attention quickly shifted back to Lucien. "Ah, umm....I'm not sure....I think they are duds." He said, nibbling his lip. With the man's hand on his belly, he was very aware of his nudity.

"I need to fix my clothes." He said, frowning and curling his wings around himself a little. Avians wore clothes because they didn't have feathers everywhere, so they needed protection from the elements.

Lucien noted the uneasiness of the avian without any garments. "I think they at least need some kind of fixing aside from the need to wssh it. Got.some of your blood on it... by the way, hows your wound? On your wings when those nasty kids tore it?" He asked looking at the wings while he escorted Hitsugi out of the bathroom.

The wings snugged close to Hitsugi's body, and he wasnt seeing anything from the layered feathers covering it. "Hmm...how about I.give you some of.my old clothes... might be able to cut through some holds so your wings could fit through it?" He suggested, rummaging through his closet for some baggy enough clothes to serve the purpose. His clothes would be large for Hitsugi, but that's better than his own filthy robe.

He pulled out a pair of old t shirts that's baggy and long even for him. He cut through the back of it so there would have the slits for the wings, serving like a robe/dress so his tail feathers would have its space as well. Both of them didnt notice that meant surrounding Hitsugi constantly with his scent.

Hitsugi frowned, remembering the entire reason he was here to begin with. "Right. I can fix them." He nodded. "I just need supplies." He added, walking with Lucien. He ignored the sore feeling between his legs, having a new task at hand. Though, he paused when Lucien asked about the wound, tilting his head and spreading his wings slightly. "It's fine. These longer feathers bleed when pulled out." He said, moving to part the feathers to show where the intact flight feathers attached deep in the skin. "I'm glad they didn't yank the really long ones...that's like yanking a tooth out." He said, shuddering.

He nodded when Lucien suggested his own clothes, moving to help him modify them. He found a pair of shorts with an elastic waist, cutting a slit across the back just below the waist to slip his tail into. Once he had the clothes on, he looked much happier. Not really conscious of Lucien's scent surrounding him.

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