C it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)

Lucien touched his spread feathers shortly, just moving his thumb across it, feeling the softness. It's the down feather underneath that he liked the most, but these long ones were really impressive as well. It's not as soft, but rhe color was rich and it felt strong, able to bring Hitsugi high up in the air.

With Hitsugi much happier now, Lucien was prepared he could ask some more about his species. They went back to the "nest". The pile of eggs still rested there, unmoving, and it could be just Lucien, but he did hear a gurgle on top of his own when they were about to sit down. Lucien chuckled. "Hmmm so... are you hungry? I bet you might now a lot of recipes involving eggs...?" He asked pointing at the pile of "ingredient". "Wanna try?"

Lucien lookrd at the eggs that were not too huge. It's more like the size of a baseball. Compared with the size of Hitsugi, that's not exactly huge. He knew birds could lay huge eggs, weighing almost 1/3 of their own weight, which in Hitsugi's case would be quite impossible. Still, he wondered if the eggs could grow larger if Hitsugi managed to keeep them inside of him for longer.

Hitsugi held his wing still as a Lucien reached to touch the feathers. Soft down under strong and waterproof feathers. The stiffer feathers were soft in a different way, smooth to touch and warm from his body heat. When they were done looking at his feathers, he folded his wings again, giving them a quick flutter to settle the feathers all back into place.

He followed Lucien back to the bed, looking at the pile of eggs, still so shocked they had come out of him. One hand idly shifted to his belly, wondering when it would happen again. Though, his hand slid up a bit when his stomach grumbled, cheeks flushing. "Yeah. I guess making so many eggs uses a lot of energy." He sighed.

He blinked when Lucien suggested eating them, tilting his head. "Aah....umm. I don't really know any specifically, but cooking eggs isn't hard." He shrugged, moving to inspect the pile. They would need to be careful about keeping eggs inside too long. If they got too big, he would become eggbound. But they would need to be quite large for that to happen.

(hmm just had a quick check online on eggbound hens... very interesting indeed ;))

Lucien wasn't sure of the implciation of keeping eggs too long inside of Hitusig, but isure enough eh would try.. there's something very exciting about impregnating Hitsugi with his youthful and innocent looks.He couldn't wait to see HItsugi a lot larger.

Lucien gather a basket to collect the eggs. "Hmm how about an omelette?We would have enough for some cakes maybe... do you like sweets? Oh actually, what's your preferred diet... are you a vegetarian or any restrictions on food you have?"

Lucien was already exploring teh possible things they could make. The half devil had decided he would keep Hitsugi around for as long as possible, and he surely hoped the avian would agree to staying... at least for awhile longer. He was sure they had some kind of connection now, all he need to know was how to strengthen their ties, and preferably create a bonding that's not only in his own terms, but also in Hitsugi's terms in avian culture.

Forcing the little bird to keep his eggs in would certainly be a show for Lucien. And if he started laying a single egg on a regular basis, making him keep it in while in public could also be an exciting adventure.

Hitsugi picked up an egg, looking to Lucien before setting it into the basket and starting to load the rest. "I love sweets. Umm, we eat pretty much everything." He nodded. "Oh, I do remember something I heard...brooding females sometimes gnawed on bone. Said it helped promote strong shells." He said, tilting his head. His teeth weren't like a human's, they were much stronger.

Hitsugi wasn't really thinking about leaving, but that was mostly because he was vulnerable while he couldn't fly. But if he started considering Lucien's home as his roost, he would probably always return here. Much like a pigeon returning to its home no matter where it was taken.

Lucien was thinking what measures he could take to force Hitsugi to keep the eggs in... certainly there had to be some mechanism other than will? He had sensed teh avian was sensitive, always responding nicely to his touches, so that could be something for him to exploit in. he couldn't forget how crazily Hitusgi clenched his canal tight when he moved his finger the right way while buried deep inside of the avian...

"promote strong shells....interesting." Lucien couldn't explain how he appreciates the idea. it would certainly make the egg a little harder - which could only be more fun. he coudln't wait... must get abundnat protein in each meal aside from the supplements from bones.

Lucien did make the first step right by putting his own clothes on Hitsugi. It looked funny, his clothes so large he could see his collarbone from abvoe the shirt. he was also making him feel more comfortable, and gradually increasing his touches on him. Like right now, while they were heading to the kithcen, he pulled over his hand like he wanted to take a better look at it - and got them holding hands for teh first time.

Restrictive clothing would be the most obvious way to keep the eggs in. But also keeping him standing would prevent him from laying. Since his pelvic muscles were different to account for the tail, standing up with legs together kept everything tight. Keeping him walking would force the eggs to stay in longer.

Hitsugi nodded, smiling. "I think it's because bones and shells use the same stuff, so eating the bones means the shells won't use my bones to make shells." He shrugged, looking over one of the eggs. "Maybe grind some bone meal up. Then put it in food." He mused, tail wiggling behind him as he thought.

He blinked when Lucien took his hand, looking up at him curiously. His hand was pretty normal aside from the short claws.

Lucien looked at Hitsugi's body and suddenly, an idea came up. Perhaps he could convince Hitsugi into using a maternity belt - those come in quite handy, restrictive in a sense but it's more for support for pregnant ladies as he had heard... it would also fit Hitsugi quite nicely. The avian would appear chubby and cute if his belly was bounded by a pink and nice looking belt that covered the whole of his bulging belly.

"Yea.. that would surely do. We could get bone easily from the butcher - there isn't that much meat broth goign on around here that no one need the bones. " Lucien thought about it and concluded that woudlnt' be difficult at all. He flipped over Hitsugi's hand, hwich fitted os nicely in his own palm, and looked at it, caress it with his thumb, and pressed a kiss on it looking straight into his eyes. "so, ready for our first meal together?"He smiled and took him to the kitchen.

It wasn't that big, but there were fresh ingredients available, thanks to the market that he often visited. "woudl you know how to make pastries? You could start with the dessert while i would take care of the main course." He suggested looking at what he had in store, and decided on a simple pasta to be cooked with meatballs, adding in an egg to make the sauce a little thicker - but mostly to taste what's the egg laid by Hitsugi would taste like.

Any clothing would need to be modified to fit the little bird. Especially clothing that went around his torso or abdomen. Under his feathers, he had a set of powerful muscles in a V-shape going from his lower back up to his wing-shoulders. Creating an almost cape-like shape

He nodded when Lucien spoke about getting bones. It wouldn't be much trouble and Hitsugi would figure out how to incorperate it into his food. He tilted his head slightly as he watched Lucien turn his hand over, making a small noise as he ran his fingers over it and kissed it. He blushed softly and nodded, giving a warm smile.

He looked aroun the kitchen, going to poke through the cabinets to see what they had. "Mmm, I'm not sure. We don't really cook complex stuff." He said, looking back at him. "But I can learn." He added, giving a wide smile.

Lucien would soon figure out more about Hitsugi's anatomy, and with the fondness he had developed on the avian, he would.probably.initiate some kind of body-exploring sessions with him.

The blush complimented Hitsugi well. Lucien returned the smile, delighted to see Hitsugi warming up to him so well. He looked at the fridge and hummed. "I do have a ready to make box here... let's see if I can find the recipe that's attached wirh it." He said opening up a cabinet directly on top of Hitsugi, hovering over him and reached for it, the avian's back was covered entirely by his front.

"Ah here it is... let's see. Needs 2 eggs and some.milk for this cake. we got both of that i think. So... this would be your task then!" He announced letting Hitsugi see the recipe and placed whatever ingredient needed in front of him. "And while the chocolate fudge cake bake int he oven, we could enjoy our meal. Would beef stew with rice appeal to you?" He suggested.

Hitsugi tilted his head slightly, looking curious when he mentioned ready to make stuff. He blinked when the man leaned over him, looking up to see what he was doing. His wings shifting slightly against Lucien, making the little bird blush more.

He shifted around Lucien, looking at the box and tilting his head curiously. He looked at the ingredients and instructions before going about finding a bowl and mixing items. He paused when he thought about the egg part, frowning. "Is this for chicken eggs? I know humans eat them..." He said, nibbling his lip. His own eggs were larger, more like two, almost three chicken eggs inside one shell.

"Umm, yeah, beef stew sounds tasty." He said, giving a quick nod and wide smile.

Lucien could get used to the tiny little sound of Hitsugi's clawed feet going around his tiled kitchen, and most certianly tbe brushes of his wings. He loved them so much, but to.top it off , rhe blush on the avian was always the loveliest thing to sed.

Lucien nodded, still focused on his chopping. "Yea the amount should be in chicken eggs... guess we could use one instead? Should be enough. Wouldnt hurt too much if we are adding a little more egg than instructed I guess?" He said eyeing the basket of eggs they had, and concluded ir.should be mroe or.less enough with one egg added. He picled one up to check its weight and nodded, satisfied with his estimate and smiled at Hitsugi while he looked rather confused with everything.

"Right, beef stew and I would add some bones in so you can eat them for this.time. later I would grind them up to add into our meals directly." To offer food to their mate had been a traditional prelude to mating, and Lucien suddenly wondere dif that had been something still existing in avians.

Hitsugi's claws tapped gently on the floor as he walked, toes spread to evenly support his weight. He was starting to get used to Lucien brushing against his wings and feathers. He would need to show the man how to help him preen his feathers properly.

"I guess it should be ok." He said, taking two eggs. The recipe calling for four eggs, so he took two of his own, gently cracking them into a bowl to mix with everything else. He hummed idly as he worked, feathers fluffing gently.

He glanced over at Lucien, tilting his head. "You don't need to put it in your food...I don't know your diet, but it could make you sick." He said, looking concerned.

"Hmm I am sure nothing would be quite wrong if we cook it thoroughly? Then no need to cook separately." Lucien tilted his head, thinking. He rather enjoyed eating thesame thing with Hitsugi. "Though if you preferred them raw, I could also reserve them just for you" he smiled, shrugging. "Up to you, I am ok with all diet choices."

His gaze trailed down his body, to where his wings fluttered. Another broken feather came out, his bidy working on reparing itself. Lucien was suddenly a little insecure. A subtle panic was rootiny itself, afeaid that maybe Hitsugi would heal enough to leave betore he could win his heart.

Coming close, he lifted Hitsugi's face and kissed on his.lips, the tip of his tongue swirled around his piercing and then let go of him. "Whatever you want Hitsugi." He repeated.

(Sorry for the delay. Holidays and such)

Hitsugi tilted his head before shrugging. "could be added after its cooked. A little sprinkle of bone powder." He nodded. "I'm not sure it would taste too nice for you." He added with a thoughtful look.

His damaged feathers would keep falling out as they grew back. Hitsugi didn't even seem to notice when the smaller ones fell from his wings. But it didn't seem like the little bird was in any rush to leave.

He made a surprised noise when his head was tilted up for a kiss, looking up at the man as his feathers poofed. "uhmm....I'm okay with anything." He nodded, giving a cute smile to the man.

(Haha I am guessing as much.... merry christmas :))

Lucien's unsettled heart was somewhat calmed by Hitsugi's cute smile. He ruffled his headfeathers, liking alreeady how that felt under his palm, and returned to the cooking. "Do.your species sometimes come to humna villages for supplies? I never quite recall seeing one of your kind before... " he said focusing on chopping, while leaving Hitsugi for the dessert.

In the avian's effort to stir things, some of the flour got on his face - and even his head where ths avian sneezed from the flour flying around. His corner of the kitchen was getting messy, but Lucien simply let Hotsugi do as he wanted, delighted to see the avian exploring with allthe ingredients.

He eventually put everything to simmer and had the time to handle Hitsugi. "You could hold the bowl tight like this, so it woildnt spiral as you stir..." he taught the smaller male by hplding his hand on the big bowl, and stirred together holding the wooden spoon together.

Hitsugi made a small noise when Lucien ruffled his hair, smiling up at him gently. "Umm, i'm sure some do. I don't know any. I do know there are a few humans who travel our area and trade with us." He nodded.

He grunted as he stirred, making a surprised noise when he got flour on his face. He sneezed and chirped, looking around with wide eyes at the mess he'd made of himself.

He looked up when Lucien came over, nibbling his lip as the man helped him stir. He held the bowl with his free hand and started stirring again, making an agreeing noise. The man was pressed against his back again, making him flutter his wings gently. A small blush crossing his cheeks.

"There... everhthing is coming together without a storm of flour hurled up. And you gotta make sure the egg's mixing ir well with the sugar so tbe whole thing could come together nicely." Lucien guided the avian patiently. He wadnt really an expert in desserts, but he did have basic cooking skills.

The flutter of Hitsugi's wings strokes right onto his heart. He coulsnt explain the feeling, but it's like with the simple brush of his feathers, Hitsugi was leaving a mark on Lucien's mark, and his position could no longer be wiped off.

"Do you like chocolate? I could add in a drizzle of powder into it, or just chips." He suggested, looking up at the cabinet for potential things to add in. He slipped his hand off the wooden spoon, feeling like Hitsugi was getting the hang of it, and casually laid his palms on the avian's waist, keeping them close to each other.

Hitsugi nodded, a smile on his face. He looked like a child learning something new, being so excited to see things going as planned. "right." He said, moving to crack the egg, carefully breaking the shell so he could dump its contents onto the mixture. Avian shells were tough, so it took a bit more force than a chicken egg, but he eventually cracked the thick shell open

He enjoyed the warmth of Lucien against his back. It helped him feel secure and safe, making him purr softly as he stirred the egg into the mix. He looked up as Lucien asked about adding things, tilting his head. "Umm, sure. I like chocolate." He nodded, smiling. He kept stirring as Lucien moved his hands to his hips, his tail twitching against the man's legs.

It's somewhat odd seeing Hitsugi cracking his own eggs, but Lucien reminded himseld this wasnt like a real child, so there is nothing strange in eating their eggs. He smiles at the cute pur from Hitsugi. The avian's so adorable, he wantwd to hear that pur all the time.

He reached up to ge the box of chocolate chips that could be added into the cake. The stirring of Hitsugi's tail feathers caused unexpected itch, but Lucien soon realised what it was rhat's brushing against him and pressed a kiss on Hitsugi, silently praising him for the endearing move. "I think a pinch or two should be enough to add in the flavor..." he said throwing a handful into the miz.

Before putting away the box, Lucien grabbed a few pieces and fed it to Hitsugi. "You like this taste? This is milk chcoolate, but I got some more dark chcolate that's bitter." He said and suddenly wondered if Hitushi would be aware of what milk was. Avians werent suppised to lactate, right?

Hitsugi had eaten eggs from his own kind before. Females who were good at laying would often trade their dud eggs for other goods. No doubt Hitsugi would be like them, providing plenty of eggs to his people...that is, if they accepted one like him back.

He tilted his head gently when Lucien took out a box, watching him add the chips to the mix. He looked at it for a moment before stirring them in. He made a soft noise at the kiss, smiling up at the man. He blinked when he was fed a chip, looking curious as he savored the taste. "I think I've had it before." He said, tilting his head. "Another brought it from a human town. The kids all loved it." He laughed.

He knew about milk. Though, Avians preferred goats. They were easier to keep in the mountains than cattle, and could provide other things. They also kept sheep for their wool and meat.

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