C it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)

"Hmm, so only fhe kids like them? What about you?" Lucien put away the box, smiling at him while taking another one and took a few pieces out. This one was with much higher cocoa concentration, making it but more bitter.

He waited expectantly for Hitsugi's reaction. "Have you tried something like this before then?" He asked, withholding from adding a handful into the dessert. That's when the smell of the pasta got.richer and Lucien had to hurry back and stir it a few times.

Lucien would be surprised by how mcuh Avians indeed live like humans. He took a frying pan and stir fried the pasta he had for a few more times, and plated them. He picked one up and fed it to Hitsugi. "This tastes alright? Do you think we should add a bit of salt?" He difnt add too much seasoning, in case the avian wasnt used to the flavors.

"I liked them." He said, giving a smile. Most Avians weren't fond of sweet things, except for children. Hitsugi was one who kept his fondness for sweet things into adulthood.

He blinked when he was given a different chip, savoring the taste. He gave a nod and a smile. He liked both of them, and he was about to say something when Lucien went to tend to the food cooking.

He watched with a curious look, tilting his head gently. He liked the way it smelled, making him hungrier. He left the batter on the counter when Lucien plated their food and offered him some, taking a moment to taste it. "Mmm, maybe a little." He nodded. "But even without, its very good." He added, looking excited, and a little bit hungry.

"Hmm good. I am glad you likrd it." To have Hitsugi feeding from.his hand is amusing. He patted his head and add in a bit of salt. "There you go. So, the chcoolate tastes alright? Let's add a bit of dark chocolate in as well to make it richer. Then we can put it in the oven." He said fixing it. "There... wr can have our main courses first, then the dessert would be ready when we are ready for it as well." He smiles ruffling Hitsugi's headfeathers.

They shared the meal quickly, both of them getting quite hungry now . Lucien fixed them juices, using a special fruit that's somewhat magical. It's a gift from a friend, who lsived in some exotic places. He quite liked the taste and didnt think too much when he poured some for Hitsugi as well. The effrct of the juice would be unpredivtable on the avian, who probably didnt even know what he's drinking.

The double chcocolate cake is smelling great when Lucien took it from the oven. "Hmm quite successful. Slet's see if it would taste even better with non conventional eggs." He smiled and cut the cake in half. with the high cocoa content serves to escalate the effect of the juice.

Hitsugi watched Lucien add the dark chocolate to the mix, stirring it in before letting him handle the oven. He made a small noise when his head feathers were ruffled, giving a nod and a smile as he moved to sit down and eat.

He enjoyed the meal quite a bit, never having tasted anything like it. He looked very pleased when he finished, thanking Lucien for the drink. He gave it a sniff, then took a long sip. "Mmm, this is sweet." He said, drinking some more.

When the cake was ready, he perked up and quietly waited for Lucien to give him a piece. He took a fork and quietly took a mouthful. He made such a happy noise at the flavor, wings fluttering slightly.

He didn't realize the juice was magic, he felt a tingle run through him, wiggling slightly. He spread his wings slightly, trembling. The juice helped accelerate his feather growth, replacing the broken ones..."oh, ah. What?" He asked, looking them over with a wide smile. But the smile quickly changed to a look of concern. His hands moved below the table, resting on his belly. A single egg was growing, and it would be much bigger than the others.

Hitsugi's happy chirp is so cute accompanied with his ruffling of feathers. His smile with hsi cheeks full.. and the little shakr of his body.. Lucien is convinced there's none other as adorable as this particular avian.

Lucien didnt understand the quick recovery, but seeing Hitsugi's smile he guessed that's a good thing. Perhaps he's undergoing a growth spurt... then that smile died down. "What is it?" Lucine asked, concern lacing his tone. "Something wrong?" He pushed himsefl away fron the table, hurrying his way to Hitsugi.

Aside from.the few broken feathers falling to the floor, Lucisn isnt seeing anything strange. "Hitsugi?" He asked again, seeing his hand clutchinf his belly. "Is it the food upsetting you? Stomachache?" He crouched down to look at the avian properly, covering his smaller hand with his larger one.

Hitsugi gave a soft whine when Lucien came around to his side of the table, closing his eyes and biting his lip. There was already a subtle bump, and the egg hadn't even grown a shell yet. "Aah...another egg..." he whined, leaning his head back.

He lifted his shirt, looking down at his belly as it rounded out. He looked scared, the egg was so big. His his ached, spreading as much as they could. But he might need help stretching around this egg.

Lucien frowned at the apparent discomfort Hitsugi was undergoing. "i thought this is a normal process? are you in discomfort, cramps?" He looked down at the bump Hitsugi was already sporting, and his eyes went wide. this wasn't really a normal growth ratebefore, Hitsugi wasn't really getting big this quick.

lucien pushed back Hitsugi's chair and lifted the avian off to the living room. He put him down and palmed his belly wiht his hands. "this isn't how it should be, right? Why is this happening..." Lucien wasn't sure what's going on, and he didn't know if this should be a time to call the doctor - or whatever help they should have. Under his palms, Hitsugi was still ballooning up.

The egg is slowly taking shape, still filling up before a thin layer of shell starts growing. The herb is strengthening every growth in Hitsugi, so the egg shells of this would be harder than the usual ones as well.

Hitsugi gave a loud whimper when Lucien picked him up and moved him to the living room. He laid there, legs bent and toes curled against the floor. "I...I don't know." He whimpered, feeling the weight of the single huge egg.

His belly looked much larger than the egg itself, mostly from the fluid that surrounded it to cushion it from outside forces. His hands moved to the sides of the swell, pressing in gently to feel the hardening egg within. "It...it's not going to fit." He gasped, looking at Lucien with wide eyes.

But, even now, his hips had spread just enough for the egg. It would be a tight fit, but that wasn't the only problem. It was unlikely his canal and opening would be stretchy enough to accommodate the size...he would need some kind of elasticity magic for that.

In just a moment, Hitsugi grew from having a more or less flat belly into a quite heavily pregnant form. His bellh stretched so large, and dropped quite low, he was looking like he would drop anytime. Lucien was growing panic as well, not sure of what they were facing here.

He rubbed Hitsugi's belly as well, trying to feel for the egg, but to his inexperienced hand, all he could feel was like a bouncy water ball. He couldnt quit edetermine the size of the egg. Judging by Hitsugi's size though, it would be quite some trouble.

He moved his hands down to clutch his hips,feeling the size. "Can I feel from the inside...?" He asked, holding Hitsugi's bottom, feeling it has widened somehow. "I think your body's doing what it need to allow fro the egg to pass...." he said circling Hitsugi's opening, waiting for the green light to insert his finger.

Hitsugi whimpered and squirmed, feeling discomfort from the egg taking up so much space. Especially just after eating. Thankfully, around half of his size was just fluid, exaggerating the size of the egg. The egg was nearly the size of a very small newborn human. But, unlike a live baby, the egg couldn't change shape or shift on the way out.

The button on his pants popped off, allowing Lucien to pull them down past his widening hips. He kicked them off and looked down at the man over the tight dome of his belly. "Aah, okay..." he nodded, biting his lip as Lucien's finger circled his opening.

The egg was deep in his pelvis, already pulling his cervix tight. His opening twitched and clenched, squeezing out some slick. It was so low that his canal seemed shorter, pushed down by its weight...

Hitsugi was all belly now, the egg stretching him large. The small avian's body wasn't used to such a large single object, but not with the strethc, or else Lucien would be worrying over his skin getting stretched adn ripped apart - like an extreme case of stretchmarks.

Lucien held his breath when slick wet his fingertip. Maybe this would be easier than he imagined - he poked his finger through the tight opening, quite surprised at how quickly the avian recovered. It felt like it's tight as a virgin all over again.

He pushed through, surprised when there was a hardness not that far into the canal. The egg was sitting quite low, occupying all space avaialble, stretching out his cervix already. He applied some pressure on the hardness, and to his surprise, it moved back inside of Hitsugi, and nudged against his stomach, causing the avian to gag.

The little bird looked 8 or 9 months along, but his unique anatomy seemed to push the round shape out more, exaggerating it to a degree. But having a single object rather than several small ones did seem to cause more discomfort.

He bit his lip as Lucien slipped a finger into him, legs twitching slightly. He gave a pained whine when Lucien's finger met his cervix, followed by a cough and a gag when the egg was pushed upwards. "S-stop!" He choked, squirming away from him. The egg slid down again, pressing against his cervix.

The tight inner opening began to spread, slowly dilating with the constant pressure. A membrane was slowly exposed, until the pressure on the thin substance became too much. There was a pop as Hitsugi gasped, fluid surrounding the egg flooding out of him and onto the floor. His belly shrank, showing the true size of the egg.

Lucien's finger - and subsequently hand - was met by a sudden rush of water that had the half devil startled as well. He wasnt expecting this. "You feeling ready to push?" He asked with wide eyes. It took some building.up, judging from the expeteince of lazt time, but this is coming fast and almost out of control.

The puddle of water betwrrn hitsugi's legs spread, his fluid come rushing out - like he's peeing. Lucien put Hitsugi againdt the side of the coach and got into position between his legs. "I fele the egg just now... it's pressing very low. You probably would be pushing in no time. We are in this together, just do what feels natural." Lucien instruted holding the Avian's knees.

The egg's not.done with stretching Hitsugi's cervix, without Lucicen's finger, the hard shell of the egg continued force open with the inner opening. It's less pleasurable and much more painful this time, Lucien could only hope this would work out just fine.

Hitsugi shook his head quickly when Lucien asked about his need to push, whimpering softly as the uncomfortable pressure. He gasped and whined when he was moved, using his wings to help prop him up a little. "It.....its so big...It won't fit." He whimpered, closing his eyes tight. His hands moved to his belly, whining loudly as the egg slowly slid lower, feeling the agonizing stretch.

He suddenly cried out when his body clenched, squeezing the egg downwards. His opening bulging outwards slightly as more fluid dribbled out.

It looked likr Hitsugi's body's doing all the work for him - only it might not be enough when more of the egg was out, and the strong muscle of his uterus woudnt work without a proper grip on the egg. Lucien stroked the slight bulge. The egg's so wide, so heavy, and so hard, Hitsugi's most probably going to tear.

Lucien cupped the bulge and drew small circles on it. "Hitsugi dont push yet, this is coming too fast! Grind against my hand, you need morr timr to stretch... like you said, this is so big..." lucien applied slight pressure on the egg, hoping he could stall awhile so Hitsugi's opening would be more ready.

Hitsugi gave a loud pained cry, even as Lucien tried to be gentle, holding back the egg to allow his body to adjust to it slower. He whimpered and looked at the man, tears rolling down his cheeks. "It hurts." he whined, giving a louder cry as the egg was pushed back into him.

He was slowly stretching, and the juice that had started this mess had the added benefit of helping to repair any damage. And with his body trying to stretch so much, that repair was taking the form of elasticity. His inner walls slowly becoming more stretchy, spreading around the large egg.

"I know sweetie... I know, sorry, but this must be done..." Lucien said,feeling useless, but continued with his practice. His hand walled any progress of the egg, and shoving it back in had released tension on his bulging opening.

The egg was smooth, thankfully, and the drizzling mucus had smootheened the canal further. The contractions of Hitsugi's was somewhat irregular. His body was still scrambling to adjust to birthing mode so soon, the constricting womb waa erratic and not squeezing on the egg as effective. Lucien hugged Hitsugi gently. "Breath my love, deep breathes. Tell me what you would want to do, what your body tells you to do...."

Hitsugi sobbed in pain as lucien held the egg in place, his face wet with sweat, tears and snot from his crying. He banged his fists against the floor, trying to find any relief or distraction from the pain. He wailed as the man hugged him, trying to calm his breathing. Instead, he wrapped his arms tight around him, digging his short claw-like nails into the half-devil's back.

His inner walls continued to stretch, releasing their tension and pain. His breathing calmed, aside from a few hiccups, and his body relaxed slightly. "I....I need to push. I need to get it out..." he whimpered before crying out with another contraction. Feeling the egg shoved against Lucien's hand.

At least Hitsugi was reacting to his touch in a positive way. He didnt know any other ways or calming the avian other than physical.touches. he felt stinging at back, but that was quickly omitted when Hitsugi told him he had to push.

"Ok, if you feel like it, push." Lucien couls feel a weight pressing down his palm already. He removed the majority of his hand, instead just supporting the lips of Hitsugi's opening. "Push babe, push for me." The egg has been blocking the way, stoppering all fluid from trickling down. At Hitsugi's strangled whine, the egg slammed into his opening, stretching him further than ever.

Hitsugi strained as he pushed, feeling the egg spreading him slowly. His opening bulged so much, pressing against Lucien's hand as the lips started to spread and expose the egg's shell.

"Its so big!" He shouted between pushes, curling in on himself to push harder. His clawed feet dug into the floor, anchoring him as he pushed.

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