Consequence from one night (w/ BubbleBelly321)

When they were now out in safety, Jared let out a big breath of.relief, dropping his pretense as a solemn and invincible figure to hug Finn tight. "Yea I am glad I am here as well... i dont know how you managed to live under such irrational boss...." he said with much regret.

Taking a moment to compose himself, Jared took Finn's hand again to bring him to his car, his hand resting protectively on his.lowerback, helping in stretching his back. "And your.colleaguess.... how long have you been working here?"

Finn felt warm and safe in Jared's arms as he returned the hug, taking in the smell of his cologne until the pair separated. Finn shrugged his shoulders in response to Jared's questions once they made it to the car though.

"It's been a couple of years. Honestly though, it's usually not that bad." He sighed. "Well...okay it can be bad. But there aren't many jobs out there that I'm qualified for, and I need to pay rent. Not to mention look after this little guy." He patted his belly gently.

"If it's just for the rent... i knwo this could sound too rush and pushy and all, but Finn, my house has been too empty and too big for awhile... i.woudl love having a partner with me to share and fill the space." Jared said in measured words, keepignbhis fingers crossed while he placed his hands on the wheel, preparing to drive away."

Jared almost immeidately regretted having offered before the trip. Then they would have an awkward silence all along the way. He just hoped he wouldnt have scared Finn off by his reckless suggestion - he wasnt sure how Finn would treat it.

Finn blushed at Jared's suggestion, and went quiet for a while. It wasn't until the pair were halfway to the clinic that the young man decided to speak.

"Jared...I really like you a lot. Honestly I do, I just...I don't want to be a burden to you." He confessed, as he stroked his hair and looked out the window with a sigh. "Neither of us planned to have this baby, and I want to do right by them...and by you, but I don't know what exactly that could be."

"It's definitely not a burden. Seriously if you are willing, it's just someone getting the void filled. Besides, despite not planning any of this, you and the baby's health comes before everuthing. I feel like you are taking a lot of pressure in your work, and that's not a good thing to any pregnancies. Tell me honestly, are you having cramps at your lowerback after a day of work? How often do you find your feet swelling from too much sitting? This would only deteriorate when the baby grows..." he said trying to kake himself sound convicning and rational. "I jsut, want to give tou the choice and alternative. I hope money isnt the reason for you to be kept at this job..." he said cruising into the clinic.

Jared got to Finn's side to help him out, and added. "Just think about it? Whenever you have made a decision, you can just tell me. I am jot forcing you into anything." He smiled to him and got him out from the car, holding him steady.

Finn listened to Jared's words, nodding his head as the doctor helped him into the clinic. He had to admit that Jared made several very convincing arguments, but Finn still felt unsure. It was true he'd have a harder time getting around, and working the further along he got. Other than that, he was finding himself very sore, stressed, and tired after work. The only time he'd felt happy or relaxed was whenever he was around the wizard. It was only when the pair had made their way inside that Finn finally spoke.

"Okay, I promise I'll think about it. Sorry if I worried you or anything. I'm just still adjusting to a lot of this, and need some time. I appreciate you being patient with me though."

(Oh i am thinking... what about Finn had caught a cold and felt weak and lonely at night... and called Jared over?)

"Sure, just give it a thought. i am not forcing you into anything. you are a grown up, no matter the decision, I will respect that." it's a relief enough to hear Finn promising to gie it a thought, Jared let out a sigh of relief.

He took FInn's waist as they proceeded into the clinic. They were all alone. Before snapping his gloves on, Jared helped Finn up on the bed and smiled unbuttoning his shirt. "i guess this is a little tihgt.. perhaps you should borrow a few of mine for the time being. It's not good to be wounding around your belly like that." he smiled and patted his belly while turning to tned ot his machines. "if we are lucky, perhaps we could see the genders in this ultrasound... would you want to know?" he ask turning away from Finn.

while the machine's set, Jared take the gel and warned Fin before applying it on his snowy white belly. He smile at the light shiver, and proceed to push the wand onto his belly.

(I like the sounds of that!)

Finn relaxed after shivering at the sensation of cold gel on his skin. Before turning to glance at the screen, the young man looked to Jared with a somewhat nervous smile. The machine began warbling as it echoed the sound of the baby's heartbeat, but the screen remained fuzzy as Jared moved the wand to try and find the fetus.

"I'll admit, I've been pretty curious about that." He paused to think some more before giving an answer. "Honestly I think I do want to know."

Jared held his breath as well, his eyes watching closely on teh fussy screen. He had a hunch there would be more than one baby, butit could also be a fast-growing singlet to have Finn's size. "i believe this is almost the 24th week of your pregnancy and... yea." Jared smiled at the image he was capturing.

On screen, there were 2 throbbing point appearing in black and white, accompanied by 2 distinct fetal shapes. "Finn...." he smield at Finn, his eyes watery . "i think we are having twins. twin girls." his voice was wobbly with emotion, the feeling of becoming a father hitting him suddenly, overwhelming him.

Finn only looked on in stunned silence. His eyes were wide, as he glanced over the two black and white shapes moving on the screen. He had to admit, given his size the news wasn't too much of a surprise. Still, seeing the evidence that he was having twins right in front of his eyes was definitely a little overwhelming.

Without saying much of anything, Finn turned his head, and began looking down. He was struggling not to get too emotional, but he soon failed, as tears of joybegan to fall from his eyes. It was only when Jared approached him with concern that Finn finally spoke.

"S-sorry...I'm just a little emotional. I...can't believe it." He was smiling wide, still teary eyed as he looked at the shapes once more.

Jared was concerned at first, for Finn had a blank look when tears kept dropping from his eyes, probably too shocked to be reacting in another way. He approahched him to ask, and when the smile finally came, Jared chuckled through his own tears. "Oh love, you should have seen how I look now, I am not that mcuh better than you. ... gosh I just cant stop the tears myself." Jared wiped away his own tears clumsily, and at the same time attempt to dry Finn's tears as well.

The images were printed and the gel wiped away. Jared got a quick check on the babies' sizes and heartrate as usual measures. "I would take a tube of blood from you. It's normal procedure for twin pregnancies, just to monitor your nutrients and whatnot." He said helping Finn up from the examination table.

With his shirt tugged back.down, Jared helped Finn slipped off the bed. The twins were almost on fhe smaller side now, and Jared suspected that have something to do with Finn's anxiety level. He would see fron the result of the bloodtest to.avoid sharing his worries prematurely to Finn and add on his.pressure.

"Oh, yeah sure. Take what you need." Finn smiled, glancing at the ultrasound photos occasionally as he nodded his head in response to Jared's words. The young man soon set the images aside, as he sat on a nearby chair, rolled up his sleeves to let Jared disinfect his arm, and let the doctor inject the needle to draw blood. It wasn't long at all until the pregnant man had a bandage covering the spot where the needle had been, and was being helped to his feet once more by Jared.

" there anything I need to know? Anything I should be doing differently?" He asked, concerned slightly about the babies' well-being.

"so far so good." Jared masked some of his concerns. "though i will say at this stage, the twins are a little too small even counting in the factor that multiples are usually smaller. You have to eat a littel more - you don't have to force yourself into eacing super healthy, that's not really a must, but snacking on something whenver you feel like it is good." he went on to advise.

Turning to put away teh tools and machines, he stopped int he process to turn back to Finn. "y-ou boss... he wouldn't so happen to be forbidding eating in office right? and, how long's your lunch time?" he asked, weary of how mean his boss could be. He would take Finn out for lunch if time allows.

"Okay. I'll try to eat a bit better then." Finn smiled at Jared. As the doctor mentioned his lunch time though, the pregnant man shrugged his shoulders. "We're allowed to eat in our offices, and our lunch breaks are usually around half an hour."

Finn smiled at Jared however, and moved to get his coat back on before heading out. "If you wanted to stop by sometime though...there are a few good restaurants near the office. I wouldn't mind meeting up sometime if you wanted to."

"Half an hour... that's quite harsh. Is that why you havnt been able to eat properly?" Jared frowned hearing it. He sighed again at the difficult situation Finn was in. "Alrigrht.. maybe i could get us seats first and place the order so once you arrived, we could start eating..." he suggested. "And maybe we could go grocery shopping, see what you want to eat in office. Even snaxks would do." Jared tidied up Finn's coat, then thought for a moment and hung his own scarf aroudn Finn's bare neck. "And stay warm..."

He took Finn's hand to head out. The coat's doing a decent job of covering his awkward protrusion in the middle. He wouldnt have long until even the coat wouldnt be ableto mask it. "What do you feel like for tonight? I have made a reserveation but if you are feeling lazy, we can also go shop and head backto cook something ourselves." Jared asked while he locked his office.

(If you want, we could maybe jump ahead to where Finn has a cold, like you suggested ;) )

"Well, I'd hate to turn down a good meal, especially if you already made reservations." Finn smiled, and looped his arm around Jared's. "Please lead the way!" He chuckled a bit, and tried to hide the light blush crossing his cheeks.

In all honesty, the young man was a bit worried about his work, and how it could affect the health of him, and his twins. For the time being though, he was simply content to spend time relaxing with Jared. He could worry about that other stuff later.

(ah yea. sorry if i've been dragging long... somehowi got the habit of playing out every single day ... feel free to remind me to jump ahead anytime!)

It's another enjoyable evening, and by the time Jared had Finn escorted home again, he was already missing him. "so....i guess it's time for me to go." He insisted on accompanying Finn upstairs, up until he reached his door. He was lingering, but realistically he also knew Finn had to sleep. Or else he might face trouble the next day. "if you need anything... or even if you don't need anything, do remember to text or call... contact me in whatever way ok? iwill try to answer texts as often as possible." he said , still holding Finn's hand at his door. "Bye. take care ok? i willl see you very soon." he press a loving kiss on his forehead, his hand subtly resting on his bump. "and remember to give it a think. the offer's always valid." he said, referring to the offer of him moving in as well.

With that, they said their goodbyes.

(It's no problem. I don't feel like it's been dragging or anything, I just wanted to check and see if you were alright with jumping ahead a bit. I'd rather ask than assume and have anyone get upset.)

It was only a short time later that Finn received a text from Jared asking if he wanted to come over and spend some time together. Grumbling from under a small mountain of blankets on his bed, the pregnant man reached for his phone and read the text. Sighing, he thought of how best to respond, before letting out a small cough, and groaning as he moved to sit up. He honestly felt a bit miserable, and was at least 99% sure it wasn't due to the pregnancy. After letting out another cough, Finn sighed and typed out a reply.

"Sorry. Can't come over tonight. I think I caught a bug or something going around the office and I feel pretty gross." 

After hitting send, Finn reached for some tissues next to his bed, blew his nose into one, and slowly moved to use the washroom. He felt a sudden wave of dizziness come over him though, and sighed as he moved back to the bed, quickly writing out another text.

"Come over here instead? I could use the company, as long as you don't mind me sneezing and coughing on you." 

(haha great. it's a relief to know you aren't annoyed ;))

Jared had been seeing a patient when he heard his phone buzzed. then it buzzed again. He didn't pay much attenton yet, going through patient after patient. it's almost time for the clinic to close when Jared finally got to see that, and immeidately he was worried. He grabbed his kit and told his nurse to lock the door behind him to go straight to his car, driving to Finn's.

it's lucky he knew the way. it's however not as good when he realised he didn't have a key. that meant he needed Finn to come open teh door. Despite being a wizard, it's not helping him in breaking in a door. he wasn't sure what his condition was, and the lastt thing he wanted was to disturb Finn when he was already feeling unwell.

Still, he had no choice but to press on teh doorbell. he waited patiently, but anxiously, almost pressing his ear onto the door to hear what's inside.

In the time it had taken Jared to make it to Finn's place, the young man had managed to make it to his feet and to the washroom and back a couple times. When the doorbell rang, Finn had nestled himself back into his pile of blankets. The sound caused him to sit up once more though (after a brief struggle with the weight around his middle) and head to the door. Glancing outside through the peephole, Finn saw it was Jared, and moved to unlock the door and greet him.

"Hey! It's good to see you." He smiled softly before opening the door a bit wider. "Sorry about the mess, but I wasn't feeling up for cleaning today.

He gestured for Jared to come inside, and turned to start walking slowly towards the couch. The place itself wasn't too messy, there were just a few dirty plates in the sink, and some laundry and takeout boxes in the living room. Finn himself was simply wearing his pajamas, which consisted of a large t shirt that was baggy everywhere except his midsection, and his comfiest boxers.

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