C it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)

"ok. that's good."Lucien nodded, understanding. "yep and your passenger isn't exactly a lightweight." he chuckled. even with Hitsugi's latest transformation, he was still quite a bit taller than the elf.

"oh... i never know that." Lucien's eyes widened in slight surprise. "so... shiny things huh?" he smirked, pressing a kiss on the tint that brightened up Hitsugi's now pale face. "i would have given you lots if i have known earlier...." he smiled and produced a ring with green sapphire on it. "Would this make your parents feel happy?" he then produced another silver box with gems encrusted on it. "or something more like this?" he asked. For the half devil, these little tricks were easy.

While he was showing the shiny gadgets to Hitsugi, he started packing and getting ready for the trip. He was looking forward to it - hopefully he could win Hitsugi's family's heart and more improtantly, get some answers to the transformation on Hitsugi.

"I can carry more than you think." Said Hitsugi with a small nod. He shifted his wings, reminding the man just how large they were. His flying would be slow, and steering wouldn't be easy, but as long as the winds didn't pick up, they would be fine.

The blush on his cheeks darkened when Lucien kissed him, getting a sheepish smile from the young birdman. He made a surprised noise when the man produced a shiny ring, hands hesitantly reaching, only to make another surprised noise when the box was produced. "Aah...yes." he nodded quickly.

"We don't use money, just barter for goods and shiny things. No avian is poor as long as they have something to trade." He nodded. He didn't have anything to pack, he only needed to fix the clothes he came in. "Oh, the cat." He said, turning to see the feline sleeping on his balled up cloak. He chuckled and went over, kneeling down to gently pet it. "Do you have a sturdy box we could put her in? Cats are valuable as well. They keep rodents out of our homes and food stores." He said, looking back at Lucien

"i guess i have a picnic basket somewhere.... " Lucien searched through his cabinets. "here...." he handed the basket to Hitsugi. "Come on you little one... you are also gonna help me win the hearts of my in -laws...." he said bending down to collect the little sleeping furball into the basket that Hitsugi had laid with towels.

They came up to the rooftop and Lucien looked at Hitsugi. "so... you gonna lift me up? how should i, hmm, mount you?" he smirked at the pun. Hitsugi unfurled his wings and flapped them a few times, his straight dark hair bellowing in the wind and he looked almost sacred under teh lovely sunshine.

Hitsugi smiled, seeing the basket. He carefully lined it with a towel and held it while Lucien set the feline inside. He closed the flap and secured it, hearing a soft meow from within. "It's ok, just temporary." He muttered, lifting the basket to peer in through a small gap.

He followed the man up to the roof, pausing to think. He blushed at Lucien's question, nibbling his lip. He spread his wings, flapping and stretching them. He gasped when his hair was blown about, reaching to brush it back. "It's so long...ugh..." he grumbled, fishing a string from his pocket before awkwardly tying it back.

"Okay...umm. I guess on my back, arms over my shoulders and legs around my hips." He said, blushing a bit as he crouched a bit so Lucien could climb on. When the taller man was settled, Hitsugi spread his wings wide, giving a few small flaps before lifting them higher and giving a powerful flap as he jumped, powerful legs pushing him off the ground. He flapped harder, grunting as he lifted he them into the air. It was awkward at first, but soon as he was high enough to catch an up draft and glide.

It's awkward at first. Lucien held the basket in one hand, the other circling Hitsugi's chest, and his legs wrapped tight around his hip. he didn't want to hurt the birdman but he had to keep a tight grip, especially when they were flying wobbly in teh air at first. The wings were brushing against his sides, tickling and frankly, that couldn't last for the whole flight. Even in midair, Lucien was making adjustments until finally he had settled with his legs hanging loosely around Hitsugi's waist.

"Hmm... so i am at a perfect angle now, mounting you from behind." Lucien was now free to indulge in other things, such as teasing Hitsugi mid flight. He nibbled his pointed ears, becoming quite fascinated by them. His hands were free to reach down and cup his belly loosely, his legs sliding down along his calves. his front was pressed close to Hitsugi's back, with their height difference, Hitsugi's plump ass was right at Lucien's lower belly. If Lucien was to thrust his hips a little further forward, his crotch would be pressing against his crack.

"hitsugi... you gonna stay steady even with me like this?" he asked breathily, his breath brushing against Hitsugi's ears.

At one point during the flight, Hitsugi took the basket, holding it with both hands below himself. His human arms didn't do much when he flew, so he could easily carry things with them. Though, maybe the cat wasn't so pleased with its position hanging from so high.

He grunted softly when Lucien shifted, adjusting his body to compensate for the added weight. His Staley flight faltered slightly when the man nibbled his ear and shifted against his tail. He needed to keep the feathers clear for steering.

Unfortunately for Lucien, he couldn't reach the birdman's belly from behind with his wings open. Beneath the feathers, powerful muscles went from his lower spine to his wing-shoulders, creating almost a V-shaped cape. These muscles helped to hold his lower body up and close the gap between his wings and body.

"N-not if you keep nibbling my ears..." he called back, voice muffled by the wind. They had slowed to a gentle glide, but the noise from air rushing past them made talking difficult.

Lucien was disappointed he couldn't hold Hitsugi around his midsection in midair - but that didn't hinder him from exploring further down his tail. With his lower body up, he was able to sit comfortably on Hitsugi. Hitsugi's ears were enough of a point of interest.

"What did you say again?" he asked in the wind. He had an advantage here , he had been pressing close against Hitusig's pointed ear, which had heated up nicely. He nibbled the tip of it, teasing it with his tongue. He broke into a pleased smile when Hitsugi just whined loud and they dropped a few feet in midair afterwards.

"woah.... steady." Lucien smirked, hodling tighter against Hitsugi's strong shoulders, and pressed their cheeks together. "you should ignore all distractions, captain, you are the pilot of our rlight."

Hitsugi wished Lucien was just a little smaller, but he was handling things pretty well, considering. Making subtle adjustments of his wings and body, he kept flight relatively smooth, even with his passenger trying to tease him.

He glanced over his shoulder slightly, frowning he hadn't taken the wind noise into account. But he ignored it and focused on flying. That is, until Lucien started teasing his ear again. Right when he was flapping his wings to gain some altitude, he faltered slightly, but kept control. He whined loudly, trying to ignore it.

Lucien knew he better stop teasing, or Hitsugi would be really annoyed. He tookHitsugi's shoulder and plastered himself onto his broad shoulder. "this must be the most convenient mode of travelling... i do hope you aren't too exhausted by my added weight." he smield and snuggled himself close to Hitsugi, ready to enjoy the remaining flight.

He closed his eyes to feel the full impact of the breezy wind on him. He sighed contently when he felt so relaxed he might fall asleep. Sleeping in midair sin't too smart a move, so lucien opened his eyes again and looked around. "wow..." his breath brushed against Hitsugi's ear, as he pointed forward, above Hitsugi's shoulder. "see? that pool's so nice... like an emerald from here." he marvelled. The landscape looked breathtaking from high up in the sky.

Hitsugi was glad when Lucien stopped teasing him, allowing him to focus fully on flying. He could somewhat hear him talking, but he couldn't really answer. He remained quiet, calmly gliding over treetops below.

When Lucien opened his eyes, he would see the mountains the avians called home. The man's warm breath on his ear made him shudder and lose some altitude. He cursed and flapped harder to regain it, powerful muscles flexing under Lucien.

But with the setting sun, the updrafts weren't as strong. He needed to land. Looking around, he spotted an old cabin and headed for it. He shouted for Lucien to hold on tight before he lowered his legs and used his wings as brakes. With a few powerful flaps, they slowed enough for him to touch down. It was a bit rough, but not his worst landing. But when it was all over, he was clearly exhausted.

Lucien was enjoying teh sunset, the bright red circle sinking beneath the mountains. he half expected Hitsugi to be admiring the view as freely as he did, so the shout asking him to hold tight took him by surprise. Lucien clutchend tight, taking over the basket andpresed his head low. for the landing.

At first Lucien didn't realise how this long flight was taxing on Hitsugi, but when he landed - somewhat wobbly and bumpily - to the ground, and swayed so hard he almost collapsed onto the ground, Lucien got serious as well. "hits?" he asked, holding him tight around his waist. "you ok?" he pressed a cool palm on Hitsugi's forehead, feeling the avian warmed up with exhaustion.

"come on let's head in." On ground, Lucien was both stronger and taller. He lifted the little bridman/elf up bridal style. He could feel Hitsugi's body trembling, and he regretted having just took it for granted the whole trip. "we are resting in a bit babe...." he muttered, hurrily making his way to the cottage.

Hitsugi wobbled and leaned against Lucien, face flushed and a little sweaty. He grunted when he was scooped up, putting an arm around the man's shoulders arms they walked.

The cabin was small, probably used by hunters, but it was off season right now. Hitsugi squirmed out of Lucien's arms arms went to the bed. "It's ok. Takeoff and landing are the hardest parts. Especially with a passenger." He sighed, crawling onto the bed. "We can sleep here and continue in the morning." He said, yawning and curling up.

Lucien put the basket down and scoop the little cat out. the cat meowed, finding itself at a whole new place after hours of spending time in utter darkness with occassional weightlessness. the cat's almost traumatized, and instinctively pressed close to Lucien which could marginally be classified as a "familiar being". Lucien smiled at hte little feline and lifted it up. "you are also exhausted, little one?" he placed the cat onto the end of the bed, and followed Hitsugi to bed.

Testing, he put his hand onto Hitsugi's back, where his wings were, and tried to give it little rubs in Hitsugi's sleep. he was trying, but not entire sure if the avian would enjoy it. He waited, gradually pressing harder down, waiting for Hitsugi's reaction.

Hitsugi was asleep in moments, curled up with his wings acting like a feathery blanket. The cat purred, hopping out of Lucien's arms and onto the bed to cuddle with the sleeping Avian.

Hitsugi groaned softly as the man began rubbing his back, wings shifting a bit to spread more. His soft sleeping noises quickly turned to quiet moans as the rubbing became more forceful, shifting onto his front more, tail wiggling and toes curling.

Since Hitsugi didn't shove him away, Lucien assumed he was feeling fine with his rubbing, so he continued. it was different - the pattern of muscle running on Hitsugi's back wasn't the same as normal humans. Lucien was there to explore it, to smooth over teh knots and sore muscle groups, occassionally he could feel the lightweight bones deep within. and elf or an avian, Hitsugi had light bones so he could go further with less weight.

Lucien wasn't sure how he ended up sleeping, just laying sdieways against Hitsugi's back. Hitsugi had barely moved through the night, but he had moved closer - perhaps in seek of warmth and wanting to share that feathery blanket. He looked out and found it's almost late morning, and they gotta depart. "hey, wake up Hitsugi.... " he nudged the elf, flicking his pointed ears.

Hitsugi seemed to enjoy the rubbing, wings shifting slightly as Lucien's hands moved over tense muscles. He made soft noises in his sleep, purring softly. His tail twitched and wiggled, almost like he was wagging it.

When Lucien finally laid down to sleep, Hitsugi shifted closer and draped a wing over him. He slept so well he didn't even notice anything going on within. He groaned softly when Lucien spoke, then yelped when his ear was flicked. He put a hand over his ear and looked up and the man with wide eyes.

"i see you have a new weak spot..." Lucien chuckled at how cute and innocent Hitsugi looked, covering and protecting his ear from Lucien. Any tiny touch on these pointed ears apparently would have Hitsugi moaning, and Lucien loved them.

"let's see what we can gather for breakfast.. then another day of flight. why don't we segment it further - you have been so exhausted yesterday night. we aren't in too much of a hurry, if we see any place we can settle in the afternoon, we can always stop and rest." He reasoned, picking Hitsugi up holding under his arms, lifting him up to sitting on bed. The loose bun he had had a few strands of hair escaping, making Hitsugi appear incredibly innocent and young. "i guess we only have bread and hamon." He searched through their basket and offered.

Hitsugi pouted at Lucien, still covering his ear. "That hurt." He muttered, finally lowering his hand. He made a small noise when he was sat up, sighing softly at the man's suggestion. "Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll try to pace myself and let you know when I need a rest." He nodded.

He tilted his head when he was told what they had to eat, giving a shrug and taking some to nibble on. He gave a little to the cat as well.

The little cat was playing with crumbles falling from their bite, chasing them. it contented itself with tearing at a piece of bread. over the day, it had hardened and the small feline was pulling on it with its teeth while pressing it away with its paws.

When it's time to go, Lucien opened the basket. He had washed the towel that's been dirtied by the cat, and stuffed it in again. "how bout you lift it in... i odn't think the cat likes it too much." Lucien chuckled, where the cat already looked at them wearily, obviously dismayed with the prospect of getting cramped into the basket again.

Hitsugi chuckled at the cat, giving it more pieces to play with while he ate. He hummed to himself softly before looking up at Lucien. "Yeah, she doesn't like the basket. C'mon." He said, scooping the feline up and setting her into the basket.

He yawned and got up, shaking out his wings a bit. "Thanks for the back rub." He said, giving a cute smile. He took the basket and headed outside. He spread his wings wide, stretching them and giving and no few warmup flaps. "Ready to go."

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