Consequence from one night (w/ BubbleBelly321)

Jared smiled at the look of Finn. His eyes and nose were red from sneezing and coughing, making him resemble a rabbit. His steps were also slightly wobbly. He probably waa feeling a little light headed, which wasntthat uncommon for flu. Jared caught up with him when Finn's wobble got even less steady, holding him around his waist and feel for his forehead while he leaned agaknst his chest. "That's a fever.... Finn you should lay down. Have you eaten anythibg today?" He asked, already lifting Finn jp, his belly pushing against Jared's abdomen. He put him on the coach and squat down in front of him, pulling.over the blanket to wrap him up tight. "Any other symptoms aside from sneezing and coughing? Headache? Nauseousness?"

"I was a little nauseous earlier, but I had some toast earlier and that seemed to help a bit." Finn let out a small cough, as he held the blanket close to his face. He sighed once the sensation passed, but placed a hand on his belly as he felt a couple of strong kicks. "Sorry babies." He looked to Jared again. "They really don't like it when I cough." He then squirmed to try and get comfortable, but found both his illness, and his large middle made such things difficult.

Finn's belly movement was obscured by the blanket, but Jared could guess how strong the babies were kiking by the hiss of Finn's. He hurried over to get some warm water. "I woukdnt recommend any medicine at this stage... usually medicines would have unpredictable effect on pregnant individuals. Let's see if you still feel as awful after a night. Drink this slowly." Jared instructed, squwezing himself onto the coach beside Finn to give him.more support - and really just snuggle close to him, giving him physical comfort while the pregnant man suffered from the cold.

Finn thanked Jared for the drink, and slowly sipped on the liquid. He felt the doctor wrap an arm around his shoulders, and Finn leaned his head against Jared's chest with a small sigh of relief. Somehow The presence of their father, in addition to the close contact, seemed to calm the active babies in Finn's womb and helped him relax a bit more. Soon Finn took a few more sips of water, then set the cup down and nuzzled his face against Jared, making a small noise of contentment.

"Thank you for coming. I don't want to bother you too much, but I'm glad you're here now."

"Of course... anything for you. I am a doctor, your very own doctor." He smiled at Finn even though the pregnant man couldnt see with his face nuzzled close to him. He pressed a hand on his forehead. He was slightly heated, but in geenral pregnant ladies have a higher temperature, so Jared wouldnt expect it to be too much different on Finn. "You stay warm and get some sleep. I will make some chicken soup for you later. Once you wake up, you will have some hot food down that should help." He said gently, stroking his round belly under the blanket, not moving untilhe was sure Finn was asleep.

It didn't take long at all for Find to doze off comfortably on the couch. Somehow he managed to stay asleep for even longer than he thought, waking up only due to his full bladder, and the sound of Jared making soup in the kitchen.

Blinking slowly, Finn let out a yawn and soon rose to his feet. After relieving his bladder, the pregnant man sleepily moved towards the kitchen, smiling at Jared as he entered.

Finn's clearly sleepy, with his eyes only half opened, and his waddle was so pronounced. The "little penguin" stumbled his way, Jared could only welcome him with open arms. "hey little one... you feeling better?" he chuckled when Finn just buried his head into his chest, his eyes still closed and his bump pressing against Jared. "soup's gonna be ready in a sec..." jared smiled and lifted Finn up. He muttered a spell under his breath, and on the high chair, invisible cushions appeared that would support Finn nicely.

Finn smiled, as he slowly sat on the chair. After thanking Jared for making sure he was comfortable, the pregnant man leaned back, placing a hand on his belly for a bit. Soon Jared placed a steaming bowl of soup on the table, which Finn began to slowly spoon into his mouth in between speaking to the other man.

"I mean, I feel a little better. I think I'm still a bit off, but I'm not as dizzy as I was before." He took another small sip, and sighed happily at Jared.

Jared took out his wand and muttered something to transfigure the chair Finn was sitting on into a loveseat. He smiled at how it awed his pregnant lover and sat down beside him, snuggling close with his belly cradled while Jared dived into his own share of soup. "that's good...." he pressed Finn's forehead to his cheek to feel his temperature. "still a little warm... but i think it's been down. a good night sleep should do the trick." he said, snuggling so close to Finn he wrapped himself around the pregnant man, like a blanket in flesh.

"you finish that soup, i am telling you. that's doctor's orders. do you fancy a hot water bath afterwards? does it sound appealing to you? if yes then we are doing that, if no then we are gonna head to bed."

Find sipped on the soup eagerly, and let out a small contented sigh. Having Jared nearby and making sure he was comfortable was helping immensely. He cuddled close, still eating until the bowl was nearly empty. As Jared asked about a bath, the pregnant man nodded his head.

"A bath actually sounds amazing right now." He smiled gently, soon finishing his dinner.

"Ok, you stay here. I will get things ready." Jared smiled at how cuddly Finn was and pressed a kiss on his cheeks. He would have kissed him on his lips - if he wasnt a doctor. "Finn... you need to recover very soon you know....i couldnt be able to resist that much longer..." jared muttered staring at Finn's lips.

He got things ready, then come back to pick up Finn with the blanket still wrapping him. He was like picking up a caterpillar. "You gonna keep warm." He smiled at Finn when he wriggled within it.

"I feel like a burrito." Finn couldn't help but giggle lightly as he squirmed in the tight cocoon of blankets. Thankfully, Jared soon gently set him down once the pair made their way into the bathroom. The tub itself was full of hot, steaming water, and it appeared as though the doctor had even found some sort of bubble bath to create some soothing looking suds on top of the water.

After being set down on the toilet, and letting the blanket fall to the floor, Finn slowly lifted his shirt over his head, tossing it aside. He let out a small groan, and rubbed the side of his belly. Despite the massages and oils that the pair had used, Finn still had a few faint stretchmarks along the sides and underbelly of the sphere, mainly due to how quickly the twins inside seemed to be growing. Removing his shirt also showed that Finn's chest appeared to be a bit...softer than it had before. His pecs seemed a bit more rounded, and his nipples seemed larger, darker and a bit puffy.

Soon Finn smirked at Jared with a mischievous grin. "Help me out of my boxers?" He suggested.

(Hey,it's been a bit. Welcome back ;))

Steam filled thr bathroom. Through the light mist, Finn looked amazingly attractive with his eyes watery from the cold and his cheeks slightly flushes with his fever. Jared swallowed hard seeing the shirt lifted off of Finn.

The groan and the subsequent stroke drew a concerned Jared closer. He cupped Finn's round belly to look at it, rubbing the sides of it and placed a kiss on top. "That's sometimes inevitable... we could only blame it on how fast our twins are stretching you out." He looked up at Finn and kissed his belly again. "Thanks for enduring all this..." he muttered and kiss his lips, putting all the love he felt for Finn through it.

At Finn's seducing challenge, Jared rose to the bait. He lifted Finn off.the toilet seat to hold him at his own chwst, then slid his hands down his back sensually. He made sure his large hands cupped Finn's bubbly bottom, squeeze them lightly to tease him, before pulling those boxers down to free up his buttocks from it. When the fleshy globes were exposed, he smacked playfully at them. It wasnt a surprise to hear Finn squeal at the surprisd attack, but the hiss that followed was unexpted. Jared didnt know the movement had Finn involjntarily pressed himself closer at Jared, where their chests met and Finn's sensitive and swollen ones pressed on Jared's.

"Shit Finn did i hurt you? I am sorry..." jared apologized, rubbing Finn's bottom thinking he had smacked him too hard.

"No! I'm okay." Finn shook his head, hoping to reassure Jared that he hadn't hurt him. "Sorry about that. You didn't hurt me at all. It's just..." The redness in his face spread a bit, and he paused to try and find the right words. " kind of brushed up against my chest...and it's been a bit...sensitive lately. It's okay, let's just um...maybe hold off for a bit."

After taking a moment to compose himself, Finn smiled at Jared and quickly moved to kiss him. He then slowly rose to his feet, moving towards the still hot tub of water, which thankfully the doctor seemed eager to help him into. It wasn't long at all until Finn sat in the tub and felt the warm water relaxing his tense muscles. He seemed relieved, and offered Jared a look of gratitude.

Jared smiled looking at Finn settle into the tub. The smile turned into a smirk when he came to notice how red Finn's nipples appeared through the tub of water. the warmth of the water had heated him up, and his 2 rosy buds just stood out even more against his own fair chest. "oh you should have told me.... you've been feeling sensitive on the chest area?" he smirked, and removed his shirt in front of Finn. "let me take a closer look at it." he smiled and started removing his own clothing, with the obvious intention to slip into the tub with Finn.

With him naked, Jared looked amazingly attractive, especially in comparison to Finn's softer and curvier figure, he was the exact opposite. strong, musculine, but not overly so with a still lean figure, Jared knew he would look amazing for Finn, and slipped into the water fully aware of the spreading blush on Finn's face. "let me see..." he slipped a little closer to Finn, and cupped his belly first, then moved up to hold his slightly bulging chest gently. "does it feel painful usually? bulged? itchy?"

Finn was dumbstruck, staring in awe at Jared's handsome figure. It was only once the doctor began touching and speaking to him that Finn finally came to his senses, but not before he bit his lip to suppress a moan.

"Oh...mmmn...ah. It's not painful...just a little itchy...and...tender." Finn shuddered and leaned forward a bit closed, pressing against Jared. " really shouldn't be teasing me when I'm sick."

Their legs were intertwined underwater, and Finn had come to lean against Jared so closely. "who said i am teasing?" Jared widened his eyes, feigning an innocent look. "i am checking over you like the good doctor i am." he went on to add. "though i can't deny i am also exercising the right of me being your spouse." hefinally broke off from his character and laughed out loud, kissing Finn on his forehead fondly.

"it's indeed a rare case for male to be lactating, but in every one of those cases it's a true blessing. it would also be very good for our babies." Jared said, this time getting more serious. "i can only thank you some more for being so perfect for me... for us." he stroked his belly and let Finn lay against him, just thoroughly enjoying the bath.

Finn's whole face was beet red from Jared's words and flirtations. Still, he leaned in closely to the doctor with a contented sigh. " You really don't have to thank me, you know. I mean...I don't mind you doing it. I just...never know what to say to that." Still, he smiled and leaned against Jared.

"I will say this though, if this means I'm growing boobs, you have a lot to answer for!" He joked as Jared began helping the pregnant man start washing up in the tub.

"not really boobs...." Jared answered uneasily, "but growth... yea." he smiled sheepishly at Finn. Each case was different, it had seomthing related to the hormonal levels, so all Jared could know was Finn would be able to breastfeed, but there was no way he could know how large his boobs would grow to, how abundant his milk would be and for how long he could lactate.

"Finn... since you are getting sensitive over your chest, maybe you should wear some pads over it. just to make you feel more comfortable." Jared made that sound innocent, though he really was worrying about something triggering Finn to lactate under the most unexpected circumstances. He wouldn't want Finn to be embarrassed. then of course the best way in his opinion would be for Finn to move in with him, then he could convince him to take a break from his work and stay at home until after the birth. that would be entirely Finn's decision to maek though.

Finn listened carefully as Jared spoke. He had to admit, the idea of growing any kind of breasts and lactating was an unusual one, but he wasn't really sure if it was an entirely unpleasant one or not. At hearing Jared's recommendation, Finn nodded his head, though he also felt his expression fall a bit, as he placed his own hands over his belly and chest.

"Wow...this really is going to be hard to hide really soon, isn't it?" His question seemed more rhetorical, and he could tell by Jared's expression that his statement was true anyways. He'd been growing much faster than he had before, and knew he still had a ways to go. Even then, the stretchmarks on his body, showed just how quickly these physical changes were developing now that he was further along.

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