C it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)

"And here I am thinking you are injured." Lucien managed a small smile, also panting, looking at Hitsugi . The snake's been struggling beside them, curling against itsrlf with the pain, his huge and powerful tail flapped against them. Lucien grabbed Hitsugi and rolled over, shielding the birdman from the direct impact and groaned when his back was hit.

The sharp scales of the tail bit into his flesh. Lucien could feel his back burning, the attack torn his skin. He looked back and grabbed the hold of the dagger, still sticking out of the writhing snake's eye, and yanked. In the smake's blind struggle, it draggged itself away and torn a deep, large wound along its cheek.

Blood was everywhere, but the snake had partially contributed to its own fatal wound. Lucien dropped down on the floor and panted. "That's... really nasty. Though we cooperated well, didnt we?" He raised up his hand for a high five with Hitsugi, exchanging a smile. "I guess we can clear away this place... could use it for tonight at least." He went back to the river to bring back some water, washibg the place to make it more inhabitable.

Hitsugi gave a half smile, regretting all the movement. His injured leg was burning, but the wound hadn't opened. He yelped when Lucien pushed him out of the way, watching with wide eyes when the snake lashed out at Lucien.

He got up quickly once the snake was dead, stopping the man and turning him around. "Aah, this needs to be washed." He said, frowning deeply. He couldn't discern what was his blood or the snake's. But in his concerned state, he had forgotten about his own condition. He gasped as a contraction gripped his middle, feeling the egg drop down. But he pushed it aside, more concerned with Lucien.

It's the same for Lucien. He had power to teleport in his urgent desire to clear out a space for them to settle, he didn't notice the burn from his back's only deteriorating. He came back with a bucket of water. Hitsugi was touching his back gently, his touch awakening his pain and he hissed. "i guess that's a little deeper scratch than i thought..." he tried to turn around to see the damage, but it was too tricky an angle to achieve.

"Can you help me take off this robe?" he asked, unable to peel the broken robe off his shoulder with his injury. he had his back against Hitsugi, causing him to miss the gasp following the contraction.

Hitsugi was surprised by the teleportation, rushing to Lucien when he returned with the water. He pulled his hand away, seeing the man's pain, whispering a soft sorry as he followed him.

He nodded and started gently peel his clothes away from the wound. He found a clean cloth and dipped it into the water, starting to slowly clean the area. He paused and groaned as another contraction rolled through him, feeling the egg drop down more. "Sh-shit...aah."

Lucien was panting at the stinging pain from the cold water running along his back. He heard the little curse and turned around, only to trigger his wound again. He frowned and bit his lips. Hitsugi's condition took precedent now. "Hits..." he shoot out a hand to steady him when the avian just wobbled, his hand pressed on his bulging belly. "shit i forgot about the laying.... are you ok?" Lucien knew they had to settle. With his upper body still naked, he went to pick up the bucket of water and started washing off a corner of the cave for Hitsugi to settle.

Lucien did his best, but his back was troublign him and they have limited tools. "come here...." he held Hitsugi while he panted in another contraction. "this should be good... is it time already?" he looked at HItusgi with worry. this would be the first laying since his transofmration, and he had no idea if it would be in anyway different. He reached out to touch his belly, only to hiss when that angle pulled on his back - coinciding with a drawn out moan from hitusgi.

Hitsugi kept gently washing Lucien's back, trying to ignore his own discomfort. He could put off the egg for a little longer, but he couldn't put off Lucien's bleeding wound. His legs felt weak as the contcontraction reached its peak, gasping when Lucien steadied him.

"I...I'm fine. Your wounds need proper cleaning." He said, watching the man wash the corner of the cave. He shuddered through his contraction, slowly moving with the man. He stopped him, turning him around and placing his hand over the wound. Instinct took over as a warmth radiated from his palm, healing most of the damage.

He stumbled away, giving a low groan. Both hands on his belly, still giVing off his healing magic. He couldn't control it, giving a loud moan as the energy filled his womb. His arousal tented his pants while his belly began to expand, filling with eggs bathed in fertility magic. He fell back onto his backside, cradling his overdue looking mound as he moaned and trembled.

The feeling was weird when Hitsugi's power washed over him. It was stingly but not entirely painful. Lucirn almost wanted to scratch it as his wound healed quick. He kept on trying to look back. He wanted to see if Hitsugi was still alright.

When Hitsugi stumbled away, Lucien was squirming and moving his shoulders to fight off the weird feeling. "Hitsugi!" He exclaimed seeing him stumbled back, his hands on his belly - and like a balloon ebing filled, it expanded so quickly, it looked like it would burst.

"Hitsugi!" Lucien stumbled onto the ground. Hitsugi's belly was pressing him down, looking round and almost intimidating. Lucien gathered him up, cradling him on his.lap so at least he could breath. He looked at the belly in shock. It's so large, he didnt recall seeing any human pregnant female being this large. He reached down and strokdd along thr swell, feeling fhe bottom of it and came to his erection.

"Do you want me to relief it?" Lucien said, quietly, like he might startle Hitsugi while he carefully wrapped his hand around the erection.

Hitsugi was so overwhelmed by his own growth, top sliding up to expose the tight dome of his belly while the button and seams of his pants gave way below. Hee gave a strangled noise, reaching orgasm purely from his intense growth, hardly aware of Lucien anymore.

He groaned when he was moved, leaning his head back against the man as he panted harshly. His magic had faded for now, allowing his belly to stop growing. He gasped and jerked wen Lucien's hand met his aching cock, trembling more.

"Wh-what's happening? Oooh, oh god. S-so many eggs." He whimpered, feeling the eggs jostle and shift. "Th-they're coming!" He cried out, spreading his legs. He cried out as an egg slammed into his opening, bulging it outwards.

Hitsugi just cummed right on Lucine's hand. His belly was so big, it was obscuring both of their sight. Lucien realised Hitsugi was pushing - or the eggs were moving down without Hitsugi even trying - and tried to rip away the pants that's been snuggling tight on Hitsugi's waist even though the seams and button bursted.

Lucien peeled the pants away, and in the process he was feeling the bulge already. Hitsugi had bene holding his legs up, and the egg was pushing against his rim, its shape taking place at his tight opening. Thankfully the eggs weren't that big, at least not this first one. Lucien tried to touch it very gently with his fingertips, tracing its outline. "it's coming! push..." he couldn't begin to imagine how many eggs there could be inside of Hitsugi now... with his powerful healing magic, he might be having at least half a dozen, if not more.

"Hitsugi you know how to do this... push." he encouraged and held his buttocks open, helping to ease the egg's way out.

Hitsugi squirmed out of his pants with Lucien's help, exposing his bulging slit and aching cock. He gave a loud shaky moan, feeling the egg spreading him as Lucien traced around the sensitive flesh. "Ooooh!" He cried, pushing hard. His hips jerked, popping the first egg free to land on his tail feathers.

"Aah-aaah! God!" He gasped, feeling the eggs shift downwards. His legs shifted as his opening bulged and squirted, wings twitching and lifting him to push. He grabbed at Lucien, needing to anchor himself from the overwhelming sensations.

Lucien just managed to see the egg - it looked dull and, well, lifeless. He brushed away the egg and took better hold of Hitsugi, holding him steady whole he struggled to push again. "It's a nice start, you are doing great..." aside from the hand he was offering Hitsugi to hold on, Lucien was holding Hitsugi's massive belly with his other hand to hold him still, cupping it from below. There was a weird sensation of feeling individual eggs within Hiysugi, Lucine would try to ignore it.

The next egg came aligned with Hitsugi's opening. The birdman's legs were trembling with the overwhelming snesations. Lucien's hand would come into contact with Hitsugi's throbbing cock, causing the birdman to moan further at the added pleasure from it.

Hitsugi's first egg had been the one he was already carrying, slightly smaller and dull, obviously just an egg. But the next egg was different. Slightly larger with a gold hue to the shell. Infused with his magic, eating it could have special properties.

He leaned his head back as Lucien held him, panting harshly between pushes. He wanted to speak, but all he could do is give a strangled cry. The eggs had lined up, filling his entire birth canal. As soon as the second egg popped free, another took its place. His hips jerked when Lucien's hand met his cock, making him moan loudly.

With a howl from hitsugi, the second egg popped out and the patterns on it drew Lucien's attention. it was quite beautiful- almost looking like an artifact, but soon Lucien had to focus back to Hitsugi as another shriek escaped him.

Lucien's hand groping his cock had Hitsugi instinctively clenching up his canal - and that had the 3rd egg grinding into his prostate that forced an orgasm out of Hitsugi. It was so intesne, Lucien wasn't sure if that howl was more of pain or pleasure. Lucien held Hitsugi down, not daring to move or add onto his pleasure any more until he was coming down from his height - or he was afriad Hitsugi would go into shock.

Hitsugi trembled hard, feeling Lucien's hand on his cock while the egg ground against his prostate. He gave a loud choked cry as he came, hips jerking and inner muscles forcing the egg out despite how he clenched.

He panted desperately, tears rimming his eyes and drool dribbling down his chin. He was so lost, pushing hard to force the eggs out, howling with a mixture of pain and pleasure as each egg forced another orgasm. Six eggs later, he was completely drained...nine eggs resting between his legs and his belly once again flat. He groaned and twitched, passing out against Lucien.

His scent filled the cave, strong with fertility. Ripe and more than ready to conceive...

The entire thing was surreal. The eggs just kept coming, each one shooting out of Hitsugi while hie tensed up and trembled with the bombarding orgasms hitting him continuously. Lucien lost count of howvmany orgasms Hitsugi reached after the third egg, he just saw him forced to cum violently following the birth of each and every egg.

Hitsugi was collasping onto him. Lucien held him up gently and soon, he was stroking Hitsugi sensually, he didnt notice how he was affected by the ripe and rich taste in the air. Lucien gazed on Hitsugi, still a trembling mess, to tilt his face up abd kiss him.

He was getting more drawn to Hitsugi, despite him just birthing a whopping 9 eggs and went through almost the same number of consecutive orgasms. Lucien's cock was straining in his pants, the demon part of him struggling to gain vontrol, filled with the thought of breeding Hitsugi.

Hitsugi was left trembling against Lucien, slowly coming down from his overwhelming series of orgasms. His body was already healing, recovering from his violent birthing. He moaned softly at the man's touch, slowly waking up.

His eyes fluttered open as he was caught in the kiss, sliding closed again as he leaned into it. His wings trembled, pushing him up while he rolled onto Lucien. His eggs rolling off his tail feathers, coming to rest in a small divot on the cave floor.

But that was the las thing on his mind. All he could focus on was the need deep within him. He straddled the man, grinding his soaking wet slit over his bulge. Gyrating his hips and moaning into the kiss, quickly bringing himself to another orgasm. Spilling his thick cum between them, so packed with his seed that even a drop would guarantee pregnancy in a female...his inner walls twitching and clenching, squirting out even more slick all over Lucien's crotch.

"Please....make this ache go away....i....I feel empty." He panted, begging the half devil to fill his empty womb with new life.

Htsugi was the biggest tease. When his soaked slit grind against Lucien's bulge, all the half devil could do was to moan loud. the sensation was different - only part of his cock was rubbed - but that was enough to bring his cock to throb and jerk, spilling precum that wet both of them further.

Hitsugi's next orgasm had his slightly parted slit spasming tight, like it was nibbling kisses on Lucien's cock. he groaned loud as well while Hitsugi came, coating his abdomen with his thick seeds and squirt. They were so wet and messy, the cave was filled with the taste of sex already.

"oh babe.. you are gonna be filled up real soon.... you are guarnateed to get swelling wiht my child - children - after this." Lucien said in his husky voice, holding Hitsugi's waist, he pushed him up to land him right onto his throbbing cock, and released his grip so Hitsugi would sit right on his rod, which pierced through his eager inner walls, landing straight into the opening of his womb.

After his orgasm, Hitsugi lifted himself just enough to work on undoing Lucien's pants. It was a bit difficult due to all the slick and cum between them, but he managed. He pushed the wet fabric aside, freeing the half devil's throbbing cock.

He didn't have time to admire it, however. Lucien was guiding him forward, feeling his swollen slit slide over the man's cockhead, parting the lips slightly. He was going to ease himself down, but Lucien just let him drop, impailing him on his thick cock. His cry echoed off the cave's walls, trembling at the sudden deep penetration.

He sat still for a few moments, sitting up more and just taking in the full feeling. His own impressive cock stood proudly above his swollen balls, heavy with increased fertility. Behind that, his body was flush with lucien's, not a hint of the thick cock connecting them.

"I...I can feel your pulse...th-throbbing inside. Aah." He moaned, looking down at him with those iridescent gold eyes. His wings shifted, giving him balance as he slowly lifted and lowered himself. He rolled his hips as he moved, giving soft whimpers and moans. Giving Lucien quite the show as he arched himself and moved quicker, pulling his flat belly tight, a subtle bump showing his large fertile womb, ready to receive Lucien's seed.

"that throb's gonna make you pregnant...." Lucien landed his hand on Hitsugi's belly, holding him and slowly thrust up, matchng with Hitsugi's flapped movements. It's always differnet, the rhythem with the avian - or former avian. His wings would bring in current, making their passionate dance with each other's body a little unexpected, some twists and turns taht would bring unexpected sensations around .

"babe you wanna get bred? you are gonna be so big and round with my babies... big squirming babies, no longer eggs. Little beings that would flutter and move around you. You would become a true mother." Lucien muttered. "too bad... you would have been a great seeder as well. look at this cum... you are fertile in every way possible. look at this seed!" He said, scooping up some of the thick cum of Hitsugi's.

"well, now they would become nutrietns.. it would be most effective relieving stretchmarks, i believe." he smirked, using it as a lotion to rub against the light swell. "oh my, your womb is so large... so prepared for holding large babies. is this where it is?" he smirked and pressed deep, feeling and almost massaging the womb within. "my lovely breeder..."he muttered and caused another yelp with a forceful thrust upwards into Hitsugi.

Hitsugi gave a breathless noise at Lucien's words, shuddering slightly before crying out as the man thrust up into him. He was still very much an avian, only showing a few features of his elven ancestry, like his ears and eyes. His hair came free of the bun, draping about his shoulders like a shiny black waterfall.

He looked down at the half devil, listening to him speak about their future offspring. The thought of live young within him just made him moan and move a little more urgently. His cock twitched when Lucien mentioned being a seeder, dripping more of that potent cum. "Ooh, I still could be." He panted, biting his lip for a moment. "I could... Ooh, mmh. When they see how fertile I've become...the hens will flock to me." He moaned, reaching to squeeze his cock before wiping the thick seed from the head.

He watched Lucien rub his cum over his belly, giving a drawn out moan when he pressed in. "I...I understand what's happened to me." He muttered. "I've become a living fertility idol." He said, looking at Lucien. He cried out at the thrust, inner walls clenching around him. His pace picked up, feeling his orgasm building quicker. "Ooh-oooh! I'm gonna!" He managed to gasp before the waves of pleasure crashed over him. His inner walls seemed to pull on Lucien, trying to milk him of his seed. While his own cock shot ribbons of his potent cum over the man's abdomen.

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