C it all started with an egg (w/ hyenadog)

The baby's suckling wasn't working as much as Lucien would hope. he looked on worriedly at how unresponsive Hitsugi was. he scooped him up from teh floor, careful not to squish his wings, an dput him on his lap. "come on Hits.. wak eup! our babies need you..." he said stroking his belly, at least the babies are still kicking.

lucien shook Hitsugi some more, but even when their daughter was finished eating, releasing Hitsugi's swollen nipple, there was still no sign of Hitsusgi coming awake. Lucien put away teh baby to let them all sleep, then moved to hold the avian. he pressed closer and took a deep breth, then kissed him deeply.

If anyone was there, they would ssee green ligth enveloping Lucien, thee half devil was using hi spower to wake Hitsugi up, both to save him and their babies.

The babies were fine within Hitsugi, at least for now. But he had drained all of his energy getting the first three out. He needed some time to recover. He groaned softly when he was shifted, limp in Lucien's arms, surprisingly heavy for one capable of flight.

He moaned into the kiss, hands weakly lifting to hold onto Lucien's arms as the half-devil's energy surrounded him. He broke the kiss with a sharp gasp, clinging to Lucien as his contractions got so much stronger. He spread his legs wide and pushed, fourth baby starting to crown already. This one was small, taking only one long push for its head to pop free. Hitsugi tried to keep his breathing under control, but he was so stretched out inside, another baby was already forcing it's way into his birth canal.

He had one hanging out of him, one trying to get out, and the last one kicking up a storm still in his womb...

It's almost comical how Hitsugi had not even time to say something before his body urged him to push. it was an effective one though, the baby coming right out. the differnce in their sizes was obvious - this headwas at least a quarter smaller than their daughter. "That's good Hitsugi.. keep pushing." Lucien cupped the head which had come out with a smaller puddle of fluid than before.

Hitsugi's pleasure was not as great this time, partly also because of how overcrowded the babies were in his entire birth canal. The kickings hurled up in his womb wasn't making things any easier as it produced little else other than pain. The baby's toros was still working its wonders in inducng small waves of pleasure in Hitsugi, but with the exhaustion he was in, his body refused to react to that.

"Shh Hitsugi, take a few deep breathes, calm yourself, the bayb's gonna arrive very soon." he said to the still weak avian,his face still pale as he was just relying on Lucien's power to function now.

Hitsugi clung to Lucien as he pushed, pressing his face to his chest. The fourth baby slid free with surprising ease, and the fifth wasn't far behind. It was a bit bigger, however, and slowed down once it began to crown.

The fourth baby squirmed and cried. It seemed to take after Lucien much more than the others. It was hard to tell the sex of this baby, but it was probably a hermaphrodite like Hitsugi.

The fifth baby came to a full crown, stretching Hitsugi's abused opening so much. He sobbed against Lucien's chest, getting confusing signals from his body. His overstimulated prostate sending jolts of both pleasure and pain, especially as the baby's shoulder presses right into it as the head popped free. He pushed as hard as he could, wanting to get this over with so he could rest.

Lucien was eager to see this baby born as well. He cupped the emerging head and encouraged Hitusgi to push some more. "Hitsu look at me, you are gonna push through the pleasure. i know what's going on... you are way too tired to do another orgasm, but that's th eonly way the baby could be freed. Try for me babe, just push, let that pleasure wash over you again, just this once." he said scooping HItsugi higher in his lap and spread his legs once more.

He cupped the emerging head, with a shriek from Hitsugi, another orgasm washed through him as the baby's shoulder grinded hard onto Hitsugi's prostate. Despite his enhanced fertility, this continuous oragsms were taking a huge toll on the avian's body. Lucien could feel the violent tremble of the smaller man, but his hard work paid off and the baby was making a gradual descend, making its way out ot he world and finaly, the head popped out entirely, with just a trickle of fluid this time. his amniotic fluid had been almost drained, and another shoulder slipped out as well.

Hitsugi gave such a pathetic whimper, wishing the baby wasn't positioned like it was. Grinding so harshly against his prostate. He didn't want to cum again, it just hurt at this point. But he leaned into Lucien and pushed, his cry grew sharper until it was a strained scream as his orgasm hit.

The baby's shoulders popped free, allowing the baby to finally slide free into Lucien's waiting hands. Hitsugi leaned his head back, panting harshly as his whole body trembled from his unwanted orgasm. Now he had one last baby...it had kicked and wiggled out of the right position and was presenting sideways.

Hitsugi's opening was so stretched, gaping between his legs. It wouldn't be difficult to reach in and move the baby, though it wouldn't be comfortable for Hitsugi.

It was almost painful seeing Hitsugi straining to cum again. it took such a toll on his body, nothing came out from his cock aside from clear liquid, and his cock limped right away, just jerking a few times, unable to squirt anything else. "Shhh i gotcha... the baby's here." Lucien took hold of Hitsgui immeidatley when the avian collapsed. he was looking abnormally red, the exertion too much.

the baby squirmed in Lucien's hands, to which he quickly cleaned and wrapped him up. When he again placed the newborn on Hitsugi's breasts, the avian only whimpered so weakly having his abused nipple suckled on again. Lucien hadn't noticed the last baby was sideways. He just wanted Hitsugi to have some rest in between, he didn't particularly feel for his belly for the moment.

He took Hitsugi higher up in his arms, resting him on his lap andthe avian jerked at his abused and gaping opening brushing against Lucien's pants. "i'm sorry... would it help if you turn around?" Lucien asked and flipped Hitsugi so that he would be sitting on his thighs facing each other.

Hitsugi was so flushed from exertion, he almost looked as red as he did when he came into season. But he was exhausted, sweating and panting, weakly fanning himself with one wing to try and cool himself off.

He let Lucien do what he needed to, lifting his head to look at the newborn with dazed eyes. He whimpered as the baby began to suckle, wincing at how tender his nipples had become. But he was producing plenty of milk for his young, rich and packed with nutrition. Each baby only needed to suckle for a few minutes to be satisfied.

He gasped when Lucien moved him, wrapping his arms around their fifth child to keep them close. He winced and whimpered as he was turned, sitting up on Lucien looking so tired. "The last one....its not sliding down." He muttered, wincing as his body tried to push. The baby was laying sideways against his cervix, making it impossible to birth without being moved.

"I'll make this all sorted out Hitusgi... don't worry." Lucien tried touching around Hitsugi's puffy belly to see what's been holding this last baby back. it makes HItusig whimper pathetically with the discomfort, but Lucien could make out of the situation a bit better with that probing.

"i think i know what's wrong... Hitusgi, the baby's coming sideways. there's no way it can come like this, so we'll have to turn him. I'm putting you back on bed so we can figure a way out ok?" Lucine said placing Hitusgi onto his nest sideways, and the avianjust rested limply on the bed.

"Hitsugi.... i will try to move it from pushing on your belly." Lucine said with droplets of sweat rolling down his cheek. tension was high and he wasn't sure if he could succeed, nonetheless the half devil pressed his hand deep into HItsugi's belly, locaitng the head and the butt of the baby, he tried to turn it so he could force the baby down int h right way.

Hitsugi couldn't help whimpering and squirming as Lucien felt around his deflated belly. The last baby was still moving around, just not enough to shift itself into the right position.

Hitsugi nibbled his lip as Lucien confirmed his fear, looking down at his belly before he was lifted and moved. He closed his eyes and tried to relax for a moment, laying there across his nest with his wings spread slightly. He whimpered each time a contraction hit, shifting as his body pushed on it's own.

He nodded when Lucien said he would try to move the baby, wincing and whining as he pressed on his tender belly. Leaning his head back, he had to resist the instinct to push, biting harshly into his pierced lip, trying to focus on that rather than the rest of his body.

The baby was so close to the right position, its head just shifted at an odd angle. No amount of pushing on the outside could fix that, but maybe reaching up inside could.

Lucien would have insisted on maneuvering the baby from the outside for awhile - it was almost unthinkable for him to be reaching up deep into Hitsugi. It felt so traumatic the idea didn't cross his mind at all.

however, after almost 20 minutes of futile trying, Lucien had come to realise that this wasn't working. All he did was causing Hitsugi great pain and exhausting him. he finally releaseed Hitusgi's puffy belly. the stretched skin was reddened now with his maneuvering. "i do'nt think this is working Hitsugi... there's only one way left now." he said moving his hand across his belly to between his legs.

He spread his thighs to look between. his opening was still gaping open, with small trickles of fluid oozing out when a contraction hit. His contractions were as strong as well witht he awkward position the last baby was in. "i will have to move the baby from within... Hitusgi this will hurt." he said, figuring it was fiar warning. "i am reaching in..."

taking a deep breath, Lucien slipped 3 fingers in. HItsugi's opening was swollen, abused from passing 5 babies already, and any slight touch on the inflammed skin was enough to cause Hitsugi much discomfort.

Hitsugi could only whimper and sob as Lucien tried so hard to shift the baby from the outside. Hands held as if he wanted to grab the man's arms, but couldn't bring himself to. He was almost relieved when he finally stopped, panting harshly as he tried to relax.

But his relaxation was short lived, breath hitching sharply when Lucien's hand slid between his legs. He lifted his head, looking at him with wide eyes. But he knew this was the only way, short of cutting him open and pulling the baby out that way.

"O-okay. Just....go slow." He muttered, giving a hiss of pain as the man's fingers touched the abused flesh. He spread his legs more, willing himself to relax. Blood mixed with the fluids dripping from him, coming from where the babies had connected to him, not from a tear.

He leaned his head back, scrunching up his face as Lucien pressed in further. He was more than stretched enough, but his opening was so raw and sensitive, every touch sent jolts up his spine.

"you're gapng open...." Lucien muttered. He was just stating the fact, but it did cross his mind wehther Hitusgi could really recover tfrom this. Certainly the avian had exchibited marvelous healing power, but this was such brutal stretch, her lips so angrily gaping, his flesh within his canal was flipped open.

He frowned thinking if this would be how Hitsugi appeared to be from now on. He stroked the widely opened lips that was dripping with dark colored fluid, and got his 4th finger in. He went slow, moving in a way that mimicked having sex, but soon found his attempt was futile - Hitsugi could no way feel pleasure with it. He was way too loose to feel it.

With a short pause, Lucien inserted his 5th finger, then slide his hand in enough his kucnkles are pressed against it. With a bit more stregnth, half of his hand was buried into Hitsugi, stretching his opening by a slight bit.

Hitsugi made a small noise at Lucien's comment, also afraid he wouldn't recover from this. His body would, but it would take some time. They would need to avoid sex and getting him pregnant again for a while.

He whimpered and trembled as Lucien tried to give him some pleasure. There was a spark, somewhere, of pleasure and arousal, but it was quickly drowned out by pain and exhaustion. "Aah-ah... it...it hurts. But I can feel you...pushing deeper, r-reaching up inside." He muttered, too tired to really think about his words.

The baby within him had shifted so close to the right angle, but its head was tilted. All it needed was a gentle nudge in the right direction.

This could be the only birht that was almost pure agony for Hitsugi. it was unusualf ro him, and he was looking like he only half conscious with the pain overwhelming him. Lucien steadied his hands, trying to reach in further. "i'm feeling your cervix i think..." he muttered while his hand reached some kind of a "second opening" deep within Hitusig.
to get through this inner opening, Lucien had to shove more of his hand through Hitsugi's abused feminine opening, and taht proved to be hurting as well since the abused lips were stretched again. Lucien bit his lips as well , trying to ignore the pained whimpers from the avian and got himself through the cervix to finally reach the baby - and he was touching at a strange part of his head. He had to make out his way around the baby first before he could do anything, so his hand stayed and started blindly poking within Htisugi.

Hitsugi gripped the blankets under him as Lucien reached deeper. If he hadn't been so exhausted and already in such pain, this probably would have been very arousing. To have Lucien touching the deepest reaches of his body, reaching into the very organ that produced their young. Somewhere at the back of his mind, Hitsugi was loving this.

But he was quickly reminded of his problem as Lucien blindly reached around, whining loudly and kicking his legs. But he quickly came in contact with the stubborn baby, allowing him to shift the head to line up with the exit, just in time for another powerful contraction. "I...I need to push!" Cried Hitsugi, unable to stop himself. Lucien would feel what it was like getting squeezed by those powerful muscles, forcing his hand and the baby out of his body.

Lucien wasn't sure what hit him, but after the whine from Hitsugi, his hand was clecnehd around by powerful muscles. His palm was right halfway into Hitsugi's womb. His cervix was forced open by his hand, and whilst his fingers were clenched on by his womb, the cervix flared open with the contraction. It was such a strange feeling with the head of the baby also pressing down.

"push!" Lucien reacted to it and tried to reach for the head of the baby, attempting to grab a hold of it so he could pull on the head, dragging it out so it could come at the right angle. That caused much pain on Hitsugi's side as he moved his hand within the tight confines of his canal and his womb. "push!" Lucien ordered again, disregarding the pained whines from Hitsugi.

(Your inbox is full again, lol)

Hitsugi couldn't stop his legs from kicking, but he kept his toes curled, sparing him his claws if one of his kicks made contact. He cried out as Lucien moved his hand, body arching as instinct told him to try and escape.

But then, Lucien was pulling on the baby, and all he could do was curl in on himself and push with everything he had. The baby was moving, sliding into his birth canal, pushing Lucien's hand out of it's way.

(lOL i'm so sorry... it's cleared now.... =3=)

Hitusig was thrasing around, making it difficult for Lucien to control his hand. He tried to move along with Hitsuig's movement so as not to hurt his insides pulling onto the baby. When the baby finally descended into Hitsugi's birth canal, he knew he was successful in manipulating the position of the baby and gently withdrew his hand.

In the process, he inevitably stretched and touched every single inch of Hitusig's insides. the avian did raeact a slight bit, jerking when his fist passed his sweetspot, but his limpened cock could only give a tired jerk, too spent to really act on the stimulation.

Hitsugi's push faltered as Lucien withdrew his hand, jerking and giving a strained noise when he brushed past those oversensitive nerves. He felt that pang of pleasure, but it was still so painful. Once it passed, he pushed again, knowing he was almost done.

Soon the baby was at his opening, parting the stretched and abused lips once more, bulging outwards as he lift and spread his legs. Of course the last baby would be big, taking every ounce of Hitsugi's strength to push it out. His whole body shook with each push, but he didn't make much noise, just strained grunts and whimpers.

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