Consequence from one night (w/ BubbleBelly321)

Jared picked up the subtle change in emotion of Finn and approached him carefully, scooping him up to place him between his legs. "yea... it's gonna be very difficult to hide very soon. you are carrying twins, so it's only going to get pretty obvious very soon..." truth be told Finn wasn't the biggest of them all. Finn didn't have a large frame, so he was bound to have a large and low belly where the babies had no where to grow but outward.

"Finn. i want to take care of you." jared said solemnly, pressing his face towards Finn. "especially times like this. i didn't want this to repeat, with you being alone the entire morning with no one knowing htat you are sick." he continued. "i know i have made this offer... but, would you move in with me? it's times like this that i just wished i could be here, that i could have a split of myself around you, taking care of your needs."

Finn went quiet for what felt like an eternity, as he thought about Jared's offer. He had to admit, he had been rather lonely earlier when he was home alone, and feeling ill. There had been a few times where he'd wished Jared was there to help and comfort him. At the same time though, He didn't want to bother or distract his lover from his work. There were so many things he had to think about.

Deep down however, Finn knew what he felt, and knew what he wanted to happen. He wasn't one to let his feelings dictate his important decisions usually. The last time he had though, had lead to the amazing night he had with Jared, and their pregnancy, which though unusual, had so far made Finn the happiest he remembered being in a long time. No matter what, Finn knew he had to decide, and soon replied to Jared's offer

"Jared, I'll admit, I'm not usually someone who makes decisions the same time you make this whole thing seem so much less scary than I thought it would be. I'm...happy whenever you're around, and I know the twins are too. You're honestly the first person I've ever been able to imagine a future with. I've thought about this a lot...and if you're really sure about this...I want to move in with you."

jared was waiting anxiously. He didn't want to give Finn any pressure, but he just couldn't let Finn be on his own for so long, he woudl worry die everyday knowing he was alone. He kept his fingers crossed underenath water, and when finn finaly agreed, he broke into such big smile. "thank you, thanks so much babe!" He exclaimed, hugging Finn tight and pressed multiple kisses on his cheeks.

He was so happy, he could now finally settle in with Finn. He was so thriled he would get to see Finn everyday after work, and if he finally managed to convince Finn in taking a break from work, he could bring Finn around to his office, inviting him into his life - and if possible, he could always arrange for a desk work, maybe as receptionist or something around him. "i am so happy... i can't wait to share my life with you." he chuckled and wrapped his hands around his belly. "and you two as well! you little guys... daddy's so happy to be seeing you everyday now."

With his excitement, the water started swirling and Jared summoned for his wand - he seldom used it, but today he felt like he could give Finn a treat as celebration. He dimmed the light and with a swing of his wand, there were stars and tiny fireworks lighting up the bathroom. "look.... that's my gift to you. Welcome to my home..."

Finn looked on at the stars and fireworks in silent wonder, as the colors swirled and danced in front of his eyes. For a while, he could hardly even find the words to describe it all. He simply smiled, relaxing in Jared's arms as the show continued on. It wasn't until a few minutes later that Finn finally spoke to Jared.

"I've got to admit, I'm honestly kind of excited about this." He confessed. "You'll help me get things arranged though right? I still have to pack, and let my landlord know I'm moving and stuff." Still he grinned, nuzzling up against Jared's chest. "Nevermind...let's worry about that tomorrow."

"of course i am helping... even ifyou don't want my help, i would insist on that." Jared chuckled and flicked Finn's nose. "you aren't going anywhere alone from now on." he chuckled and hugged his little lover back, his heart filled with joy and excitement as well. "i can't wait to start a life with you...."

They would be arranging for the move. of course with Jared being a wizard, it was much easier to move without the need of hiring a company. Finn still needed to pack though. Jared insisted on pushign it back a few days until Finn was fully recovered before starting to make the arrangements. he was so happy to have Finn over, and had arranged a small little surprise for his lover.

Thankfully Finn recovered from his cold pretty quickly, even though Jared insisted on making sure he was back to 100% health before moving. Even then, Jared was pretty insistent that Finn take it easy and let the wizard make sure he moved most of the heavy boxes filled with the pregnant man's possessions.

Soon after signing some papers, and moving a few more boxes, Jared asked Finn to come over. Admittedly, even though he hadn't fully moved in yet, the pregnant man had already been spending more time at Jared's house, than his old place. "So...what did you want to show me exactly?" Finn teased as Jared helped him into the house.

Jared spent the night before on decorating the entire house with banners and color papares, getting together a small welcoming ceremony for Finn. "surprise." he smied opening the door wide for Finn to see. with the help of magic it was a slight bit easier for him to pull it off within one single night. "and here I have a little gift for you." he smiled, and handed over a wrapped box. "then of course i also have this. welcome here Finn." he kissed Finn's lilps tilting his face up, and handed over the keys. "you are most welcome to be the other owner of this house." he smiled.

He pulled Finn in to sit him on the coach fitting a cushion behind him and waited for him to opne the box. It was the first magc laced item he had ever made, and he hoped Finn liked it on top of it being useful.

Finn looked around the house in quiet awe and surprise at all of the decorations that Jared had put up. It was a struggle for him not to shed toears of happiness when he was handed the keys, and suddenly whisked off to the couch.

"I-I can't believe you did all of this." He blushed, but beamed widely, kissing the wizard on the cheek. "Thank you so much." His attention then turned to the present. "You really didn't have to get me anything, you know." Still he shook the box, curious about its contents.

Jared could see Finn's little nose turning red from how he got emotional. His heart swelled at how lovely his boyfriend was, and beamed at the shy kiss Finn pressed on his cheek.

"I want to do this for you.. it's not an obligation, but a right to do that to my boyfriend." Jared chuckled and let Finn unwrap the gift, showing a pendant that looked like a coin with intricate patterns on it. Once side was plain, and the other side had a hollowed out space to contain a tiny stone, almost the size of a sesame, but it was shining brilliantly against the light. "here is a little something.. this is what we called a 'reversed portkey'. just rub the coin clockwise, and call my name twice, then i would be there with you." he explained, putting the necklace around Finn's neck. "i thought this wouldn't look too feminine... and it suits you.' he smiled, admiring how his boyfriend looked.

Finn could only look on in awe at the pendant around his neck. The jewelry itself was very simple, but still beautiful and suited him perfectly. A beaming smile crossed Finn's face, as he reached to touch the small stone. He then looked at Jared, wrapping his arms around the other man's shoulders in a hug.

"This is perfect! Seriously. I'm never taking it off!" Finn exclaimed before kissing Jared again, and feeling a blush creep across his cheeks. "Honestly though, this is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me."

Jared held Finn around his waist once his pregnant boyfriend hung himself on him. he took care in holding him just in case he would fall, and smiled into the kiss. "you are very welcome Finn... i am your boyfriend, i am supposed to give you little surprises here adn there right? and yes please... don't ever remove it. i will, just in case something happens, i want to be there for you at once." he smiled at Finn whose eyes were bright with exctiement.

"i am sorry no one had been there for you before.. but i am glad i am here now. you are too precious to be left alone, and i am relly teh lucky guy here." he smiled lifting Finn up in his arms, carrying him through the flat to the rooms at the back. the door opened on its own, and there they entered the master bedroom of the house. "this would be our room... welcome Finn." he kissed his cheeks again and lowered him to the amazingly feeling mattress.

Finn smiled the whole time Jared spoke to him,and eventually carried him to the bedroom. As the pregnant man soon laid back on the mattress, he sighed happily. Curling up, he soon found himself wrapped up in cozy blankets, as Jared moved to lay beside him.

"Thank you Jared. For everything." Finn spoke as he let out a small yawn and closed his eyes.

They setled into the new home seamlessly. Everyday Jared woke up, he would find Finn sleeping soundly beside him. it was like Finn was finally returning to the place he ought to be. Everyday Jared would head out for work in a great mood.

Life wasn't as carefree for Finn though. Jared sometimes would pick Finn up from work, and everytime his lover wouldn't look too thrilled walking out of the office. He had asked, but Finn didnt' share too much. Jared only had a vague idea his maanger had not been very happy with Finn's frequent breaks to the toilet and his occasionally forgetfulness - both were brought along because of hsi pregnancy.

Finn had been finding it more difficult to go to work each morning. It was true that living with Jared had made things better because he go to see him at the end of each day. Still, his boss and coworkers weren't making his day to day drudgery any easier, and the further he was getting in his pregnancy, the harder it was to hide his mistakes and occasional fumbles.

Despite this, Finn hesitated when it came to thinking about leaving his job. He didn't care for it much, but he hated the idea of being a burden, or being too dependent on Jared for everything. He wanted to prove he could handle himself. Which was why when he was told to head over to some stock rooms to take inventory for his office one morning, he'd agreed, and headed for the stockroom.

(Hey ;) welcome back!)

The manager had been more than annoyed by Finn's mistakes. "You have gotten so fat lately... I think you need more exercises. Head over to the storeroom, move your lazy ass there and stocktake everything. I'm gonna lock you in until you can finish it." The balding manager ordered in front of everybody, intending to humiliate him.more than anything.

Jared on the other hand had been having some uneasy feelings. With his strict working environment, Jared usually wouldnt contact Finn during working hours. Howver, today he felt like he needed to. At lunchtime, he couldnt resist the urge anymore and sent a text to Finn. "Finn are you ok? I will come pick you up, let's head over to the grocery and pick up dinner tonight." With that sent, Jared felt a bit better and concentrated on the next patient to come.

Finn had been carefully moving around a few boxes, and marking things down on a clipboard, when he received Jared's text. The phone buzzed in his pockets, playing his familiar ringtone. Taking care to set the box he'd been carrying down, the pregnant man soon glanced at his phone's screen. After reading the message, Finn smiled before typing out a quick reply.

"Sounds good to me. See you soon! <3"

Finn then returned to his work, taking down inventory of their supplies. Everything seemed to be going smoothly for quite some time. Unfortunately though, Finn soon found himself in a predicament. He'd climbed up on a small step-stool to check on some items on the higher shelves. He'd felt a sudden wave of dizziness though, as well as a strong kick to his ribs, causing the pregnant man to quickly lose his balance. He laid on his side in stunned silence and panic, until he remembered his necklace, and began to rub the small charm clockwise.

"Jared? J-Jared!" He was trying and failing not to panic.

(Hey! it's been some time.. so glad to see you back ;))

The chirp came again and Jared risked glancing at the phone when he was going through some reports for his patient. It was so difficult to hide the smile creeping up his face, but thankfully he did to maintain his professionism. Jared glanced at the clock and coudln't wait for when the time came to send the last patient out so he could meet with his love.

Jared was in bbetween patients - a pure coincidence that he was thankful of - or he would have a hard time explaining his sudden disappearance. He yelled at his nurse to cancel all the subsequent bookings and apparated on the spot.

"Finn!" Jared said with much scare. He had to squint his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting, then quickly pushed away the boxes that had fallen while Finn fell. "oh god...." he muttered. With all obstacles away, he could see dazzling bloodred staining Finn's trousers. "oh god please be alright... Finn!" he scooped Finn up so gently, laying him on his lap first to make sure his love wasn't hurt in other parts.

(Thanks! Sorry I've been away for a bit. Life's been hectic on my end!)

Finn himself still felt dizzy from the fall. The second that Jared held him in his arms though, he felt a brief moment of relief. The pregnant man winced at being moved, before realizing he was having a difficult time focusing. He felt faint, but did his best to speak regardless.

"Jared! I'm sorry...I didn't mean was an accident." He bit his lip. "Are they okay? Please, are the babies okay?"

(nah it's alright ;) i am going to admit i've been waiting intently for your reply, but I also understand life's not something we can contro. the important thing is you're returning ;))

"shhh... it's gonna be ok. it's gonna be fine...." Jared muttered, thooguh with his trembling hand, he reached down to touch between Finn's legs. Much to his dread, that was indeed blood. "We gotta get out of here fast..." he muttered, already scooping up behind Finn's knees to lift him up from the floor. he had every intention to apparate again, but there had been banging on the door and someone shouted something.

Within seconds, the manager appeared. "hey! how the hell did you get in..." he said eyeing the pair. his face froze when he saw the blood stain on Finn's pants. of cours e he wouldn't know what that was, but definitely he knew Finn had to be injured to have blood.....

"You! stop blocking the way! Finn fell down.. get out of my way!" Jared ignored largely his words and strided forward, with Finn in his arms, he needed to hurry back to the clinic. jared was really nervous at this ponit. This could be bad, really bad.

Find was shaking in Jared's arms. He clung to him tightly. His eyes clenched shut as he tried to take deep breaths to calm himself. He felt dizzy though. And winced as Jared ran and moved him around. Soon the pair had somehow made it outside, though the pregnant man had no idea what to do, or what Jared might do next. All he knew was they had to move quickly, and he just wanted the babies to be okay.

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