Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260

Silas nodded as politely as possible but said nothing as he walked with Sidney, his hand was sweating in the palm of Sidney's hand - he was more than grateful when they finally arrived at Sidney's office and he could shake out the nervousness.

Silas paced the length of Sidney's office, muttering a mixture of Greek and English, running a hand through his hair - he had never been more nervous in his life, not even when he first opened the restaurant and he feared not having a customer base "Am I really ready for this? Are we ready for a child?" he questioned, turning panicked eyes on Sidney.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney looked at him, a little surprised at Silas's reaction. "Darling what did you think would happen when you matched? Normally it happens faster than this once you match since they use insemination. A baby was always the end result."

Sidney reached a hand out to him. "I am ready for a child. I have wanted one for so long and to get to have your child makes it all the better."

He ran a soothing hand down Silas's side. "It will all be okay. I promise."

Silas nodded and puffed out a breath of air, collapsing into one of the chairs in Sidney's office "You are right... I am working myself up for nothing - I apologize. I just... I thought we would have more time, maybe, since we were doing it naturally. I was ready, a few months ago, but now... now I just want to spend my time with you." Silas pulled Sidney down into his lap, wrapping his strong arms around his lover's waist.

"I love you, Sid... and I will love our children just as much - if not more... I am just being fool headed about this, I suppose... Of course, I am ready - I have been for a while yet... and being able to bring a child into the world with you? It will be a miracle, a very happy one."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"We'll have plenty of time to be together. The furthest along I could be is three months and that's if I got pregnant the first time we had sex in your office." Sidney leaned his head on Silas's shoulder, closing his eyes. He was content to stay like this for as long as possible but the silence was broken by the door being flung open and Marc walking in. Sidney scrambled off Silas's lap, glaring at Marc.

"I told Nancy to buzz me!"

Marc waved a hand and eyed up Silas. "This is much more fun for me. I see why you've been hiding him away. He is exactly your type."

"Oh my god," Sidney moaned. "You are the worst. Silas, this is Marc Andrews, the fertility specialist assigned to our contract and unfortunately one of my best friends. Marc, this is Silas Flint, my donor and more importantly, my boyfriend so please be nice."

"I am *always* nice." Marc protested, sticking his hand out towards Silas.

Silas nearly flung Sidney off his lap, himself, had his boyfriend not scramble up like he had - Silas stood when Marc came into the room, his eyes hard steel as he stared at the intruder. His muscles rippled and it was obvious he felt like strangling the man, but he reigned his temper in and begrudgingly shook Marc's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you... Mr. Andrews." Silas said cordially, retracting his hand from Marc's grasp and moving to stand behind Sidney.

He felt nervous, again, but being close to Sidney was more comforting than he thought; he set his hand on Sidney's back and rubbed his thumb back and forth in annoying circles - he just wanted to get this over with and go back home; being a 'loner' type and not very comfortable in crowds or around new people, was making Silas' skin crawl like worms underneath it.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc looked between them for a moment and then shook his head. "Okay so you decided to try and fill the contract naturally and not tell anyone. Sid, you know that's against the rules."

Sidney flushed and moved closer to Silas. "I know. We signed the contract before we knew how quickly the relationship would form. We thought we would end up dating for awhile but everything went so quick and ... well, the contract is almost unnecessary at this point. If I'm pregnant, we will be raising the baby together."

"Oh Sidney," Marc sighed but didn't elaborate. "Let's go to the exam room."

Silas slid his hand into Sidney's back pocket, giving his boyfriend's butt an affectionate and comforting squeeze and pat "Everything'll be alright, won't it?" he whispered as the duo walked behind Marc toward the exam rooms.

"I do not want to get you in trouble at work, or legally if we did something wrong by doing this..." Silas said, his tone still low as he looked down at Sidney.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"It'll be fine," Sidney promised, his voice low as well. "We didn't violate the contract since we are both in agreement. I should have told someone but I won't get in trouble."

Marc opened the exam room and immediately handed Sidney a urine cup. "I only need a few drops but try to give me a little more to work with so I can use it to test your glucose as well if you are pregnant. Might as well use the same specimen twice."

Sidney took the cup from him and looked between Silas and Marc. "Just act like a professional while I'm out of the room please?"

Marc gave him an innocent look and crossed his heart. "I am a professional. Go pee in your cup. I will be absolutely fine alone with your donor. I'll pretend I don't know he's your boyfriend when I'm at work."

Sidney scowled at him but had no choice but to trust Marc. He had to give him a urine sample to test if he was pregnant after all. Luckily he could be quick about it so Silas didn't have to be alone with him for long.

Silas stood far enough away and crossed his arms over his chest - he was wearing a form fitting t-shirt that day, and every one of his muscles bulged dramatically, once again ripping seams; he thought about buying clothes that actually fit over his arms, but none seemed to exist - It kind of pissed Sidney off too, which was comical, to see his boyfriend getting upset about another ripped t-shirt that Silas owned.

Silas stared blankly at Marc as they waited for Sidney to return from the restroom - he was not at all comfortable being with this man, especially with the way Sidney spoke about him needing to be a professional - what could that possibly mean? Would this Marc character try and jump his bones right here? With Sidney only in the bathroom?

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc made a note in Sidney's chart before looking at Silas. The other man looked like he was going to eat him alive if Marc so much as tried to make a move. He raised an eyebrow and pointed at the chairs. "You can sit. You don't need to stand menacingly in the doorway until Sidney returns."

Silas didn't move and Marc shrugged. "Suit yourself. How far along could Sidney possibly be if he is pregnant? I know you were matched just over three months ago."

Silas nodded his head and did indeed remain standing where he had been, tightening his arms just abit around his chest and flexing his biceps "Three months." he said simply.

Silas kept glancing toward the door that Sidney went through, silently pleading for his boyfriend to return; he was, for reasons unknown, feeling more and more uncomfortable just standing in the exam room with Marc - the man was acting professional, as told to do, but still Silas' skin was crawling and he really just felt like jumping out the tiny window in the room.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Three months," Marc said, writing that down. "Okay then. Good to know."

Sidney came back in, holding the cup in a paper towel. He handed it over to Marc before going to Silas. "Hey," Sidney said gently, seeing how tense and uncomfortable he was. "I'm here." He rubbed a hand over Silas's back before guiding him over to the chairs. "Sit down with me."

Marc tested the sample, taking a drop and adding it to the rapid pregnancy test they used. If it was inconclusive, they had more accurate ones he could go to but these were good for a quick screen. Almost immediately, the plus sign appeared and Marc smiled to himself. He might tease Sidney and joke with him, but he knew how Sidney longed for a child.

"Well then," Marc sat back down at the desk and looked at Sidney and Silas. "Congratulations, you're pregnant."

Silas sat down, almost gratefully, when Sidney came out and guided him to the chair - it was a relief, to know that his boyfriend knew his moods and the signs of how he was feeling with just a quick glance even after only being in a relationship for three months. Silas held onto Sidney's thigh lightly, needing the contact with him.

However, of course, when Marc said that they were indeed expecting their first child together... Silas' eyes widened and he actually looked like he might pass out at any moment "Yo...You're... you're sure?" he stammered out, his face starting to pale slightly - it was strange, seeing the reaction; despite knowing how much they both wanted to have children... That nervousness was peaking its ugly head up again "We're... we're... It's positive?" Or, it might have even been shock that he was feeling - Now that their dreams were finally coming true.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney grabbed Silas's hands, holding them tightly as he began to well up with tears. He had been waiting for so long to hear those words, to know that he was going to get to have a child. He let out a sob and turned his face into Silas's shoulder, unable to believe that he was actually pregnant.

"It's positive," Marc confirmed, smiling at them both. "We'll do an ultrasound as well to figure out how far along since this wasn't an insemination. No nice, easy way to track that." He stood up. "Let me give you a few minutes. I'll go grab the machine."

Sidney was up in Silas's lap as soon as the door shut behind Marc. "*Silas*. Oh my god."

Silas caught Sidney easily, holding his boyfriend around the waist with one arm - he was still in a state of shock, but it was slowly ebbing away and a smile was breaking out across his face "Sid... Jesus..." he breathed out quietly, setting his hand against Sidney's slightly noticeable bump "You're... we're... WE are having a baby!"

Silas pressed his lips to Sidney's tightly, kissing him with a mixture of passion, happiness, and tears that were now slipping down his cheeks silently "Good god... We're going to be parents!"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney kissed him back so happily, crying messily. He didn't care who saw him right now. He was having a *baby*. He clutched at Silas's shoulders, wrapped up in the other man.

Marc knocked lightly this time before coming in. They didn't even notice him and Marc rolled his eyes, moving the ultrasound machine into place next to the exam bed. He waited another minute of them kissing and crying on each other before he cleared his throat.

"Sidney, you want to climb up here so we can take a look?"

Silas was reluctant to let Sidney go - and so he didn't. Silas stood up with Sidney in his arms, easily, and carried him over to the exam table and eased his boyfriend down onto the crinkly paper. He waited until Sidney was comfortably laying down, before setting his hand on Sidney's shoulder with one hand, holding Sidney's hand with his other.

His nervousness had finally been replaced with happiness and he watched as Marc set the ultrasound machine up. They were about to see how their first child was doing, and if possible - what they were having. Silas squeezed Sidney's shoulders and bent his head to kiss his boyfriend's forehead lightly "I cannot wait to see how our baby is doing..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc tugged Sidney's shirt up and tucked his pants down. He was a little surprised to see a slight curve to Sidney's lower abdomen. He knew how obsessive Sidney was about working out. This was definitely baby. He smeared gel on Sidney's belly, grinning when Sidney jumped.

"Jerk," Sidney huffed as Marc pressed the wand against his skin, moving it around. He couldn't tell what he was looking at so instead he watched Silas's face. He squeezed his hand, bringing it up to press a kiss to his knuckles.

"Interesting." Marc flipped a button and the room was filled with a whooshing sound. "That is your baby's heartbeat." He moved the wand slightly and the sound changed. "And that is your other baby's heartbeat."

Sidney's eyes widened and he pushed himself up on his elbows. "What?".

"Two heartbeats equals two babies. Anyone got a history of twins in their family?"

Silas blinked... several times. He definitely looked pale now and looked like he would pass out any second "I...I... I do..." he croaked out, alternatively squeezing Sidney's hand and swaying on his feet as he stared at the ultrasound machine, listening as two heartbeats thudded loudly and quickly.

Silas couldn't believe it... They were having babies... not baby but babies two of them... "Wha... What are we having? Can...Can... Can you tell?" his words were so broken up by gasps of breath, and he swore his heart was beating triple the time his children's heartbeats were beating.

Sweat was dotting his forehead and hands, making it hard for Sidney to keep a good grasp on his large hand.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc pushed a chair over to Silas, frowning. It looked like he was about to pass out. "Sit down, big guy. I don't want you hitting the floor. Save that for the birth."

This time Silas listened and he sat down heavily, still clinging to Sidney's hand. Sidney couldn't say anything, just listening to the heartbeats and staring at the blobs on the screen that were his babies. His *babies*. He was having twins. Oh my god.

"Not yet. They're measuring around six weeks but since they're twins they could be closer to eight or nine. I can't say for sure when you conceived because of that but I'd guess six to nine weeks ago. So you didn't get knocked up on the first try. Good thing you kept trying," Marc said, teasing gently.

"Don't tell anyone," Sidney said after a moment. "That it's twins. Not yet."

Marc wiped the gel off Sidney's belly. "I would never give out medical information. No one will hear a word from me."

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