Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260

The whole conversation was like white noise in Silas' ears. He still couldn't believe that they were having twins - two children, two cribs, two... of everything... Would they need to move? Would he have to actually buy a house and give up the best apartment in New York City? So many thoughts were swirling in his head.

Even as they left the clinic office, Silas was uncharacteristically quiet, hands white knuckled on the steering wheel as he traversed the chaotic traffic that was always congested in the streets of New York. They made it back to the apartment and Silas was still silent as he went to the large panel windows that viewed Central Park and a great view of the city skyline.

Arms crossed over his chest as he stared out - even the cat, who enjoyed antagonizing and attacking Silas whenever he came through the door seemed to realize that something just was not right with the mountain-sized man that Jasper lived with and stayed far away, but still kept wary green eyes on him. Silas chewed at his lower lip as thought after thought swirled through his mind.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney wasn't sure what to do about Silas. He was completely withdrawn, turning away from Sidney and clearly giving off leave me alone vibes. All Sidney wanted was to be held and Silas was so far away. He had never considered the possibility of twins and now he had to somehow deal with it because it was clearly happening. He had a picture that Marc had given him that showed both tiny little babies, looking more like peanuts than babies.

Sidney sat down on the couch, staring at the picture. Those were his babies. They were growing inside of him right now. It was his job to make sure he took care of them and they grew safe and sound inside of him. He sniffled softly, not even realizing that he had started to cry again. He wiped at his eyes with his shirt sleeve but that didn't help; the tears kept coming.

Silas heard Sidney sniffle, and that somehow snapped him out of his trance-like state. He shook his head and walked over to the couch, slipping in behind Sidney and wrapping his arms protectively around his boyfriend's bump "I'm not mad... Or upset... or... anything really..." Silas said quietly, hooking his chin over Sidney's shoulder.

"I'm in shock... that we're having more than one kid... I mean... Yes, I wanted to have a few... but... One at a time is what I was hoping for. Raise one, have another after he was a few years old, and repeat..." Silas kissed Sidney's neck lightly "I love you, Sid. I love our twins, too, like I said I would... I am just trying to wrap my head around this..."

"The restaurant has been incredibly busy, and you know I'm thinking of expanding to the building next door... My apartment may have four bedrooms but with two kids, two of us and that... thing you call a pet... We will soon run out of room... I love this apartment and I don't know how I would feel if we had to move into a town house or even just a regular house..." Silas rubbed his thumb over Sidney's stomach.

"It is a lot to think about, and perhaps I am over thinking things far too soon... I apologize for distancing us."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney leaned back against him, sniffing softly. "I didn't expect this at all. Twins. That never crossed my mind." He hid his face against Silas's shoulder, knowing that now he was just another worry on Silas's mind like the restaurant. He didn't want to be a worry. He wanted to be Silas's partner, someone who he could lean on and trust. If it was one baby it would be fine, but two...

Sidney's breath hitched and he started to cry again. They were going to have to move and Silas was going to have to lose his apartment that he loved and Sidney was going to have to get rid of Jasper and he was such an idiot. And now he couldn't stop crying which made him feel even worse.

Silas wrapped his arms around Sidney and rocked him lightly, murmuring softly in Greek to try and calm Sidney down - when that did not work, he sighed quietly "Sidney, speak to me? What has gotten you so upset?"

Silas gripped Sidney's chin lightly, turning his boyfriends head up - he wiped the tears away with the pads of his thumb "Please... I do not want you to be upset over this... I just need to find time to think about everything that is happening to our family, our lives as they change every day..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I ... I just wanted a baby so much. And you. You are perfect. You walked into my office and I wanted you so much," Sidney's voice was barely a whisper. "I don't want you to regret this if our lives change too much."

"Please - please don't regret *me*," Sidney pleaded, climbing onto Silas's lap in what was his preferred way to be held by him. Silas automatically wrapped his arms around him and Sidney clung to him, hiding his face in Silas's neck. He had almost let it slip what he had done but he was sure if he did that he would be out on his ass and he would never see his children once they were born.

"Hey... Hey..." Silas rocked Sidney even more, kissing the side of his head in comforting little pecks "Baby please... I do not regret you, or our children. I expected life to change once we found out you were pregnant... No matter how you ended up that way - I knew that life would change; I admit that I did not expect to be having twins... Although I likely should have since I am a twin, as is my father and grandfather... Clearly twins run in our family." Silas shook his head and sighed, kissing Sidney lightly despite the snot and tears.

"I love you, Sidney Forbes, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you - our children... and even Jasper... Although I may have to get him declawed." -- Upon saying that, Jasper hissed loudly and trotted out of the room, his tail flapping in the air wildly, clearly pissed off with the idea of being declawed; even if he had no idea what it meant.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"We can't declaw him! That's mean," Sidney protested. He pressed a shaky kiss against Silas's lips, finally feeling a little more settled even as his breath kept hitching as he tried to calm himself down. He believed Silas, he really did. And that was what he wanted himself. "I love you too. I'm not going anywhere."

Sidney wiped at his face with his sleeve, trying to clean himself up. He could only imagine how much of a mess he looked right now. He let out a slightly hysterical laugh. "Can I blame this -" he gestured at himself. "on hormones?"

Silas nodded as he slowly turned himself and Sidney on the couch to lay face-to-face on it "Yes... I believe it is acceptable. But I still would like for you to tell me what it was that got you so upset in the first place..." Silas brushed a few more tears away from Sidney's cheeks and kissed his forehead.

"I will not get angry, even if they are things that you are mad at me about... I do promise you that."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney flushed a little, feeling silly now. "I don't want to be something you have to worry about all the time like the restaurant. I want to be your partner, someone who you can lean on. But ... but now I'm having twins... you're going to worry."

He sighed a little. "It sounds stupid out loud. Really stupid."

Silas shook his head "No... No, it does not sound stupid. None of your fears are stupid, Sid..." Silas huffed out a breath and kissed Sidney lightly "You will always be a worry of mine, for as long as we are together... I will always worry about you, our kids, our lives together... and yes, I will even worry about the cat - if that makes you feel happy."

Silas set his large hand against Sidney's stomach, completely covering the small bump that had started forming there with the palm of his hand "You, these twins, you are my first and only priority. The restaurant? As much as I love working there, and owning it - it is not nearly as important as you and our babies are... Never."

There was so much sincerity and honesty in Silas' voice that it was painful to even speak - his voice was raw and hoarse with emotion and it was shining in his eyes.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I love you." Sidney whispered against Silas's mouth, pressing soft kisses to his lips. "You and these babies... I love you so much. I don't know what I did to deserve you but I am going to spend the rest of my life loving you and taking care of you- and yes, worrying about you too."

Sidney covered Silas's hand with his own, his tiny bump thoroughly hidden now. "When I'm so big and fat I can't fit on this couch with you, we're going to have to think about right now when they were so small we could cover them with our hands."

Silas laughed and nodded his head "You will not be fat, darling. You will be beautiful, carrying our children... Nurturing them as I nurture you." he kissed Sidney lightly, interlacing their hands on Sidney's baby bump "And once we cannot fit on this couch together for cuddle time... We simply will just cuddle on the European King in our bedroom." Silas said with a smile.

He turned over onto his back and easily pulled Sidney up on top of him, wrapping one arm protectively around Sidney's shoulders "I do hope you know though... Those babies are not going to be small, at all..." Silas said as he looked up at Sidney, an innocent 'I didn't do it' type smile on his face.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Really? I never would have guessed," Sidney said dryly. He leaned his elbows on Silas's chest and looked up and down his 6'7" frame. "You are the picture of tiny and small boned after all."

Sidney snickered and leaned down to kiss him lightly. "You're just going to have to keep working out if you want to be able to carry me around when I'm huge with your giant babies. I know you like doing that." He kissed him again. "I like it too."

Silas laughed and rubbed his fingers slowly up and down Sidney's back, massaging into the muscle and bone of his spine lightly - especially his lower back area - "I will continue working out, there is no question about it. I enjoy working out - but you must also join me... Staying fit will be helpful to not only you, but the babies as well... No?"

Silas tilted his head slightly and sighed - English was still so confusing to him sometimes, even after being in America for ten years - "Do you have an idea of what you would want to call our children?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney shook his head and snuggled back down on Silas's chest. "I think I want to know what we're having first. Boys or girls. Or one of each. I don't have any family names I'm burning to use or anything. We don't have any traditional names in our family. Do you?"

Silas kept rubbing his back and Sidney melted against him, relaxed and worn out from his earlier breakdown. He definitely could go for a nap especially now that he knew the reason he was tired was because he was pregnant.

Silas nodded slightly and sighed "We do... My brother and I are named after our grandfather and his twin brother... Silas and Sirius... but it would be strange naming our children that... Especially since one would be Silas Junior while the other would not be a junior... I would think." Silas shrugged his shoulders briefly before continuing to rub up and down Sidney's back.

Silas kissed the top of Sidney's head, feeling his weight start to get a bit heavier "If you are tired, why not sleep? We have no other plans but this..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Are you sure?" Sidney asked, even as he yawned and closed his eyes. He shifted a little so his weight wasn't entirely on Silas, but they were still cuddled close together. They had napped on the couch a few times already like this and Sidney wasn't going to argue with him. He had a feeling he was going to need a lot of sleep the upcoming months and sleeping on Silas was the best way.

The last thing he remembered before drifting off was Silas kissing the top of his head and murmuring to him in Greek.

(jump ahead if you want?)


A month had already flew by since finding out that Sidney was pregnant - with twins - and life just did not seem to want to slow down for the duo; especially Silas. The restaurant had finally started on expanding to the building beside it and a lot of Silas' time was spent there, he hated it more than anything - to be away from his boyfriend and their two rapidly growing children.

Sidney already looked to be six or seven months pregnant, while he was only four months in actuality. The children were going to be big, there was just no two ways about it.

Fortunately though, Silas had the day off today - They were heading to yet another doctor visit, and hopefully this time they would get to see what they were having and names would be that much easier to figure out for them - they had discussed it a few times since they had found out, but like Sidney had said; it would be better and easier once they found out the sexes of their twins before they could move forward with naming them, decorating the nurseries and all that other stuff that came along with parenthood.

Silas sighed as he twisted the last bolt into the plain white crib - the other one, not the one set up by the window already! - they had bought cribs early, knowing that they would most definitely need them at least; but they also had two bassinets in the master bedroom, ready and waiting for their arrivals, it was early yet, but still they were well-organized and wanted to be prepared ahead of time. Silas stood up, wiping his chest and face with a towel before walking out into the living room.

Sidney was perched on the couch awkwardly, munching on some junk food or another - his body gleaming with sweat from working on the nursery furniture "I just need a shower and then I will be ready to go... Are you ready?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney looked at him, a pretzel halfway in his mouth, his eyes sweeping over Silas's naked chest. The second trimester had brought about a return of his sex drive and just seeing Silas with his shirt off was apparently enough to get him going right now. He put the pretzel down, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"I should shower too. I'm pretty gross from putting together the cribs and ..." Sidney waved a hand. "Stuff. I ... wow you look good."

The good part of already having such a big belly was that the erection he was sporting was hidden, like all the others he got during the day when he found himself randomly daydreaming about Silas at work. He felt like he was fifteen again, getting hard at a stiff wind.

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