Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260

Silas shrugged and stretched himself out in the bed, slapping one hand down lightly on Sidney's thigh. "I don't know.. Guess cause I keep learning new things about your body?"

Silas turned onto his side sluggishly and looked at the mess on Sidney's body "Okay, so you need a shower... I need a wash rag... And then we can talk?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney got out of bed, stretching him arms above his head and nodded in agreement. He padded into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He just needed a quick rinse to clean up and stretch his muscles again. When he came back out, he brushed his teeth and dried off, going back into the bedroom. Silas was back in his pajama bottoms, Sidney's helpfully placed on his side of the bed. His heart felt so warm seeing that. The little things Silas did to show how much he loved him made him so happy.

He slid back into bed, resting his head on Silas's shoulder and curling up against him. "So what did you want to talk sbout?"

Silas wrapped an arm around Sidney's back and kissed the top of his husbands head "How come you haven't gotten your... Uh... Your tubes tied... Or whatever it is they do?" silas asked quietly as he started drawing random patterns on Sidney's back with the tips of his fingers.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"It's major surgery," Sidney said softly. "It's not a quick thing. If you got a vasectomy, it's an outpatient procedure that heals in a few days. For me to get my tubes tied, I'd be in the hospital for a few days and then recovering for a few weeks. Marc is reluctant to do it because of that."

Silas nodded, he understood the concerns of surgery when it came to Sidney. He sighed and drew his hanf around Sidney's back slowly "Okay...I will not push for it, but i do miss cumming inside of you." Silas said quietly.

He was silent for a few minutes and then looked down at his husband "How many more kids do you want?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I don't know," Sidney said honestly. "I mean, even if you can carry, you might hate it or have complications like I had so we might only have one more. And that would be fine. If we hire a carrier, maybe two?"

Silas yawned into the top of Sidney's head and sighed quietly "Even if I do hate it - I will still do it, for you, Sid... If there are complications we will deal with them like we did yours."

Silas kissed the top of Sidney's head and then reached down to pull the sheet up over their bodies again "I'm also okay with hiring a carrier, but I have to tell you... It's a very difficult process to get through." Silas said with a light chuckle.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney laughed a little. "It's a little easier to hire a carrier than a donor carrier. We don't need a donor. We just need them to carry the baby for us. Besides, we still have an in at Silver Hill."

Silas yawned again, finding it harder and harder to keep his eyes open and to keep up with coherent thought "Mhmm... We can talk about it, later... tomorrow..." Silas continued yawning, his eyes flashing shut and opening every few seconds to try and keep himself awake.


Since Sidney no longer worked at Silver Hill, it was hard to get a decent appointment, or even a hiding place for Silas so he wasn't around all of the other men at the clinic. Today they happened to be lucky though, getting Marc's last appointment of the evening. There was not a lot of people left in the clinic, and Silas managed to keep his back against a corner, Sidney sitting in front of him and blocking out the views of everyone else.

Since Marc knew they were coming, he didn't make Silas and Sidney wait longer than necessary like most doctors do - they were in and out of the clinic waiting room within ten minutes of their arrival. Marc glared at Sidney as they entered the examination room "You better not be pregnant again, I'll kill you if you are, Sidney."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I swear to you I am not pregnant," Sidney promised him. "I don't want to go through that again either. I listened to you when we talked and trust your opinion. We're actually here for Silas."

Marc's jaw dropped and he looked between them. "You got Silas pregnant?"

"No, no. We want to find out if he can get pregnant. If he can, we want to do insemination. If he can't, we are probably going to look into finding a carrier."

Marc sat down in the chair heavily. "Whew, you shocked me there. No offense but I know what you like in the bedroom, Sid, and I doubt that has changed since you married a literal giant. Plus Kris told me about that conversation in the kitchen."

Silas turned to Sidney, a finely manicured eyebrow raising upward on his forehead "What conversation in the kitchen?" he asked, voice a little firm. When Sidney remained silent, he turned back to Marc "You... You tell me what conversation that the gossip-girls in our lives have spoken about me..."

Silas sounded a bit hurt, but more then anything, he was starting to get nervous, because he knew that they wouldn't be here to chit-chat with Marc for long; they were here to do medical procedures - procedures that he hated. But still, he wanted to know what Kris and Sidney had been talking about... Especially because he never heard anything about it.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc didn't answer in so many words, just lifted his hands up and spread them apart in a general approximation of Silas's size. He looked over at Sidney with a wry expression on his face. "I believe Kris was questioning how big and strong he was and Sid was claiming how strong he had to be to ... well. I think you can guess."

Sidney hid his face in his hands, turning bright red. "Oh my god. I can't believe he told you. I told him that in confidence."

"We're married. We tell each other everything. I'm sure you and Silas tell each other everything."

Sidney had to give him that. He did tell Silas everything, even if it was supposed to be a secret.

Silas sighed and shook his head as he moved away from Sidney and Marc, moving to sit on the exam bed, even the crinkly paper didn't bother him so much as to what Kris and Sidney had discussed - no matter how many years ago it must have been. Probably that period in time when Kris couldn't look Silas in the eye without blushing.

Silas shrugged and looked at Marc "Can we please moving this along... I am already not comfortable being here... Chatting about my size is not helping matters any."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I'm sorry," Sidney said, mortified. He got up to stand next to Silas and hold his hand.

Marc cleared his throat and turned to the computer. "So your chart is still in here from when you first applied as a donor. In theory, the bloodwork done on you would show your hormone levels. I should be able to tell from that. If the hormone levels confirm you are a carrier, I'll do an ultrasound to make sure everything is intact. Have the men in your family been carriers?"

Sidney leaned his head against Silas's shoulder. He felt terrible that he had joked about that years ago with Kris and that it had gotten brought up now of all times. He knew Silas was uncomfortable with people knowing about their sex life because of how men had acted when faced with him prior to meeting Sidney.

Silas shook his head slowly "I do not know if any of the men were carriers in my family... My grandfather died before I was old enough to remember him... and my father when I was sixteen... but we never discussed it... they were all straight, married to women... they did not need to carry a child." Silas said quietly.

Silas squeezed the hand that was in his own and nudged Sidney lightly with his elbow - a sign that they were okay, or would be, once Silas was out of his own personal Hell on Earth situation here at the doctor's office. He hoped he could carry a baby or two for Sidney, but still the idea of needles and regular visits to the clinic were making him feel antsy and creepy crawlies ran across his skin - he wanted to run, but he knew he had to stay put.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Has your brother ever mentioned it since he's gay as well." Marc found Silas's file, opening it and going to the medical information. "Here we go. Well your hormone levels back then are in the range for a carrier. We will have to rerun them, but let's do the ultrasound to see if all the parts are intact. Just because you have the hormone levels doesn't mean you have all the necessary parts. I don't for example," Marc said casually, turning from the computer. "That's why Kris had all our kids. I don't have a uterus. Just tubes and eggs."

Sidney looked at him, surprised. "I didn't know that."

"Wasn't really sharing for you. Now Silas and I both know something that was previously private about the other person." Marc stood up. "I'm going to have you lie down for me. You've seen the ultrasounds before. Nothing painful to them."

Silas laid back and rolled his black tactical sweatshirt up to just below his pectoral muscles; his abdominal muscles rippled and jumped with the movement of his own body, each one of his six-pack were in pristine condition, hard to the touch and almost like an immovable object "If I do get pregnant..." he started, turning his head to look at Sidney "You realize I am going to lose this... right?" he asked, tapping each of his stomach muscles and making them jump further.

He turned back to Marc "My brother and I do not speak much, especially about our sexuality. The Flint's... well we do not like to acknowledge sex very much... My father could not even give me and Sirius a proper 'sex-talk' when we were younger..." Silas said with a shrug as he watched Marc set up the ultrasound machine "Sirius does not even date as far as I am aware... him and I share the same... problem, that isn't exactly a problem - depending on who you ask."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"It's not a problem," Sidney muttered, squeezing his hand. "And you'll get them back. I got mine back. Kris has had five kids and looks like he's never been pregnant."

Marc beamed. "He looks amazing." He turned on the machine and squirted warm gel on Silas's abs, going in search of his reproductive organs in the general area where they should be. "Like all of him. No way you'd know he had five kids if you didn't hear them screaming when you get near our house."

Silas snorted out a laugh, squirming on the examination bed as Marc moved the transducer around his stomach - it wasn't a well known fact that his stomach was extremely ticklish; Only Sidney and the kids knew about his sensitive and ticklish stomach. He tried staying still as much as possible, but it was hard to do so "I suppose this is true... I will just have to spend more time at the gym after giving birth to get them back - a good thing, too... The kids love the gym pool." Silas smiled and looked up at Sidney "And I know how much you like watching me work out."

Marc seemed to get very quiet after a few seconds, a little too quiet, and it was starting to worry Silas "Is there something wrong? Am I not able?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Marc cleaned up Silas's belly. "You have some of the parts. You would never be able to get pregnant naturally no matter what because you have no ovaries. However you do have everything else. I want to run the hormone levels again before I say yes for sure but if we implanted an embryo - Sidney's egg and your sperm - you should be able to carry a pregnancy. You would essentially be the carrier for Sidney since he can't."

"Oh," Sidney said, squeezing Silas's arm tightly. "And that would work?"

"Again I need to see the hormone levels but tentatively yes."

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