Have My Baby [FINISHED!] Hockeypreg2xSazzyP260

Silas frowned and looked down at his feet "I am not. I am barely even thirty-five years old." Silas retorted - they had discussed age with Marc, and it was a close margin but they were still in the 'safety' zone of having a child or two -- since Insemination was not an exact science still, even with all the advances over the years, they couldn't just predict one child and it be exactly one child... He could carry up to three if more then one egg was properly seeded up.

Theo bit his lip and stood up, moving to stand between his two fathers "I'm okay with having another baby..." he said quietly, looking down and to the right slightly "I miss having someone to play with..." Theo rocked back and forth on his heels slowly -- despite Theo being the first born, he had somehow been placed in the 'middle child' position, feeling left-out and neglected since Calla and Titan spent a lot more time together.

Silas reached up, pushing Theo's black hair from his eyes "If you ever need someone to play with, Theo... All you have to do is ask, I will gladly play with you... We have a lot of months coming that your dad and I will be home more frequently." Silas leaned in and kissed Theo's head "but we do thank you for your support." Silas said as he turned his eight-year-old son and hugged him fiercely. Looking at his two other children, he raised an eyebrow upward "We would like all of your support in this decision, but just know that, even if we do not get it... We will still be having another child, because we are the adults here and this is what we want..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Titan shifted on his seat and sighed. "I mean, of course we're going to support you. We're family. I'm going to be a good big brother to any baby you bring home."

Sidney leaned over and hugged him. "Thank you, Titan."

Calla pouted and looked at her Rubix cube. She picked it up and began to play with again, her fidgeting stopping as her hands were occupied. "Okay Daddy. Okay Adda."

"Adda, if both you and Daddy can have babies does that mean me and Theo can too?"

Silas paled at the question "I uh..." he cleared his throat and slowly stood up from his chair "I have to go start dinner... Sid?" he smirked and then quickly high-tailed it out of the living room, closing himself off in the kitchen like the coward that he was.

Theo and Titan both turned to look at Sidney, their eyes wide and expectant of an answer from at least one of their parents "Yeah... I mean, I think we should know these things..." Theo said and shrugged his shoulders - so much like Silas in a way - "Its relevant to our future of continued growth."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney looked thoughtful. "Most likely. I didn't find out I was a carrier until puberty. That's when we would know for sure if you are but I would guess that you are statistically more likely to be carriers since we both are."

Titan smiled a little at that. "Cool." He got up and held his hand out to Calla. "C'mon. Let's go color."

Calla took his hand and followed him, leaving Theo behind like they so often did. Theo sat down on the couch and picked Jasper up, petting the old cat gently as he purred contentedly. Sidney asks closer, putting his arm around him. He pressed a kiss to the top of Theo's head. "You can go with them."

"It's fine," Theo shrugged. "I get Titan to myself at night."

Silas frowned as he leaned against the counter, a clear view of the living room before him "Hey, Theo... I could use some help in the kitchen if you want too..." Silas offered - not making his offer sound at all like a pity-offer to his son; truth was, he would be more than glad to take on an apprentice in the kitchen, as Titan never enjoyed cooking and both men were worried about Calla being in the kitchen at all.

Theo looked up at Silas, a bright smile coming to his face as he nodded and set Jasper in Sidney's lap. He quickly stood up and went into the kitchen - washing his hands thoroughly before he even got near any sort of food "What're we doing? What do you want me to do?" Theo asked enthusiastically, ready and eager to learn from a master in the kitchen.

Silas laughed as he set the wooden cutting board and a knife down on it. Next came several vegetables that he placed down "I want you to cut those up... Try and make them the same size, about an inch. Don't worry if they are not perfect - It is your first time, after all." Silas said as he kissed the top of Theo's head and pulled the chicken out of the fridge so he could cook them up.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney gently petted Jasper for the few moments the cat deigned to stay in his lap before jumping off and going back to his bed. Theo was his favorite and Sidney was low down on his list still. Sidney got up to sit in the kitchen, watching Silas and Theo work. Theo was slow but his hand was steady and he was very careful of his fingers as he chopped vegetables under Silas's watchful gaze.

"What are you making?"

Silas glanced over at Sidney and smiled "Something simple tonight... Chicken stir-fry. Easy clean-up for you as I will only be using one... maybe two pots." Silas said with a grin and a wink -- Normally it would be twenty pots, forty different utensils, and every bowl in the house that Silas could get his hands on.

Theo finished cutting the last vegetable and looked up at Silas with a grin as wide as the Hudson river "How'd I do, Adda?" Theo asked as he pointed to the piles of cut up vegetables - each were organized perfectly, piles of green, red, yellow, and orange peppers, as well as the yellow and purple onion.

Silas grinned and kissed the top of Theo's head "I may just have to hire you as my sous chef, Theo. You did a better job cutting those than some of the executive chef's I have in my restaurants."

Theo beamed at the compliment "What else can I do?" he asked eagerly.

And so, for the next hour, Theo and Silas worked like a dream-team in the kitchen to get dinner ready for the rest of the family; and Silas even kept his word about using only two pots for their meal.

((skip if you wanna))

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney got back from taking the kids to the bus stop and took the leashes off Chloe and Zeus, letting them go flip in their beds. He had left Silas sleeping since he had been at the restaurant late last night but normally he was up and moving by the time Sidney got back since he always took the dogs for a long morning walk. He didn't hear anything though and he headed back up to their bedroom.

Silas was still under the covers, curled up and fast asleep. The implantation had been a month ago and Sidney knew that he had started to get really tired around then with both of his pregnancies. He wasn't getting his hopes up yet because it was too early to tell if it had taken but the fact Silas was so exhausted lately could be a sign that he was pregnant.

Sidney sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned over to kiss him gently. "Baby, it's time to get up. It's 8:30."

Silas groaned and shook his head, "Don't wanna." he mumbled.

Obviously opening his mouth and shaking his head had been the wrong combination of actions, as his stomach woke-up full force; he had been feeling nauseas a lot lately, but never felt the actual need to throw-up until now. With another groan, Silas pushed Sidney out of the way as lightly as possible - not wanting to hurt his husband in the process - before rolling out of bed.

He barely made it to the toilet in time, but thank god the seat was up as he hunched over and threw up what felt like everything he had eaten in the past month; it was horrible, really. His stomach felt like it was going 350 on a roller coaster, his head was woozy and he was just so damn *exhausted*.

After what felt like hours of throwing up, he slumped down against the cold glass shower wall and shook his head again - there really was no mistaking it, either he was pregnant or he was dying, and he didn't know which option he preferred right now "I don't think I'm going to work today..." he grumbled, curling around himself against the wall and laying his head against his knees.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Oh baby," Sidney said gently. He wet a washcloth and wiped off Silas's face before flushing the toilet. He sat next to him and pulled him close, rubbing his arm. "This part sucks. Let's get your teeth brushed so the vomit taste is out of your mouth and get you back in bed. I'll make you some ginger tea."

It took some work but he got Silas to his feet and his teeth brushed. Silas gagged at the taste of toothpaste, something Sidney had never had a problem with, but didn't throw up again. He practically dragged him back to bed, getting him under the covers again.

"You'll be okay," Sidney promised him. He stroked Silas's face gently.

Silas shook his head - he doubted he'd be okay, he felt like he'd just been ran over by an eighteen wheeler and said so... "If this is what you went through, every time..." Silas moaned and turned his head to the side, trying to ease the nausea that seemed to be so readily available to knock him on his ass now "I am... so sorry, I put you through this, Sid."

Silas felt so wiped after that trip to the bathroom, but he knew - better than anyone, except maybe Sidney - that falling asleep again would be a difficult task, even with the exhaustion coursing through him like a pack of wildebeests, he would be awake for hours before his eyes even closed again "Maybe... Maybe I can do this months budgeting for the restaurants..." He turned to sit up again, placing his back against the headboard.

Sidney had left and was already back with a mug of ginger tea and Silas took it gratefully, sipping at it slowly as he pulled his laptop out of the night stand and set it on his lap "Stay with me?" Silas asked hopefully, looking up at Sidney with a pout on his face.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"Put that lip away," Sidney laughed. "I'll come join you in a few minutes. I'm going to drink a cup of coffee in the kitchen far away from you where you can't smell it. Then I will come join you."

Sidney leaned in and kissed him gently. "I love you."

He headed to the kitchen to drink his coffee, his heart pounding. He wanted to go buy a pregnancy test or five and make Silas take them but Marc had cautioned against that. Implantation meant they had given Silas extra hormones to kickstart things so the levels would be off and they could get a false positive.

It didn't take long to finish his coffee and Sidney headed back upstairs. He almost burst out laughing when he found Silas asleep again, sitting up with the laptop on his lap. Apparently Silas didn't realize just how tired he really was. Sidney moved the laptop and gently roused Silas.

"Lay down, Silas. Let's close our eyes for a bit."

Silas sighed and scooted down the bed, turning on his side and facing Sidney when he got into the bed "Is it always this bad in the beginning?" Silas asked quietly, setting a hand on his stomach and rubbing slightly.

He still felt nauseas, but at least he no longer felt the urge to throw up... Although if it were anything like when Sidney was pregnant with Calla, he might be visiting the bathroom more often than he ever did. "What do I do to get rid of the nausea?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"I was okay with the twins but it was pretty bad with Calla," Sidney said softly, putting an arm around Silas to rub his back. "Making sure I always had a little something in my stomach helped. Crackers, dry cereal. Ginger tea or ginger candy was helpful. There's only so much that can be done. It's the hormones."

Silas sighed and scooted closer to Sidney, curling up his much larger frame and squeezing himself up against Sidney's chest "What if it's just..." he didn't want to think about his body rejecting their future children, so he shook his head and inhaled deeply "Maybe we should set an appointment with Marc, or do we have to wait some time?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney pulled him close and tangled their bodies together. "It's only been a month. Marc said we should wait six weeks. I want to go buy tests because the symptoms are obvious. I would bet money you are pregnant." He kissed the top of Silas's head. "The tests would be inaccurate though because of the extra hormones he gave you when we did the insemination. So we have to wait to see if the embryos implanted."

Silas nodded and frowned as he slid his hand underneath Sidney's shirt, he wanted to know now, but he knew that Marc wouldn't tell them wrongly - their friendship and doctor-patient relationship was too strong for lies. Silas yawned widely as he snuggled against Sidney's chest and closed his eyes "I hope I'm pregnant..." he said quietly, already on the cusp of falling asleep yet again.

"What if it's more than one? Marc... he said it was always a possibility because of the extra hormones and stuff... Could we handle taking care of multiples again?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


"We did it before. We could do it again," Sidney promised him, rubbing Silas's back in a soothing pattern. "Go to sleep, my love. You need to rest." He kissed his head again and whispered, "I hope you're pregnant too."

That six week margin seemed to come up on Silas and Sidney quickly; sure, it was only two weeks from the time that Silas started feeling really sick and exhausted - something that hadn't let up, yet; he had been in the bathroom every morning since that first time, throwing up what seemed like an unnatural amount, but Sidney was always there to get him through it, get him to breathe again, and to wipe the sweat and spit up from his face. And then help him brush his teeth - they had to buy a tasteless cheap brand of toothpaste, as the minty fresh kind made Silas want to throw up even more, but it was a small price to pay.

Having the first appointment of the morning was another positive for Silas though, no one was in the clinic waiting room as it was only eight AM and most people scheduled their appointments for either ten or later. "I think we should make our appointments this early from now on..." Silas said quietly.

Sure, he was nervous, anxious, but it was *not* as bad as it normally was whenever they came to the clinic. He wasn't ready to punch someone, or scream, he was just... sitting there, calmly. It was almost a miracle in itself, and Silas hoped it didn't disappear once they got to Marc's exam office.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Sidney nodded and yawned widely. Titan had woken up last night and Sidney had ended up falling asleep in his bed for a few hours so Silas would get some sleep. It didn't happen that often these days but when it did, Titan either ended up with them or they ended up with him.

"That's a good idea," Sidney said, reaching for his hand. Marc poked his head out and waved to them. "Come on."

Marc smiled at them as he lead them back to the exam room. "Good morning. How is everyone this morning?"

Sidney waggled his hand back and forth. "Titan was up last night and Silas threw up for about a half hour this morning but the office was pretty empty and Maria got the kids off to school so we could be here this early so 50/50."

"Been throwing up?" Marc couldn't help but smile at Silas. "Gross but that's a good sign." He held out a cup to him. "Go pee in the cup for me and come on back. Let's find out if your pregnant."

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