Consequence from one night (w/ BubbleBelly321)

Jared kept up with the knocking but it was silence on the other side of the door. He gave up after another few minutes, choosing instead to sit by the door and wait. Eventually his boyfriend would have changed his mind ... he guessed. Once in awhile he would mutter nonsense, keeping up with telling Finn that nothing coudlnt' be resolved and he was all ears. Repeating unconsciously that Finn could trust him with everything. Eventually that tiny click on the doorknob alerted him, and he pushed himself up hearing Finn's muffled voice confirming the door was indeed unlocked.

Jared pushed open the door slowly. He didn't want to startle Finn and he realised Finn was probably goign through some personal crisis.

"Finn?" Through the lighting in the toilet, Finn looked way too pale for Jared's liking. He attmepted to shrink himself approaching Finn, not wanting to intimidate him. "what is it?" he said as gently as he could. Now that he was over the initial panic, he was much more calmed himself and wanted to really sort out what had gone wrong.

Finn sighed, taking in deep breaths to calm himself. Jared's own gentle response helped the pregnant man relax somewhat, seeing he hadn't upset the doctor, snd that he was just concerned. After a long and uncomfortable silence between the pair, Finn finally spoke up.

"I'm so sorry." He aplogized in a tiny voice. "I just...i panicked, and I don't know how to talk to you about this...what I'm feeling's just hard for me to say everything."

The pregnant man felt a small kick from inside his womb, and he smiled gently, trying not to get worked up again.

To get close to Finn at eye level, Jared crouched down as much as he could. The cold tiles were unforgiving on his knees but he kept still., waiting patiently for Finn to respond. Over time he could see the pregnant man softening, relaxing, and finally his words came.

Jared nodded slowly hearing Finn. "you can tell me everything Finn.....this is overwhelming changes on your body, i fully understand. " Jared said slowly, prompting but not pressing.

He half-expected Finn to blurt out more about his concerns... but then his boyfriend broke into a breathtaking smile, softening his features entirely. He looked down and saw Finn holding his belly on one spot... 'did the baby move?" he said in a whisper himself, excitement having displaced most of the concerns.

Finn smiled and nodded his head. " Yeah, one of them's a bit restless." He spoke of the twins, relaxing much more visibly, before returning his thoughts to the previous topic. As he struggled to get the words out though, Finn paused, and instead slowly unbuttoned his oversized shirt.

It took him a bit, but the pregnant man managed somehow, and soon let his top fall behind his shoulders. Underneath, his tight drum of a belly sat on full display. Bright red, jagged stretch marks coursed all across his skin, but seemed especially prominent on his underbelly, and beneath his now almost popped out bellybutton. Several other red stretchmarks also crisscrossed on his chest, highlighting his slightly swollen breasts, and puffy dark nipples.

Finally removing the sleves, and tossing the shirt aside, Finn groaned lightly, rubbing his hands on the sphere eith a weak smile. "I just...I thought I could deal with all this, but I feel so...huge, and sore , and tired all the time...and I just...I worry you'll think I'm ugly."

Jared thought at first that Finn was unbuttoning his shirt to let him feel the baby. It had been awhile since he came face to face with Finn's belly and he was both excited and nervous. he watched Finn pushed the shirt down his shoulders, biting the insides of his mouth to keep himself from being too distracted with what he was seeing... and all dirty thoughts were chased away once he saw the insecurity written clearly on his boyfriend's face.

He looked at Finn who'd exposed his entire upper body to him. He wasn't givne a chance to see him, and the stretchmarks were more serious than he thought. his skin was obviously stretched thin, green veins could be seen under, the angry red stretchmarks marred his body extensively.

Jared stared, unable to utter a word for a moment. The air remained stagnant for awhile and once Finn hesitantly told him what he had to... it was silent.

The tension was building and Jared, belatedly, realised how this must have appeared to Finn. He reached out to pull Finn into his arms, hugging him tight. "oh sillyhead.... sorry that i was a little stunned just now - not in a bad way, mind you. It's. just.... i hadn't seen your bump for so long and, hmm, i didnt' realise it's grown so big already! AND of course I don't think you ugly." he siad stroking his back reassuringly. "I love you as you are... and even when you don't feel pretty. I do. " he whispered to Finn's ears. He let his boyfriend sit up a little to caress the stretchmarks, first on the lowerbelly, then his chest and finally, very lightly, he brushed his fingertip across his puffy nipples.

"Finn.... i'm so sorry you feel the need to hide from me." he kissed Finn on the corner of his eye. "You are dealing with twins, for us. I'm so proud of you, and you've endured the stress so well, so far. I'm sorry I hadn't done enough to mind your wellbeing. Accio lotion." he waved using his magic to grab the bottle. "It must itch right? This shoudl help alleviate some discomfort."

Finn squirmed, his face turning red as Jared gently traced his hands over his body. He was a bit embarrassed, and still a little insecure, but his boyfriend's reassurance, and hugs seemed to help Finn ease up on his anxieties. Still, as he Jared summoned the bottle of lotion, Finn but his lip nervously. He gave a quick nod though, as he felt another kick, warping his belly slightly and his skin itching at how tight it felt.

" you too. Yeah...maybe we should at least try some lotion. You want me to lean back?" Finn squirmed in his seat a bit, and tried to relax. His skin was so sensitive, and even with how huge and sore he felt, Finn couldnt deny that Jared's touch felt wonderful on his tired body.

Jared shook his head slowly. "I want you to just relax. Let me do this for you... all you have to do is relax every inch of muscle in you." he said. They were still on the cold tiles in the bathroom and Jared remedied that by lifting Finn up to place him to seat on the lidded toilet. He spread his legs, pushed Finn to lean back at the back of the toilet, and tugged his sweatpants lower. He frowned seeing even the sweatpants were getting uncomfortably tight - Finn was definitely outgrowing his clothes - but just filed the knowledge for later.

"Let's see if you like this...." he said squirting the milky white lotion onto his palm, rubbd them warm and gently cupped Finn's lowerbelly. The skin and muscles were stretched tight from the weight of the twins. With circular motions of his large palms, Jared managed to rub the lotion in evenly on Finn's lowerbelly. He pushed his sweatpatns further down to get to even the lowest part of Finn's belly, right where the darkened line running from Finn's naval disappear into his pants.

"is this ok?" he smiled looking up at Finn - if that's enjoyable, he fully intend to continue this sensual massage somewhere else....

Finn gasped loudly, gripping the sides of the toilet seat lid with his hands. He tried and filed to suppress a loud, and indecent sounding moan from escaping his lips. As Jared's warm hands moved lower, and lower, soothing his tired muscles, Finn felt dazed and rapidly nodded his head.

"Oh really do have magic hands." He exclaimed. "I almost forgot how good this feels...I' stupid...please dont stop."

The pregnant man let out another moan, this time feeling his cock stirring under his tight sweatpants, and his canal becoming slick and damp from pleasure. Even his nipples seemed to harden suddenly, becoming perky orbs, resting heavily on top of his belly.

Finn's loud moans was the ultimate compliment to Jared's skills, and the larger man was rather proud of how he'd managed to ilicit such sweet noises from his lover. He continued with the rubs, there weren't even seductions necessary and already his boyfriend's body and mind were responding eagerly to his touches.

"i hadn't even started using my magic...." he said in a whisper, his smile spread wider at his lover's urge.

The sweatpants were too tight to hide anything, but Jared couldn't see behind it. He was, however, well aware of the swollen nipples standing up hard and tall waiting, eager for attention. "hmm.... " he hummed thoughtfully seeing his nipples swelled up so much, they looked like grapes ripe for picking.

His lover was indeed blossoming under his skillful massages. Jared smiled and, despite the disappointed moan of Finn, he swept Finn up from the toilet and carried him to their bedroom.

"I'm now going to show you.... how do i REALLY feel about your body." he smirked climbing up the bed, hovering himself over Finn.

Finn grumbled as Jared stopped, and picked him up. Once the wizard had lowered his pregnant lover on the bed though, Finn's eyes looked blown out from lust, and a quietly pleased growl escaped from his throat. In a flash, the pregnant man pulled his boyfriend into a very enthusiastic kiss.

"Mmmn...then show me." He whispered and teased. His cock pressed hard against his underbelly, and straining underneath his elastic waistband. His nipples somehow still growing hard, and darkening the more turned on he became.

Jared crawled up the bed and indulged in the very heated kiss. It had been long... and he didn't realise how much he missed this. The distance between them had widened while he wasn't fully aware of that, he was glad they had sorted this out before this went on to become a gap that was irreparable.

"You'll see." he smirked pushing himself up to look at Finn's overall, chuckling out loud seeing his cock was straining in his pants. "i see you're also impatient.... we hadn't really experimented with this right?" he smiled, this time pressing a kiss on Finn's bare chest.

Finn wasn't a muscular man to start with, and now following the progress of his pregnancy, he was appearing softer and his skin glowed. Very slowly, Jared made his way to Finn's nipple. A simple kiss was enough to make him shudder, yet Jared wasn't stopping at that alone - he ran his dexterous finger down his perfect swell, pushing the pants further down, he stroked his straining cock playfully a few times before releasing it from its confines.

"Indeed, this little thing is very energetic. You're happy to see me right?" he chuckled at Finn's member popping out, weeping in the air as if inviting for more petting. "You got that ...." Jared clasped his hand around his lenght and started a slow stroke.


Finn's eyes clenched shut, and his spine curved back as he gripped the bedsheets tightly. He gasped loudly, soon panting with each of Jared's strokes. He turned to look at Jared, and pulled him into another kiss, releasing his grip as the wizard's hands continued their task. The pregnant man only seemed willing to part from their kissing in order to catch his breath. Other than that, he continued to moan and growl seductively, seeming very eager to get things moving and make up for lost time.

"Oh god! Please...just a bit more." The young man urged Jared on. His face was completely flushed, and he pressed a hand on his globe of a belly to support the sphere. "A bit more...right there...please...please."

"You are happy with that?" Jared smirked. He coudl do more - oh he could do SO much more on Finn to drive him crazy.... He rubbed along Finn's thighs and gently coaxed him to planting his feet onto their lovely bed. He spread his knees wide to gain access to his most intimate. Jared smiled at the loud whine of Finn, for his hand had temporarily been removed from his cock to get the pregnant man into position.

"I want to do so much more on you...." he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Using his thumbs, Jared rubbed on Finn's balls and the underside of Finn's cock - it was almost obvious Finn hadn't been able to reach himself.. the balls were heavy, tensing up at the imminent release.

Jared wasn't done, however. he continued the teasing, rubbing further down with his thumbs to the opening.... the most intimate part of Finn's. He spread Finn's buttocks - notedly widened as the pregnancy advanced - to get to his puckered hole. 

Finn squirmed, his feet firmly planted into the mattress. He then grabbed the sides of his pillow, moving the sides to cover his face as he whined and moaned loudly. Jared's teasing was driving him completely crazy. Glancing up briedly, he spread his legs a bit further, urging the wizard to continue.

"Uhn...please! Feels so good...just...stop teasing me and do what you're going to do!"

(Hey! it's been awhile isn't it? how're you doin?)

Jared chuckled lightly at the eagerness the man he loved was displaying. "Alright... i love you, did i mention that? no matter how reckless or demanding you are." he chuckled, continuing to tease, although this time verbally.

Finally aligning his thick girth against Finn's opening, he put in pressure to grind himself in. It was difficult, they hadn't had any proper intimacy for so long. Luckily for them, Finn's boyd was slowly preparing for the birth, making himself a little looser than normal. jared pushed forward, forcing the tip through, gave Finn a short break, and then pressed on quickly to plunge his entire way through. 

(I'm good! Sorry about that, life's been pretty hectic on my end!)

Finn let out a sharp whine. His hands moved down to clutch at the sheets in an instant, and he felt his whole body tense up with overwhelming pleasure. As soon as Jared had managed to make his way completely into Finn's aroused body, it took all of the pregnant man's self control not to lose it right then and there.

Somehow Finn managed to relax enough for a few more eager thrusts, until he clenched his eyes tightly, and pressed himself up against Jared with a shudder. It was then that his cock decided to release the heavy load he'd been carrying. In that same instant, the walls in his magically formed canal began to throb and tense themselves around Jared's still swollen member. It was overwhelming, causing the pregnant man to let out a deep moan, as he panted with each new thrust.

(Oh hey take good care of yourself. Whenever you feel like coming back i am always welcoming :))

Jared panted heavily at the sudden intense clench on his length. Finn was also trembling violently under him, his face spoke of pleasure and shock, making a sight itself.

"B-babe...." jared panted, heaving heavily himself at  the waves of sensation coming from his cock. "Relax...." he hugged Finn tight to anchor him in the intense pleasure, taking hold of him carefully while his cock continued to throb and pulse within. He wasnt able to control himsefl and he thrusted through the spasming canal, essentially lengthening Finn's orgasm. Fhe only precaution he did was to hold onto Finn' bump, making sure the baby wasnt disturbed too much.

Finn somehow was able to slow down his rapid breathing, as Jared did the best he could to keep his partner calm. The pregnant man was overwhelmed, but thankfully soon managed to feel his muscles loosen, and relax themselves. Finn's belly jerked forward with a small kick, from one of the twins, making him relieved that they miraculously weren't too active from their parent's activities.

"Oh...oh my god." Finn finally managed to regain his speech, but not before giving Jared a quick kiss of gratitude. "That was...just...I...I have no idea what to say." He blushed deeply, but seemed to be grinning from ear to ear.

"You are satisfied already? I have more to show you..." concentrating his power, he summoned a pillow to put under Finn's waist, relieving pressure on his lowerback. "You think you can takw that? The little ones are alright?" He smiled stroking Finn's belly, now that he had seen them, they were no longer as shocking and he waa already thinking of ways to alleviate them., he had other priorities.

With a tentative shove of his hips, Jared again plunged his still throbbing cock deep into Jared.  He plunged himself deep into him again, and again, holding Finn's belly with both hands as he again picked up his pace.

Jared's desire for Finn was insatiable. He made it known as well thrusting into him, releasing his strong desire and let himself go until the familiar tingling on his balls hit him. "I'm close... just a.. hmm... little more..."

"Trust me, I think I can handle a bit more." Finn smirked at Jared's questions, as the pillow helped relieve some pressure he hadn't even fully realized was there previously. "The babies and I are both okay." He continued to reassure his partner.

Once Jared had begun his very eager thrusts though, Finn began to moan and groan once again. His belly rolled and stretched with activity, and the pregnant man felt his pleasure continue to grow once more. He smiled widely, biting his lip and laughing gently, as Jared continued to thrust, and rub his tight middle.

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